' 1 i PROFESSIONAL CARDS PHYSICI.NJ, DR A L RICHARDSON, Physician and button. ' i me i w H ,U'a Ui i. Mora, Bee moo. Uick 'tin Male fatiaea ,N. MOL1TOR M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ; Corner Aoarue BvaBaand Iwpot Mi. OOca Maine ' HlderMm WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURUfcON ' Phone Mala 71 LrwiehBlldlna.eppuaiu Muromw Houe Otttee Uuutk, 1 to i, Jlo : BACON & HALL, PHYSICIANS ANO SURGEONS 'Oltleeln Potey building, Mais M C.T. Bxhjo, KeMdtilr, Main g ' " M. K. Ball keaidtnee Maiaui DfcS. BIGGtkS & BIOGERS- Physicians aud Surtre.,0 li W Blum, k. D. Ueo, L. Blgg.ra, M. D iejeiuouea Office Black I ill healdenee Main Otflce' Kahlua boll'llng over J. M. berry' Biota. kaider oil MeditoB AVe. eeuaad uour veal of 'oru.a reeldeuna. Or, li. W tliggt LaUKANOK - OkKUON Proletaoual ealla pnra4ly Btleaded la day or eight. DtNTISlS RRAVIS RRO DENTISTS. ; ' v. OOkoa bouibmi femldliig Offir Black 61 rurtilerirr Ulack ll.l C H. CHii'tUirii . ; . DENTlaT Oiflc Over Hill Uruu. Btorc La (iranle. Orev;n VfcTEKIrtAKT SURGfcON Dr. P A WIAkLlUiv . VETEKINAKY SUKGtON, O0ce aliA T IIi.I'h Drug blur La Urande, Oregon Phoue JiHi Kekideuue puoue rl 70 1 Farmers' Iiiic fit VKTKrllN AKY 8U KUKON - AMU ' I ' v UKNTIHT " ImW onh re al ked Kwtdeoer tor Croat Drag atort - 6lbaudlat Thirl Ova years experience, beat ol retereni furoivliad . K . . . . : ATTORNEYS : IKAWrOKD & CKAWhUkl) ; Attorneys-at-Law - LA QRAKDB. OKKOON . ; - y y. IX l It. Pole banding. , J. W KN0WLE3 ' -Attorney and Counsellor '"' . '' At Law " " ' I T J ' j Office in Kaleton Bulldlat i'Uoiie IM LBOmndeOi. .T.W,lliin; s .VC.IUaUk WILLIAMS BUOS. ' v'. ATI OH IN LYH-AT L.ANN . QlbV IB KalaloB Bulldlhg VhoonOjH jiOra"d(.ri '; L A. PICKLE R , Civil, Mining, Irrigation Enjineomi m Surv yinr Kktlmatw, PImbm, bihI 8rcclflrltona.' Ktloalu Koky I'Uikliug ' I.A UHANnl. vlKBOOB The La Grande I Hospital Offers every accomodation for the care of the sick. Our operating room is nuieo with every modern appliance ana oui ...Am mra a vmnH in al v comfortable. Un- waivia ' -m-j denominational and free for all to enter Employ any physician you wish but in fciLfAn in thA La Grand. yvtl . - Hospital. Patients under care of traimd nurses. - Mrs Minnie Uoodman. Ikcdavib 1 H OHII.IM Bao. BBd Tf rresldent 8 .Ue MOUNTAIN MARBLE AND GRANITE CO. LA GRANDE OREUON Our stock 'of Marble and Granite is the largest in Eastern Ore gon and has been enlarged by a car load of blue, white and clouded ma rble direct from Vermont Our pr.ces are betr thin traveling salesmen can make and our work manship cannot be surpassed Give us an order for a monumen1' and receive your moneys worth. Classified Advertisements. Ku-n cent . word on.,, cnt k word ach kubaequmt insr ikm. Classified add bring quick ra clt. Try ona today. Real Estate Loans, any ajnour.ts on city and country real estate. Loans closed promptly, as soon as title approved. La Grahdi Investment Co. MILCH COW FOR SALE Gentle 4 year old cow. Inquire at this office. FOR RENT A suite of pleasant rooms suitable for lifiht housekeeping. Inquire t 1617 Fourth street. FOR SALE Good four-room house and two comer lots, bam and wood shed. Price $650. Inquire this office. FOR SALE-Tha A. V. Oliver four lots . on Jefferson Avenue, including plat ' form scales, one hundred and ten foot porch running back to railroad track. ; G, H. Powers, the Minnesota land mart LOST A black envelope containg bank notes and paper. Finder return to C W. Silk and receive reward. . $50 REWARD Black female Cockerel Spaniel. Notify Red 1712. LOST a pair of gold eye glasses with plain bow, was lost somewhere be- , tween Ed Reynold' place and the post office. Finder please return to this of- . flee. COTTAGE FOR SALE-5 room house 2 blocks from new school building. ' In quire S., Observer office. WANTED- Honest boy for night cashier . in restaurant :. Right boy has steady position. Queen Restaurant - FOR RENT Four room cottage, inquire SEWING MACH1NES-W. K. Davis has a few second hand sewing machines which he will sell cheap. FOR RENT Two story house on Wash ington Avenue. $12 a month. Prof. Day, La Grande School Music. FOR SALE. Eighty acres k of timber land two and one-half miles south of la Grande.' Price and terms reason able. Address box 597, city. Centennial Hotel Under new management Board and Room $5 per week, cash. Meals 25cts. Special rates furnished monthly patrons. . No. 1417 Adams Ave Phone No. 1161 Mrs. W. E. Murchison, proprietress. LA GRANDE SCHO L OF MUSIC PROF. DAY, PRINCIPLE. . MRS. DAY, ASSISTANT. .This is one of the best musical in institutions in the state, and that people in this city and valley are begininng to discover thi advantage of this school. The system is the latest and most practical, and in cludes all the latest discoveries in the art of teaching music. The school is divided into two depart-" ments; No. 1 is for beginners from 6 years or more and are taught she first three grades. Pupils come one hour each day. This is no kin dergarten system but faf superior. . In No. 2 the grades are from 2 to ; 6. Here .hey graduate. Pupils take one or two lessons a week as they desire. No scholars will be permitted to remain in this school who do not study. . Opposite the Foley House over the candy store. Phone. 473. OREGOIY wdUMQNPacIPJI iiKFAitr I llllc Hchedul LA OMAKUa. OK KROkt nl lake. remer. KU No I kMlB IB) Mo 3 Wortb, oumna, Kbb- aoaiiu t aai. HortlBBd, 1 lea, Pmi- lleu.u. Walla Walla, Myion, l-nrnvruy. Col- Bl, UlNTOW. HlMfliBII- tna piNitlB emt. anrt 4tth rat Kpukar.e ortlaad, bailee, IVi lleloa, llraiOllla, Wa la, Lewutoa, ro'ia, 4uaouw, w all c. Vi at tar, Hpokanc BIHI iHhi r niaU aaat and Bonk kt Bpukaae No J fcSOaa. No fcVai aland City, f oa , Im Icr and dpn. lot itona si kl tl lB-t lor painta tfV No SI . WBm KlOt B .B No. niu BuBda IS" ' ran KnaW" nrrr f ...... - ... JwC allXIKIC, AavBl A Ct li f B A. niiQiiG the CHURClift riR-IT CHUIU H F CHRISTIAN WIENCK fBrslnl BoUdlat eppoaiu Volar Bot4 SilrdAJ M. 14 Bi HuiKtay Berrl , n oi Brrvkca ad oedj .. r. p in Bredlnc room op-u dally uaeptlni SODdy rraan 10 a m u li at aad bora 1 a lot pat LATIEK DAVSUNlg und j Srkool K) am Rttllji i.lr , ... m p m MuiHal IraitroTemnt Aaauciatiou MMUjrBtTJUp m CATHuUC fHUKCU W.J. WUyte, rector Low UaMu. Hluh Haa -.7 b n .10 a m fcW ary aad lieBcdkaloa (ollawu ; IS s ut. Bt. Pknrk'Bk' HCOPAL CIIUKCU Uptoa II. Uibba, rertur T nlysvcund Huuduy after Trinity Holy Communion -. ,, , ,, s a Bunuay , , . in m Mornlii- 8 i vlre... a n, Evening Kfrw-. , , , 7- n r i' Kvory one Invited to attend tbcae aerviees PRUJBVT HIAN CHUKCrl Bay. k II Haya, pastor . BnfUy Bchool 10 a n Junior Knduavni ,, ........ p ni HjrBlor Kn.li.nr ' ,,,,, , p m frwycr Sliiiu ThrUay......7i10 p m Prvarhlnic Hunday.....ll am ami T.V p m The rth'irua iliolr ua.ler thu ilirreti.in ol H a. Lylr. A com i a luvltailunN id 'tin to all who kavo Buohuruh home luatleml time aiirvlori- M. K CIH'KCH .... , Ko v U. H. Muwer, put or 8nnrlayHfbol.....l. ... ... Id a Kpwortb Lt-mgue -..... ,.. s au p ni Junior Learue.... t n Mo-olng Tna Man n Horeeback" " Kvsulii(-"Th B at Hobu" A roidl il Invl-alion to all these 'servicer ettendvd to all. BAPllHTCIIt'KCH R. W. II. Oluaon, paator - dnnday Htnooi ........ 10 a re B. Y. P. M ; ......aaili.n1 Prayer Mei-llu,........Tliir-dy tl p Ui Preaching MunitHy........ll a in and 7::HJ p in Boys Cub, Saturday eveulii at T. tn la the church. ; MorulnE-uWalllnK, I'ravln, E.'prtln" hVenluK ! he Melei-led H -nit" Yi.ung People a rueell-ig Led by t-iuli Bunnell TU- m "The Hiallng Chrlat" ' Bp.Tll tut II ititia to atranxer in tbe elty . wunhl Willi us. CKNTKAI. CHURCH of ONR1HT .OI'PuflTEHUMMBM HUUBK -. i. II. King, pit.ior, ln P. ds, rtlble 811I100I . ;...10 a n MoriilUK V-orililp.............m......ll a n V ' rj 4- K nicelloir... ... ..7: u p u VBUfHIetie aervice . S.C p u Prayer nieetln WidiiCTday.., Jt;iO p it HnyaClnh, Pri y...j... -J0 to 8;'a Morulnc ' Hlarvlng Amid Plenty" . 1 , t.tuuig1 The Wonderful Hiaik" A ooidlal Invitation to nil the aerators. A Splendid Dinner A dinner served today at Elks hall by the ladies of St. Peters Guild was s grand success. The dinner was all thai could be desired, and the attendance was most satisfactory. Supper will be serveu this evening from five to seven o'clock The price will remain the same, only 2i cents. For a good alaround meal with the finest prstry you ever ate, you should attend. Many beautiful and useful ar ticles are on tale and are finding ready buyers. Remember the Elks hall tonight ' ; ; Noicet Notice is hereby given you that my wife having left my home without just cause or provocation, from and after this date, I will in no way be responsible for any debts that she may comtract Dated at Island City this, the 6th. day of November. 1 90S. Joseph Anson. Led lie Directory. a P.O. E.UOUANI B tOI)OE 0.H i mum ay evenlriKHi cigln n i-Iih k riw nan, on Annm. AvUUe YimliUk imuv.Barevoit.iail)- iuviv a lo Mllellil .". ...... ''Hl llnhoe, KiaittHl Kulei U. E. McTu ly, keomdliiK Heieutr. ' AUI.KH Ui tiianue Airie iu P U k meet very Hunrt.y nihl in K of f nail a I 'ulung torettaeru In .iled l a"e' A. alatotl, W. P. J. K. Pollock, W. r ' i O 0 F La Urande Lodge, Mo w n ata J aeir ball every Hamiday nllu VUlug n.. t ra raernaiw nvitr1 to alirnd. t'emlery plat ma be aeea a Model Kee- aurani. Janus Mom. n v I. K. Hnooki. Hen. 4TAKKNI AM I'M If NT No SI, I. o. O. aema wry tna and tlilrd TtinrMlaya In tin .ontli Ir Odd Pellowe ball. Vbdiing patri frhe alwaya veimm - I. H Buook.C. P. Kdmnnd ItruHtixi w-llx aABTKHIe HTAH O KM Hope Uhapier H, utmeeta Ihearal'id ami nmnn WvIihwIm ar ch nwntk al yJO p m in Maaonk- Temple UaM.s UI - Ware a Waratcfc. e ' M. W.A. La Orande Damp Nix 7T( mrrti T. mi w mini vuawla of lh omiK at i. O. (. P. Hall. All vlaliiyg aeivb ore are cordially IbtiImI io aiund. John Mall, Uicrk. rnRkXTBHH OP AMKKirA-4'onn Man .".Vl l"..B m"H" "h Thonnlay Blghi H I K M al Heinh,, are Invited lo utleeii Cbu Uariaa,CkM kauri O h WMllame, Kin, He- Ihmrd nlTniMiei-lie.il I. Mtajrera. .ain Mall a ad I tar I en PKIKNIIMHIP TKNT NO aj-K.'O, T. M i anil iklra w dneaday earl ""'i . r. i eii. vwitniK kr.lgliH ,u.u T WKlKeNBaKurill, Com MUX BUK H Kenird Keetr . L O T. M IIIVK No w ..m.i. ai knd ll'iid I hurhlaya In Hi ariirrixi"at the v v w ua i. A I vmiung la-llea -.re wehmnu , , i-oi ro r iMiuuiander um oaruaa, Becurainj Beerrtaiy. J. L CORBETT'OFF FOR J. L Corbett has been busy all day packing over 2000 pounds of supplies and will leave in the merning with two men for the Aurelia mines up Grande Ronde river and he does not expect to return until after the first of the year. The work until spring will be directly in the pay ore which is considerably richer than the cost of taking out in the present condition of the mine.. The high grade AMUSEMENTS ' GEORGIA MINSTRELS The possibilities of intelligent develop ment are getting easier to understand. The old fallacy that a minstrel shdw is not a legitimate theatrical -attraction is long since exploded. The thousands of patron of Richards & Pringle's Famous Georgia Minstrels is but a voluntary en iorsament of this well known company. Nothing but packed houses would permit lie carrying of such a large company as '.hey do. At Stewards opara house on Tuesday Nov. 21, will demonstrate that this "or ganization will pack the house as usual. ARE YOU GOING? Charles Major wrote VWhen" Knight- noons. If there Is any truth in the saying 'the better the day the better the deed" then (his fact may account for the ex cellence of the book. But the adage does hot apply to the presentation of the dram atization of the story by Roselle Knott and her excellent company. This is more than excellent without its being given on the best day of the week. Mary Tudor is described in the book as "a person of worn inly perfection, with skin like velvet with a voice soft and full, and, except when angry, which, alas! was not Infre quent had a low coaxing note that made it jrresis table; an adroit coaxer, knowing her power full well, although she did not always plead, having the Tudor temper and preferring to command -when she oould." Roselle Knott is the personifica tion of that description a real Mary Tu ior. .She more than gratifies the wish of Charles Major, the author of the book. expressed soma time ago, that he might see his heroine in flesh, for no more per fect impersonation of Mary could be giv jn than Miss Knott's delineation of the part Steward's Opera House, Monday, Nov. 20. Always Accommodating , You will always find us accommodating. Try us and see if we are not ever ready to oblige, and our prices are right A. T. Hill, prescription druggist IT UJJ 1 Most old jieople are great sufferers ire seldom free from pnins or ailmenta not. as auie io wiin.sr.ana me eeveruy weather, as are their younger, more 11 starts tne old aches and pains; they suffer with chilly sensations, cold extremities, poor appetite and dieei.tion, nervousness, sleeplessness and other affl ictions peculiar tit old afro. With advancing years the strength and vitality of thesvateiu berrin to decline. The heart action is weak and irrrtm. lar, the blood becomes thin and sltiRfriBh in its circulation, and often some old uiooa taint tnat has lam dormant lfeRt itself. A wart or pimple becomes eases break out, or the slight rheumatic siecpiess ni?ius ana noitrs oi agony, not be healthy and free from disease t,M a .. .1 t. ... : . i. o """nr '"in u uwiic wiiii o. o. o. it is s meuicine mar. is especially adapted to old people, because it is made entirely of roots, herbs and barks. selected for their purifyiug, healing moves stream FUIJELY VEGETABLE. OI lne gestion the diseases and discomforts of old age pass away. S. S. S. cures Rheuma -Mtn Catarrh, Skin Diseases, Sores and Ulcers, and all troubles arising fruu "irvase l Llood , IH SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. Gk. ! FOR WINTKR WASHING ! iy Our new machinery and additional help will enable u to do fami- lly washing CHEAPER. QUICKER and BETTER than you can do it yourself. We call for and deliver your laundry quickly and make special ty of rush order work. Give us a trial and ysu will not be bothered through the winter with family washing. A. B. C. STEAM LAUNDRY FHONE, j J LaGr.-nfe,' THE MINES ore will all be assorted arid sacked. From this time on this .nine will be mine! and there is every reason to believe that it will soon be classod in the permanent dividend producers. Next spring wiil see activity up the river that will rival the placer day of Senator Jones, of Nevada, when he operated in that district At thattima. however, no thought was given to ledges. ' Drug Giving Fresh air and plenty of it is the best headache remedy in the world, and the last thing women think of using for that purpose. There are headache powders sold at the drug stores. All these con tain the coal tar preparations that kill. They relieve pain by depressing the heart's action, which is always a dangerous thing to do. The other day a young lady of Leavenworth took powders to relieve her headache, and was entirely relieved, but she died before midnight. In this connection it might be remarked that medicines relieve a great many disagree able symptoms but they cur nothing. It is only when a poison in the system may be chemically counteracted by another poison that the taking of drug i necess ary. Anti-toxin renders inocuou th diphtheretic poison in the blood, and saves ifa beyond a quastion. ' In case of poison ing by arsenic, a liberal slug of albumen will 6top the corrosive action upon the tissuas of the alimentary canal and Joslah may survive. The so-called, cathartics, diuretics, diaphoretics, tonics, etc., moairy symptoms without removing the causa of disease. The simple, sensible life, close to the heart of nature. Is better than any poison ever prescribed and much safer than the proprietary dopss that promise so much and per, orm so little. Neb. State Journal, A. T.-Bixby, M. D. Increasing Values In a recent issue of the Walla Walla Argus mention was made of a sale of land suitable for growing fruit one mile from the city of Walla Walla at $1760 per acre. This same land was bought two years ago at $300 per acre. While we wonder at the enormous in crease in price of land in that vicinity in so short a time, we cannot fail to see that here in La Grande city tots and ad joining land have increased two and in some cases three times in value during the past few months. - In a later issue we will endeavor to ex plain this rapid increase in prices of land. Pine Cards The Observer has taken a number of order for engraved visiting cards as a result of the advertising we have been doing for the past two weeks. Those wishing extra fine work should give us a call and see our line of samples before ordering. CONSTANT ReiD SUFFERERS in Winter, They IN WINTER of 8otr description, because they are oi tneci.mate, with iu dump, chantrim; vigorou.1 companions. Cold weather in the system for years becins to man a troublesome sore or ulcer, skin dis pains felt in younger days, now cause i Here is no reason why old age should if the blood is kept pure ami the system c l - t ' . , . ,, and building-up properties, and is very mini aim gentle in its action. ' 5. i. S. warms and reinyigoratcs the sluggish blood so that it wiui more rapidity,, and clears it of all impurities and poisons. As this rich, healthy circulates through the body every part aystera.w bunt up. the appetite and di improve, the heart action increases and Main 7 ;; - OrcjfCn. . CHANGED ilL'JD I have purchased the Geo. (J Second Hand Store and re-pec.'!, call the attention of the puMic to ! fact that I pay the highest cash f r for all kinds of Second Hand g x and sell same at reasonable prices. PHONE. BLACK 401. Edward Proper, 209 Hr Street i- ' r?eieVi rWVW lMfW jvVtfei f THE OXFORD DilR I JAMES FARQUtURSON, Prop S Craupiete ewirtman! of t WINES, LIQUORS J AND CIGARS I 2 Cold lunches and mixed drinks n ' a specialty. Fair and impartial I I treatment to all. You are invited i ( to call and get acquainted. S Blue Front Saloon E. THOMSON, Proprietor. 1TIKKBT W I NKfci. LIQUORS imirixl ami domestic .. Pot or col4 lunch at all ..hours. JftfTrnann Avatroo Op poult 1 nnl Palace Salo :i CHAS, ANDERSON P op . FINK .' ' WINES, UQU0RS ; AND CIGARS . '" ' Alway on hand. THE LOUVRE CHRIS WRIGHT. Prop. vifies. LIQUORS.: 1 CIQIR5 Ccndcmen alwiyi Welcome Fir kreet Eaglo Sa o )n ULRICH LOniS, Prop." fine . WINES, LIQrOKS and CIGARS Imported and Domestic. (enTeraoa Aveiiua, OppoaiwIeo'M 50MMER fJOUSE QAV : Phone Main 6-1 J NUF SAID Brick furnished in any quantity or any style, No contract too small or to large. See sample of our pressed brick. ' Jefloreon Avmib Orpoi tn- ! ol j ! e-e-a eeeeeaeaaeeee e-e. a BKICK GEO. KREIGER. j La (lranlt Oregou .