-AAA . . . A A . t : i : WAP TED 7-? 11 1". I ' : We arc in the Market for a large : quantity of firstclass Timothy . : and Wild Hay. VVe pay the hih- : est prices of any buyers. Oregon u Produce Company i Mate f""--- - ' ' .... V -w Vf ffff ttfff fffff pat-l.a. 1 a lieady. For Business WITH A FILL LINE Or FEED, HAY AND GRAINS We art ready to buy ail kinds of hay and grain, wad pay (ha highest - market prices. ' . ' . : f r 1 ' ; Quten Esther The cantata of Queen Esther will ap pear at the Opera House on next: Friday evening, November 1 7. . The chorus is eomposed of about ' seventy-five local singers and is receiving splendid training from Prof. Robinson. All of the par- formers are Baker City people except $f. C. P, Ferrin of La Grande, who wis a member of the famous Ogden choir and sang with them at the Lewis and Clark fair. The box office is now open at Lev itigers and tickets are 25f.50f and 751 4-Baker City Herald. ; Road Convention The fourth annual convention of the Good Roads Association of Oregon will be held in Corvallis, Benton county, on Nov. 22d. for a three days sitting. In addi tion to the members and delegates from cities and Commercial Clubs throughout the state, road supervisors are eligible to a seat, and several of the county courts in Western Oregon have allowed two dollars a day to as many of their super visors as will attend. Slater lJuildiiiec; ; . IEFFERSON - AVE Main 57; ; f A SPLENDID IIMVESTMEPill . - ...r. . . .-....' Is a mine which will build up your ewntowtr " x i and country. , . ; : . '. : '- ' !--!;..;;'.. V . ': ' The Aurelia lnirg-KCo Now offers the first block of stock of 100000 shares at 5c per , share. The company has ' 400,000 shares of stock available for the de-1 i velopement of the Standard Mines, which will be done conservatively, and as fast as posible. For further information call on, r 't , ." - " ' XA: THRONJfOlC '.. ' v :-r - !' a " r" :. ' v . . : ! - . J i j i m a a - Ot? farmers and (Jraders . ; t ? -V Ortyrn 'NO. 4489 60,000.00 14.00000 6o,ooaoo $134,000.00. I : Capital ! Surplus " 1 f ! Liability ol SharehoWtv v "C j . 4- - s For the protection of its depositors! Depositors of this Bank are m- ' corded suck liberal treatment as shalj be in keeping with the character I .and value of their accounts. We would be pleased to have your ac- count. 1 JOSEPH PALMER." President. W. SCRIBER, ' Cashier. 14 n - G. E. McCULLY, Asst. Cashier Vi o SCROOOrN. (PAt Asst. Cashier tG. E. F0WLtR - Truck and Transfer H :VVood and Coal -WONE M6 npi uwnuui 4 All orders given prompl CLOf KES; CLEAfeED fhf same old 'stand but a new? J management .Take your suit to J 1 the same place and have another man clean and press if the way i J ihbujd be.-' Harey does the clean. and pressing and does ft right An-- other strong feature about his sy- J Urn is that his prices are correct J.f Remember the place, next door to the commercial club. Ladiee 2 gents clothing c leaned jdyed press ed and repaired. ' w , . w ..- z m 4 WHarvetf"'; Colonial Dinner S3 cents. Friday, Nov. 17. . In connection with dinner and supper, the ladies will have on sale many useful and fancy articles, and solicit the patron age of an always generous public. Mrs. Swaney and Miss Felice Lyne will preside at the apron table; Mrs. F. E. Moore and Mrs. Collier in charge of fancy work; Mrs. Ramsey will display the popu lar Armenian lace, and Mrs. Gibbs ' and Mrs, J. D. Slater will delight you with an array of exquisite handkerchiefs. The candv counter will be in cha.ro of Mr. Honan' and "Miss' Preston. The dining hall will be under the supervision of the following ladies:; Mesdames Benham, Hagadone, Taylor, Clements, Conolly, Lasley. and Miss Warnick. All women should strive to be beautiful Beauty rules mankind. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea brings red lips, bright eyes and cream-like complexion. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Newlin Druo C o. .i - . . .. :" A Crerp'ng Death. . . Blood poison creeps up toward the heart, causing death. J. : E. Stearns. Belle Plains, Mimu .writes that a friend dreadfully, injured his hand, . which swelled up like blood poisoning. Buck len's Arnica Salve drew out' the poison, healed the wpund, and saved his life. Best in the world for burns and sores. 25c at Newlin's Drug Storei Terrific Race With Death. "Death was fast approaching," writes Ralph F. Fernandez, of Tampa, Fla., de scribing his fearful race with death, "as a result of liver trouble and , heart dis ease, which had robbed me of sleep and of all interest m life. 1 had tried many dif ferent doctors and several medicines, but got no benefit until I began to use Elec tric Bitters. So wonderful was their ef fect that in three days I felt like a new man, and today I am cured of all my troubles.'' Guaranteed at Newlin's Drug store;price 60c. , Notice of Settlement - As we have sold the Horseshoe Chop House we will consider it favor if those in debt to ui will please '.call : and settle on or before December 1, 1906. All ac counts due the Horseshoe prior to Nov ember 6, 1906, are due and payable to us, and we will pay all acoounts owed by the firm prior , to tha( date. ' L'?. and W. W. Pollock. IT DRAWS HARD i'" woman's vitality t do work for wuku n wunniUMi, ana we v.onder liow i l ii sums ol tlie wointm through a slczii muxon of plunia or (iitniiuaUiin. ltiey win tipy with tears In thrir eyoe. wUen tlicy IIH'lllllHl HID sue i!ct at all, 'it I .1 Jwinl lufl, that wub pain, weak tmm and wrarinox they ar "almost oraggea out m... - iny,; in inis cun- anion, njsort to alcoholic etlmuuiitu iiu - invigoranui.- tho after effect o which are very injurious. iw. it v. Picn-o, fortv years, ago found Uiat womin wre . biiliig mistrcauil tiirouRh liriHirance or riiivhwNmws and detMrnilmid i tit devote his life and energli Htwhig JmtnA Die nnune of their suf m ng, to next mtuyht fr Vie towmis ul -relief, aiid found In AViiure's UdtntUini tbe earth, certain nmin wi.i. i. i,.,i r markabUt and vsliutl. nmltciual vlrtuw fortheeureof Unite sIItuhiW. i Using cbnnilcally pura flyhorhMV t proper strength iiwtMul nl l,v.h..i h. pntpami eUracM of thuso, and the n-nult u nmiKuirT mat me comlims llon lMcmn his Favorite I'nmrrliitlon The roou usfd are: Laily'n Wllpper rmit, Illaok OthoKb root Unicorn root. Wiiu VoluMh'tnot and Uolih-ii SkbI root The wwld koowe is as ln. Pikwk s Kaviih- rrKI'Kiciurri4i.nl.Uli has the won - dwful and Dttpraiklnl rtMrl of a ha . million of cun-s In the laxt forty ri'iirs. Write to IH. fUmn, llurTalo, N. for ' u, iitiiu w l.liuilk uiiurgit. UL." F V w W to tesllfjr ss to the mrll of Kr. I'liice's Ksvorllo rn-wrlmliin ""Z.E',"', '"" W"BH n ulT r ll." -' y-rirucie mui'iiu o'rmlilt'nt Yonn LwlUM'Chrtiitlsn Knrt. vor Horli-tr). - ii 7 r.'niw na vn. I took our imHll.'ln and in a almrt tim hoirin n. dldll t hv )Mi tM'iirlnv-iliiwn imtiis will, h nu om-n wn lot o Umt. Hhall tmt " "f "ri miMiii mat It w hnmirlK cgnr riwralls-. T- T 4' '" Or, PU rvw's Ki4frtVelanithiiggtjrt iiuiu wxruiiiuiivutll imiiiirmi.a . Heprt of th Cundltlurt nl The, harmers & Traders National Bank. A', lit ainn lc. In III. hIhh of tmrnn. mt il: 4. M' 11 ltlrntl ... $ I.A.ttn l ' ' tmnlp, wcorvu Miifl mikiitiw Kl . 1. ! r S b.mt tt pi-ort ijri-u'MtlHt I.". f (1. - "nil"" IN- 1 II 4 Bpndj, treuriUn, w rrn , Ii . t..t..M., I. ,.,.,' . . Ihsh;2s (tlh -r ivHlrHUloown.O. 6 0111) Due rr.nn Nmmiuil Uiik uoi n.' erv MKi'nti.J..u. r' 7,o07 .il tu Ironi " eptirove.) rwerv ' utrntt.. 16,."'il .10 .L'luvkt und nt hr rh i'fniti im Nol of iHh- Nt on l Hi aks SUUUI f rHniuriHl pHper curienvy, iiK:k en, sud rn.............. - 14 04 LAwrt'i. Sluhsv i bssltitvs t m ; B .; . ' KotcU S.t .!( 10 L.t.'i.I-h IWM- imtm 1 ;i 00 Heitmiiption fund with V. k. ; Tti. urej & pr cent of olroal. turn).. rmtjio WOOU , " T4,I5I W DOl.l.AHO mint) it luuu ui. rrliHl btiirk paid la, "iiriMun nina.... llnuivliled orrflla lee rntOM and IMtll , I.MOiW NHtkmiitl Hank Note otiuiHtidlng !&.t0UU iuit lumii'r .Ml'onil ILoika IU.KH m fn toMiHln Bunks und Haukxra... .'' Hue to rprtvni nt.erv mn tita. . , oil ii iniiiviuiiui aenuniia si,iueet lo rtwck , 1H.SI9 67 iieiatuM curtlboaies or depoalt. .-, , u l ib w- $-7t, &6 U Tot i. Rri.vA.nn.n... t l OUMTTor Umon . I88" I. J. W SrrlSor. "hi rofthfabovf-tiainrd hunk, do solemn'T awmrthut Ihrahovc amir incut la true lu ttitt bent of my knowlpdse ana belief. t ' J W 8CRIRKR, Cstthter.' tutorltrd snd awnnt to bclura ire tlila Ittli dny of Nov , HMo. " . ..JW KNOWMCH, . - 1 " Noiiir Poul'e for Urrvos 'orwct-Attpst m. . 1 fFI'JT PAt.MKk 1 , (tKUKUK ACkLKet rtlro'tcr Tht Exact Thins Required For Constipatidn . "As a certain nitrrative Krui tnmnr.S purifier Chamberlain's Stomach and Lifer Tablets seem to be the exact thing re quired, strong enough for the most robust, yet mild enough and safe for the children and withput that terrible griping so com mon to most purgatives," say R. S. Webster-& Co., Udora, Ontario, Canada. For sale by Newlin Druo Co. , OLIVER; UN 10 N t Oil NT Y ABSTRACTS farm Lons a Specialty Best equipped abstracter in Union county. " Many years experience witl the Union county records gives me a great advantage. It is folly to purchase real estate without first securing a proper abstract An abstract from my office will show the -title just as it appears on the official record. J. P. OLIVET, I. A 'J HA .JDK., HHKO JN Room 31 Sommer Building fit! H 1 nwr 4 1 IF When you wish a nice, juicy roast or a .J i I V i . .-! tender steak, or a ' piece of boiling meat n - .-. or pot roast, just phone Main 48. and . , ' you will soon have exactly what you de- I J. BULL a CO. Phone Main 48. Remember the phone son the directory as Boss Meat Market main 48. 1 Practical Gunsmith ' impairs Strictly Fi tcla?$ 1-iiiis retucM . Kiys fitted to do r Lo ks WM. AfiNFW Ail ma A c sj -tlii il Winter's knocking at theVbor, With no uncertain -6ourid he's demanding entrance everywhere. Are you ready for him? How about your winter Suit and . Overcoats Are they in proper condition to weather .the storms ef .tha coming season? "" How about your winter Underwear, Gloves, Hosiery and other Toggery? . - ' ' If there are any weak spots in your wardrobe we are hore to strengthen them with the , ' ; Best That's To Cc Had The most skilful Uilors known to the trade build our clothes . artistically, and they build them well and they build them on honor. . ' Our furnishings come from the hands of the best' known manufacturers. " Money back if you want it" Thot is the guarantee that goes with every sale. ' . It is under these conditions that we ask you to make this your Clothing Store. . ... a ..-.,:n . , CLOTHIERS AMD HABERDASHERS. t i rr a .ui ... i j - i . -, .',' sr "t $C if I'' 'L s SPECIALS Supported bed Springs Unsupported bed springs Mattresses, good ones 2 saddles, choice Rcmmington typewriter 1 5 cross cut i'xvtt Hall rack 2 office chairs . S2.40 1.5S 2.60 3.00 40.00 COc to' 5.50, - 8.60 i5.BO-5.00 8.25 ROMADKA READY ACCESS TRUNK T AISINO the cover brings every corner within reach without re moving trays. Saves X the time of an ordinary trunk to pack or un pack. Easy to operate. Nothing to get out of order. Will ataud all the knocks and hard usage of traveling. Costs no more than a common trunk, ' 14 filv' ..... ..$5. 00 out. Kitchen Treasure Lineftlcum A fine line of crockery at half y price ' ' F, D. Haisten, PHONE RED 1161 Highest prices paid for Second Hand Goods. r LA GRANDE IRON WORKS I i ' "t : - . ; ' ': r . . ; , Gmplete Machine Shops and Foundry a- f i i . General Blacksmith, Horse Shoeing and Wagon Work. Manufact- ' ' , "; r of the Fitzgerald Roller Feed Mill. - , , S 'I d r I t s b: h a l. d. O V 1 V d V i . r P" . O AH Colors Rejuvenates all thin about the house from cellar to garret. Wears like iron. W. H. BOHNENKAMP, . " ' "." Acnt e -J a. J A PJ A L A C Suction EycClass 1 2 X It does not wrinkle your nose and make you look older than you are. Holiday goods are beginning to arrive. Best liue ordered ever brought to the city. J. II. PEARL JCWCIiy - anu V.uaiaia , : '