PROFESSIONAL CARD3 PHYSICin& DR Richardson, Physician and Surteon. i I fltae,.w lilll't 1i S Mora, itiKH I i Hm Mala fheMM N. NOLI TOR M. D. ThVsician and surgeon Corner Aduw nnu anal Depot W. Office alaioas Uaioalaia.S ; WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T FbotM Mala n LilJBlldlBs,opuait MoaamarH . Omoaiioua,llo t,TvoS BACON & HALL, , PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS . Udln IB foley bulldlnc, Maia C. t . bacon, KMltn Main 18 M. S.timJ Hnxkra UmtU DhS. BIGGEkS & BIGGER! ' Pujeiuiane and Surtteuce tt W Biun. U. D. ' Oco. L. Bluura, M. 0 Telepbonea Ufflat BImsk IIS1 Keeldeoee Main K OtOe Khlon Building over J. M. Barry- Htote. kail dor on MaUlaon AVe, mama dow vol of uru-tr residence, Ur. u. w blggxn LaUkAMDK - OkfcliON f raliMuiMl oalla proaly aUeadad to . day or aifht. DENTISTS REAVIS BROS. DENTISTS.' one Black M kfcM Black 11.1 C. B. Cuuttiurn , DENTIST Olfle Ovtr Hill Urutf. Htora ' La (ran1e, Oregon VhTERINAKf SURQfcON Dr. P A CIIAKLION VETERINARY 8 U KG EON, Offices. A T Hill's Uru bun. La Urande, Oreguu "itiou 13b ' Keaideuve uboue ml 701 , -KBrmTs' in ; 58 ;p i l)H. W. T 1 jWNEtJ. '' VKTEKISAUY BUKUKOIT AND . I . DKNTIHT. Lmm ortfc mat Had . kaMBr Cor . CroaaDrag store . luaillet 'tiffiU' va vaars eiparlenee, mart of referent-. fatuUued ATTORNEYS 11AWrORD & CRAWrOKD Attorney s-at-Law ; LA OKANDB, OHKOOM . ik ii. Vvkry baHait-B' V ; u t i ' J. W KNQVVLES Attorney and Counsellor. ,.,.,,, .,t: At Law. , , . ,.. , . . Office in Kalatoa Bnlldlni fbooelM UUraadeOt. H,T. Williams ' A.C. WUUeaaa : Williams bros. AVlOHN EYS'ATUV QMca la Balatoa SaMdlaf ' IttooaiOs UOr.nda.Or. LA. PICKLER CrvU. Mining. Irrigation Engineer!" & wl aurv yina " EatlraaU. Plan. d HpeclBeBlHjna. IHOca In rolcy I uilitliur "" ' . LA tlBAKna. ohbbob Th c La Grande Hospital Offers every accomodation for the care of " rtrick. Our operating room is fittted with every modern appliance - and our wards are exceedingly comroriaoie. un Jannminational and free for all to enter Employ any physician you ; wish but in sist upon being taken to the La Grande Hospital. Patients under care of trained nurses. MR9 mimnib uoodmab. :C DA via . Prcaldeal ' boo. aad Tiaaa L,'J MOUNTAIN MARBLE AND GRANITE CO. -LA VlKANDE OREHON Our stock , of Marble and Granite is the largest in Eastern Oregon and has been enlarged by a carload of blue, white and clouded marble direct from Vermont Our pricee are better than traveling salesmen can make and our work-, manship nnot be surpassed,, Give s an ' order for a monumen and recaie your moneys worth. Classified Advertisements. HU-Ona cant a word, one-half a cent a word each subsequent insar iion. Classified addt bring quick ra clts. Try one today. Pa. I r.i.i. 1 ' xun, any amounta on city and country real estate. Lome closed promptly, as toon as title approved. La OrAMDI IaVKSTetEUT Co. MILCH COW FOR SALE-Oentl. 4 year old cow. Inquire at this offica. FOR RENT-Furni&hed rooms. Inquire of Mrs. Simmons, Cor. 8 and N streets. FARM WANTED The undersigned wishes to rent aa improved farm of one hundred siity or two hundred acres. Will pay crop rant but will pay cash rent if price is aatifactory. T. J. Ryam Covi, Oft-soon. FOR SALE Good four-room house and two comer lots, barn and wood shed. Price $650. Inquire this office. FOR SALE The A. V. Oliver four lots on Jefferson Avenue, including plat form scales, one hundred and ten foot Porch running back to railroad track. Q. H. Powers, the Minnesota land man. LOST A black envelope containg bank notes and paper. Finder return to C W. Silk and receive reward. LOST From Burke's pasture a ligh red heifer branded connected H. V. on right hip and with slit in right ear. Finder please notify Henry Vehra, Rural No. 1. La Grande. $50 REWARD Black female Cockerel Spaniel. Notify Red 1712. L"ST A bunch of keys. Return to Red Cross Drug Store and receive reward. FOR RENT A suite of pleasant rooms suitable for light housekeeping. Inquire at 1617 Fourth street LOST a pair of gold eye classes with plain bows, was lost somewhere be tween Ed Reynolds' place and the post office. , Finder please return to this of fice. FOR SALE. Eighty acres of timber land two and one-half miles south of La Grande. Price and terms reason able. Address box 597, city. - WANTED Honest boy for night cashier in restaurant , Right boy has steady position.- Queen Restaurant . FOR RENT Four room cottage, inquire of J. L. Cavana, RJ F. D. No. I SEWING MACHINES-W. K. Davis hte a few second hand sewing machines which he wiU sell cheap. ' ' FOR RENT Two story house on Wash ington Avenue. $12 a month. Prof. Day, La Grande School Music. Centennial Hotel Under new management Board and Room. $5 per week, cash. Meals 25cts. ' Special rates furnished monthly patrons. ; No. 1417 Adams Ave. Phone No. 1161; ; U l ; ; Mrs. W. E. Murchison, proprietress. Noicet Notice is hereby given you that my wife having left my home without just cause or provocation, from and after this date. I will in no way be responsible for any debts that she may comtract Dated at Island City this, the 6 th. day of November, 1905. . ' Joseph Anson. Fine Cards The Observer has taken a number of orders for engraved visiting cards as a result of the advertising we have been doing for the past two weeks. Those wishing extra nne work should give us a call and sea our line of samples before ordering, i, ; 1 ' ". Always Accommodating . You will always find us accommodating Try us and see if ws are not ever ready to oblige, and our prices are right A. T. Hill, prescription druggist LA GRANDE SCHO I OF MUSIC PROF. DAY. PRINCIPLE. " i : " MRS. DAY, ASSISTANT. This is one of the best musical in stitutions in the state, and that people in this city and valley are begininng todiacover the advantage of this school The system ia the latest and most practical, and in-, eludes all the latest- discoveries in t)e art of teaching music The school is divided into two depart ments; No. 1 is for beginners from 6 years or mora and are taught the first three grades. Pupils coma one hour each day. This is no kitf, dergarten system but far superior.' In No. 2 the grades are from 2 to 5. Hera they graduate. Pupils tke one or two lessons a week as' they desire. No scholars will be permitted to remain in this school who do not etudy.- - Opposite the Foley House over the candy store. Phone. 47 J. , AMUSEMENTS REMEMBER .. . . In addition to procuring the cream of negro talent Richards & Pringle's Famous Georgia Ministrels introduce a effsring in Marsh Craig "The Human Enigma"; Kirk & Cooper, the "Musical ' Photographers"; Clarence Powell, the' singing 'comedian; James Crosby and his famous song and dance "The Jolly Six Old"; the 5 , Toneys in acrobatic features. The vocal part of the program is claimed to be exceptional ly strong, while the musical numbers will excell anything attempted by ministrel shows. Never was such a remarkahle offering of novelties embracing such ; a tempting array of good things as will be seen Steward's opera house, Tuesday Nov ember SI. , hotice" . v If you have not secured your seats for the popular course of entertainment please call at my offioe in the Central church tomorrow or Saturday. A large number have been engaged today. Don't put the matter off. Between the hours of 8 and 10 tomorrow forenoon I will be at Selder's candy factory. O. H. Kino. Real Estate Transfers The following real estate transfers have been filed with County , Recorder Proctor since Thursday, November 9th - I H Price to A C. Rice, part NWV Sec 2, Tp. 12, SR 88. Consideration $760, J. E. Rundall to Harry- J. Belden, part NWX SWV. Sec. 15, Tp. 5. SR 40. Consideration $800. ' John W. Parker to H. a Rankin. NK Sec. 9. E,V SEV Sec. 9, E, NE Sec. 8, Tp. 1 0. SR S9. Consideration $4,800. Agatha. C Brown to D. Sommer, Lots 2 and 5, Block 5, Sommer's' addition to Elgin. Consideration $325. C. M. Bresse to F. A. Eames. NW V NWtf Sec 16, Tp. 1, SR 38. Consid eration $176. , James A. Slack to John W. Stephens, Ntf NE.V.- Sec 34. NWJf NWJfSec 36, Tp. 1 NR 38. Consideration, $2000. M. J. Duffey to Matt Kreis. part NE'V SWtf. Sec. 15, Tp. 3, SR 40. Consider ation $200. John E. Pense to Austin Bidler, part NEtf Sec. 16, Tp. 1, NR 89. .Consider ation. $1500,. . . " .. Lottie Borkgren to Oscar Lund, NEV SWV SEK Sec 16, Tp. 8. SR 40. Con sideration,. $2500. .... Francis J. McDaniel ''to Annie Lund. Lot 1, Block T, Cove. Consideration. $200. - Oscar Lund to Martin Borkgren, part NWJ4" Sec. 22. Tp. 3, SR 40. Consid eration, $1840. D. Sommer to H. M. Kindly, Lots 2 and 5, block 3, Sommer's 2d addition to Elgin. Consideration, $100. Amalgamated Sugar Company to C. C. Potter, SEJ-. NEV. Sec 20, Tp. 2. SR 87. Consideration, $100. D. Sommer to Jackson Graham, lots 13, 14, 16, and 16, block 2, North Elgin. Consideration $75. - - 0. R. & N. to W. L. Goff. SV NWV, Tp 6, SR 39. Consideration, $320. Thomas McConnell" to John Leaser, lots 1, 2 and 6, block B3, Chaplin's ad dition to La Grande. . -, L. M. Jensen to H. L . Alexander part block 6 Imbler. Consideration, $2400. G. Morris to S. Cummins, part block 1, Sommer's addition to Elg in.' Consider- Til COTTAGE FOR SALE 6 room house 2 blocks from new school building. In quire S Observer office. FOR THS FOR mm V;'V ' I '. " i iff- " : BBBaaBaxaasaaBsaaMBassaBsJ LUlukaa LiaiL riran7Tiiin($ iv C U K) UULJ UU i Cured of Consumption In It3 Final Stages: , . ; J. O. R, Hooper, a merchant, of Woodford, Term., writes i " Fifty witnesses . here, will swear that Dr. King's New Discovery cured Mrs. Mollle Holt of Consump tion after her family had watched at her bedside for the end, which doctors said .was near.":: , ' SUREST CURE III THE WORLD FOR COUGHS AND COLDS! Prtca COc and $1.00 CUARAFITEED Trial bottles Free. JOHM 8. KF-t.l.Oi.O, KSTATK Vnllre lv hrnvby givr n that the tirt.tereiniied t A.lia In IH'alorof tliefcxlaiAofJulia K. KelluKif, di etfuvd, haaOltd hl tln.l amount la iltc Canity Court of Union County, Ortgo., and tbot Tavaday, the 5th day of beooniber, 1 A at .b boaroff.00 o'clock In His R.reaaim of aid day aad Iheeouit room ofauld nnurt ba bn pKliiie1 by aalil I'ourt aa ibt il'u, and place lor hearing oi jtctlont i hereto aud Ibe eitlmeai oraald account and eUle I ted and drat piiljllat'ed No' ember Hrd 1W5, V. I MKYKK4, Adinlnl Iraloe J.M. (.nURCn K-n'ATB-Notlee la hereby tin a Unit tbv underelgued a Kxcuior of I lie Ka'ate i.f J. M. Churcb, dieraaed, lua fllr, lila final aceonnt in the County Court uf Union CVnnty, Oreaon and thai Tuenjaj, the Sti. day , r Uecembar lU6 at 111- hour of I l o'clock in theafternnov of mid day and Ibe court room ol tat2 Court bat beea appointed by aald Court aa Ilia Hue and pi are t r brarlnc oijrcllona thereto and tba aetUenient of ald ma a. " ' Dated and flrat publlahed Nnvem'ier ird I WIS W. i. CIlllkCH, Executor. : Stock Holders' Meet'nij Notice Is hereby given that there will ba a meeting of the stock holders of the La Grande Commercial Club Building Association, in the library of the Com mercial Club building on Tuesday, Dec ember5th.,,l905, at eight o'clock p." w. for the purpose of electing a board of five driectors. Wm. Miller, President. HAY, GRAIN Are our specialties. Our feed' roller is working steadily to supply the demand for good feed. We have on hand a lot of fine wild and timothy hay which we can sell you sither by the bale or carload. The quality of our fuel is too well known to need description. We have two wagons and all they have to do is to deliver your order as ' soon as it is received at the office. , Grande Rondc Cash Company, Jfferon Avenue. -'x , I'W'WIIlimiU'liD'Wai'lU'IK MlilllillMlllaa1l)ill,iiimwllBf1ll fiM"f II flr'TV" 1'iT I FOR WINTRR WAH'NG MwmamiawKM '. . Our new machinery and additional help will enable us to do fami lly washing CHEAPER. QUICKER and BETTER than you can do it yourself. We'call for and deliver your laundry quickly and make special ty of rush order work. Give us a trial and y:u will not be bothered through the winter with family washing. : r::-l::e:7:'::A.. STEAM . HONE La Gphie. 500 ACRE FARM FOR SALE Tliia fiimi i only 15 miles from La Urarda, oui the Elgin blanch of the O. & N. Railroad, at the Rinehart eimr. It will make Peverwl good home, and will e sold in amall irHctu if dfbirod. rThere are three differeut young bearing jrcbuidi", and two good houses on ll.e place. In a good -chool district fre- from debt. IVruis easy. ' i Address, HENRY RINE HART, r SUMMERVILLE. OREGON. Or call at the farm for full TO ALL DISEASES OF BOTH I I I II CONSUMPTION Stockmen Attention 'Applications for gracing permits in the Wallowa and Chesnimus Forest Reserves, for the grazing season of 1 906. will be received until "December I5th 1905. Applications may be made in person, or by mail. permits will be refuted to persons who do not file their applications within the required limit, unless sat'sfactory reasons are given. . Howard K. O'Brien, Ranger in charge. Wallowa, Oregon, Nov. IS. 1905. When you want a pleasant physic try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and produce no griping or other unpleasant effect Sold by Nelin Druo Co. The price of a pretty face is $1.00 three packages of Hsllister's Rocky Mountain Tea brings red lips, bright eyes and lovely color. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. Newlin Druo Co. neaitny, nappy babies. Mothers say that Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is the greatest baby medicine in the world Makes them strong, well and active. 55 cents. Tea or Tablets. Newlin Druo Co. laJafaaafttfeiitM AND FUEL B. C. LAUNDRY Main 7 particulars. ; '- - - LEflLTt for th: raoAY it ' ll 1 s i IcilAuGED IIAr.DS I liave purchased the Ceo. Grout i .Second Hand Store and respectfully I call tie attention of the pu'..l:c to the 1 fact that I pay the highest csii price , for all kinds of Second Hand g-x.ih I and sell same at reasonable prices. PHONE. BLACK 401. itduard Propccki 209 fir Street 1 THE OXFORD I JAMES FARQL'HARSON. Prop. Cora pi eta anaortroant ol WINES, LIQUORS J AND CIGARS Cold lunches and mixed drink spscialty. Fair and impartial treatment to all. You are invited to call and gat acquainted. Blue Front Saloon ErTMORSON, Proprietor, ' '. f IKE8T ;' ym. LI0U0RS iinitiru)il autt (iomootic . Pot or Cflld lunch, at all hours. , Jefferana Av.tioc Oppnat Itenm J a Palaco Salor .1 i : CltAi. ANDERSON 9 op. ; 4 FINK ' ' WNES.UQU0RS . AND CIGARS " ' . Always on hand. JflroB Avano Oco :'' t THE LOUVRE , CHRIS WRIGHT, Prop. ." : yiNE ' :''M WIHE5. LIQUORS Gentlemen always Welcome RrHreet : Eaglo Saoiri ULRiCH LOTUS Prop. v ( s.t FINS , ' WINES, LIQI ORS and CIGARS .. , , . .. Imported and Domestic. 1 luffaraoa Avauna, OppmI"'"'I SOMMER H?Ui? ; ; Phone Main 6-1 NUP ;SAID Brick furnished in any quantity or any style. No contract too small or to a large. See samples fl our pressed brick. ' ' " ' GEO. KRklGER Li lraod. Ofttrra . 3 CCLD AND RECOMMElaDEO OY A T. H i U.L., Druecgrst