(1.1 Mi'S,4tt4 tt4 I 4444t 1! T - i THE FALL SEASON IS f.'QW LOCAL ITEMS M4lt. I 1 I 1:' i: MM, 1. 1 art : a fri yc ca t th c The Golden Rule Company's Stock Is Complete in every detail, more than Thirty Great Departments filled with Seasonable goods of every" de scription and now offered to the trade at the Lowest Living Prices. DRY GCOOS, SS'.CES, HATS AND CAPS, CLOTHING, LADIES AMD MEN'S FURN ISHINGS, MATERIALS FOR FANCY WORK, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY. GLOVES AND KITTENS, UDIES AND MISSES TAILOR MADE COATS and SKIRTS, LADIES TRIMMED HATS, GIISLDRENS HATS and CAPS, FURS. SCHOOL. SUPPLIES, TOILET SOAPS and PERFUMES, TOYS, TINWARE, GLASSWARE, GRANITEWARE, CHINA, CROCKERY, STOVES AND RANGES.. HOUSE FURNISHINGS, HARDWARE, " TOOLS, sVcRtIkS GCSDS, ' WOOD " and WILLOWWARE, WASHING MACHINES, SEWING MACHINES, TRUNKS and VALISES. . - . - . v : - THE- GOLDEN EOLE iarsresti Stor N t..V.-1 t -. $40 SUIT GIVEN AWAY DEC 31 11 - Every $t cash' purchase! or paid on account en f'iles you to a chance. M ., M COMMENCING ON NOVEMBER I .': tl--ni-r-;,,-,r-- rm , ' -r ' ' , SUIT ClUB WINNERS WaSkjrM H 0. v - ' $35 Suit New Club ATBONIZE' HOME INOaSTRY KEY WEST PERFECT6 THE VISTA ORADA and C B. Cigars Manufactured by C. E. HACKMAN, Do you want Imh egg"? Do V"U preLr rice crisp and tendVr vegetables? Do you like the best and freohrst fruits? Go to GtDDES BRO. you can always depend on gtttinj just what you van1. Helnze pure vin. gir, you can do your own rcdu ing Helnze pickles ard(how 'chow.- ' ' '. Crosse and BUckwtll's chow chow LOW PRiCES, BEST GOODS QEDDEJBR2 North FirStrwl ITS' HEIGHT AND 11303, 1310, 1312 Adams Avenue. Factory ' Corner Adams Avenue and Groan wood Street. Saved By Dynamite Sometime, a flaming city ia aavad by dynamiting a apaca that the fire can't cross. Sometimes, a cough hangs on so long, you feel a it nothing but dynamite would cure It ' Z. T. Qray, of Calhoun, Qa writes: "My wife had a very ag gravated cough; which kept her awake nights. Two physicians - could not help her; so she took Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. .Coughs and Colds, which eased her cough,, gave her sleep, and finally cured her." Strictly scientific cure for bronchitis and La Grippe, for sale by Newlin Drug Ca Price 60c and $ 1 .00; guaranteed. Trial bottle free. OUR SPECIALTY , Fall vegetables of all kinds at the lowest currant prices. Our applea are especially full from ' 60c to $1.00 a box. E dollar bos gets you the best applea to found in town. - Watch for our new wagon which goee by your door daty.. SEATTLE GROCERY COMPANY ' ZUNDEL & LAWSON. COM PA NT, I Smallest Prices SOCIETY O. A. M. The Q. A. M. CTub gave another danc ing party in Armory Hall Saturday even ing.' . ' DAHEN-KRANZ , Miss Margaret Kirk was hostess to the members of the Damen-Kranz at -. the opening meeting of the year, '0S-'06, Saturday evening. ' A pleasant time was the result of the nicely planned affair and there was -much merry-making when all assisted in -preparing the chafing dish supper, ; v r . . ;'" STRAW R1DB V At the suggestion of Miss Jessie Grim- put, the people of Island enjoyed a straw ride Saturday evening. About 30 of the young people were loaded into wagons and after visiting May Park , and La Grande they drove to the river and built a huge bonfire. Here hot coffee and sand witches were served. The guest report a merry time as they always do when Island City folks attempt an enter tainment of any kind. The Neighborhood Club meets- tomor row atternoon. ' ; '.. i Peanuts in Malh?ur ' Mr. and Mrs. M. Page of Watson Ore gon, made us a pleasant call last Satur day and left us a few psanuts of enor mous sise which he raized on h a ranch near Watson. They are the largest w have ever seen and he raised 30 lbs. from a pint planted.- This is only a suggestion of what can be dsne in Eist Oregon soil. - The peanut are on - exhibition in the Gazette window. Malheur Gazette.' ' A Sparta Pioneer William Arble. who was among the first to placer mine at Sparta and who for the past th riy year, has racked, pan ned and sluiced in the gulches of that pioneer mining camp, is in the city under the doctor's care hoping for an improv ment in his(, balth. The, old pioneer thinks he is getting better, And his many friends hope that he will regain his for mer condition of health. Baker City Democrat, :v- For Senator It is stated from sources that seem to speak with more or less authority that T. T. Oeer has announced his candidacy for the United States senate "and to fur ther his interest has purchased an in terest in the Pendleton Tribune. Mr. Geer has been 'before . the public for many years and has won his success largely through the press and it is quite possible that there is something in the' report LOST A bunch of keys. Return to Red - Cross Drug Store and receive reward, Company L will give its regular bi weekly dance this evening. Leon B. Stoddard of Union is in .the city on business. . Mrs. -Dr. W. F. Whiting of Elgin, is In the city today visiting friendl J. S. Kalian and W. Pugh. well known residents of Summerville. are in the city today. , ' '. ' ' Fred Shoemaker, a Pendleton insur ance man. came over this morning on business. . f J. M. Spence and sister of Pendleton came over last evening and are in the city today.' . David Husband of the state of Wash ington will preach in Central Church at 7:30 this evening. All invited. Miss Mayme Carr left this - morning for her home in Boise instead of -Satur day as reported previously) ' Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Wiggles worth left this morning for Salt Laks City where they will spend the winter. P. A. Worthington. the O. R. & N right of way agent, came up from Port land last evening and left this mornim for Elgin. . , . J. S. Kees. a well known hardware clerk of Pendleton, and W, M. Slusher, sheepman of the sania place, spent Sun Mr. A. W. Hogue. a former resident of Iowa, has arrived in this city' and will open up a stationery and book store in the room with W. K. Davis; the piano dealer. . . j '. r : ,'. , ;The brick cottage of Mr. G.' M. Richey in the southeastern ' part of the city is being completed and when finished will be one of the handsomest residences in the city. , jv-v ; , a Mrs David Kinsey came down from Baker City Saturday evening, for the purpose of attending the. funeral of Mrs Huntington, thinking it was to take place Sunday. For years they were very close friends in the old town. ' . v Sheriff Penington escorted Jack Gab hart to the penitentiary .Saturday night where he will serve two year as a re sult of his pernicious habit of -getting drunk and appropriating other - peoples' property. '.vVV..-;-v--y -' M-f Rev. L. R. Robinson, bf Texas,1 is In the city, a guest of Rev. W. 'H. Gibson. The gentleman is looking for a location in the west and is delighted With our beau tiful and productive valley, and 'expects to visit the Cove this afternoon with a vtew of locating, and he certainly 'will be well pleased with that prosperous section Engineer 1 A. Fickler . completed ' a ditch out in the valley four mile :aast of this city that will irrigate nearly five hun dred acres of land. For grain pur. soil does not need water, but . experience proves that many crops need irrigation and every year more land is being irrj gated.'.. ' ':'.; " - " . Your tailor You ar hard ;tb fit'' telSTEIN-BLOCtifll GOME-rNANDiFI-Tj ONE ON' Suitsfiih I 0C6a(si - y; . '-W.-.M III llWUllj J i I have Just received my fall stock of Chinaware m hand 'Painted, Decorated and Whits Haviland. Also complete . . 'stosiof Cut Glass and Silverware, all new patterns. See stovei VaMpMAgi J f v r.l . - ' Hardware and v4 ........... .......eeaeeeeeeeeeeee eesaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeea-a-ee-- ' Our real .estate men should push Grande Ronde as a winter resort if this weather conUnuea.mbjftlorjeerj ;.It cer- I tainly tannot be excelled. . Mrs Hadley. ttte.'tfejb.fjfr for the , L. O. T. Mand Mrs. E. Walters went to Imbl r Saturdaf'iVhet,ij.)(fcy reviewed the Hj,ve at that place in the evening. Tney eport everyjjbinip Jys-class or- ""Deputy Sheriff , ,To i 'Johnson todry notified the saloons, in. eXjthaj garni -j ling must cease..: He stated that com plaints had come"to''him 8 ;aBegmg that, the oity authorities Ka4 .soaar failed .to eofqicthe law, and that he ' would ry his hand at it . nity Opportunity is a shy creature and does nofwatt long forany' &itant. soul to makeup its mind to 'follow lis 'leading. ..... --JW, 'eomewith me -ana P53I-de 4he goool- says Opportunityi -arai mimayt adds -imr medUly,"Le nowj-i jXherj.is uxca. opportunity for toW6roV.JBut (Snty'Wayl ' Acttiow in WB living prBsSnt, -and..1lfie future shall' ' take'caCtf of 'fUelf.-faW York .Observe)'.' " ..i wl una ,. acres of knoA tlje east side of "-thstvaV tif arid his uj?, contemplation th bor- ntf or a well in the. hope of strains an 'arttst'Wow;";if,'n: is successful. 'the' problem of Irrigation .so, far as" his lands are febneelrned, ' wilt ha been settled. Baker City Qemocrak ;.- :v JT t .-'.. v ,Arried.;;;;;,:; At the Hotel Foley Sunday - evening Nov'.".)Li.ir. Guy Fisher and Miss Lula Martih boi ofv Cove. , OvHt King of: iicating. ' 4 number of friends witnessed the c'eVemoTiy.' -9 4 ' r 4 - e)eTee Slyly Trusting thus to cover This h his on shortcomings as a (tfraftinan. As a matter of rsct mnety-nine men out of one hfodred are easy to fit if ;thl !dothes are made rightl ifw ei&eiWok) will fiiou, be.you-lea or "slout short or tall. Fifty ,pne yoars of knowing how Jwve . aplvetj Hft1l fKijt' and are sbffiWSlp- rk "Stein Block 'label" 'T" ' :' fi May BolCKitfaleYii "' Dr.'C M. Faull" is "the owner df. 640 teteaetttt ek ; " bout ounheating r-; .V -"-' Crockerv. , WoodlWobd!Wood!t Good dry wood delivered " to any part of the city.' . ANY LNGtfr.;ANY Rind, Special prices on quantity orders. No orde" ioo .. large or too small James Beavers, Red '441 1.,-K ,i,Vfien The Turkey Comrs : To )rou Jn ourirestaurant you will have i triple feast ' Tdbr'eyes will feastn'Ks teirtptfngippearance. , Your nostrils will feast jn Js appetizing odor. . Your palate Will feast-on its delicate flavor.'. -. . . ; taitfi- It ' Wilr be-a y tc-beiinembered. . With Wall thkk pnospeef . what. the good of. bothering with a home dinner. Spend Thanksgiving here and be happy. Thzodel Restaurant - .L...it- n i.... v J s wuuuki rrairwiur iim. own ND KIU AY OHT' mam tickets lac i says Label Stands for 5 1 Years of Knowing How : vvjrMeHM jr;,Ji.i,..-,..5i,,i,ti;. Leafpljook tlit it '50 '. -,- r i !' 41