1 YVAMED AVc are in the Market for a large $ quantity of firstclass .Jimattyrv j; dndr WIid Hay. We pay tlis I est prices of any fcuyfcrs Oregon- Produce; Company J .MMMMM Mt Tfationat Siank NO.'44p9 - r - Capital " ; ' ' ' ; ' : ' ' ' ; -l. . liability of Shareholders lout V AAA 1 40.000.09 . For th proUction of iU depofttontDtpotitom of this Bank art tc- i v ;corded such liberal treatment as thai) b k( keeping with the character ' - I and value of their accounts. -.' .... .count-' JOSEPH PALMER. ' .' ! ,' President. We would be. pleased to have your c- J. W. SCRIBER.V O. E. McCULLY. , - Asst. Cashier. ' tSCROdOlN. Asst. Cashier' .......................... G. E. FOWLER 7 Truck and Transfer - Wood and Goal!; PHONE 1611 5 ; . ' . . ' 5 All orders given prompt attention i I f CLONES ciStb1 The sam old tand buta new f management. Take your suit to ''th same placa, and have another '-1 J man dealt and press H the way it f f should be.HarveT" does the clean- -and pressing And does R right An 3 -other strong feature about his y-' 2 4 item is thahi prices are correct ' . . Remember the place, nest door 5 to the commercial 'club. Ladies I 2 . gents clothing cleaned, dyed, press -j : . 5 5i f V !fr n 1 1 ''.:roW.B.lam Our Share $675,325 The annual report, of Commissioner Richards of the genera land office, for warded to the Secretary of the Interior has been made public The report covers the fiscal, year ending June SO last, and shows that during the. year 16,979.075 acre' of the public lands and 77,546 acres of Indian lands' were disposed of the total exceeding that for 1 904 by 650 800 acre. Of the public lands disposed of, 12. 895,571 acres were entered under the homestead law; 696,677 under the tim ber and stone law; 711.124 under the desert land law, and 585,507 acres of swamp land were patented. Under the law the net proceeds of the sale of public lands are covered into the leases for the benefit of the irrigation and reclamation fund and the total amount for the year to be disposed of is approxi mately $4,457,978, to be distributed among the states and territories as fol lows! Arizona, $47,449; California. $361,659; Colorado, $270,000; Idaho. $570,673; Kansas. $30,478; Montana. $350,031; Nevada, $1X158; New Mexi co, $86,603; North Dakota. $870,290; Oklahoma, $572,634; Oregon. $676,325; South Dakota, $174,449; Utah. $50,717; Washington. $522,203; Wyoming. $234.. 963. Maxwell' Talisman, Court At Enterprise Circuit Judge Robert Eakin left this morning' for Enterpriser where he will hold the regular ' term of court at that place. , i District Attorney Crawford ' is already there, and Court Stenographer Hanna will leave tomorrow morning to be uterc - woen - oourt - oMim rnuwmi morning. The docket is made up almost entirely with right of way , suits brought against the Wallowa Valley Railroad by the 0, R. & N, company. ! ! 1 . 5 Osteopathy Judical Opinion Or Note In an open letter, called forth by the opposition of the Indiana Medical Society (his winter, to the passage o' the Ost op- athic law in Indian, Judge R. S. Tay lor, of Fort Wayne, said; I I have been taking Osteopathic treat ment and have derived great benflt from it;. A number of my acquaintances have been taking the treatment with like good results.; .They are not ignorant, simple- minded people to be impdsed upon by ( charlatans, but highly intelligent and competent persons. .; ., "Osteopathy is a new science, totally unknown to the. regular physicians. Ths discovery df the intricate relations be tween the anatomical displacements of the body, and . diseased conditions, and the means hy which such maladjustments can be torrecteTand the disease cured.. is, in my opinion, one of the most brilliant achievements in the science.- of healing I have had, much opportunity to learn about the treatment, of disease; and 1 am sure that the science oft Osteopathy has in store great blessing formankind." AT THE . OPERA HOUSE tregonian's Opinion Sunday's Oregonian says.' "The Mar riage of Kitty" with Alice Johnson in the title role, was M&rquam's best offering for the past week, although Resells Knott in "When Knighthood Was in Flower." was received with equal : warmth." Steward's Opera House Mednesday even ing November 15th. ; Prices 50 and 75 cents, WATCH M ir- ; ' vi .... ', ' TAAitiaa 4 4 t tf ssssas444f f f f y Ready; For Business! WITH A FILL LINE Of f EED," HAY AND" GRAIN .V 1 We ro ready to buy all kinds of hay and grain, and pay the highest ) ' , f . snarket prices. rice. v; , .-," ui'v " i v OLIVER IEFF Slater ,Tiiii)Uintr : u : ' ' ' a s. ' v- -"h .-. w " , r- s a Thf Exact ThiniJ Required For Constipation - "At'T certain purgative' and stomach purifier Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Tablets seem to be the exact thing re quired, strong enough tor the most robust yet mild enough and safe for the children and without that terrible griping so com mon to most purgatives," say R. S. Web star li Co., Udora, Ontario, Canada. For sal b NkwLm Ditio Coi ? t ' I ""a ir . 7 Notice ol Sett i men t A w have sold the Horseshoe Chop House we will consider it a favor if those in debt to us will plea' call and settle on or before December 1. 1906. All acr count ou tne norsesnp prior w rtov ember 6,4905, are due and .payable to us, and we wit) pay all accounts owed by th fin prior to that dat. - -. . . . u s. ana w. w. r-ouocK. - Service ; Thi drug tor tries to serve every customer so well that they will not think of going elsewhere for drug store goods. ' A. T. Hill, Prescription Druggist Notice to fruitgrower V I desire to call your attention to the fact that th Northwest Fruitgrowers' convention will hold it next session at La Grand tome time in December of thi War. i ?' A rousing good1 meeting i in stor for thoM who attend. Sav torn of your best stuff for th occasion. ' A more xtended notice will be given later when exact dat is made. ; . C,' D. HurMn, Sec'y. .Practical Gunsmith Xqir3 Stncriy Fittclass Guns tetocktaJ Keys fitted to door Lo ks v . ' ALICE JOHNSON V In 'Th Marriag of Kitty.' Was iw ptowei Wnan you want a pleasant physic try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, They are easy to take and produce no griping er other unpleasant effect. Sold by Newlin Dhuo Co. The price of a pretty face is $1.00 three -packages of Hsllister's Rocky, Mountain Tea brings red lips, bright eyes and lovely color. 55 cents. Tea or Tablets. Newlin Druo Co. MEAT CHEAP -? ' ' . '''.r But not Cheap Mea Having purchased the Bock & Thomas shops and also the Bull market, we are in position with the three shops, to furnish bur patron with choice meate at less price than if we had only one shop. It i not our intention to raise the price on meats, but it is our intention to reduce the price, and thereby hop to increase 'our trade. A trial order will, convince you of the assertion. Grandy & Russel TriRLE SHOPS Adams Av. between Grandy and Depot Adam Ave. between Elm and Fir. Fir t. between Jefferson and Adams Ave, j t .i .it- - i ; - , i , :,: .v. i -.' .' ? i ' .Winter's knocking at the door, With no uncertain' sound he's , . demanding entrance everywhere. v-' t ; . , Are you ready for him? How about your winter Suit and , i j i Overcoat? 1 , f . ; v ' ',.' ;- i- Are they In proper condition to waather the stonns of the coming season? How about your winter Underwear, Gloves, . Hosiery -;vnd -other Toggery? .-, If there are any weak spots in your wardrobe we are here to strengthen them with the : s ; iS Best That's To B? Had ; i - , The most skilful tailors known to the trade build our clothes ' t artistically, and they build .them, well end .they; build tltem on honor. . Our furnishings com from the hands of the best known ;, manufacturers. '-t ' , i'-.:f ' ,.' fif J. .' . M Money back If j ou want; It ' , , . ' Thot is th guarantee that goes with every sale. , , It is under thes condition that we ask you tomake this your '' Clothing Store." "' ' " ' V ' ' '' - t . X X i V. CLpTlilERS '.',AWD f HA8ERpSttER$. . 5 j ,.-x 4 X i ROMADKA . r R6ADY ACCESS TRUNK ''''"' SPECIALS .;:'. Supported, bed springs t y t. ,S2,4C,. Insupported bed" springs' 1 ' 1.65 MattCessei.'good dn6 " " . S.60 2 saddles, choice 3.00 Femmingtan typowritar ' 40,00 16 cross; cut saws ' 60c to ' Hall rack' ' ' ' : ' '; , ; 3-50 . .2 office chair r 3.50-5.00 r i . .' i f KitchrvTraasure f 25 uneaieum . -. A Jlne line of crockery at half 1 s:"-' price 1?.." p AISING the cover brings every r; fV . ' 11 Vi corner within reach without re- f" J nrtlSlEn t ' moving traya.. Saves H the Urn of v , 1 r 1 , . an Ordinary trank to packr rw ;-, V-'!"','.' 1 ''"fv pack. Easy to operate. Nothing to get out of order. Will stand all the knocks and hard usage ot traveling. Cost no mora than a common trunk. . . li Bylu at., ..$5.w; PHONE RED 1181 Highest prices paid for.Seeohu ' ' .- ; ' . Hand Goods?" ! " I. v li ;.....i..;...;.. liA GRANDE IRON WORKS i ' C mpletc; Machine Shops, and oiindry . . General Blacksmith, Horse Shoeing and Wagon Work. Manufact- y t r of The Fitzgeraid.Roner'f Mill. ' ,J .1 Uv (: . ' , .t I ,opHieTo( a -. "CARPETS f CARF ET 5 The largest line of Carpets ever brought to the" city. " Mo'e ' 1 ' l. - ""' a ' arriving daily. Pretty floor coverings, 25c a yard ana up. SPECIAL ON G) CARTS THIS MONTH W. H. BOHNENKAMP, Hardware Jtnd Furniture , U, li.-,: WATCHES? Y, of course w hav watch- ' es th I very best watches made. W also hav . Clock and.jjvery.. hino lii th Jewelry line. . 'a , - r i Old Jewelry mad to look like new Repair orV gived prompt ttefl-'t' Clock takm car of,, j .j '. j J tion, . - : 2P MainSP Main 7S Main 70 , ,.- ,.V,'."J,V? A ... r. r 7TT lliPMilllii.llllll I