TODAY'S NETC TODAY :'Jeihr Fir tonight HtuUill ar)d tomorrow. WmU MmM MmM. VOLUME V ' " - " '' ,l" ' , , . '- ;. . LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY. OREGON MONDAY. NOVEMBER 15. 190S. , NUMTS 11 RUSSIA STILL IISI : j REVOLT (Scrlpps News Association) Warsaw, No 1 3 Despite the ; proc lamation 6f rhartiaf 1H throughout ' by the go emment in consideration of the demand for autonomy, the revolt contin ue and today the railroads are being closely guarded. Desultory firing con tinues. -r in.. I,," .j'n ; ; CITY QUIET. St Petersburg, Noy. 1 J. The city Is reasonably quiet today. The police dis persed a -crowd of roughs at Nevsky Prospect who started to attack the "intel lectuals."; The fashionable part of j. cow is deserted, An attack on the Stud ent U J -- I A.. iuit AairRailrqaa . . . v -y . . (Scrlpps News Association) Milwaukee. Noy 13, In the federal court th morning the government file suits against nine, railroads and or e btewery in the attempt 'to" ascertain whether or not the .railroads can law fully pay IndirttJ; rebates through privaW car lines; i It is the opinion of the govern ment that it i th mere flevice to secure a reduction over the other shippers. - ' . Alfonso in Vienna - ScrlppaNews Association) , ' Vienna, Not. IB King Alfonso arrived here today from Potsdam. The emperor and high officials foei hlm jjt .the station and drove; to the fca7ace througlTlines of troops alcjhg th decorated streets. ' : - ' Grain AUrKfti. ; (Scrlppsf News' Association) - Chicago, Nov. 13.1 Wheat opened at &5; Closed, BS;- corn opened dtessd.-,; oats opened 29J; closed, "29. I Efcry Point of grea Shoe To all Who Must Buy SI 02s J We handle the Justly famous Peters .find in their lines mpr9 real shoe, quiljty for the . money-rthat the 1best shoe authorities agree is shown tiy the fact that Peter's- Shoes were granted Highest awards, for style, quality," and workmanship, at' thW tswV'jPsJiOUri:' STOCK ALWAYS COMPLETE. I nTRY A PAIR. ""'''- r '"'A- '" "J P ', '"' ' Mh; J, Sptcial lot Men's $1.75 to Cheaper to Prevent Colds ? v. w y Than Men's $3.50 J $2.25 Boys' shoes $1.69 A Special school shoe in box calf or ici kid, special at $1.69 Plymoth Waverly Rubber! for I Men O t The pair 90c . Extra quality, heavy rolled edge, extra heel stay: tt l.u I Frauds (Script News Association) Washington D. C. Nov. 13 A demur was filed today (n the district supreme court to the indictment against John A. Benson, of California, the millionaire, who is charged with bribery in connection with land fraud cases and in conspiracy with Frederick H. Hyde. Henry P. Diamond, J. H. Schnider. jointly indicted for de frauding the government in California and Oregon. The demur ' states that several counts in the indictment are bad in substance. Returns With' Prisoner (Scrlpps News Amoclatlon) Honolulu. Nov. 13 United States Mar shal Hendry returned from Maul on the steamer Like Like having in custody G. L. Brokaw, who is under indictment of the federal grand jury in the Washington state land frauds. The prisoner was taken to the Oahu prison after a prelimi nary hearing. It is expected that he will be returned to Spokane. ... Brokaw vr himself up to the sheriff at Maui. " Bishop Dead ; (Scrlpps ftews Association) j -. Chicago, Nov. 13. Stephen Morrill, a Methodist bishop of this city and a prominent divine, died at Keyport N. J., of heart failure. Hswai apparently in vigorous health When he left here de spite his advanced years. ' He had been bishop 39 years and had been a resi dent of this city for 54 years. , Ml But Governor (Scrlpps News Association) Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 13. The state democratic chairman says that there is no doubt but what all of the minor can didates on the .Republican ticket from governor down, are elected by safe plu ralities. Nathan Released (Scrlpps News Association) '"y : , .. Boston, Nov. 1 3. Morris Nathan was released today and has been freed of all legal censur in connection with the mur der of Susanne Geary, - t Importance Shoe Cb.'s Shoes because we . $2.25 Shoes, tills week 98c to Pay the Doctor Talk ' . ' . , ' '-.'; Nine-tenths of the colds come from damp feat. Don't keep on wearing 'thin soles . until you catch cold and have the doctor .and druggist to pay you'll have to buy the shoes anyway. Buy now ahd lay the thin soled ones away 'til spring. ' '.'.'- Our Diamond Special V i BUILT 'WITH SOLES 1 THAT DEFY THE WEATHER Women's $3.00 $3.25 ladies' sh6e $2.50 In fine vici kid with patent leather and self tip special ' $2.60 To Examine Magnates (Scrlpps News Association) ' New York, Nov. 13 The insurr Ke in vestigation resumed this morning. It is believed that Hyde. Harriman, Tarbell and others of like importance will be ex amined this week. John R. Hageman. president of the Metropolitan was recalled IhU morning. He showed the statements of the financial transactions of the brok erage firms. The figures showed that large rebates were allowed on interest in the personal accounts. Seeing The Sights (Scrlpps News Association) . New York, Nov. 1 3. Prince Louis lunched at the Chamber of Commerce at noon with his officers and men and went to Coney Island this afternoon.' He will go to the horse show tonight. ' The tars of both the English and American fleets went to Coney and partook of the roya feast of 6000 bottles of beer. lll.w.l nivSjHl W-a. - T uiil 9 (Scrlpps News Association) . New York. Nov. 13. The grand jury returned eight indjetments for illegal vot ing. Six of these were arrested on elec tion day. It is understood that warrants ire out for others. It is reported that one has confessed implicating one "higher up" ..'..- J -.; Uner Floated (Scrlpps News Association)-' -f New York. Nov. 13 The liner Graf iValdersee.-which grounded Saturday off 3rooklyn afuer starting ' for Hamburg, was floated this morning. Federation Meets (Scrlpps News Association) Pittsburg,. NoV. 13. The American Federation of Labor -met today in. con vention and was formally organized. ; Shaft Collapses (Scrlpps News Association) Johannsburg, ' No. 1 3. The vertical shaft in the Dries Fontein mine collapsed today. One white man and 6? native: were killed. , ' - i , . . : $30,000,000 (Scrlpps News Association it " ,' Stockholm. Mov, 13. Seventeen Jews refugees from Russia, arrived here toda) with $30,000,000 in cash. . Forger Successful? a aay or two ago Mr. b. Ketsland re ceived a notification from his banker tc the effect that he had overdrawn his ac count $46. By an investigation upon tht return of his checks he found that thrst of them were not his but had been signed by a former employe and the employe had fled. .Two of the checks were for $11 each and the third for $10. Two had been received by the Golden Rule Com piny and the other by the Oxford bar. As the checks were cashed almost a month ago, the forger hat probably made goo his escape. His name is not made public as the officers believe there is yet chance to apprehend him. k Settled At last i The question of taxation of the railroat bad, in Umatilla county which has : beet i i the courts for the past three years ha at last been, settled on a compromise Assessor Strain he'd out firmly for I valuation of $12,000 per mile and th ompromisa was on a -basfrof $10,000 and the company it to pay the accrued nterest on the deferred payment.' . Confiscation'JuUified Washington, Nov. 1 3 The assistant attorney general in an opmioh today holds t tat the recent confiscation in the New York postoffice on 270.000 postal cards cartooning William Randolph Hearst was justified. Mutineers to Hang Wilmington., N. CV Nav. '1 1.- Henry Scott, the head of the mutineer from the tchooner Harry A. Berwind. was con victed in the federal court today and sentenced to be banged with his ship mates Adams and Sawyer on January ZB in this city. Large Turkey 1 Wm. Anson, who resides a few miles eastof this city, hat a turkey gobbler that certainly will be sought after for Thanksgiving. It tipped the scales Satur day at. 62 pounds. JEROME GETS 'BUSY I Scrlpps News Association) New York. Nov. 15. Jerome's assist ants. Smrgerod and Perkins, this morn ing instituted proceedings against John Doe in the Sixth. Fourteenth and Twenty ninth assembly districts in the election fraud cases. The proceedings are said to be the result of new evidence obtained by the Superintendent of Elections Mor gan s men who took several witnesses to the district attorney's office this morning. Great .secrecy is being maintained. The irand'jury resumed its Inquiry this morn ing and many witnesses were examined. Peculiar Accident (Scrlpps News Association) Albuquerque. Nov.! 3. A 'peculiar ac cident occurred to 'a party of San Do mingo Indians "near the "Enchanted Mesa" of Acorns, The had been hunt- ng and upon returning at night, stacked their arms in soldier fashion and went to laep. During the night a . gust of wind b'ew 'dowrf the ffuiW' discharirW the oaded enes Into the'1 sleeping' Indian.' 0 te was shot through, the kidneys and he died instantly one had a left, arm. blown 3 1, another received a charge in his right' leg which will have' to be ampu tated and the fourth Is injured ' so badly chat he is expected to die, Confessed ' : (Scrlpps News Association) New Yortf. Nov: 18 Harry A. Leonard : an' office boy who stole $36,000 worth' of securities -by forging a -check, todav pleaded guilty, to .forgery . in tho second degree and was sentenced to an inter' nediate sentence at the reformatory. Embalmed With Oil (Scrlpps News Association) ' Dayton, Qhio,:Nov. 15?-The police be lisve that Dr. Oliver Haugh', who Is ac Jused of the murder . of his parents and rother, embalmed the bodies in oil before igniting them. It Is believed that Tie killed them with cyanide.' ' ; t -' Soldiers Mutiny (Scrlpps News Assoclutlon) '''' ' Helmgsfors, Nov. 1 3. The garrison at the fortress Sveaborg -'mutinied.' the Russian soldiers dsmanding better treat ment, a free choice of books, and fur loughs for soldiers having , served time. The demands were partially granted but a conflict continues. ' . IAgAina 1 WITNESS (Scrlpps News Association) ' New York. Nov, 13 John S. McCall. president of the New York Life Insur ance Company was recalled to the ' wit ness' stand this morning and was asked the address of Andrew Hamilton. - He said he had heard ' that Hamilton was either in London or Paris, ' McCall promised to cable Hamilton to come home, or if he is unable to come, to cable an accounting of the seventy thous and dollars the amount given him with other quarter of a million of dollars which still remains unaccounted for. ' KEPT PERSONAL PROFIT Hegeman,also testified this afternoon regarding. the profit of $64,601.42 made by the syndicate. He said that $16. 000 had been turned in to the treasury as the Metropolitan's share pt the profiw of the syndicate's operation in which the company had participatai. The rest of the $64,601.42 was kept tyr him is a personal profit and he did not feet any impropiety in retaining the same. i. Almost Unanimous' (Scrlpps News Association) , ' Christiana, Nov. 1 3.- Returns to date now are fifteen thousand in favor of in viting Charles, of Denmark, to become king of Norway and only 1 000 against Refuses Relief (Scrlpps News Association) - Washington. No. 1 5 Shaw authorized the statement today that he will not go to the relief of the money market until convinced that the business interests are likely to suffer. Should any business concern be denied deserved credit at reasonable rates, the secretary says he wants to know the facts. Collision (Scrlpps News Association) ' , San Francisco, Nov. 13 As a result of a collision. of a gasoline schooner. Non pa riel and the light house tender, Mad- rona, off the. Pacific wharf at 7:30 this morning a, deck hand named John Joer was drowned and Catherine Murphy, of the Nonpariel was seriously . injured. Tne schooner was badly damaged. . : ' vrr-"' M Demurs Sustained - (Scrlsns Nw A Milwaukee Nov. 1 3 Judge Quartos of the federal court this mornins sustained the demurs to two indictments against O jll Bigelows. Leaving ten more charges of complicity. Milwaukee, Nov. 13 Gustiv Pabst president of the brewery denies all of the charges made, and says the ' whole is based on malicious lies, and that he was once an officer of the Milwaukee Transit Refrigerator comyany but who is not in terested. ' He declared that he had no llegal dealings' with the road. Judge Seamon ordered an answer to the com plaint to be made within twenty days. . Searching for Negro ' Scrlpps News Assoclutlon) , Nov. 13. Posses are . this morning searching for a negro,' who last" night shot and killed Mrs. H. Stedman, wife of the Rock island agent at Edinger. while he and his confederates were robbing the1 statioti. Terrible Struggle (Seripps News Asaorltttion) Des Moines, Nov. 13 After fighting all light with his wife, who tried to prevent mm from' committing suicide. Clarence Reeves, aged 34, took carbolio acid and died from the effects. Reserved Seats for ..... f . ' '.-.v...f ;- ; . V ft "-'V The course of entertainments to be given in Central Church this fall and winter is fitly named The Popular Course The interest shown by the people of the town is the best evidence that such a series wi l bl appreciate 1. , . Four attractions are postively booked and the other ..will be given, ''possibly in November. ' x Those Ijsted so far are; J. Whitcomb Brougher "Home Sweet Home" or How to be happy though mar ried. Dec. 12. Stephen A. Lowell 'Law and Law yers. Then and Now" . Jan. 67 v , . fclsworth Pluinstead Impersonator in :.. : , GOOD READING PLENTY Never before has' there been a in town at our targe book, department It now offering. ' The new stors which we have taken in gives us ample foorfi laittrty a splendid stock and - we are showing all kinds of good reading. . ' . In stocking up this largo department we. took special paint to select the " best and most popular fiction at well at to increase our stock of standard works. In fact, the works of the world's best writers are on our shalvet and as many of the books come in different bindings you can' suit yourself as to price, ', ;. " ' 5 In looking over our counters you will also find all of the best periodicals Which include fashion, fiction and scientific magazines. ' ' Come In and took over our books often. You'll find what you want a here and at prices which will suit. " ' ' Blank Book and Office Supplies . , i ; ;. ' ',..,'.s'"-i . ,' V.V .. . . V " We . carry the largest and most complete" stock of blaiik booHvao-jjfflce, tuppliet in the city. When you want good's of that kind let us show you our atock and quote you prices. .. , . f - . . . J' NEWLlINLv DRUG ' COMPANY ' X , La Grande Oregon TEETH SAVED HIS iL. (Scrlpps News Association) Butte Mont Nov. 13 Billy Semper, a " gambler was shot by "Dutch Swede" an other gambler in the- Turf rooms at Ana- : conda this morning. The bullet entered the jaw, deflected by a gold dsntal plater ' Semper spit it out and lay on the table feigning death until k his assailant left. The attending physician says'' that the bullet would have entered the brain if , H had not struck ths plate. Semper h not seriously jnjured. . ' . A Peculiar Law (Srrlpps Ncwf Association) v Washington, D. C., Nov. 13. The su preme court today upheld a peculiar law which permits any resident of a stats., to recover money lost at gambling re- , " gardless of by whpm JosU,. The particu lar case is one m which a. woman brought suit to recover lost money and received ' as judgment a lien upon the building in : which the gambling was permitted. She ' won her case in the state court and the supreme court this morning declared the law valid.? '"-i- 'Jiii a rs ffy Must Have . Boxes . . . J The Postal Department has decided to ; withdraw the rural delivery service from v" patrons who do not provide regulation -mail boxss. : Circular are to be sent to all those thrbughoun the country who are not now provided with boxes, notifying them that they will be given sixty days in -which to secure them, and in case of failure to do so the delivery service will 'j be discontinued. It is, stated that an One of 20 dlffeient-t kinds Wfl answeito the description' of "reguTatiotf boxes, arid-' that prices rangat from 60 cents to $3. The department will furnish a. list ofjhem on application. It is tald the oidef is in' ; the interest of facili&ting the' delivery of ; mail snd safeguarding the servics. Popular Course Medley Program. Feb. 16. Harry T. ButUrWorth Company Basso-Soprano and Whistling soloist Violinist and Artistic ReadarC'MarcIt 'IB. On Thursday" Noy 16 I will he at Selders Candy store next, door to Post . Office and all who hayer engaged rtasoQ' y tickets for the course of entertainments will please call, get tickets and reserve seats,,' As sb many tre pot(iin4 ( wil you please bring exact change?' The plat 1 will be ready at 8 a. m. - and teats on ' sale until S p. m. . We wish fair to jalL but, ;first , to come have .first choice. No seats , marked until 8 V.m. ? fQsH.fOtig. ' ' AND OF IT chance to obtain so much good reading B.The new 0,. i 3 1 t I r ll,..'v-frtf""''T V '"!''" - , f..