V '4 I THE FALL SEASON IS NOW LOCAL ITEMS I Hit f-r I FINE CMNAWAR1! j t - : i ;; ; 'i ; Iv I ai i n I ii AT The Golden Is Complete In every detail, more than Thirty Great Departments filled with Seasonable goods of every de- scription and now offered to the trade at the Lowest I Living Prices. t DRY COODS, SHOES, HATS AMD CAPS, CLOTHING, LADIES' AND MEN'S FIRN- ISHINGS, MATERIALS FOR FANCY WORK, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES AND MITTENS, LADIES' AND MISSES' TAILOR MADE , COATS and SKIRTS, LADIES' TRIMMED HATS, GHILDRENS' HATS and CAPS, FURS. SCHOOL SUPPLIES, TOILET SOAPS and PERFUMES, TOYS, TINWARE. GLASSWARE, GRANirFWAP.E, CHINA, CROCKERY, STOVES AND RANGES, HOUSE FURNISHINGS, HARDWARE, ,.5c....,.u.,...,,,,.,,,.,..,., .,.,.......,,,.,..., . . TOOLS, SPORXING GOODS, WOOD arid " WILLUVVWAKt, SEWING MACHINES, TRUNKS and VALISES. r ! THE GOLDEN RULE a $40 SUIT GIVEN AWAY DEC 31 Every $1 cish purchase, or paid on account en titles you to a chance. .. COMMENCING ON NOVEMBER I SUIT CLUB WINNERS W Killer $5 Suit New Club V.U ANDHEW8 flu herd either aod Tailor PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY By Smoking KEY WEST THE VISTA ORADA and C. B. Cigars 1 . - . I. : Manufactured by C. E. H t ,, Do you want fth eg7 , Do v u prefer nie crisp and tendr vegetables? , Do you I ke the best and freh-st fruits? . Co to GEDDES BRO, you can always depend on g;Uinj just what you an Heinze pure vn.gir, yru can do your own redu tag Heinz; pitkfes ai d chow chow. Crosse and Blackwell's chow chow LOW PRICES, BEST GOODS QEDDEJBRi North Fir Street ITS' HOGllT AfiSP Rule Company's Stock 1308, 1310, 1312 Adam Avenue. PERFECTO Factory Corner Adam Avenue ? nd I Greenwood AC KM AN, street. : " Saved By Dynamite Sometime. flaming city ie caved by dynamiting tpace that the fire can't croet. Sometime, a cough , hangs on o long, you feel a if nothing but dynamite would cure it Z. T. Gray, of Calhoun, Qa write: "My wife had a very . ag gravated oough, which kept her awake nights. Two phytician could not help her; o the took , Dr. King' New Dit covery ' for Consumption. Coughs and Colds, which eased her cough, gave her leep, and finally cured her." Strictly scientific cure for bronchitis and La Orippe. for sal by Newlin Drug Co. Price SOc and $1.00; guaranteed. Trial bottle free. ' OUR SPECIALTY Fall vegetables of all kinds at the lowest current prices. Our applee are especially full from 60c to $1.00 a bos. -fi dollar ' . box gets you the best apples to found in town. h . Watch for our new wagon which goes by your door daly. ' ' SEATTLE GROCERY COMPANY ZUNDEL A LAWSON. VAMiirau - mauhCS, ; COMPANY, Smallest Prices SOCIETY . MISSION SOCIETY The Mission Society of the Presbyter ian church met at the home of Mrs, Eakin on P. street, Friday, Nov. 1 0. The subject for the afternoon was Korea, Mrs. Kirk as leader. Mrs. Borey read a well prepared paper on Christianity in Korea. Mrs. Ramsey' talk on Consolid ation of Mission forces in Korea was very interesting apd instructive. ' The vocal solo by Mr. Martin wa highly appreciat ed by all. Refreshments were served in the dining room. The guests from Union were Mesdames Townley, R.. Brown, Foster. E. J. Davis, C. E. Davis. E. J Cooper, Scibird, and R. Smith, MAT PARK LADIES ENTERTAINED The crowning success of the Busy Bee Club was reached Wednesday afternoon when Mrs. Sherwood William enter t lined. The cozy parlors were most artistical ly decorated with autumn foliage. The afternoon entertainment consisted of a program and two contests, each one of which carried out the Idea of autumn, First prizes were awarded to Mrs. Riddle and Mr. Dawson and consolation prizes to Mrs. Carroll and Mrs. Smith. At half past four the guest were called into the dining room where a rate treat awaited them. The dining room and tables were festooned with vines and yellow crepe paper, which indeed pre sented a novel appearance. The luncheon consisted of bread ar.d butter sand wiches, Boston baked beans, pumpkin pie with whipped cream and delicious coffee. After partaking of this delicious luncheon, the guest departed, declaring Mr. William a most charming and original hostess. 4 " i- ' - -" ' r v SURPRISE PARTY :' - It 1 not only the young folks who delight in taking people by Surprise, but the older people a well. This wa fully demonstrate last evening, when a num ber of Mrs Harding' friend entered the house and practically took possession for a few hours. Numerous baskets, filled with good things were brought forth at the proper hou and all . enjoyed the generous spread. Build Fast Linen Victoria, B. C, Nov. 11. An announ cement is nr.ade that a new line of Em press steamers, each from 1 4,000 to 15,000 tons gross, will be built by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company to replace the liner now running from Van couver to Hongkong. " . : Shouldn't Marry Annapolis, Md., Nov 11. Rollo Car- lyle Palmer, of Charlotte, Vt. has been dismissed from the Naval Academy for marrying while on leave this summer. He wa a member of the second class C. I. Flynn, the Baker City cigar man ufacturer, is in the city today. T. W, Currey the Imbler fence man, wa in La grande yesterday. George W. Stevenson, an Elgin business man, is in the city today. W. K. Davis, the piano dealer, left this morning for North Powder and will re turn this evening. B. F. Marlin, the Meacham hotel keep er and wood dealer, is in the city today on business. Hon. T. H. Crawford left this morn ing for Wallowa where he goes on legal business, Dr. J. F. Phy and Judge Samuel White, of Baker City, came over from Hot Lake this morning. J. W. Stephens, of Summerville, came up on last nights' train and is in she city today on husiness, - ... )," Master Mechanic James Langley of Albina, is in the city today on business connected with his office. Dallas Enloe, the 1 2-year old son of F. E Enloe, is quite ill with a' combined attack of diptheria and quinsey. Miss Mayme Carr, who ha been in the city visiling her brother, J. J.Carr,' re turned to her home at Boise City yester day. Yesterday the National Lumber Com pany shipped a ear of dressed lumber to Idaho points and today followed with another. Miss Ella Higginson of Weiser who hat been visiting friends in the city the past few days, has returned home. , The many friends of Wm. Osterling will be pained to learn that he is in a very dangerous condition, the result of blood poisoning in the hand and arm. Mr. G. R. Herring, father-in-law of I. R. Snooks, who was to have started this mDrning for his home in Missouri,' was taken suddenly ilt last night and his trip ha bepn postponed. Mr. Ernest Shutes. agent for "When Knighthood was in Flower," is in the city today arranging for the appearance of his company at Steward's Opera House Monday November 20, -1 Miss Bertha Roberts of Boise, who has been the guest of her friend, Mrs. H. C. West, for the past two days, left on No. S last night to visit friends and relatives in Portland and Vancouver Wash. , . . -t All services at the Presbyterian church will be held tomorrow as usual. In the absence of the pastor, morning and eve ning services will be conducted by Rev. G. A. McKinlay. All are cordially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Wigglesworth and son O. S. Wigglesworth and wife, are visiting at Mrs. M. H. Kirtley for a few days. A. G. Wigglesworth came out from Promise to make final proof on his home stead and with his wife., will go .to Salt Lake to spend the winter, 2 . . STEIN -BLOCH smews uotnes k GOME IN Your You Suits from uvercoats Ctrioa .if f t ir-i 1 fiave jut received my fall stock of Chinawar In hand ' Painted. Decorated and White Haviland. Also a complete stock of Cut Glasi and Silverware, all new pattern ; " See our Souvenir China. Do not forget about our heating tove and steel ranges,; 'J .ij t '. f ; . Hardware and Strike Ends f (Scrlppa Newe Association) S , , Seattle, Nov. 11. After a long strike asting since the first of May of this year, ht Northwestern Brewer Association snd the striking brewer signed anagree nent at noon today. Although neither will discuss the matter it is positively known that the strikers won every point nciuatng uie ttiitt imjui uj, wiwmu ihop and the employment of union' men mly, in the future. -'.-: Slaughter, Deer It is reported from the Chesnimun "orest reserve that the Indian are slaughtering great number of deer in that section.- They procured four license from the county clerk and it is claimed 'hat at least forty of them are hunting by virtue of those licenses. A deputy game warden will be appointed at once and it is probable that the "children of the forest" will reluctantly contribute to the school fund of the county. , There is 'a suspicior abroad that a great many "pale face" are is guilty a the red skins. Lostin Dem icrat. ; - : ' . ... - For Gcod Roads , i ii . ,. The county road roller' ha begun work ictweenu Pendleton and the poor farm. There are four roads leading Into Pendle ton which it is proposed to macacamize for some distance.".- r . . funeral Today A large concourse of friend gathered this afternoon to pay their last respects to Mrs'A. C. Huntington. . ,The family residence and yard were over-flowing with piorteer friends from the city and valley. Rev. H. Mower conducted a simple serMce.'Weriteimeht" Cook place in the I. (X O; tf eertetety. - a .... . - tailor hard are Slylytrusting thus to cover his own shortcomings a a craftsman. A a matter of fact ninety-nine men out of one hundred are easy to fit if the clothe are made rightly. Our (Stein-Block) will fit you. be you lean or stout? short or tall. . Fifty one yeer of knowing how have isolved thi problem, and re ruiied up in the Stein-Block! label 4 ;AND:3Kirni ' tf. ifi $lPTo WHo go il'l Crockery. ilL W)od!W66dlWood! . Good dry wood delivered to any part of the city. ANY LENGTH, ANY KIND, Special prices on quantity orders. No order too' . large or too small " ' " James Beavers, . Red 1441 t ";:'r:"'A BIO SURPRISE ' ' elt 'those larky people bn eat del holiday dinner here, j Wa won't, ll ij wha h l-,forhB It would be do enrpriee. All we wilt ay that ell yon h r gneeerd abnnt - - : iGOOO EATING n; 1 III far ehoit of the resllty . ; Perfect ly rooked vUnds, I lie b t of Ifm ervlce, end a nm tt J rhck at, he n1 of the tuel elll . make the rraninn mrmorable Fball ie erv a fable for yonf ' '. The Model Restaurant ' J A. A'bucklf, Proprietor OWN DAY Wnwll wckly J (A . KDJflOUT t MllUikrtlQt4 9y , 4 says t This Label Stands for 5 1 Years n . ls of Knowing How , j " MUtflfcWD IMS y Learn to Look for It f ft ,: t c . a , i ONE ON X' J j , . ; i $2750 35o . ; btore 4 and 22 year old. , r