C4R03 V PHYSICCNS DR. A. L. lIQtAKDiON, Physician and Mirgeon. I Borm., Hill' Utu alon. A;rinri tt nr. eUln Ptaa N. MOLITOR M. D. . ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON latum AUama tttrnt tod De4M MC Odlae limn H Kraldetwr Main 6 WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURUbON 2bun Mala Tl aallliui).uiiuita mumw Hum SOU Hum, I latitat ; BACON & HALL, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Oniralu Foley tHilldtuc.aWiel. ' C. T. tiaeuu, Hidun Mali. IS tl . IC iln I Nt-eidtaet Main 51 D S. BIGGERS & BlOOtKS . Fujeicieus aud tiurgeoos 0 W Blfgerv M. U. Uo. L. Blgare, M. U TeleptMMa-i ; 1 " IMBoc Black l&U bwldeooe bain SO Olnee K.aluu building uvw J. fc. Jtury t Mure. KMUdtutce ua MauUon AVe, mcuux lour ol 'uruier Maldeuee, Ut. U. w bijfti UtuKANUK OkfcUON Prutt-utuual eall mi tacitly atteednl la day ut aialii. i 1 . DfcNTISlS KEAVIS BROS. ;,'..;'.. ; nfcNTISIS. ' V. ; Oflkea Huiunut MulldlOf Ofllt Black M . basiaeuer Black I 7 C Li. CmitUorn ; DbNTIaT ' oiiic Over HIM Lirug. Store : U trduiie. Oregon VfcTERINAKl SUKQcON Dr. P A UlAKMUiy - VETERINARY SUKUhON, Otliceai A T Hil' Drug titor La Ortude, Oregou Pbout 130 Keaide'uce ptioua rod 701 ;- Farmers' line 68 . -t LR. W. 1. dI'vvNEjj. VETERINARY BUBO EON AND DENTIST Lamve onh n hi Red CraaaUi eg store ReidanCot 6Ut asd I Thirty vir experience baM l cefarear , . tornlnlied ATTORNEYS tKAWOKD & CKAWHJKD ; ' Atturueys-at-Law La OKANDK, OREGON (lit II t!Hn. ! , , j ; ; i J. W KNJWLES Attorney and CounaeJlor At La . -. - -.- " i ' Office ia Haialoa holldlai P boo US LaUraadeOt. U.T. wuimuia f. uliaa. v ' WILLIAMS BR03.y -A't'lORN KY fc AT-La .1 Qin a ia KaUloa aulldlug PooeiOjS uarand,Or, V LA. P1CKLER Civil Mining. Irrigation Cnglnccting Surv yint EitlmntM, Plana, and Bpeo'ncaJloaa, t'ooio to We mnataf - .. La JAnna, boow .oa- Thc La Grande Hospital Offers every accomodation for th car of the sick. ' Our operating room is fittted with every modern appliance and ward are exceedingly comfortable. ' our I Un- denominational and fre- for all to enter ErflpJoy any physician you wish but in sitt upon being taken to th La Grand Hospital. Patients under care of trained nurses. : MR Minnie Goodman. 1- KCIVli I H CHILD Se.aatTiaa. BLUE MOUNTAIN MARBLE: .V AND GRANITE CO. LA fiRANDEOREUt'g; Our itock o! . Marble and Granite is U Urgest in Eastern Oregon and ha been enUrged bva --.i. j Kii, white and clouded -m. .r.ctfrom Vermont Our m-icSa ar better than traveling salesmen can mak and our work manship cannot b surpassed. an order for a monument and receive your money worth. c- PHCrtSSlONAL . r Classified Advertisements. Rates-On ent word, one-half a cent a word aach subaaquant inser iion. Classified add bring quick re sells. Try on today. Real Estat Loans, any amounts on city and country real ettate. Loan closed promptly, as soon as titl approved. L , Qrakdi Investment Co. FARM ! WANTED Th undersigned wish to rnt an. improved farm of on hundred sUty or two hundred acres. WiU pay crop rant but will pay cash rent if pric is satifactory. T. J. Ryan Cove, Oreoon. ." . FOR SALE Th A..V. Oliver four loU on Jefferson Avenue, including plat form scales, on hundred and ten foot porch running back to railroad track. G. H. Powers, ths Minnesota land man. f ' FOR RENT Furnished rooms, inquire .1910 Second Street FOR RENT A modem five room cot tag near th court hous for rent , " ' J. K. Wright LOST--From Burke's pasture Ugh red heifer branded connected H. V. on right hip and with sfit in right ear, Finder please notify Henry Vehrs, Rural No. 1. La Grand. LOST A purs containing keys, a five ' dollar goid piece and some silver, Finder will please leave at this office end receive reward. PURSE LOST Black leather, contain ing ladies' gold watch and chain, $4.76 mi silver and a pen knife, f inder re- J L'"t:!-!r " receive reward. 1 H 1 1 LOST Handbag ; on street containing check, money, letters and glasses. Finder return. to this office and receive reward. i -. WANTED Four1 or Ave furnished rooms or a modern cottage furnished. Loca tion preferred near High school building. For particulars call at this pfftce. FOR RENT A suite of pleasant rooms suitable for light housekeeping. ' Inquire at 1617 Fourth street . LOST a pair of gold -eye glasses with plain bows, was lost somewhere be tween Ed Reynolds' plac and th poet- office. ' Finder pleas return to this of r Ac. . -, i FOR SALE. Eighty acres of timber land two, and,one-half miles south of : La Grande. Pric and terms reason able. ' Address bos 697, city. FOR SALE Nice iron bed-steads; spring and wool mattresses; sswing-machine heating-stove; little girl's bicycles; boy's extra good farm wagon;larg doll bug gies; garden tools; bone grinder; chick ns; oak' book-shelves; flower pots and empty fruit jar. At E. Robinson's residence. Cor. 1st and M St I SEWING Persons desiring plain or fancy sewing should call upon Mrs. F. Childers. Residence between Main and . Oak streete. Phone, Black 981. Centennial Hotel -r t Underr new management . Board and Room $5 per week. cash. Meals 25cts. Special rates furnished monthly patrons. No. 1417 Adams A v. Phon No. 1161.' Mrs. W. E. Murchison, proprietress. Stock Holder1 Meetlns ; . Notice is hereby given that there will b "a meeting ef the stock holders of th La Grand Commercial Club Building Association, in the library of th Com mercial Club tuildina on Tuesday, Dec embers th., 1905, at eight o'clock p. m for the Durrjose of electing a board of fiv driector. Wm. Miller. President. Notice is hereby given you that my wife having left my horn without just cause or provocation, from and alter this date, I will in no way be responsible for any debts that she may comtract Dated at Island City this, th 6th. day I of November. 1905. Joseph Anson. LA GRANDE SCHOl , OF MUSIC; ; PROF. DAY,.PRINCIPLE. ' MRUoAIT, ASSISTANT. This is one of the best musical m institutions in th state, and that people in this city and valley are begininng to discover th advantage of this school. Th system is the latest and most practical, and in cludes all the la teat discoveries in the art of teaching music. Th school is divided into two depart ments; No. 1 Is for beginners from 5 vears or more1 and are taught i-ib first thre grade. Pupils com f ccu hour each day. - This is no kin dergarten sytum out tar superior. In No. E th (trsdss are from S to B.. Her ths? graduate. Pupil takf on or tvrd Jeesons a week as they desire Ha scholars will be permitted to remain T In this school who do not stud. Opposite the Foley. Kous over th candy stork. Phon. 473. So Dsvelope Grande Ronde Quartz Mines A new mining company has been formed which gives promise of materially aiding the development of the Grands Ronde river mines. This nsw company will be known as the Aurelia Mining Company, the officers and incorporators of which are: president. J. A. Thronson; vice president J. L. Corbett; secretary, C. H. Crawford. It is the intention of the efflcers to place a.force of men at work at once taking out ore in. order to have a sufficient quantity ready for the mill which they expect to erect early in the spring. The Standard mine will be worked first THE STANDARD'1 MINES The Standard- group consists of two full claims 1000 feet In length situated on the head of the Grande Ronde river near Grande Ronde lake in Union county and eight miles north of the Cable Cove district and only 24 miles in a northerly direction from Sumpter. There is a total of 400 lineal feet of development, .work completed on this group of claims consisting of tunnels, cross cuts and uprises. No. tunnel cross cuts and taps the ore body at a depth of 125 feet This vein or ledge Is opened in two different places covering a distance of 2000 feet in length. The appearance of the ore Is good in all places. One ore Citizen Inquires About Dog Question There . are many nuisances that the people in La Grand have to contend with, but in the whole catalogue I know of none that will compare with the "Town Dog.' Go to any part of the city, day or night and' there we find that annoying peace disturbing .town dog; we can hear them at all. hours yelping and howling un til it makes us wish such an animal had never been created. Last evening while sitting in" my home and looking out on th street I saw what might have been a serious accident, caused by a lot of worthless ours. ', A young school girl was passing by on her wneel when a half dozen or more dogs came bolting up in front of her and one of them was caught by the wheel throwing her to the ground with such force that she was badly bruised and had to be taken to her home in a buesy, and the doctor called in. These dogs are like some of the other male animals that inhabit our city, they congregate in places, on the streets and compel people in passing along to walk around them, and they have no re gard for th sex either. It is no unusual sight to se from two to a dozen dogs mixed up in a fight on , our streets any dav in the week. I have seen mothers leading their little one along the side walks win , aegs i , unexpectedly rush up near them and engage in brawls that would frighten the children into screams. Wha't good are these pesky worthless curs? Can anyone tell? If they are not useful or of some benefit why not get rid of them? Some of our townspeople seem to think that they are 500 ACRE FARM FOR SALE t This frui is only 15 miles from La Oral de, nu thti Elgin biancb of ihe O. K. A N. Rrtilrn !, at the Kinelirt spur It will rrrske severhl giKi'l homH, ami t iil i a. sotJ in small tracts if desirod. There are three oiHVreut young bearing orchards, anrl tw good . hous a nil the place lu a goui school district fiee from djiJV; 'lrtMfi.- . : '..,; ... Address. HENRY. RINE4ART. SUMMtixVlLLt, OREGON Or call at the farm for full particulars. rAKE A TtflP TO CAI lrOKMA Throtis'h the Williamrttf. . lltnna and Vogue Rivri , VdlJfjrs,of estttn Oregon. pass Mt. , Shasta, througi . the Sacrimento Valley to th .manf tamou- resorts on tb line of the , SOUTIHN PACIFir C f-v-beautilullT illustrate.'' . Inwklets, desaiptive of Cati 1 ii tlia resort s, ad J W. R. a MAN, Ten. l assr. hnland,rr. body shows a length of 200 feet and so far shows a depth of 125 feet. All of the development from now on will be dond direct on the ore body, following the .vein with tunnels and uprises. , The strike of the main vein is north and south with a dip 70 degrees to the east. The width of the vein of the ore deposit is three to seven feet wide. It is a strong (issue in granite formation on both walls. The vein is heavy in sulphides, carrying gold, siiver, copper and galina ores. Many assay have been made on this ore and they run from $1.50 to $168 a ton, and the average assay shows a value of-$30 a ' ton. At this ratio the value of the ore body now in sight is in the neighborhood of $60,000. The grade of or renders it an easy concentrating ore when shipped to a smelter. v The elevation of the property is 600 feet ' It Is the intention of-fche' company to place a limited quantity of the treasury stock upon the market the proceeds of which will be used in taking out ore. The development of these mines means much to this city and county, as La Grande is th natural supply point and should they become great producers this city will feel the effect to a great extent essential to the welfare of our ctty, or else they keep them for company, as we have seen three " and four of them that belonged at one home. They remind me very much of the days when some of the farmers tried to fence forty acres of ground witlftwo "yaller" dogs and then would complain if a neighbor happened to kick or shoot some of the slats out of fieir fence. , . Our city council has passed ordinances requiring tax to be paid on all dogs kept in the city, and if not paid the doge are to be destroyed. Is the law being enforc ed? If not. why not? There are hund reds of does in the city that no tax is collected on; and I will Venture the as sertion that every ow.ier tht values his dog worth any thing has paid the tax. Then why does not ths city's Chief exe cutive see to it that the others are killed, and savs this dreadful annoyance to de cent people? They ar compelling pro- oertv owners to build concrete and wooden side walks for the 'convenience of the traveling public, but fail to enforce the laws that are enactad for the pro tection of our helpless' women and children. Horses and cows are allowed to roim the streets at all hours of the day or night and yet we are told that we must wrr.iSItr " homes witn nice lawns. snaae trees, ana bio., vu- maxa oui - .j attractive. I ask the question what for? Is it that they want better accomodations for the stock and better play ground for the dogs? Or do ths e ty authorities in tend to enforce the laws? Yours of disposing of the "Dog-goned Dog." Henry Henson. mmmm 'iinWl otr m u mm Wrtt ll.-SM ri1 . anil "loilin.i r Rail, l,iDv,rt ittt a rid" lie rnTr I .- -nemitt m-rArsK r n ar no manr (wvoii alt n ri rntar lnlrral lm U) la ,t wati'(i,pn anl IVnvrr i lal ntwr hwnm lliwome ir im f rolna him, write tor Hot. mnti.rti and rM a piaily bo tfaat will trll von all mImmiiU W C McBRIDE, Aent, l24Third St. ''.. ortlard . Oret;r SOCIETY llOPE CHAPTER, NO. 1 1, O. E. S. Wednesday evening, November eighth, Hope Chapter No. 1 5, 0. E. S. enter tained in honor of Worthy Grand Matron Mrs. Ryan, of Oregon City. This being her official visit the regular work of , the Chapter, including initiatory service, was impressively rendered. The beautiful floral work, with its emblematic floor drill, by the officers, was alsogiven. The feature of the evening was an address by the Worthy Grand Matron, in which she stated that while shs had Hope Chapter written on the "right side of the book," she was not prepared to find the work "letter perfect" She spoke in glowing terms of the fraternal spirit existing and personally complimented many of the officers on the efficiency of their special work. Hope Chapter fuels highly honored by commendation coming from each able authority and the loving words of encouragement will leave a last- intr impression and aver enthuse the officer and members to their best efforts. About seventy-five were present,- includ ing several viaitors from other chapters Refreshments were served by section No. 5, under th direction of - Mr.' J. R. Forrest Th tables were tastefnlly docorated with autumn leaves and chrys anthemums, emblematic of th season and month. The official , visit of Mrs. Ryan will long be cherished as one of th most pleasant memories of Hope Chapter. - 1 ':' ' a- mhr nf friends wer delightfully entertained by Mrs. u. W. Allen, aw um home yesterday afternoon. Light - re freshments were served in the dining room, which was prettily decorated with cut flowers. . Those present were Mes dames Holm, Hughey, Biggers, O. F. Allen. Short Sina i, Swartx, J. Allen. Haynes, and the M ssds Laura ' Holm and Netta Norman. Mrs. Fred Bock entertained the ladies at high-five yesterday evening, i Tables were placed for forty players; and prizes were won by Mrs. Jean Moor and Miss Maym Reith. The consolation prize was won by Mrs. . Lou Given." Mrs. Bock, assisted by Mrs. T. N. Murphy and daughter, Miss Irene, proved to be the most honpitabls of entertainers. ' Th Five Hundred Club meets , with Mrs. Aikine this afternoon. When you wish a nice juicy roast or . a tjnder steak, or piece of- boiling meat or pot roast. Just -phon Main B, and you will soon have exactly . what you de sire. - J. PULL a CO. Phone Main 48. Remember the phone is on th directory a Boss Meat Market main 48. ... - - . vV .-;. . , Locke' Directory. tWLKH-U UralKM Alrta in roll meet vary uadr owhl ia K of I hall S I rfultlBM bratbara levllad W alia A, Mauns w. r. . a, rowca, w, O 0 r I Ormarte Uidsa, w naaw J. Self Hall avarr Mil or (lay uint. vll Ujr n.ri araaordiall iavltait loaCUtod. t ernary plat ma be eaaa ai Mudal itaa- aorant. it liowi UdM. M U i. k. BDooae. AH ltN AMHMkMT NO II. I. O, A ) aaw avat It aoj thlra Tliun-ilaya Id Uu uolb H (xie r-lla hull. Vlaltlne fmtr rahi alwaji wirni I. U auiiufc, C P. aAMlEHM STAB Oka Hopa Okaiaar Ho aKta ih moim aua manu wnnaiar acn Bmoia ai ;aa a ai in MaMWir icmiiia Mania AldrkiU, W M - star a Waralek, aar M. La Uranlimp a roe mm vcry llrat ana intra Wecln' adr or U aoiinat i.u. u. r . nan. mii viailing aalvb m are sordlally lavilni 10 aiund, k.Rwkad.V.U Joha- Ball, CWrt. -. vtlRKHTEfM Of AMKHIOA nrl MiM 4rtoa. ho it emit aarh Thanrtav alahl n "KM iai' WMaan aie luvllaa Seal lane mil uar m aa. unier Bai-f. I a Wlillanw, nn. Hm mm ,m i rmmt -iy.w I, Itinera, jka H fRlKNOHHlP TENT NO V-K. O. T. M Stacl HHtuud acd U.lrd Wrdnwtar rl tulilh. Ill I. O. O. K. I all Vwltlua kClirhl araironMi. - U T WKIHKNUaHUGH, Cuul. Mil HMnlkl . . !.. T, M HIVR Na..-Maa ararv Aral ad Ihndltmrtday la Hi afivrroon at ilia I uurwii, Al viiung latitraara waiaoinr. . Ii fu lar.Uuuiiuaadrr n ism Daroea, Muorumi nauratary. r.Tv SECOND ilAfs'D stoh All kinds of second hand touj;ht and sold. goads QEoVcRQliT, Prep, 209 Fir ft jtet, Adam am Je.fereoi 9 1 '.' t THE ! OXFORD P1FI , JAf; -S FARQUlf ARSON, Prop, i CMnr-4 MMorituttal of WlNES.Q LIQUORS AD CIGARS C jjj Cold, lunches and mixed drinks a Sspeclftlty Fair and impartial treatrnii to all. You are invited to Call juttC'del acquainted. C S!$ Front Saloon ' ', TH0RSQN, Proprietor. FIKK3T tfcsT LI0U0RS ' lrfifll vul douieatic CIGARS 1 - ...Pot or cold lunch at all hours. eflrMa.vaas Opposite Ueoos " --- Ralaco Salor i J?-CKAS, ANDERSON Proi FINE VlNfi'll'QUORS AND CIGAR Always on hand. Jenaraoo-Xvanee '' LOUVRE CHRIS WRIGHT, Prop, WliiC5. LIQUORS y;-. CIQf1R5 Gentlemen slwiyi Welcome .'V Rr Street . Earlo Sati n ' iErich? ionis, jwp. .ri&feSi.:LiQi0H:s. ind CIGARS Imported and D omestlc. (effaiaoa Avenue, Oppoalw drool ................. ;0MMER0JJSE CAFE ProiW'Main 6-1 'NUfif SAID eeeeeeeeeeeaeeeeaaeeeeeet Brick furnished in any quantity or any style,- No contract too small or to' largj See samples of our pressed brick,. , ' GEO., KREIGE.R. La (riulet Oregon IK i: Clt;" si A i 1 91 " 'f: no A e.t r law ctat f re- rticu '4.'ht sived " She the ' the " c! to '"in tion, t toi are ing Mn of vill l 6. . m ill 1 1 t, A aTtr ',1