PROFESSIONAL CAR03 C7 physic; ns OR. A. L RlQlAkDbON, Physician and Surgeon. , mM n, Hill's l)i eg awn, fflceriata U'ict 11 Ka.Miin pkaaeK N. MOL1TOR M. D. . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Corner Adam avaaoe sod Dapol M. omoeMaium Healdanor Main 68 WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ., Phone Mala 11 Leta balldlaa, opuuaii Hosmtc Bum Omec Bourn, t to I, I to BACON & HALL, PHYSICIANS AND' SURGEONS Um la foley building, Mai 1. ' C. T. Bacon, HcMdanc Maiu Ig M. K. rla.l MteKkaor MHia M DS. iJIGGEkS & B1G0EKS Pujskiaus and Suryson O W Blggen, at. B. ties. L. Bbjgero, M. D Telephones , OBIo Blue 1X21 Kealdenos Main SO Otocer K. Lalou Building ott J. M. Harry'a Mure, knldeiio on MadUon AVa. eeoond dour wait ol 'oruier resldeooa, Or. U. w Ulggan LiUkANDK - . OkkUUN : rrooMiual calls prumixly alloaded la "" .. dayoraigiii. DfcNTISTS REAVIS BROS. DENTISTS. Oilier Black 61 ttealdeoee Black li T C ti. C&uttiorii DENTIaT - tiuc Ovr Hill Uruu, Store- La (fiamle, Urcon l)r. P A UlAkLlM VKI'EKINAUY SUK.UMJN, Odicv at A 1 Hul'g Urugtilor. L uraime. Oreguu Phuue 13b Keaideuce pboutj rJ 70 1 KuriuriY line . fto UK W. 1 U aVVNlta.. - VKTKKINAKY 8UKUKON AND UKNTlaT Leave ordi r al Ked' Cross Diug atura Ketldear Cor 6lli aau I l Thirty flv yuan experience, ol ralarear AiralelMd ATTOHr-EYS CrAM0KD & CKAWt-UKD Attorneys-at-Law LA GRANDE, OKBQOK :. .! I iMt it tokjr balldlroj. ' . " ' " -, ' 1 J. W KNOWLES Attorney and Counsellor -: At Law Offlca ia Kaknoa Bulldlag Pbooel&S 1 UrandeOt. H.T. William , A.C. WlUausw WILLIAMS BROS. ATlOHN tYb-A'l LAM . Qrnue la Ralsloa Building 1-boMiud) La Uraada, Or. L A. PICKLER Civil, MirUnj. Irrigation tngintetin & na aurv.yin .. - rtlmate. Plans, aoid bpeulOoalloos. Office In Foley ouitdiug . LA Uhahdb. oaaooa Lodiie Directory. BAULKH-U UranuaAine fO h DMai Huailav OlHbl lb k irf 1 all a t CuiUoa WwUMru In-nlad b auvii . i.ATualoU, W. K J . K. rolkxk. W.. . u b r--Ui Uium UlK. iia j ihalr oallcvarroaiaiday um"t Vi n i araflordiallitailrlloalWhd. . , aail7 plal aaa be eaa at llool Bur iaon a aluaa, H u 1. E. Unouka. 8aT ' ; VTAK fcN AMFMKNT No U, f 6. O. r MataaTMl tnaauU Uilrd Tliumlaa Id lb n outb IL Odd Kallowa ball. VUiuoa paUi rob" alaayt aalcuiDa t. K aauuk. C. r, Kdpiood Montwa. Wrrlha amKHUXI Arl OiCM Hop. CHlr N uKM1 u aKuktl ui Inariii Wcoucaday "-- tSSSMS.' - Wara A Warniea. r u w A.-La Oraiidt'np o TTOS mm. , , frrat and third WcdiH-ada of Ul ; hTo r Hall. AU Ult k .or. ar. ordUlly tamMri 3- v. U Joba Hall, CUrt. KKHTEK:ior A M fcBICA ImrtTKiT' ' anna. No tt awa aarh Thandat alght li ' I OH M - a) Kmiiat ar luvilad la attaad, t Bartu.-, CW S'y-,m.nM arannme-n. I. Ktajram. J-o Mai aiidMatbfr,'''n-v IfRIKNIiHHIP TKNT NO -. T. M. jmmW awoud ar.d tl Iro5 W.tiJar eaok JnSnVh, III L O. O. K. I ail. Vlti,. kclEhl. aiiih HltfH Hrml k!if I II. T. M til VK Nil. 7.-MU "w nAtl'l'"ori.lrlii afimi at iba jUilVlul. A I vWMiik la.li7ra wekwrm-. IjKty Ho'tar.rmMiaMkr. 11 axel Harao', Rordiuj Ba-U'y.- CSasslfigd fti!vcrt.stni;nts. RiU-0ne cant a word, ona-half a cant a word aach ubsequnt nnr iion. CIaaifid adds bring quick ra sclU. Try on today. , Hava your abstracta of titles prapared by li f r u 1-A UftAHDa 1MVESTHENT Co. Real EsUU Loans, any amounts on city and country real estate. Loan closed promptly, as soon as title approved. La Grande Investment Co. FARM WANTED The undersiened wishes to rent an improved farm of one hundred sixty or two hundred acre. Will pay crop rent but will pay cash r int if price is satifactory. T. J. Ryan Covt, Oreoon. , FOR SALE The A. V. Oliver four lo on Jefferson Avenue,, including plat form scales, one hundred and ten foot parch running back to railroad track. 0. H. Powers, the Minnesota land man. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, inquire 1910 Second Street. - FOR RENT A modem five room cot . tags near the court house for rent , . ; . ' J. K. Wright LOST From Burke's pasture a ligh ' red heifer branded connected H. V. on ' right hip and . with slit in right ear, ' Finder please notify Henry Vehrs, Rural No. 1. La Grande. LOST A purse containing key, a Ave dollar gold piece and some silver. Finder will pleas leave at this office and receive reward. ' PURSE LOST Black leather, contain ing lauiva kOHi iui i umi, in silver and a pen knife. Finder re turn to this office and receive "reward. LOST Handbag on street, containing check, money, letters and glasses. ; Finder return to this office and receive reward. WANTED Four or five furnished rooms or a modem cottage furnished. Loca tion preferred near High school building. For particulars call at this office. ... FOR RENT A suit of pleasant rooms suitable for light housekeeping. Inquire at 1617 Fourth street. Centennial Hotel Under new management - Board and Room $5 per week, ' cash. Meals 26cts. Special rates furnished monthly patrons. Na 1417 Adams Ave. Phon No. 1161. Mrs. W. E. Murchison, proprietress. CLOTHES CLEANED The same old stand but a new 2 management' Take your suit to the same place, and have another man clean and press it the way it J should be. Harvey 'does the clean- and pressing and does it right An- other strong feature about hi sys- J tern is that his prices ar correct ; Remember the place, next door to the commercial club. Ladies ! gents clothing cleaned, dyed, press . ed and repaired. . . . ' W. E. Harvey. IJ.'t GRANDE SCHO I OF MUSIC -' PROF. DAY. Principle. - MS. DAY, AmWaM Till rr0 of tha heat ssoatral In 4iof Ion In th suit, and th ifOplaoMbleci'.y and Talloy at loguining to rllacover ih advantax- ol tbis aoh ail i It ytrai aaad l ILe lairal and moat practical, ana laelndM all th lata diaoovark a the art n4 trsrhlng mamto. Tb school I divided Into tare drl witi) No. 1 I for tfinDra, fro yaara or and ar laapbl the irst tl w grade. Hnpila eomoo hor ' Thl I m Kia rgarwn syetam bat tar ea trior. In No. S li t retire ar from I t 5. Hr thoy frradaai. Popll ke ont or to laeaon a wk a hoy dnlra. No arholar will r rmltlad lo rrmalo la this ebor to do not etody. OtnolU h Folv Honeo or In Candv Rtor Pbon 478 ' ''! ' ' V-.' . , .' 'f " " TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. U7 NOTICE FOR PUBllCATlOfl O. a. Lead OfTlea, La Oraada, Orwoa. Haot. IS IttOK. KrKlaala barebrglvaa thai la rampllaaa vlth tba araalaioaaor to aot or Coarra' oi Joaa t, Hffa, eoiliM "a a set for tba aal rx unaar laaoa ! toa ntataa ac ixmatraia. ora. na, iravada, and WaablBftoa Territory,' a aitaodcd lo all Ibr Habile La ad Hiatra br a-t or Aaroat 4. IHW. Mcbolaa Mnlltor at La tiraodr, OoonlvetUnlaa. Htata ororraoa haa Ihla dar Bird la tbt me kla iroi .Utrrora No. M6t. tor the aarrbaaa at trw kU nl Meotloa tin. IS 4a Tawaablp Maw IHM1ID nana e " And will ofiar pranfloabow that the leaf ooaHl la mora meant tat na natoar eumalhaa tot aarlcalwral rarpoaaa, aa t aatahilab hla alalia toaall laa krtnra tla Knrtadrr and Haoalvar at la Oraada Ot (on, on Mnadar, tba lita. day r live, M. Ha wawiaaaa wllaini: Janva Hbllling a LeOraedc (tragaa: loba Sbilllng. Jr . ol la Oraur, Oregon; Adda M. Botara. of La Otaniia tmitiMi; Job a T Wiillataua, of la Uraaoa. unana. Aay aad all atraaae alalailaf adaaraaly In. nova 1arrM land, are ranaaitrg ta . wairrniiin taw amaa aa or awara aaw UUa. aay of Sir , nra. Jt. m. Uan. aaalatrt SOCIETY i Five-Hundred Club It was a bewitching party of ladies that drove out of town last night enroute to Mrs. Fred Kiddle home in Island City. The ladies conceived ' the idea of giving their hostess a surprise by way of "dress ing up." Mrs. Aikine was prim and sedat in black satin; Mrs. Swaney a cap tivating young lady; Mrs. Van Buren. modest in a little pinafore; Mrs. Causey. Swedish costume; Mrs. Allison, comely in old time costume, with ample jewelry, could properly be called "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch." Mrs. Bohnenkamp. vivacious as "Rough-Rider"; Mrs. Ca vanah, "Lady from London"; Mrs. Grady bewitching in pink; Mrs. Jean Moore, little girl in fancy costume. As Mrs. Gulling made no pretense of "costuming", she was "dubbed" th Black Sheep, and Mrs Bartlett as "Lovey Mary." However, this poverty stricken maiden won first prize in the -ame of 500. Th event was given In honor of Mrs. Mosby, who soon leaves for Caldwell Idaho. ' Luncheon was served at eleven, and soon the party was home-ward bound, merrily singing "Good Night Ladies." Busy Bee Club Mr C. S. ' Williams entertained the Busy Bee Club this afternoon at her home at Maypark. Dainty refreshments were served and a most enjoyable after noon waa atau vjr w tsteopathy Summary of Thoughts For Dys peptics . Digestion depends upon two factors. motion and digestive fluids. These in turn depend upon nerve and blood sup ply for their activity. Th nerve and blood supply of the stomach in dyspepsia ar interfered with by displacement of the bones of th spin and ribs, and by th contracture of muscles. These are the first and primary causes of dyspepsia. Dietetic errors are causes of dyspepsia, but are secondary to the others. The cur of dyspepsia involves the cor rection of these displacements. Correc tion of diet aids the stomach in recover ing after the displacements are removed. Osteopathic cures are real cures and permanent because the primary causes of the trouble are removed. The administration of pepsin, hydroch loric acid, silver nitrate, strychnin and other drugs is not curative, but merely palliative, and soon aggravates the de fective conditions already existing. Drug giving is therefore uncertain, unscientific and injurious. These are the two views of dyspepsia. Think over them and take your choice. riealtny, nappy babies. Mothers say mat rlouister Kocky Mountain Tea is the greatest baby medicine in th world Makes them strong, well and active. 55 cents. Tea or Tabiets. Newlin Druo Co. rAKE A TRIP TO CALIFORNIA Throagh the Williamette, Umpqua and Rogue River Valleys, of Western Oregon, pass Mt. Shasta, througi ; . the Sacramento Valley to th -many famous resorts on tb line of the SOUTHERN PACIFII CO beantifullr illustrate booklets, descriptive of Cali toinia resons,addiess, W. kr. AKt Portland, ("r. TIMDKH LAND ACT JUNK SIK7S . NOTK'K FOK PUBLICATION U. H. Land Ofnca La Uranda. ttrecon. tii-tober V, luufi Notice la narcDV gtvea Uiat In ompllaa wltb Ibaprovlaloaaof lhaaot of Gongrena ol Jnnag, lifts, entitled "An an fir lha aale ol timber land in Ilia Rtalae of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Waablngum Territory," a extended to all tbe Public laud Ht'iUa by art of August 4. UVi, Baala M Fa ker or H'alneid eountyof Crow Wing Stat of Mint, tin. tbla day ft led in tbla omoa her aworn atuie. mailt Na SWT for tbe pnrchswof the N WU NWtf; HWW WW: H NfcU of Mectloi? No. ill, In Townablp No. (, Soulb Kangi- vo. a., w. m. Anil will oner proof to show that the land aougoi ia mora aiuania loriita umber of st4oethan foraKrWultunil ourtxMaa. and to eaiaMlab bar claim lo aid land before the Healataraad Receiver i f Ik la ,.lto al Im Oraode.Oragoa.oo Toesduy, tbe vth day ol dan , nw, HKa namea aa wltneaaea: OeitrndeJ. Baitd, a( Bmlnerd, Mian., Joha TManbora,-1 Brain, ml, Minn., Mart a, Bane, i llralnard kllal. M u I Mariibr. of Hralnaml Minn Aaf aad all pi.taona elalmlna advemHy tin above daaerlhad lands ara reuaentad so till Ibelr claims la Ihisomoaoa or betoraaalo Vtb iiar of Jao , lMJt. ' K. W. JJovls, Ka later Snake River Soon Be Huntington, Nov. 8. One of the big gest enterprises for Huntington and in fact the entire section of this end of Oregon and Idaho is being put. on foot by Godfrey Sperling and N. W. Power of Boise. These gentlemen have already begun active operations to harness the waters of the Snake two miles below this place Northwest News Improvements to he amount of $10, 000 have been put upon the Methodist church at Anaconda, Mont. The total seal catch for the British Columbia fleet this year was 15,727, as compared with 14,646 in 1904, inclusive of the Indian longshore catch. Eleven hundred and twenty-one marriages, took place in Multnomah county during May. June, July, August September and October of the present year. Th First Presbyterian church of Port land is now entirely out of debt a result achieved by the recent raising of $7000 cash, to be applied to that purpose. -Baker City's high school team won a foot ball game over' Boise's high school team by a score of. 22 to 0. The Boise team was outplayed in every point of the game. Experiments maa wtui ou w one locomotive on the line of the Astoria Every Catarrh sufferer dreads the cold breath of the season this plajrtie GATM1M it:i miserable symptoms.' The nostrils are stopped tip, ruul a constant drop ping of mucus buck into the throat keeps tip a conti.iuul hawking and spit ling, the patient has dull headaches, ringing noises in the ears and a liaU sick, depressed feeling; all the time. lv'ry inner lining and tissue of the body becomes inflamed, and secretes aij unhealthy matter wliicli is absorbed into the blood and distributed to all parts of the body, and the disease be comes constitutional. The catarrhal poison brings on stomach troubles, affects the Kidneys and Bladder, attacks the soft bones of the throat and head and if not checked leads to Consumption.. A disease so .deep-seated and dangerous cann6t be washed out, neither can it be , smoked awny. Sprays, washes, inhalations, etc, are useless, becnuse they, ouly reach the membranes and tissues, while the real cause of the disease is in the bloud. S. S. S. cures Catarrh because it attacks it through the' blood; it goes into the circulation and drives out all unhealthy accumulations and catarrhal matter, and when this is done every part of the system receives a supply of i.8.8. PURELY VEGETABLE. you have Catarrh do not waste time with local remedies, but begin S. S. S. and write for our book and any medical advice without charge. - . THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, C4a Really ': For 'Business ! WITH A fULL LINE OF fEtD, HAY AIVD GRAIN . We ara ready to buy all kinds of hay. and rrain,. and pay the highest w ' " "; "' " market prices," ."., .' Slater: IEFFERSON AVE iwwwwwwwyTtiwiTfi'rriifW' 5 r. H. HTKW A HD. L....................................................................................... , WEDNESDAY, NOV. 15 - ( Th. New York and London Sml-MuCdy - ' ; Successof the past season.' Jules iVIurry's -. iNCLubir?a Miss Alice Johnson : ; IN; THE MARRIAGE OF KITTY ' WITH 'i- , MR. HARRISON J. WOLFE, Seats on sal PRICES-25c50c, 75c and $l.00r aafdod tiaaAamaAcldimAAA.a Vill Harnessed at a point known as Bay Horse rapids. They have a force of men on the ground now making surveys and expect tb begin work on the dam immediately. The completion of this work will mean miich'for thivsection ,as it. .will give electric lights and water power, as" Weil asVum'shing' power ' for" the' towns and mines up and down Snake river. & CoTumbia River railroad, have proved so successful that it has been determined to equip the nine engines of the line .with burners. Saved By Dynamite v Sometimes, a flaming city Is saved by dynamiting a space that the fir can't cross. Sometimes, a cough hangs on so long, Jou feel as if nothing but dynamite would cur it. Z. TGriy. of Calhoun, Ga .writes: "My wife had a very ag gravated tough, which' kept - her awake nights. Two physicians could not help her; so she 'took Dr. King's New' Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which eased her cough, gave her sleep, and finally cured her." Strictly scientific cur for bronchitis and La Grippe, for sal by Newlin Drug Co. Pried.' 60c and $1.00; guaranteed. Trial bottle free. ' -f jit . ; . E..C. Davis, of the; Blue Mountain Marble and Granite' Works; - is in Elgin - uments.' THE PLAGUE OF WINTER retntn of cold wt nilu r, for at the f rst of Winter is fanned into life with a! rich, pure blood. Then the inflamed mem branes and tisanes heal, all discharge ceases, the depressed feeling of thebody is relieved, ninl every symptom passes away.' S. S. S. goes to the very root, of the trouble, and by purifying and enriching the blood and building up the entire system, cures Catarrh permanently. ' If i.'.t 15ui I diner i Main 57. Proprietor and Mur . ComcdyCompany as Sir Reginald Balslzc '.'!. ' .' f ,' '.4 i V j,5 '.a Monday Morniag. f i. aaaaaaa. .. J fJEW SECOuD i ' ilAfs'B STOHI: t J All kinds of second hand t bought and sold. 1 GEO. CRGUT, Prep, ! A '309 Fir Bt. bC. Adama nJ Jt,;f.M aur ' 4.0 - - -- L rWVVVVV taJJrVrJ -jp I . the' OXFORD P1R ? - JAMO FAP.QUH ARSON, Prop. Coiupleta uHtrtroeol ol WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Cold lunches and mixed drinks a f specialty.. 1 Fair and impartiaV . treatment to all. You are invited S to. call and gt acquainted. ' ? n,vwrVV , rVWAW Blue Front Saloon C TH0RS0N, Proprietor, FINEST WIN KH. LI0U0RS J li)Mirlol Bad . dotnentic t ; Pot of cold lunch at an nours. ' : T -. JafTrmoo Aranoo Oppoallo Danol Palaco Sal o r CHAS,AN0ER$ON, PrOi ... - '"' ' ' ' " " ;' riN WINES, I IQU0RS' " AND CIGARS i - -..')'.. Always on hand. s. - ; ' ,: Jaflaraoa Avenoa . Opimi'Me t) ot !""" - v c : ';.. :i ' : ' '....;. THE LOUVRE ' CHRIS. WRIGHT, Prop. wiiiEi liquor 1 ' Centicmen alwiyt Welcome . . ' V-".' v.:.,'.,' ..- .' ' ,t- ;i RrMreeti' "" .. Eaglo SiiV n ULRICH LOniS, Prop. : ' FIN!.-. ' WINES, LIQIOK.S and CIGARS Imported and Domestic, laffaraoa A vaona, Oppoait daoot 2 S2K2 H9ys CAFE Phone Kain 6-1 : . ' ' " lii4IM'l'4.lHl' a' ' a a N!jp SAID.""1 I J' f ';' 5 j ? f ? i ' Brick furnished in any quantity or any style. No contract too small or toj large., So sample of our pressed . J, t . brick. ' . ;. A'' ry GEOa, KREIGE4R. La Onnde, Oregoa. Sll- i.i w ra il: u li.'it v-ijd '' in -: ;he . the to tin on lo' re Jg in if ' ill O r ... : i-r-'- i.? i, I i vtar-y jancr;,