0DA1TS NEWS TODAY . J iiiiii Saturday fair c raiciM , 1 A niDAm NG ; OBSERVES? VOLUME V GRANDE lNI0N OREGON, WEDNESDAY". NOVEMBER I, 1905 NUMBER 1 ' '4 usted la tbe heart of the dir. Tbe I " RUSSIANS FILLED . WITH SUSPICION Continue Rioting and Arc Being Incited To Massacre the Jews (Borippg News Association) 8t. Petersburg, Not. 1 -The strike wdere are issuing proclametlone celling upon the people to remain Arm ontll amnesty and universal auffrage is absolutely seoured Tbsy do not place the leatt faith In the governments promlies. The driving ileet and torm which began t la afternoon If doing more to keep order than all of ine eoiaiere, , REPORTS DENIED St. Peterebnrg, Nov. 1 The naval anthoritiee today deny the re port i that any battleeblpa were destroyed in the Black ata and that the com manding admtrala were killed. OFFICIALS 8TATEMENT St Petersburg, Nov 1 Offlotals say that pewlmtiro la growing in the offlolal circles that they believe th ! present rioting hai strengthened the awtBawaawaawaBnaHaBawBwBMBiaBav pwition o( the reaction Uta and it tbinga do not quiet down there will be return to the old order of tbinga ander a thinly ' disguised qneal con atitationaliam and that it will probably be tert before Raula will have free and. ttable government. CNIVEK8ITY CLOSED St. Peteribnrg, Nov 1. The elud ente thli aiternooo are trying to foroe their way into the nn.verelty, which ie oloeed and guarded by troops Odessa, Nov. 1 There waa fighting In tbeootekirtaof the city laat night. Tbe mot incited by the police at talked the Jewa and It la reported that ana hundred were killed and wounded . Tbe authorities are reticent and hnge 'orowda are collecting preparatory to marobing through the elty. A semi official reports that 37 were killed and 81 wonnded. The situation ia tbe most serious alnoe the begltning of the strike. ANARCHY; UAOHECKED Odesra, Nov. 1. Fighting today oc curred chiefly in Cathedral sqnars snd in Derlbaaeey gardens, which are lit. AGAIN WE FORCE TO THE FRONT WITH UNMATClfABLE VALUE IN LADIES' TAILOR SUITS It Is the unanimous verdict of those who know that there is more real value, style' and service stuffed Into a dollars worth of goods In our Ladies' Suit and Wrap Department than are usually found for $1.50. We have prepared a SPECIAL BARGAIN FEAST for this week Come and partake. $10.48 LADIES' HIGH CLASS SUITS $().48 Special this week Here are edits that will please those who ate particular, be cause of . their excellent style, perfection of fit, and careful workmanship; and will make glad the hearts of those, who from choice or necessity, wish to practice true economy. Three-quarter length coats, aud short plaited and - plain jacKeis, enecis m mis season's-- most attractive novelty Buitings. This week special at $17.50 suits for $14.98 $10.48 18.50 20.00 22.50 15.98 16.48 17.48 $1.00 and $1.50 Ladies' Street Hats, Choice 25c LADIES' HATS, LESS All ladies' bats in trimnvri, tailored and street hats at a sharp reduction - this week, no reserve , $1.50 hats, $1. 19 $4.00 hats $3. 19 2.00 " 1.59 4.50 " 3.59 2.50 " 1.98 5.00 " 3.98 3.00 " 2.39 6.00 " 4.79 4.50 " 2.79 6. " 5.19 7.50 " 5.98 $2.50 to $4.00 MISSES AMD C 1 C( CHILDREIMS' JACKETS P 3 vF. In red blue and brown, and fancy mixtures choose this week for.. $1.60 JUST A FEW CAPS, this week $1.00 Some extra good serviceable misses' aud children's caps in dark colore," this week at $1.00 You can save Money on Rubber Footwear Here GET OUR PRICES BOYS' SUITS AD OVERCOATS $4 00 double breasted Ree fer Coats, with worsted lining, and edges boun I with wide Hercules braid, the special price so this week .... $.40 . I ' A special lot of new suits for bovs nf all ages jutt placed on our tables.priced $1.25 up to $14.50 Fifty $4.75 and $5.00 sui . 1 . fl .nind anil in iweeus, v serges, special this week .... aD'l $3.65 . WW I MWSMa Sim Sah?! Mr. Man You have no doubt caught yourself admiring the perfect fit and stylish cut' of some other lean's over coat as you p sted. It is a certainty that you will recognise there very same characteristics if you come in and see our line of per fect fitting Kirschbauni Overcoats $5.00 up to $18.50 $1.50 wool sweaters 98c 25c and 35c Caps, 19c nated in tbe heart of the cliy. The wooaded have been taken to the muni cipal hospital The ctoda participat ing are of the very roughest element. Tbe city people are blaming tbe antb oritiea for disbanding and disarming tbe polloe. Anarchy la aochecked. The roughs are sacking the shops, throwing bombs and killing ths Jews. DEAD LHNU EVERYWHERE Odoase, Nov. J. The atodenU have formed a civic guard and are trying to hold in cbeok the worklngmen who attacked them. Dead bodies are ly ing scattered about everywhere on the streets Tbe antborities are doing little to prevent the oon tlicts between the students and tba workinfmen. MANY" CONKLItJrs Odessa, Nov 1 Conflicts between tbe people and the troopa are of con stant occurrence air day. The revo lutionise in attacking the students reused tbe moat trouble. It ia estim ated that folly one hundred were killed. The Kaslbers are petroling every block with troops. AT WARSAW W.m. Nn The emnlnvaa ol the Vienna railroad tried to organize for a meeting this morning but the soldiers dispersed the workmen with bayonets. A crowd gathered aronnd the station. Ths soldiers formed a oordon and ordered them to disperse and then fired several volleys killing and wounding many, clearing tbe aide walks MANY WOUNDED Heleingfors, Finland, Nov. 1. The Cossacks fired npon a crowd of people today wounding 81 NOTHING LIKE IT Ohioago, Nov. I, The News Bt. Petersburg correspondent oablea that the aoldiers are sbw tin down the mib that ia trying to irt-e the prisoners who are in the jails The people believe tbs situs' ion ia si til remedls. bis but sil agree that Russia never before faced iuoIi peril The strenirth displayed by the revolotiouiate have oauetd great astoniehmeot Missionaries Murdered ' By Scrlppa News Association) , Hong Kong Nov 1 It is teported that five Amerioan miaaionariet bave been murdertd'at Lion Obnw a town of twelve thousand in tbe provlnoe of KwangTung. Florida Fire iterlppi News Aaioclatlon Penseoole, Nov. 1. An entire block as destroyed by fire this morning and tbs loss will exceed three hundred thousand dollara. W. C.T.U. - (By Hcrlpps News Assoolslton) Los Angeles Nov ,1 Tbe final ass sioDsofths Natloal WOTU con sieta of greeting and farewells. A cable greeting waa received from Lady Sommarset of London. Amontr the reports of ths national organlzera. Stockholders Must Dig Boripps News Association. Pltteburg Nov 1-The receiver of the Enterprise National Bank todnv sent ail the stockholders notice of a hundred per cent asaessrusot on tbe per valu" of their stock. New Secretary Bcripps News Asaoolatlon. Vashingtyn Nov 1 Truman R New berry, of Detroit, Michigan was aworn in as assistant l the navy. Elk's Social Saturday evening comment Ins at 8 :30 the Elka will give a social in their hall. Tbe featorss of the evening wilt be a olam sapper, osrds and . dancing. A II membf ra, their wives, daughters snd sweethearts are cordially invited. ' Grain Markets Chloago, Nor. l-Wheat, opened 89; closed, M corn openej iG; losed, 454: oats opened, 32 J,: closed 30'. PORTLAND MARKEr Portland, Nov I. Club, 73, bios Urn, 70; valley 73. LOCAL MARKET Boyera today are offering 05 tents or blues tern and G3 for clob. Missionaries Killed Sorlppe News Assoolatioa New York Nov I Tbe office of the foreign board of the Presbyterian mission today received confirmation of the killing of the missionaries at Eloh LIsochowaod belie vee that t be v are dead Dr Meidrom of CleraUnJ tateethat tha Fresbvterlmi nhnrnh la the only denomination maintaining a mlsalon at Lien Chow and raya that the mlsalonarlss itstioned there are Dr aod Mrs Maohlom and Rev and Mrs Rees lEdward and theMltsee Elinor Chestnut aod E Patterson. New Flag Boripns Newt Association Stockholm Nov 1 The new Swed ish Bug wss hoisted and unfurled to ibe brerzes throughout Sweden to day, being tbe same as was floating before tbe union with Norway. Tbe troops par.deri tbe ships, fired the proper number of sslu es and the people all over tbe country are rejoio- "2 ' mnitltinni British Fleet .. Scripps News Association Norfolk, Va Nov. 1 -Tbe British North Atlantic squadron under the oomrcand of Prlnre loat arrived ofC ol the Virginia Capee this morning. The pilot boarded the flagship and will take tbe squadron op tbe Chess peik where they will be greeted off Annapolis by the combined Amerlosn Beet under Admiral Evans. California Tragedy Sorlpps Nsws Association. 8aoramento Nov 1 Oops Neely, railroad man, after drinking witb several acquaintances at tbe hope of Engineer MoCue left about 2 o'clock in tbe morning to take bis womsn companion borne. Fred achi, also a railroad man, ' remained In tbe house with Mrs McOue. Neely returned aftnr a short lime and shot Mrs MoOue in tbe neck end Saohs in the haok, and hen shot and killed himaelf Neither 8obs nor tbe woTiao are badly wounded. MoOue returned from bis run this morning but refuaee to tslk Saob says that tbe shooting was tbe result of )alnuty on the ptrt of Neely, owing to tbe fact that be was srqu not ed with Mrs McCue before ibe mar ried her hU'btnd. Neely left a note aaying that be hoped I at Hach would die but that the wom .n would oi ell. and that lie did it lor h e Iriend, MrMoCui. ROBBERS FAIL TO ESCAPE Boripps News Aseocirtion Riverton Ky Nov 1 Tbe bank ick bsis who for years bave been tertoiia- io tbe Obio valley oitiea by blowing up many safe rnd stealing thousands of dollars, came to Brief after an ex citing finish, after raiding the bank at Wtuard, In Carter county yesterday afternoon. Four are" In Jail, two of tbe bandits are unhurt and one ia mortally wounded, being riddled with bullets and oue is slightly wounded. Two art fleeing lot their Uvea pursued by a posse and bloodhounds. They entered Wlllard yesterday and 'onnd on the outskirts a - loo motive whom they bourd and gagged and then went np town and entered tbe bauk and blowed the safe to smith erneee, which ettraiied us oltiseos. who hastily gathered ' aod kept up a running fight. The . de.per.does es caped to the engine which they left in full tpeeu. Tbe dogs took tbe tra where they lvlt tbe engina aid Uoa ed robbers resting in a field and tbe bat tie was on. There were too many for he heretofore suootssful pirates, and In Again President Knew Scrlppa News Association. Washington. Nov. 1. The President waa Informed by tbe Csr that he would grant his people a representa tive constitution fonr dava before ha did. Prior to bla departure for Now Orleans he received a cipher dlepatoh official to ths state department out lining the program subsequently carried nut at 8t. Petersburg. The President belle vis tbat the Kuislaa people will accept their new libertiee wiiuoui ezoesies. sz-and Frank Brown's wh'tkered faceoso again be am 11 ibrougb tbe lattice work at tbe coun y jil. Tbit tim-t lis is charged and 0 mvioted" of stealing a rope, an az aod a cros .ut saw. He was tried be'o e JuMice Hough, aod lined $60 aud ooi-ti, and in delault ol the money is now tbe gurat ol tbe beriff. Fleet Ice Bound Bcripps Nsws Assoolatioa, Han Franolaoo, Nov. 1. Lewis An derson and Ford bavs reoelved tele from Capt. Bodflab, ot the whaler Day lias, dated at Alaska saying that the whaling squadron conalatlng of fifteen vessels are oapght in the Ice, The fleet was not outfitted for such an perlenoe and a great loss of lite prsperty may result. Out on Bail Boripps News Association. ' Bscramento, Nov 1 Former Sena tor E J Edmonds, who was senUnoad lor five years for bribery and a ho waa denied a new trial, has beeo admitted to bail In the aura of 110,000 ard dor i . 1 . 1 j .1. . "a pvnuu iu vutm win go CO me suprems ooort. RUB IT IN AND The PAIN GOES OUT Changes of geaeon are apt to bring with them rheumatic and neoralgio afiectiooB. titrrint aud injuries are likely to come any time. One of the tu dard remedies needed in eveiy houfehold it a good penetrating liniment It tu.y be needed any hour, and when needed the quuker naed the better. NEWLIN'S ELECTRIC OIL ia au extra good application for all acbee- and paiue, eorenees or injuries. li bat remarkable .penetrating qualities and can therefore be depended upon to do ali that a liniment will. Like all the other preparations it is sold under a protective guarantee to give satisfao ; lion or money back. NEWLIN DRUG CO. La Grande Oregon ' . 3 -i1 . '"yajsw m?imm - '