rn rn:inist r t ffir H OSB :L&PfSSr COAT S' SrHEGOSEN RfclLE STORE ( CERTAINLY ARE NICE 1 ,,AT IS WHAT EVERYONE SAYS WHO HAS SEEN THEM n nun . ' ' iiiv.l -: i Ml The New EMP3RE effect in three quarter length. Made of Broad cloth, Covert, Kersey, Melton, or Cravenette. AND THEN THE PRICE TOO. So much less than you have usually paid for the same quality and workmanship. PRICE $10.!2to$i9.E 1 1 . We have the plainer MISSSES COATS, at ones also, at $3 to $5.50 ...'-. $1.65 to $8.50 COOP SERVICEABLE GARMENTS. ALL OF THEM THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY, Largest Store 1308, 1310, 1312 Adams Avenue. Smallest Prices Local Ifcentf E?Jli3i!ll.:prrE!llDr i 1J A TRONIZE c. 0 m f J A M D lir- -. v- w M riVaVnu UNUUO 1 KY i y smoking (5 i KEY WEST PERFECTO THE VISTA OR AD A and C. B. Clears Manufactured by C. E. HACKMAN, -' Factory (Jor. Adams Aye.' and Green wood Street $40 SUIT GIVEN AWAY DEC 31 Every $1 cash purchase, or paid on account titles you to a chance. .. .. COMMENCING ON NOVEMBER en- SUIT CLUB WINNERS J. Hough $35 Suit New Club VL. ANDREWS Haberdanher and Tailor I I 4 . A y II ':; MANY TAKING UP OSTEOPATHY All the Osteopathic colleges hare begun lb fall term with lnirari numbers of student, imiicsting plain J that interett in Osteonathv la in. creasing ,nd thBt ita remarkable ad. vanoe te to be continued xhe grada. ation of the hundreds of stmlenta n. engaged in he study will give the science fresh impatns In every part of the country. The prescribed amua in sank i thete colleges is three yesra of n:n months each, or rather more th.n ih. time neoesaary lor a degree of M D. inestmieat, as he does not stu.ly medicine, therefore baa amnla Hm acqnlre ery unusual protie'ency in soalomy, physiology, and all of tboae kindred aubjeuts so muoh needed In the work ol a Doctor of Osteopathy. NOT INVESTIGATE 1 he cosy brick cottage has been sold, per haps you weae intending to investigate our offer on it, and the delay has caused you to 'ose. Look Into these two other proposi tions before too late. Five Room .Modem Cottage nearly new, nicely located, and we kuow price anri torniB will suit. "Five Room Cottige in, nice part of towu, at a very rea sonable price. . . You cau.,ot Blu.r.l to pay rc-nt, when with a small amount of money to pny down and monthly payments 'about the cutne na rent. you can soou own yonr home. - Iafi!!u1,fl,i y ot, the right road, let us start you. N W, build you a houee according to your own plans. Will loau yoa wouey on your property. . f..f -Ww, Co. More Honors Wm Miller. Drealdent of nnm m ami n I Club bat receiTeJ icknntvUdM or toe following medals awarded to Union county which havn nnt hn previoaaly reported; - Union coantT vramaa. olli n.i. Union county fiber faotoiy, s lver medal J Mrs J U Peare- elk h...i brons medal J Jallua Filher. allr heart gold mfdtl; Chaa Melaula-. innnni.i.' aheep, gilt medal; Jos Ualuarth nf Elgin, mountain sheep, silver; 8 B Harris, tluln. olanamnn M C Woodard. Union, elk. .n.,,. Eaton and W liber. Union. hl...w..' old; Union county, plotu.ef, siWer; urauue tvoode Lumber company, of Perry, native words, gold Mr Miller sas this brings Union county'a record up to 9 gold, 8 silver. 7 brons medals aud honorable nirutiuna. W t Tate and family left this morn Dfc lit tbir former home in Ml ssoari Tooiglit isHatlorei andfit Is just possible that fha ueual pianks will be playeJ Kemembersll the friends of Mr snd Mr Robioaon are invited to attend the fs.ewell recept on tbia evening. All wishing to attend will please meet at the M BChureb this evening and g from there to Ue borne In a body. Mrs Tilly Fawpson, state command er oil he Lady Maccab's for Orsgon and Washington, and Mrs Handy state deputy cpmms Oder are in the city today riiiting the members of the local bive Prof II J IIoiktnberry'a night school opened last night in the bae ment o( iheOntral Church of Christ. An en'haaiagl ic claas greeted him and promieos to grow larger ai the school coutinues ,r Captain V M Jasper and wife, who nave .vttt'rs Vintaln's par ents. Mr snd Mrs J R Jasper near this city, expect to leave tomorrow for Condon where they will rename oharge of the Salvation Army work at that p'm ; Jilge Robfrt Eikine is in Pendle ton today. A V Oliver and t'ls of Li Grande were rfgiaterd at Hotel Lokeview Tuefday morning Etaminer. B M Lvnam ha nn.mil n . prl r in the Pxlre aaloon building od J -OVraou averiiitt. G-i rs-e Ifi Chand'er, a prominent citig'n ol Elgia is in the city today on bumoerR. W A fetoria ihe OB4N bridge deportment of P. odleton, U io the city roday. Tomorrow tw-ini 'he F..tnflll Paints, the afrvlcea at Hi PbIo.'.I chu ch will be a follows:' HolvCom m union 10 a in.'" Kveninir lervice 7:30 pm HEATING STOVES AMD RANGES STEEL . J have just received my fall stock of Heating Stoves aod Steel Ranges, all sizes, and pri ;es in ' , proportion. If you are g)ing to need a Steel Range or Heater call and examine them, THE CELEBRATED MAJESTIC STEEL RANGE I also have a nice lot of lanternsshot gnus, lifles, and ammunition. MRS. T. N. MURPHY, Hardware and Crockery. 1 Newspapers Expensive Baker Citv Or., (tat 29-A tho Portland Oregoniau lays: ,fT T Oeer has bad a representative io Eastern Oreeon tbia WAak trvlntr tn buy up a few local papers. It Is said that bis agent was Walter Lyona, editor of the Independanoe Enterprise, but he failed s fr aa can hm auwh. tallied, io bis mission of buying op newspirers, toe pi joe iu eaoh Instance being a little mire than ha waa m. Ing to pay. Trouble at Woodley The mining property up Grande Bonde river, known aa the Carson Consolidated Hydranilo Mining ooo pany, was attached today by creditors -h" ! heoome tired of wh tins for their pay. The principal t. are La Grande merchants who hare furnished supplies to the management. The amount outstanding against ths company, Including a $2000 labor ac count totals up to about SG00O. 6upt. J R Elmndorf was r-een Ibis afternoon and stated that he was also a creditor of the concern, and also placed bis account In the bands of an attorney for collection. Us states that bis last report was accepted by the officers of the company as latisfactorr. and he Is at a loss to understand what has caused the ' trouble. The com nan v hssalresdv expended S6O.00O on tha mine and ht doss not think It probable ibat tbe company will allow this comparatively small amount to hrii.o about the abandonment of tbe mine, Mr. Elmndorf feels very keenlv tha delicate position In which be is placed bnt is strongly In the hope that matters ma. soon be str sis ht red ont to lb satisfaction of all. Wood! Wood Wood! Good dry wood deliver! to any part of tbe oity ANY LENGTH, ANYJKIND, Special prioea uu :;:" orders No order to large or none to small James Beavers, " Red 1441 Souvenir Plates Parties desiring souvenir ohins plates ol the Lewis A Clsrk fair, upon wbion were displayed tbe luoious fruits at tbe Union county exhibit ean obtain asms by calling at the office of Wm Miller. The price is oulv lb eente, and tbey are well worth tbe money aside frim their historic re membranoee. - Cravanettes Jnat MllAulsafl aaau aImhhS 1 i yS . 1 1 awjiw;4 flaw waUk 11IIB. IJH1I . nd fee them . Al Andrews. aud niuux A BIG SURPRISE awaits tboee lacky people who eat Idelr holiday dinner here. . We won't tell you what it i . for then it wonlrl be no surprise. All we will say that all you h-ive guessed about GOOD EATING will fall short of the reality . Perfect ly cooked viands, the beet of tba service, and a moderate sized check at the and of tbe meal will make tha occasion memorable Bhsll wo re serve a table for you? The Model Restaurant J. A. Arbucklr, Proprietor We sell weekly j gv meal tlekeu (or P43v 'ifi T.1 '' 'rasa 3i Some Result's . The ecalp bounty law hum i operation In Washington aix months. lurln; that time bounty has been paid on i;au coyotes. 4 lvns. ar. wildcats and 13 cougars. Wo Outer mens Grarmt For !ale Imports J tooth brnaha fln... bleeehed bristle, atamavd with nn. name, for S5o. New ' brushes for ih. asking it any ever proves defective. Newlin Drng Co Quick Delivery Tbe Nebraska gr, oerv store now haa iUowa delivery wagon, and is preoar. ed to make quick delivery. 5 n o) I $15.00, A display that is positively unrivaled; that includes me anwiesr ana cnoicest designs in Exoertlv ..nvKUbvau aim ouiis, exquisite Skirts, Waists, anu iviasumueni uowns. TAILORED SUITS EOR WOMEN A little newer and much prettier than you'll find else where. The special attraction we invite you to is THE UNUSLAL SALE OF BRAND NEW COATS 'Cia"SC f thC fCtchln n Wes at the uuioi ii IOCS. COATS AT $16.50, $18.50 and alon' up to $55.oo By express we are Settln new arrivals every few days, selected from the lean-in, American Makers of Women's Correct and Smartly Stylish attire. WANTED Poaition aa hnnukun h. , v . middle aged lady, In small family. I Call at thia offloe or address Mrs ' T L Dykstra, Ulna Mountain Hoose. FOR RENT Foroi'bed rooms, en quire 1910 Second b titer. Store TTJTrrrr. r ii-iL m m . .... ,, ' .JW " "MOJUOUIOf-V Surueissjqj, , tevoisssao s t v iv -.r,r-('.'.-i-.''T,.i--vi',.-,'(.-(ft'- in