" S r-.-r .1, ilk. V X y 1 ) GLASSlflED Z:Z"'.r. nt ' "'''.o-b.lf . a , ""jourshsirsrts ol title prepared b U GRANDE 1NVE81 MENT CO. J?el E-t.t Lon. a amounts m U ploluj i; , -n e into i LA GKANDE INVEST- ISlV LE-of bo in. vow. lUiiLam ball, tools lot etr. Air tome ttiriiltiir. chsua ware, noif i besutilnl Vln, latter at wholesale prke Ti must be disposed of In a few days an owners are leavlog town. Itqulre at llrOBBt. Tbooe Black 1372 . , FARM WANTED The , undersigned wishes to rent an improved farm of one hundred sixty or two hundred ores Will pay crop rent bat will pay eesh rent if price is satisfactory. T J Ryan, Cove, Oregon. WANTED Ladiea permanent, pleas tot, emp'oyment. Salary. Call Foley Houie Room 22. Wiiller & Oo. .Stockmen Attention All per sobs dtslrous of seoortng a permit for grazing in the Wallowa and Chesnlmus Forest Reserves, for the euon of MOO, are hereby notified that mteting will be held la Wallowa, Softmber, 16, 1903, foi the purpose ol sllotlng the range. All persons In terested are requested to be present, or their application may not be allowed. If not preseut, It will be construed by the forest officer that graslng is not dsiirsd. Howard K O'Brien, "Ranger lb Charge." Wallowa, Oregon, Oct 6, 1906. TAKE NOTICE Phone Red 971, Old Town store for wood (39 dsys time given). Cheapest Urooeries end Provisions in the city. Hew stock and full line of teed, Dtted La Grande, Ore., July 26. Hspt 1 ' E J ATKINSON Fine Cards Tbe Obacrfn--as taken a number ol orueri (or engraved viciting cards ss tteiullofthe advertisings we bare been doing lor the past two wetks. Those wishing extra fine work should givs us a call and see our line ol sam- pies before ordering. EC DAVIS J H CUII.DH Bee. and Treu. Prctidanl BLUE MOUNTAIN MARBLE AND GRANITE CO. LA GRANDE OREGON. We have jnsl received a carload of Geogria, Tenneaee and Italian marble monuments. These are tbe finest ever shown in the county. Onr monuments come In suob s shape that e can cut any design yon may suggest. Oar workmen are competent, too to do tbe woi k yon desire. CLOTHES CLEANED Ths same old stsndssbat s new msnagement. Xska your suit to ths same place, and have another man clean and presa It the way it should be. Harvey does tbe cleaning and repairing and does It right. Another strong feature sboQthls system is that bis prloei are oor reef. Remember the place, next door to tbe Coinmeicial club. Ladles snd Gents clothing olesn td djed pressed and repaired W E Harvey LA GRANDE SCHOOL a a r I I Or Musi nc rvtV liiicin. it.. hMt masical la XhU is ono .ntntlons I l'- . A k. tbs stale, and valley are j people oi VI,,"' r lhe advantatc I ginning tfiiacoyer in. sVoi this Sifo I" '';.,,. .od people oi .h .Ua lalvsi '" dioVerie .v . inolndes si. oe Th. rbool is diM. iD,"J from hool iaforgiDwrn'ro" oienUl CO s wear or n nd are " . . ' i - m. nil. arsl mr tes. MWiaw-V,-- huorsTeryy. '', erl0r. ,,,prien eui but lr , 16. Ilrs ' . Jina a whs m UMOW," tbsy deir oarnltted reniaia tto do oo QliT. Foley Honss ore Onnosll the tnv ... 1 T-A . a i DVCRTlSCMfitS en. . wor4 each lc,ui. irj one todrf FOB SALE The A Vliver (oar loU . oa Jefferson Avennnclodint plat form acalea, oae Mdred and tea loot porob rnnninack to railroad traok. Q H Powal the Minnesota land man. OH RENT AND 8. tore on Adams Ave, xt to Model teetanrant (or and two Iota for tale oo same t just below Fir 8u JEpqai ObM O EaaW, FOR SALE or iU exobsnge for Willamette projrty 80 icree Im proved land, twaod on half miles north of eumnrville. . This Ja all first elsss ftrnjland, twenty seres Keedcw larjd.lnqalra at Belder's eandy store, iilrande Ore -, Centemian .otel r Under neJ management. Board and ItJn s par week, cash. Meals 25 eta. kwo rata furnished monthly ' patr-s. Mo. 1117 Adams Ave. Phone lo. 961. ; Mrs. W E MJR0I1SON, proprleto. A ttredil Ride nfrrni Afita Int Mil fcA4tan v Ta KaaI T i4 aooldenU) inbrlefcoee Bscklen's Ar- polioe came ou of the pUoe mid O fd nioa salve, fk Veep wouad In my I on a bodv of student v'ji) reiume.) foot, from ant acclnt.,' writes Tbeo-1 . dore8oboeWo!'amboe.0.weaueed me great pain mslolana wers help-1 many were wounded. The ardor of i. l.SIi'f. it !f 'ESI ' burns Ilk. mfflo. IsSs at Nawllo Drna ooostUution was dampened. The company. Last Hope Vanished. When leading pVslolans said that W M Bmlthart. off ekin. la. had In curable eonasmpttn. hi last hop va. nlsbedi but Dr Ktg's new discovery for consumption, oongha and colds, kept him out of hi grave. Ha says: "This great speois completely eursd me, and saved mi life. Slnoe then. I have need it for ofer 10 years, and eon aider It a msrvtlots throat and lung cure.' Strictly sclanttfls ours for vougbMore thrats or eolds; sura pre oentive of pnfamonia. Quaranteed, BOO and II .00 btiles at Newlin's Drug etore Trial bttle free ODD and END S A L C KNITTED GOODS In order to chee out what stock we hate on band preparatory to the change of management of the Crescent KniUioz Mill. which have been, sold, wo ill for one week closing Nov. 1 , offer a line of odda and ends in knitted under wear, bocks, and sweater! at just. . i One-Third Their Actual Value Remember this tale closes November I And this will be your last chance to secure home mauufactare CRESCENT KNITTING MILLS When yon wish a nice juicy roast or a tender steak, or a piece of boiling meat or pot roaRt, just phone Main 48, and you will soon have exactly what you desire. J. bull a CO. Phone main 48. Remember the phone is on the directory as Boss Meat Market main 48. J. L MARS, Contractor and Builder Dealer jo Building Material. La Grande, Oregon Drop a Una, aiming work, and I wll tba right (rice. PEOPLE GENERALLY ' ARE REJOICING of l be revolutionary oommittee today broke Into the Vuloao Iron factory, kUled the oasbter and stole I7O0O and escaped. The social democratt beve Uaaad a proclamation oalilog the people to rlee declaring that Ruaela la aotfree. THE NEW CABINET Washington Oct 31 Openoer Eddy, charge d' affiree of this eountry at fit retersbnrg cablee ofnoially tbe an nont cement of the ostablishmeot of a oonstitntional form of government and that the following cabinet has ben eeleoted. . Minister Interior, Obole aky, Vinanoe, - Knmanofl'; inatio , Koni; Eduoation, Krob vky, Commanioations, Sbsffbauwn. THREES VOLLEYS 8t Peterabarg. Oot 31 Tbe people are Joyously celebrating their achieve ment of liberty this afternoon. Through ' misunderstanding which caused the troops to fire three volleys into the crowd and fifty persons were wounded and killed Immediately the great procession started tor Nevsky Prospect headed by tbe womsn oarry log lb her arras ber baby wblcb waa killed by tba volley. The mob was madly Infuriated at the onelaunbter - . . "D", A general pr..ce nuea ana P0P! -toh they greeted the women demanj revenge lor tbe loss ol tbelr busbanda. Tbe Friends league ba issued 100,000 oopiis of the mani festo, with instructions to "arm yoor. aelvee, poor, deceived Russians". Tbe klluation threatens to .become grave unless a satisfautcry explanation ia made to the people and tbe blunderer punished. Czar's Manifesto "We. Nicholas II., by grace ot God. emperor and antocrat ol all tbo Bosstans, grand do Ire of Flnlacd, et.r declare to all oar faithfal rubjectu that tbe troables snd agitations In oar capitals snd in numerous other places fill oar heart with excessive pain and sorrow. ."Tbe happiness of tbs Russian sov- srslgn is iodiaaolubly bound ap with ths bspplnees of our people, jand the sorrow of oar people is tbe sorrow ot the soverelga. "from the present disorders may arise great national disruption. Tbey menaoe the Integrity and unity of our empire. "The supreme duty imposed npon oa by oar sovereign officer requires os to effsne oarself and to ose sll the force and reason at oar command to hasten In securing tba unity snd co ordination of tba power of tbe oeotral government sod to assure tbs success ol measures for tmolflcatloo In all o Ire lea of public life, which are essen tial to lhe well being of our people. "Ys tbererore direct oar govern -ment to carry oot our Inflexible will In ths following manner: "First, to sxtend to tbe population tba immutable foundations - of eivlo liberty based on tba real inviolability of person, freedom of conscience, speech, anion and association. "Second, without suspending ths already ordered elections to tbs state doama, to Invito the participation In tbo doama, so far as the limited tims before the convocation of the doama will permit, thoee olseees of the popu latlon now completely deprived of electoral rights, leaving fbe ultimate development of the prinolpar electoral right in general to the newly, eatab llshed legislative order of things. "Third, to establish as an ancbange able rale that no law shall ta enforce able withoat tbo approval of tba state doama, and that It shall ba possible for the eleotsd of the peopls to oxer eisa real participation in iba aoper vision of tbe legality of ths aota of tbe authorities appointed by us. "We appeal to all faithfal sons of Raids to remember their doty toward ' . i .. ... . . . . . . . ana isinenana o a a in terminating these unprecedented troables and to apply their forces In oo operation with os tw tbo rastorstion of calm . and peace upon oar natal soil. "Given at Peterbof, October 80, in the eleventh year of oar reign. (Signed) "NICHOLAS" IN A HURRY? THEN CALL Wfl; KETl0LD5 l'no transfer man. He will take that trunk to the Depot or your borne in less time than it takes to tell it. Wagon alwayl at yonr service. Charges moderate. Day phone B 17U'A nigbt phone U 12. "fhe Jolly Musketeers" ft Every one waa there and every body laofhed. That waa about all there waa to do. One either bad to langa or gj borne. The whole show waa built with the sola Idea of atarting a laugh, and after having started the great wave of mirth, to keep it going. f -I : - A' i l h ! 7 ji 1 ) I ' . r: inn in -n. t i i ti i ' i ii. J : .4 .XM ..i.i JM -S Mme Veinfo Zlnns Travesty Company certainly did their part to keep it going. The eUr . feature of the- bill waa the beaatif al spcotutcalar dance given by MUte Venlta. Her danoes alone were worth tbs price of tbe ticket. In fact her famous lillr dunce was tar superior to anjthlog aver before seen here. Zino's Traveaty Company will hold tba board the rest of tbe week. Secure yonr seats earl. Last night was Uie "Jolly Muskete er" and tonight will be "Ou the trail" If you love eolntilatlng colors, dresm glides, sparkles of jewels in ths Bra light, the sweeping folds of yards ot drspery yoo most sea tba danoes to realise what musio and poetry Is in them. , Both Sank Uelslnglors, Finland-Oot 31-The 8weedish steamer and the Busslan I ,1 eonooner Aniorea ooiiaea toaay . ana both sunk. There - were thirty on board. Frightful Suffering Relieved. Baffertus friehtfullr from tbe viru lent poteons of undigested food, O G Oraysnw, ol Lula, Miss, took Pr King's xew Liiw puis, witn ine result," o writes, "that 1 was cured" All) atomacta aad bowel disorders give way i to their loo 1 7, laxative properties. I i5c at Newlin's drug store, guarrau I reed. votr WILL HE SATISFIED Ifyonr tlcketa rrarlf ad Hlodinnile Kalb. JLloeot the world". . the DeriTr Ij caule IJEOAUbE ' lam resoniaiiysoenleatl 'Hr.'n'i . and polataor IiiWmiI .Iodk tho 'nl . IwrnnOaden and Denvrr I at lix ulp never beaomea tlraauine If ram are going eaal, write for .i)nr ' nation and et a uroity bouk.lUat will tU roa all about It W C McBRIDE, Agent, 124 Third St. Drtlarel - Oregc J 500 ACRE FARM FOR SALE Tiiis farm is only 15 miles from La Qrar.de, on the Elgin branch of the O. R. &, N. Sailrtiad, at the Binehart spur. It will make aeveral goo'l hornet, and will be sold in small tracts if desired. There are three different young bearing orchards, and two good houses on tbe place. In a good school district freo from debt. Terms easy. ' - Address. HENRY RINEHART, SUMMERVILLE, OREGON. Or call at the farrxt for full particulars. - "" ' B Do you want fresh egs? Po you prefer nice crisp and tender vegetables? Do you Hke the best and freshest f.uit? Go lo CEDDES' BROS., you can always depend on getting, jujt what you want Heirize pure vinegar, you can do your own reducing. Heiru pickles and chow H chow. . , ; Crosse and Blackwe IPs chow chow ' LOW PRICES, BEST GOODS QEDDEXBREJk Nrib Fir Street Tired 0'it, wor i 'ut worn i -cannot sletp.es' r vork set mi as if she would : i I'i.oes. Hollister's Knrkv ii.tii. lev malio Irrna nervisv..t) died 'tool 33 cents, Tea or Tablet . Netwrlin Droa to. SUDD? DKPAB.T Trme flehodnl LA UKAhd, OR t-ROM halt take, Denier, ft. Nol Man No, Wartb, Onsaba, Kan uiy, m. juoaia, cut toauafcaal. Portlaad. Dalks.'Pea. WletoD. Wall. Wall., Dayion, ronwroy, Lol fu, MtMoow, Bpukaua. ud poluta ant and fcfiOai oorlh via 8pokar.e Fortlaad. Dalles, Fen dlatun, ITmatllia, Wal- luU, LewltoB, Coital, Muacuw, Wallace, W.r nar, Hpolun. autl olliar poluU ewt.uut Durtai 86 p. m. via moaaae Island City, Altoal, Im lilcr and t-Mu, Con nt. liooa at ElEld w Ah i nm z- I gJf tat lot polntal a W aU Sail am (OWM. . Orwn Hleamera betwaan fortlaad aad SB Frftuoutix) avarv fiv. drs. K. a MOO HE, Agent AL 01 Gen. Pme. Asent TAKE A TRIP TO CALIFORNIA Through the Williamette, Umpqua and Rogue River Valleys, of Western Oregon, pass Mt. Shasta, througK the Sacramento Valley to thr , many famous resorts on tbe 1 ine of the ;.1 ' ' mm pacific co tir'beautituliv illustrate mm. W5M OttEGGK riPEClAL booklets, descriptive of C: fcrnia resorts, address, W.R. COM AN, Gen. ; Portland. 1 Hocky Mountain Tea N A Br.y Madlalas fcr Buy tr BrtDgf Ooldea Heelta sal Kent iKlAI A epwHrlo for On and Kidrwv Trou hi Uktxl, llad Breath, and Kwikarbe. kt funn. 85 r Houuaraa Dauo OLStl ir. ..t raWiNBowe ., ouia Grocery vw,l..0 i r.at va.J H sE.kyUiti.i alLt tut) d- lt:. coe :t I toolt fci wnts boa. Clmuj" w Oi I t-i. ba . nonr uo Coktahv. Madlao,-.. t tliai WOU gv v u" . J an"vaotsd a oooi HUUtitIS "H BSLLUK UZVJ SECOND HAND STORE All kind of second band goods bought and sold CEO. GROUT, Prop, JJ fit St. bet. Adams and Jefferson ; OXFORD pm I -JAMES FARQUH ARSON, Prop. I OMaplete uaartinent ol WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS lVld laocbel and mixed drinks a vpeoialty. Fair and impartial y treatment to alt. Yon are in- j wiled to call and get acquainted C fw4aattteaiitH Blrs Front Saloon i ' E. TtiORSON. Proprietor. Jjapcrt&i and domestic XXot or cold lunch all hoars fetrereea Ansae OppoalU Depot HIlimHwlt4-.-it t9U : Palaco Saloon ' aiAS. ANDERSON, Prop. WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Always on hand Jeaereon Avenoa . Opporlte Devot aamtssai'SKaearSisBSimssims asms ! THE LOUVRE CHRIS WRIGHT, Prop. .-. won : AiVK5 UQU0R5 22 CIQfIRS Gentlemen always Welt ems ' Fir Street , . j Eaglo ' Sa'on ULRICH LOTOS, Prop. WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS ON OJ Hardware .ndfumUure, Anri(B MEANS A kwo wa " - -a. v::. -,de. ; A T'D.ral dablim ' - want ; JOUI tl ieep im l h Tnatomer i. a PJa-!fASl'g d we In .y . ' . . - .nttn aUV be a A"1 w k. f Brick' any qonnity ot m ' contract too rA 100 large. Bee sai of " oW pressed brick. V GEO.. KJRI1GB1R. La Grande Oi-n.-.; wo t 1 f : a ' s: i a a e 5 8 Cheated D- Moo ao new ,hat 11 ,111 d" K. o Pro IIHiH wsj I r , i ., T lssWaa