--a r r .1 AT I- uiaif pot ft Juu i 'ji U qom CpeJ put Metis I a m Y Ml: Ml Pj I!9' o i d 1,8. , "! oui: Ji t.X 'tar III 1 39 PROFESSIONAL CARDS PHYSICIANS DR. A. L RICHARDSON, Physician and Surjeori. . One art BUT Dr Blor. Bm rkoo Black U6S Baa Main FkoMX N. MOLITOR M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Ooruar tdiu inn) tad Depot St, OfflcaMt.oW HMltem Mail 6 WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON PbOM 1UIB n LhIi balldlnc, opposite Boa mar HutlM Offlo Hoara, 1 U 1, T to I BACON & HALL, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Offle la rX7 boUdiaf, Maia IS. C. T. Bmw, Btdao Mala IS M. X. HaJI RmUumi Mais tt DkS. BIGGERS & BIGGCRS Phyalolan and Sargeuna 0 W Blow M. D. On, L. Bluer, u. D Telephone Offlet Blaek.UU Haaidanet Main SO Qfflof Balaton Building orar J. M. Barry- lor. Batldanee oa Madison AT. eecoad doar west or former raaldmea, or, a W-Blggtn 1 OKAMOK - OREGON PraiauwaaJ oail promptly alteadcd to DENTISTS REAVIS-BROS. .,- ' DENTISTS. Onto Boranur Building Onto Blaok U Kasldenee Blaok HIT C. B. Cauthorn DENTIST Lmiao) Ovf Hill Drug? Store La Grande, Oregon VETERINARY 8URQEON Dr. F A CHARLTON VETERINARY BURGEON, Office at A T Hill's Drug Store La Grande, Oregon Phone 136J Residenoe phone red 701 Farmers' line 68 DR. W. T. DJWNE3. VKTKRINAHY BURQION ? XHD UKMTI8T Lssve order at Bad Croaa Drug a tor Raaldanc Cor 6th and I at Thirty flv. yean axperleno, baat of rafaraoo " ftirnlahed ATTORNEYS CRAWFORD & CRAWFORD Attorneys-at-Law LA , G BANDS, ORBOOH lira la Kola, baJIdlng. J. W KN0YVLE3 Attorney and - Counsellor At Law ' Offlc ia RaJatja Bullala rboaelta "' s La Oread Or. iHnq, H.T.WUllasaa , B9iu Wtl eindtip a doit ot u; peqtru uvns eq pit h 'aAiiiSnj a jq paAuj X))in-j ,o uriing m jo tpjnJumqY ;o AT iputt ... q pp90nt tq itoyyo tdiouud eqx "S I '98Q u0 ( UO)jDOti y t.aM ddJ36) 'oy qd r,uo-fM.N MTarloa. tlo are rtr o. t. m 1 .his should not u v.-- So..; J&i 5- Lrcial diriment. fciuiKil,,"l,otg84 re out losses. La Grande Evening Observer Currey Bros., Ed's and Prop Published daily except Sunday Eotered at tbe Urande, Oregon, Mail Matter. Post Offloa at La a Beeond Clasa , Tuesday, Oct 31, 1905. One year in advance..... .$6 50 Hu months in advance. . . .3 50 Per month 65c Single copy.... 6c ADVEKTISINQ KATES Display Ad rate furntibad apoa application Local laaaioc notice I So per Una flnt naw Hon, s per Ua tor aaeta aabwqoear Inser tion, Resolutions of eondolenee, se ter Una, Carda of thanks, 5a per Una. Attend any of the theatrical performances given in this eity and note how little applause is given the. actors. A pleasing feature of a performance should be applauded even if in your opinion the rest of the show is poor. Did you ever notice tbat after a rain the higher parts pi a street dry first? This is because there, is a drainage. After our sewer sytem comes let us begin to think about some graded streets that will dry up . quick after a rain and become pass able. Advertisers appreciate, tbe worth of the Observer if the amount of space used is a criterion. You can't get trade by merely making a good win dow display, by tooting a phono graph or by circulars. You have to use the colums of a newspaper to reach the buyers. It begins to look as though there would be a land slide tor Mr Hearst for mayor of New York city. Hearst has made a gallant stand for the masses against the classes and yet has said nothing that can offend the possessors of honestly acquired weslth. Men of worth command atten tiou and respect the world over. This has again been exemplified in the Republicans of New i"ork city endorsing the nomination of Jep.tw Xq" pdVjjM-- ..h'9 J m inq uiiq . pJU mm 1uj81j; tq) Pip eqi U -tp.iv.ns q ououi pepuett uorjsioosty jg eq,i aAiiuc, m paiuesaidoj 't-ui-uot t,qoi!f aui09jr jo uiudq3 eSpnf pua 'jp 'h -M9?!W :H'T !1I3 Joj tjtuiujos ubmo ueo:8poi 'o "0 I J01 'S H :JBM titpjo tnoutA m Su;;usejdi etoqj, T"vir'."llXot theyl wade. S ' .1 j outlook for rort.a . - ik. rrTOttt cities become on. o.r : ;; 'Z L . ..nin i aiw r coast is exc'e'j v lu KnllOS we trust ner . w"" !. . o..iQr.A'a crowth . measure VVL I of beneuciat entire stave. " . en"r . w. aitn lose opportuu , believelni,is ffieUOPu... due in a pA. Hon to the political rower Port tion to tu v dictorial W ST',: nolitical tendencies m ' . , wu n.iBaiioneil. The jyeat turning point io the nistory of Kassia is at band The time has arrived when th j common people of that vast m pire demand tbat the yoke of oppression be removed aud the freedom that all m?n crave be given tnetn. lbe acts oi tue past few days have been brought on by the government aloue and to his predecessors and to him self Nicholas may lay the blame for the massacres . and riots The Russian - government bas been a faithful teacher of cruel t, murder and oppression. Beginning with s Ivan the Terrible and g"ing down tbe line of tbe 'later emperor "the teaching has been the same. Russia is mere'y reaping what she has sowed. J OUR FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Use yonr 'phone and let oar free de- liter atrvlce bent fit yoa. It ma be tbat ion bate nerer been ' Into oar tore, bat that make no difference, we ahull be Jat at pleated to deliver anvthinv v want nm If vnn mmrm tnr rrgolar oattomer. ' Yoa'll And oar good and prices satisfactory, we are an. Bed 81 Newlln Drag Co. GETTING GOOD MEAT ii dlffloalt, on leti yon favor as with yoar order. We don't sty Itt (m poeslble to get it elsewhere. Bat we do say tbat we bay from a paity who sella n all bis prod not and he rainei tbe finest Beef, Veal, Lamb aud Pork tbat It It pottlbl to raise. Give as a trial order. Brooks & Rohr Harris Meat Marktt ielephone Main 16 Keady lFor s Apoq'w tn ft. lit. vi -jet ti -uoo )M in qiM all best in ... Will s . the TM ---; no 1 ar curtains are tjuow Uce ... . , .a,a coloring re aoing at from ponicrs. wttn T SO to $12 a pair. uu w v . u, Remember when to .the Holidayi. , bac,ue Insomnia and Indigestion Cured "Last year I had a Terr aerara at tack of Indigestion. 1 coo Id not tleap at night and luffared moat aier iolat- Ing palna for three hour after each meal. I waa troabled this war for about three? mootna. beo I need Chamberlain' Htomaoh and Liter Tablet, and received immediate re t t i. I a ! -n 1 1 mw. hi, uun ayiauu, iunaiaurv, Ontario. Canada. For aale by Mewlio Drat Co. CANDY Now is the time to think about the sort candy your Children have been eating If yon buy candy from SELDER You need . not worry about it, for our candy is made upon scientific principrls and it is sll pure. A trial older wil convince you as to its SELDER, The Candy -4 Man MEAT CHEAP But not Cheap Meat Having purchased the Bock &Tboma8 shops and also tbe Hull Market, we are in position, with the three shops, to furnish our patrons with choice meats at a less price than if we had only one shop. It is not our intention to raise the price of meats, but it is our intention to reduce the prion, and thereby hope to increase our trade. A trial order will convince you of the assertion. Grandy& Russell THREE SHOPS Adams Ave. bet. Grandy and Depot, Adama Ave, bet. Elm and Fir Fir Str. bet. bet. Jefferson and Adams Ave. Main 50 Main 78 Main 70 Business iLtu, nm aixu UKAira ' kinds of hay and grain, market prices. Buildine lit CKZBR and j AVEi Main j. Lace Curtains, Poitiers, Carpets, Art Squares and Rugs lor vour .tioppinj pUcfc Oor J" 50 $6 . pair. 0,r ' - .. ,zeJ, at aU pricM. u55' -" " . . . .hoDoln preparatory you . j- rr . ADCOOK & HARRIS,: ijma A venae JUST RECEIVED CIRt BROTHERS BLUE BEL CATSUP- told by BAKE PHONE MAIN 29i IhENRcS6 i J - i FUNERIL DIRECT OR5 LICENJELEnBlLnCRS Lady assistaLt, Oaanswered day and'.nigbt, ' PhoNo.821. iiS J. 0. Henry, residence ft hj J. J. Garr, residence 388 La Gran Jc: National Bank; Capital Stwk. Surpla and , Undivided Profits: $150,00000 Deposits I 640,,oo 00 - , OFFICERS George Palmer, Pres. 7 F. L. Mf era, Geo. L. Cleaver, Asst. Cihier. t F. M. Byrkit A. BConley C. C innineton exenange soia available in ail parrs 01 me wonq, Telegraphic transfers to ill parts of the United States and Canada I IH 1 tw vir H. STEWARD, 1 !"' tea hh u siw ef 1 1 rniiiiHiiiiHimiii One Week Commencing MONDAY, OCTOBER 30 I Zinn's diyra In Travesty Company POPULAR PRICES ,!.. at Van Bureu's OUIV - Old Wry mad. to look , Clooks taken eata oi dm -A fRESH MODS bros: r 1 Adatns Ave. I i carr La Grande Oregon T. M. Berry, Vice-Pres. Cas er. n aTi Cashiei f . - F.J. Holmes 7f ej i.W aaH'Stfl B B aetava Proprietor and Mar 1 5 . i la tbe refined Two-Act Opera. Boaff "THE JOLLY MUSKETERS? Nellie Venita btgreat novelty, "Tbe Enohsnted Jewel Danos." People- -30 1erry, Jolly, Pretty, hapely Chorus Girls : - Chae of program every Night I, 25c, and 35c 8uday Curtain at 8:30 3 t lawaaUaanaaaa n si si is iiai a BATCHES? Yes, of course we have watches, tbe very bast watches made. We also have Clocks, aod every thing in the Jewelry line J. II. PEARE. ilk. repair work given prompt ' vtteniiou. . . 1 1 ji ffurueitajqi iauoitMOO. P" tyO "VT '