La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 31, 1905, Image 1

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? , . . --'--v. - I ...... ;
r-fe ARE RO
fear's New Manifesto is w Sweeping in
' rrr? . its RcforrI
flcdon Oot 81 The Brhish pre
io po
at the cburohes to givs tbsoks for the
Dw O 1- it - ...
cruripin 0a ABSOCISllon. - comm
r 1 1 Petersburg Oo JI This morn-' wbetl
n the people have aseumsd a critln-1 ' lh r
g itude towards the Cxr's msnifetto
as teei that the emperors sdvisors
t gi far beyond Ibe wording of an
lot to assure Ibe people of tbeir
htj . All clssws reoouot iheir pre
experience and are suspicious of
itcrial promises.
indicate doubt as to
ie Runsisn people will aocept
off red to keep the dynasty
8t fc-sbnrg Oot 31 It it unlikely
that Airike will end ooiil political
amneB extended to all i nenaerr
II ii Acted that tMe will toon be
grant Orat crowds have gathered
J. : It is the unanimous verdict nf
a dolla
Witt today called a conference of
all the editor of the newspaper of
W cty and asked tbetr eld in restor-
1ns normal conditions. He Is secur
ing tha rnnllrlenaa of the dsodIs In
the new reel me lie says be propos
in viva tha fullaat m asares 01
civil liberty. . .
Diepatohes 1-om Odessa ssy tna
tha people srrested for treating dis
order ol Bandar were released. The
greatest dlaor lor reigns and the police
a powerless te preserTS order, Kea
flags are waring and every where can
be teen the funeral processions of
those killed in Sunday's riots A
number oC big demonstrations are
planned. .
St. Pelersburg, Oot. 31.-Korty
thuosand natbered at ibe Hassan oath
edral sauar this morning wnue toe
aarvlcea were beld Inside sod for tbe
first time in the history of the oh arch
nf Rnnli tha word "Autoorst" wss
omitted from the prayer for the Czar.
It U reoertad that the workmen de
oline to continue tbe strike ont'l am
nesty is granted sod universal suff
rage is assured.-
Petersburg Oct 31-WHte pro
miaes tha Immediate release or all
political prisoners wbo can be released
without danger to the publlo ana
TnsTrevolutionlets are determined
to free all polltloal priaoners. Several
skirmishes with the troops are re
norted. Io one of these Prut Tarle
was wounded. The workmen are tbis
afternoon parading the' street! carry
ing banners. Tin houtes are deoorat
ed. -
Odessa Oot. SI' Ihe people of tuie
city did not learn of tbe Czur's mani
festo until early this morning and are
now w'ld with eutbuslsm snd tbs oity
wesrt a holiday aspect. Tbe soldiers
and tbe police have joined in the
demonstration and it is expected that
tbe strike will end Immediately. .
U who know that there is more real value, style
orth of goods in our Ladies' Suit and Wrap
for $1.50. We have prepared a SPECIAL
BARGAIN FEAST for this ucck-lomc and partake.
and service stuffed into
i Department than are usually fo
.Warsaw Oct 32-The strike oootlnnss
Tbe revolutlonlhts dstnsnd D'"'"0'
amnesty to all offenders. The daily
nawftnanar - a DLeared today. Tbs
soldiers are patrolling the streets and
tbe officials are at a iocs to snow
what attitude to assume. Two men
haliavad to be working under orders
' (Ootinaed tn pane 3i
ficripps News Association -
Pnorainento Cal Oot 31 Judge Hart
today denied Senator Edm inds a new
trial and sentenced the couvioted ex-
sen itor to five years In San Qnentlu
for bribery. : ,'.
Weak from hie recent illness and
trembling with emotion the former
senator and brilliant lawter pleaded
stated that hs wss 40 years old, almost
a physical and mental wrsok and
cannot again prsctlos bis profession.
tie osksd to oe sent to Bin vjnenviu
instead of Fclsom. Judge Hatt rt
frslnfd from severe criticism toward
the defendant and expressed pity for
tbe wife, but said tbat be could not
make tbe eenteoce less than tbat
wbioh Senator Bunkers had received
Mrs Edmonds St by bsr husband
during the ordeal, her face twitching
wKh emotion but otherwise controlled
harwlf Grave Johnson applied to
iilve balMn tbstnmof $10,000 pending
ha oi Deal to the supreme oourt
The com t took Ihe matter under cou
tlderatloa until tomorrow.
Scottic In Trcubfe
8crlppe News Association
Los Aogeles Oct 81 Ooottie, ibe
hirlwind miner is sufferitg trestly
today as .a result of an auto acoidt.
It was tbe same old story be could i.'t
wsti", and greatly exceeded tbe epd
limit. He says be will never ride in
sa auto again, and from what the doe
tors say, he is very near tbe trun.
His limbs and loiy are completely In. .
ca'fd in a plaitsr teat and the pbysl
cisns si.v be is temporarily paralja'
His wife wbo bas always remainea ..
near him during all bis madosptffoits
to gain notoriety, is ton.'erly noising
him today. OtBoers say be will be ar
rested for violation of tbe speed law aa .
soon as he is sble so be tsken to court.
3 V
L ...... ;it n1a. thr., who ai DarticulftT. be-
causAf their excellent Btyle, perfection of fi', and careful
Special this week
.i,m. oill i,iqW o-Ud the hearts of those, who
ifBMVU W f wa. ft-
h.nuA w. niiiflQaittf vUh in nmetice true economy.
UUII'O V UWogiwM wa - g ' -
nuarter leneth coate, aud short plaited aua plain
. effecta iu this season's moat attractive
novell suitings. This week special at
$17.50 suits for $14.98
22 .50
s ' JS
(1 $1.00 and $1.50 Ladies Street Hats,
Scrlpps News Association.
Rftdnlnn. CkKfct 30 Two masked
men boarded tbe south boud freight
at near Morly lust night and ordered
two Frenchmen, eere Tiding in a o: x
cat to throw ufiSaeir barv9s, one re
raped an l toe oartner pi iub anu uiu
is beiug held pending the Investigat
ion i
Washington Ignorant
' Marlpps Naws Asooiatloii.
Wsrbiostort Oot 31 The navy d
partment received two dirpatohes from
Admiral Train d led veaterday Irom
Shanghai, and the reported attack by
be Chinese mob is uot mentioned tn
either nipr-jsge. One lold of target
praotice ou ihe b. ttlrsbip Oirgon.
Tbe other conveyrd the plessure of
the Miktdost tbs visit of the Ameri
can warships at Japan. The officials
here discredit the story of the attack
Hbaogbsi is a bng di.tance from
Nankin however.
prcsidehi Afrlvo
By Soripps News iMoclstion .
Waal lnnton. ' Oot 31 President
Roosevult arrived at the navy yard at
11:65 this morning. He was received
by a salute of 21 gone ani tne oenu
played the "Star Spangled Banner"
Mrs Roosevelt waa at the tirr witu
ber phaeioo. The President drove
wiib ber to he White boose foll jwed
bv seoret service men Io buuglea.
Then esm tbe Losb and Hixey car-
riagea. The President appsered to-be
la exoelient health. A wirs:e,s Irom
the Wsst Virginia ssys be spent tbe
mot of tbe day on Ihe bridge. The :
trip from the mouth of the M s iselppl
was made la tone asys ana ten n are ,
breaking all records in spit of
stormy passage. "
Seoretary Ixeb ssys thst tbe Presi
dent waa a trifle aoa alck daring the
gale sunday night but remained " oa
deck an I broke bread with the of
ficers on tbe squadron. The admiral
invited them aosrd In relays untU
a'l bad been booored.
Choice 25c
AH ladies' hats in trimmrd, tailored end
street hats at a sharp reduction this week,
no reserve
$4.00 hats $3.19
iC: 1 $1.50 hats. $1. 19
( jf 2.00 " 1.69 4.50
I 1-2.50 " 1.98 5.00
1 I 3.00 " 2.39 6.0
J i 4.50 " 2.79 6.5
' 7.5 "
t'You can save
poney on Rubber Footwear Here
GET nilR PPirFc v
wwsj i .lIUL,V
H4 0Q double breasted Rf
far noats'. WIIB wuiawu
liuing, and et'ges bout,
with wide Hercules brai
tba special price io
Ibis week ....
5. 19
$2.50 to $4.00 MISSES AND
In red blue and brown, and fancy mixtures
choose this week for Vw
1 Manila and Honci
port, Charles f"
steward, blsw
pondency was
He was tbe
Lo4l Arrives
(By Scrlpps Jws Association)
r?an Frsnolsrl I Jpct 81-Tbe trans-
rjort Lcsan arrtvsd this morning from
Manila and Honolulu. While nearitw.
large fam
agsd 17 y
blin to
Bank Reopened
Scrlpps News Association. r
San Francisco, Oot. 81. Aotlngon
tbe sdvics of Ibe asstatsot attorney
seoersl. the " state board of bank
commlaslrners thla morning permltt-
Ad United Bank Trust rompany to
nren their door and resume luslness.
ThaattotneT senerai stated tbat all
rianoaltora bad bien follv protected
I . ..4 . ..11. 'i ..; . i ii ronu
Town In A Blaze ,
Soripps News Association.
Parkersburg W Va Oot 81 Fire
started this morning In tbe Pi os grove
hotel at Piniburg Irom a oataral s;ss
explosl'jn destroying practioslly tbe
entire town Tbe bok, Methodist
cburch, an office building, suven stores
snd ten dwellloss weie destroyed.
Dyoamite wss used lu stop tbe pto
gretsofthe flames. U is reported
tbat several lives were io and tbe
property loss will exceed $200,000.
Mrs Stevens Rejected
BorlppsNsws Aisocistion 1
iiJU? Angelee Oct 31 MiaL H S
""v-innl Maine who baa
ne t!brlstlsn
J.,th of
jUH-a TEWsTtiHSwreli m.,.
aome extra good serviceable misses' and
Children 4 caps in dark colors, this week at
ne cial lot of new
Vi-aWT- A
A ! I '.' -r .11 ill
for bov "i H "tv- - .
Ml placwl ,n our Ublep,pno..
$L25 Up W v"
iFifty 14.75 and $5.00 ioi
this week
J f I
Jn tweeds, C evtol- '-JW JLT
serges, spci' 1 6$Zr.Mi& tSfTJMZ
- svs aw . is
$1.50 wool svve
rp, 98c
U -...-w'HvsShvaHHH
k ' - sT1 ' 111 tji
v . I
I Opposite Foley Hon- or. I
l...gv,dvjnre I'po-ffl. I
Mr. Man
You have oa doubt caught
yourself admiring . the
perfect fit and stylish cut
of some other man's over
coat as you p wed. U j8
a certainty I but jou mil
refognige these very same
characteristics if ou come
in and see our Hue of per.
feet fitting Kirschbaum
$5.00 up to $18.50
25c and 35c Caps, 19c
since taV
woand.d t
On Wil6
Scrlpps News t
Christina Onr SlTui .
sen's psrty which sailed injuk.,
id sesren o; tbe north pole bsve loeu
d on Kicg yVilll.u,', .Uod W,M )(
Greenland and are coaduotiog suien.
"u "Periments. Tbey reyort all well.
Soripps News Association
VlcTsburgOct 31-A complete
vestigatlon of Huiann4 Geary ecia?
menced tbla mnmin.S nn 7 .
rival of tbe officers frc. I Boston.
Cannot tjlay
Horippa News iooiainn
New York, OU 3-nicAdoo today
tlflsd tbe manaramiint r
. . . , . . mw vTur
rir.weaire that ift tbsy tried to
pr.ut we puy, "Mrs Warren's
Profession" tonight tt participants
wonld be arrested. . -
Si i
I B .
Injured Will Recover
By crfpps News Association
Kaunas Cltr. Unt diti.. l . .
qoets were completed to day. All or
tb jojored will recover.
No one need
who will take
All the lalntt
0 vtnany mors, th
a look Y lt ,o0r ttd8- hv .!
look t J0ur td. w.chet. and
t popular nov. . s. a pleed
th2w r.:h"Vebook,Iou the Ktodo all that
... ' mowo
We rt-cently received large addition tfation8 U " ,
book stock-, big assortment of ih, new o-,n -lve "fti"fC"
righfed novels at $1.25 and 1, ? C0?v v
coovr.ffh.. i .1. ".I? lot popular' S .,
Nn n a ln -
. ' "rr UUKIIOCS.
Liiii i i ma naw a. m
7 eavy ior want of good rAain
had at these ynces. Sometime wLeu voa w tnt
UZrl 1" rummagVX
. uuin iii naa mm. hi.. ...
uK you will
La Grande. Oregon
Drop m line, aasiing work, and I wll
tte rigkt trie.
Wagon alwayfc at your service.
Charges moderate. Day phone
B 17b night phone U 12.
Or call at the farm for full particulars.
i 'II ;.! II It
II a f .'
I L Urancla,(
La Grande Oregon