7 ifikJHMH 6 n 51 ii si f i 1 : 4 i tc 4 , it . . i pu at Gr A 1 THOSE LADIES' COATS AT (THE GOLiBEN RLE STORE j CERTAINLY ARE NICE j THAT IS WHAT EVERYONE SAYS WHO HAS SEEN THEM The New EMPIRE effect In three quarter length," Made of Broad, cloth, Covert, Kersey, Melton, or Cravenette. AND THEN THE PRICE TOO. So much less than you have usually paid for the same quality and workmanship. PRICE X( 50 in tin 75 jsavr 0j ym y We have the plainer ones also, at $3 to $5.50 MISSSES COATS, at - - - $1.65 to $8.50 COOP SERVICEABLE GARMENTS, ALL OF THEM THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY, 1308, 1310, 1312 Adams Avenue. Largest Store- Smallest Prices PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY io KEY WEST PERFECTO THE VISTA ORADA and C. B. Cigars Manufactured bv C. f. hackmaiu nd ----- i nj ot, SI Factory Cor. Adams Ate. $40 SUIT GIVEN AWAY DEC 31 Every $1 cish purchase, or paid on account en titles you (o a chance. COMMENCING ON NOVEMBER I SUIT CLUB WINNERS J.Houjh . - 135 Suit New Club AL. 'ANDREWS Haberdasher tod Tilor To Be Hoped It is to be hoped that arrangements oan be mada whereby the well wbioh it now down over eight handled left on the i eter McDonald lm oao now be oontinned to at least 1500 or 2000 feet. For yearn the idea nl artUian water bae been considered praotical by all who have bad riperieoce in suoh matters in connection with our geo eral surroundings. Feveral attempts have been made to sink deep wells but this ooe ie probably the deepest, and unfortunately, work on this has oome to rather sudden termination before it reaohed a depth that is of any material advantage towards solving whether or not artisian water ia obtainable in tbU valley at a depth that would be praotioable. Three More Days Of oar Odds and Ends sale and everything will be gone Another eat has been made In bry'a sweaters. A few more eults of the ailk and wool underwear. It will be necessary for yon to come early In order to take advantage of what is offered . Crescent Knitting Mills. OSTEOPATHY PREVENTS DISEASE WHY NOT INVESTIGATE The cosy brick cottage has been sold, per haps you weie Intending to investigate our offer on it, and the delay has caused you to lose. Look into these two other proposi tions before too late. Five Room Modern Cottage nearly new, nicely located, and we know price and tenna will suit. Five Room Cottage in niee part of town, at a very rea sonable price. You canuot afford to pay rent, when with a small amount of money to pay down and monthly payments ab-rot the same as rent you can soon own your home. We bare started many on the right road, let us start you. Will build you a house according to your own plans. Will loan yen money on your property. jCa Srando investment Co. Foley Hotel Building La Grande, Oregon The Oateopathlo Idea of the pre vention ot disease it to k.ep the body supplied wlib pure blood. "Thirt a natural flow of the blood is health," le the cornerstone of the Oa's patblc theory. All term diseases an nn...i by the deposit and development of a s peel Qo germ In the tissues, hot Irom an Osteopatblo standpoint there must he a soluble roil fir their growth or they will be destroyed Once let the vitality be lowered in any organ or part, let ti e circulation become slug glsb or atagnant in that aiea, and fruitful soil Is prepaid for the devel opment and multiplication of dlseaee germs. This ie how we "cVch diseases. " Died TBORPIb this city Sunday Oct 29, two, Hie Lierlna Thorp age 61 years The funeral will taka ni.. .;. afternoon at Sumrrerville the Re Mochell paetor cf the 8ammo'vllle Presbyterian uhnrch deceased wae brought to this city last Friday suffering from a sever att.nk of pneumonia. She ie a sister of S L Brooks of Summervllle. i -j I Local Item? j H Ii Rnyee and Xtmee Bell of Joseph are in the city tpdar. Jerome Freed man o Joeepb, was in the city over Hunday. . Mra K A Mdwell name over from Union toJay aod spent a few hours in our fit). Mr and Mrs Edmond .:, Robinson spent Sunday In Union visiting Bev and Mrs J O Walker." . District Attorney Iroy Loms of Uaker City, is in the city today on legal business. S L Brooks, the well known farmer of near J rubier cam op on Saturday night's train is In the city today. Mr 15 X MoDanlel and wife of Wal lowa ate in the city on business where Mr Mo Dan lei Is organizing a bank. U il Beroey, vice president ot the Walla Walla Prodi. re company Ie in the oity today on business connected with his Arm. I! J Freue, the well known district manager for the Spokesman eview ia in the city today on business connect ed with his paper. . LJ Davis of Union, brother of Register L'avls of the land elBee, was in the oity yeaterday visiting re'ativee and friends. ; : ;r ' P A Worthington, the O ft & N right of way man went out on thn lcioln train this morning and expected to go as tar as I he Wallowa bridge. Mr and Mrs Frank Bridges, of the Bridget Concert company, spent San day lu the city. They are now con ducting classes Id Elgin and Island City The friends of Mr and Mrs Edmund Robinson will give tbem farewell reception at their bo ne Tuesday even ing. - The friends will Bret meet at the MethodUt church at 7 o'olock and will then go in a boc"y to the residence J H Rlnebart came np from Sum-1 mervllle yesterdy and returned today He Is In the midst of his apple bar vest and expects to Bnleh this went He sold bis crop whloh will make Ave car loads to the Oreson Prmln I company who are mw rmnklno th. crop as fast as it Is gathered. Al Andrews and J J Carr retnrnail Saturday night Irom the wild goose grounds near Arlington bringing- home eighteen fine bi ds. Whiu the report thousands of geese there and tnere ate hunter from everywhere nnt man hum ba l. : 1 1 1 i . o utjiuh Kiiira. Al t n .i. .L I. 1 . . . ) wicoi uirus enoiua re renamed wise birds" instead of geese" MrsAMPsul returned last night i from a months vieit with her son and daughter at Silt Like City. HEATING STOVES AMD STEEL RANGES 7 have just received my fall stock of Heating Stoves and Steel Ranges, all sizes, and prices in proportion. If you are ging to need a Steel Range or Heater call and examine them, - - r. THE CELEBRATED MAJESTIC STEEL RANGE I also have a nice lot of lanternssbot gana, titles, tvnd ammunition. s MRS. T. N. ; MURPHY, . Hardwaie and Crockery. Mr and Mrs O W Thomaa. who started for south eastern Oregon witk Mr and Mre A V Oliver, did not go any farther than Borne, where Mr Thomas purobassd some cattle, and may are expected baok this week. " ' Dr and Mre Moor havA tnvltatlnna oat for cards Friday night fn honor of their niece Miss Felicia Lvna of IT.n... Uity and Mr and Mrs Joseph Nlbley ot Perry. Mr and Mre O C Herrlnir. left thta morning for Elgin, and will vlait Mr and Mrs C M Humphrey's and Mr and Mrs Overton. After returning from Elgin Mr and Mrs Herrlna eirwtt to return to tlteir borne at Fulton Mo Thomas W Walsh was a La Grande via tor yesterday. He states that hs is always glad to have an opportunity to visit bis old home, and it Is with pleasure that be notes' the snlendlrl growth La Urande is making. , Frank Thorp, a former resident ol Alioel, but now located in Wirhing- tort, arrived in this city last evening and left this morning lor 8ummerviUV to attend the funeral of bis mother. the late Mrs Levins Thorp. James Moss sioonipeniej bv his mother, left this morning for Pendle ton where Mrs Moss will submit to an operation. Mrs Moss is seventy two yeats of age. The operation will tike plaoe Wednesday morning nndtr direc tion of Dr A L Riohardsoo. ol this oity. Wood! Wood .Wood! Good dry wood deliver! to any part of the city ANY LENGTH, ANYKIND, 8peeiiil prices on quantity - orders . No order to large or none to email James Beavers, Red 1441 Cravanettes Just received an elegant line. Call aod see them.' ' Al Andr.w. Born A son was born Sunday, October 29, to Mr and Mre Fred Ueibel of this city. Hot Dishes are eerved I ere. Thee Is not a s&g leebarg about eur hot dlUtes. Some rentaaranta serve, what' should be bot food, ae if it had just 00490 out of- - - A Refrigerator That kind ot food sives von dvsetiAn sia and shortens your lire Otr res taurant serves what buoys you op and makea you fat aud contented with all mankind. For a good square meal that will help you keep your religion come and see us. The oftener you oome the better. The Model Restaurant J. A. Arbuckle, Proprietor AND MIGHT Wenell weokly j en mealtlekets for ' Woman's Outer Garments Officer Suicided Brrlppa News Association. I Buffalo Oot 80 Lieutenant Geo W ' Brander, a cavalry effiotr at Fort Porter, shot and killed himself this a'ternoon at post beadqusrteis. No ' Jot : ; Of A display that is positively unrjvalcd; that Includes the smartest arid, choicest designs in tfxpeitly Tailored Coats and Suits, Exquisite Skirts, Waists, and Magnificent Gowns.- TAILORED SUITS FOR W0MEM A little newer and much prettier than you'll find else where. The special attraction we invite you to is THE UNUSLAL SALE OF BRAND NEW COATS Unusual because of the fetching new styles at the modest prices. . COATS AT $15., $16.50, $18.5o $55 00 By express we are getting new arrivals every few days, selected from" the leading American Makers of Women's Correct and Smartly Stylish attire. Chicago Store r-: i i f I -a ii reason is aasiioed (or this rash sol of sell destruction. 22; A