WILL MANUFACTURE eeowe) LA GRANDE PUBLIC SCHOOL R!EV SECOND A If AND STORE Retes-O . c-nt word, ooe-balf a' eent a word etch sabsequeot insertion 5i.iUid bring qnick molts. Try one today. DRILLS HERE 0LASSincD Advertisements WELL Haw jour abstracts ol title prepared by lb I.A GRANDE INVES1 MENT CO. . , Real E-s.le Loaoe, any amount 01 City at . ..nir real ea st L,n eloaed ur..u. on in title an. proved. LA G1UXDE INVEST MFNT CO. CLEARANCE S.LE-of bo lea, co7 fine Pole I'urbam bull, tool for ti.ubai, etir. Alio tome luroitore, stoves, china ware, and a beautiful new piano, the jailer at wholesale price Tieee muni re disposed of in law daa a owner are leeviog towo. Inquire atll'OBBt I bone Black 1371 FARM WANlKUTha usderelgted wisbss to rent an improved farm of one bondred lixtyoruro hundred aore Will pay crop rent bat rill pay each rent if price la satlefaotorv. T J Ryan, Cove, Oregon. . . - WANTED Ladie permanent, plea , eiup'uyrneat. salary. .. Uall Foley Houae Room 12. Witller St Go. Stockmen Attention, permit (or grazing in tbe Wallowa and Uboanlmna Forest Reserves, for tbe seaesn of UKM5, are hereby noil Bed tl at a rotating will be held la Wallowa, November, 15, 1905, fot tbe purpose of alloting tbe range. All peraons in terested are requested to be present, or tbeir application may not be allowed. If not present, It will be eonstrnsd by tbe forest officer that graslng is not desired. Howard K O'Brien, "Ranger lb Charge." - Wallowa, Oregon, Oct 6,-1006. TAKE NOTICE . Phone Rod 071, Old Town alore for wood (30 days time given). Cheapest Urooeries and Provisions Id the oity. mew stooa ana tall line ol feed. Dated La Grande, Ore., July 26. Hept 1 ' ...... K J ATKINSON Fine Cards - The Observer has taken a number of orders (or engrave 1 visiting cards as a resell of tbe advertising we have been doing for the pan two weeks. Tbose wmbing extra fine work shonld give us a call and see oor line of sam ples before ordering. EC DAVIS President J H CHILI Bee. and Traas. BLUE MOUNTAIN MARBLE AND GRANITE CO. L.A. GRANDE OREGON We have just received a carload of Geogria, Teonesee and Italian marble monuments. These are the Unset ever abown in the county. Our monuments come Id snob a shape that e can cat any dealga yon 'may eoggsat. Oar workmen ere competent, too to do tbe wot k yon desire. , CLOTHES CLEANED V The same old stand, bat a new management. Take your salt to tbe same place, and have another man clean and pre It the way t shonld be. Harvey does tbe cleaning and repairing and doee it right. Another strong feature about hla system is that bis price are) correct. Remember the plaoe, next door to tbe Commercial dob. Ladles and Gents clothing clean cd dyed pressed and repaired W g Harvey LA GRANDE SCHOGL OF MUSIC PROF. DAY, Principle. MRS, DAY. AaiUtart This odo of tbe beet maeical In stitution In tbe atate, and tbe Kopla of this oity and vslley are ginning to discover tbe advantage ee.ol tbia school. Tbe system used is ILe latest and moat praotical, and loot odes all tbe latest dtaooverie 'a tbe art of teaching mnalo. Tbe ecbool is divided into two depert astntet No. 1 Is for beginners, from ft year or more and are taught tbe drat three grade. Pupils eome one boar every day. This la nj Kin lergarten system bat far sa. trior. In So. 3 tbe irsdee are from 8 to I&. Hera tbey gradual. Paplla Uka one or two leeeons a week aa they desire. No scholar will t permitted to remain in this sebooi to do not study. . Opposite tbe Foley House ova tlie Candv Store i'hooe 473. FOR BALE The A V Oliver four lots : oa Jefferson Avenue, including plat- form Kales, one hundred and ten toot porch running back to railroad track. Q H Powers, the Minnesota land man. . ; OH RENT AND 8ALE-ore room on Adama Ave, nut to Model Restaurant for rent and two lots for sale on same street jast below Fir St. Epqalre of Cba G Bnnte. KOR 6 ALE or will sxohange for , Willamette property 80 acres - im proved land, two and one half miles , north of 8nmmerville. Tbia is all . first class farm land, twenty acres Meadow land. Inquire at Solder's candy store, La Grande Ore. Centennial l .otel J Under new management." " Board and Room 15 per week, cash. Meals 36 eta. Hpeolal rates furnished monthly patrons. No. M17 Adams Mrs. W E MUROHISON. proprleto. A Daredevil Ride ' often ends in a sad accident. To heal accidental Injoriee, nee bock Icq's Ar nica salve. "A deep woand in my loot, from an accident," writes Theo dore 8chnel,of Colnmbns, O, 'caaed me great pain Pbyslotans were help less, bat Baoklen'a Arnica aalve quick ly healed It." Soothe and b-al barns like msgio. J5c at Nawlia Drug company. ' Last Hope Vanished. When leading pbyslolans said that W M 8mlthart,"of Pekln, la, bad in eorableoonaumption. hie laat hope va nlsbed; bat Or King's new discovery for consamptlon, ooagbs and colds, kept bim out of hie grave. He save: "I bis great specific completely cured me, ana ssvea my iue. Hinoe then, 1 have need it for over 19 years, and ron sider it a marvelous throat and long cure." Btriotly sclentlfie oar for vougbror throats or oolds ; sura pre centive of pneamoaia. Guaranteed, 60c and 11.00 bottles at Newlin's Drag store - Trial nottie tree. ODD and END SA L E OF KNITTED GOODS In order to close out what stock we have on hand preparatory to the change of management of the Crescent Knitting Mills, which have been sold, we nill for one week ' closing Nov. 1 , offer a line of odds and ends in knitted underv wear, tocks, and sweaters at just.' One-Third Their Actual '- Value Remember this sale closes November I And this will be yonr last chance to secure home mauafactare - CRESCENT KNITTING MILLS When yon wish a nice juicy roast or a tender steak,-or a y piece of boiling meat or pot roast, jast phone Main 43, and yon will soon hare eiactly what yon desire. J. BULL S. CO. Phone main 48. Remember tbe phone ia on the directory aa Boss Meat Market main 48. J. L MARS, Contractor and Builder Dealer in Building Material La Grande, Oregon Drop a Una, naming work and I wil - the) right price. . A brief session of the High Fchool Literary Society was held last Friday afternooa with Miss Bunnell in the chair and Florence MoC.all aa secretary. Following is the program as reodsred. Bong ......by schiol Quotations from Rl ley ..... . by school Instrumental nolo ...Myrtle Carbine Vocal solo 1 LearisHolm Recitation.. ...Margery MoCall Debate.... Resolved tbatexpeditionsto the North Pole onht to be encouraged. Affirmative: Elisabeth King, James Wilson.- Negative: Carl Gillllan, Zora Lane. Decision waa rendered In favor of the affirmative. Recitation Joe King Tbe Queen Esther Cantata, which detraoted from the efficiency of tbe work on tbe part of a few of our! etndenta who participated, being over, more thorough work will be expected, Tbe football game at island City Saturday waa rather one sided during the first, but mora Interesting ant evenly matched during the seoond half. Bacon and Goodnounh made Bscon were especially noteworthy Prof. Tanker has a very genteel com pany of young men who try to play a clean gams, A return game will be played here next Saturday. Tbe aoore was 39 to 0 In" favor of the La' Grande team . - v The regular monthly meeting of the city teachers will occur next Friday afternoon at 3:30. Tboee wbo enjoy a foot ball game will have that privilege on Thanks giving day, when tbe Baker City boy a play here. Tbe game will ccour on the oity baseball grounds The large corridora la tbe main building will be utilized soon in onoe-a week classes In calisthenics, and various exercises in physios! cul tore. Mr. Williams will direct the work In the High School. The first lot of new bisb school pins have arrive! and a number are wear ing thfm; 'Mr. Williams oidera thsm at cost for the students. Mrs. 8ohllka taught one day last week daring tbe absenoe of Miss Hen son of tbe White school. The Bssket Ball girls are tnuoh gratified with the generosity of Mr. A B Rogers, manager, of the Armory Hall, In granting them tbe privilege of practicing In the ball, and - provid ing looker for their suits. The school management has reoeived word from Bigb Schools in Idaho and Oregon, stating that as a re nit of the publication of oar general Informal tion examination quetlons, work of similar ohsraoter bad been, taken tip in a systematic way, by the high schools beard from. - ' A few of oar baIness men in tbe city will confer a favor a poo tbe school by refraining from persosdiog oar boys to stay oat rf school to work for them a day or two now and then. This is also a wrong tt the boy who doss not understand, at bis eg", thst school I worth mora to him than ths smalt wage paid bim to remain out of school to wik. The school board has ruled that a child can be detained from achool only for the following reasons : . 1. Biokosss of child. S. Sickness of some member of the family requiring the assistance of th child at home . 3. Danger to ohild'iV besltb Irom expoeure lu Inclement westhsr, 4. Some orient circumstance at home rendering attendance at school imioHlbln or extremely Inopnvenient By ruling ol tlie oity school hoard therefore the parent could not excuse a child for a dententlou not Included under the above. Mrs A H Davis of E'gin, wss in city yesterdsy visiting friends. ths RHEUMATISM - Rheumatism is usually worse in Winter because of the cold and damn aess and other changed conditions of the climate. The occasional twinges of the disease that are felt during the warmer weather are changed to pierc ing pains, the muscles become inflamed and swollen, the nerves get sore and excited, the bones ache, and Rheumatism, the terror of winter, takes txisses sion of the system. Then the sufferer turns to the liniment bottle, 'the woolen clothes, the favorite plaster or some home remedy, in an effort to get relief. But Rheumatism is not a trouble that can be rubbed away or drawn out with a plaster; these things relieve the pain and reduce the inflammation but do not reach the real cauae of the trouble, and at the next exposure an other attack comes on. Rheumatism i caused by a sour, acid condition oi the blood. The refuse matter and bodily impurities which should be carried off through the channels of nature have been left in the system because of indigestion, weak Kidneys, torpid Liver and a general sluggish condition of the system. ... These impurities sour and form uric acid, which is absorbed by the blood and distributed to the different muscles, joints, nerves and bones, causing tbe painful symptoms of Rheumatism. S. S. S. goes to the root of " - the pains PURELY VEGETABLE, "erves are quieted, every symptom of the disease . , . , , , passes away, and the cure is permanent. S. 8. S. is purely vegetable and does not injure the system as do those medicines con taining Potash and other minerals. Book on Rheumatism and medical adviot without charge. THE 8WITT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, CA. The La Grande Iron Worts is build. Ing a well drill for D M Hunt whlob is calculated to simplify the well drilling question in tbia and ot'ier counties of the West . Tbe machine la simply a boms production being In vented by Mr. Hunt and built in this city. Tbe capacity will be limited in tbe flrat machines built, being but S00 feet, bat larger ones will be bailt If occasion demands It. Mr. Hunt hai a no.ob.-r of small wells contracted for a soon as tbe machine is built, several being In thia city. The lightness of the maohiue enables him . to move it olten and take small jobs that would not otherwise pay with the more clumsy machines. Mr. Fitzgerald, the proprietor of the Iron works, intends to build a nam bar of these machines for the Felons trade and will probably bulM ' ' Coring the ooralng winter, Py so doing La Grande will have the on'T "ell drilling maohinery nuana icwry iota site 01 the KookT moun tains and the payroll of the oitv likewiae b increased. -Tbe La Grande Iron Works baa will ! , fur I Woodmen of The World Will receive Head CoudsuU I 1 Boak in tbe good old weatrrn style, . The re will be a grand reception and Fraternal. Meeting held under the auaplcea of Ia Grande Camp on Nov embers, 1905.' ' ' I I Boak, Head Consul of the Jiirls- aiciion win aenvsr sn address on tbe Good and Welfare of FraUrnal 1'roteotlon sa provided by tbe WOW. The Local Committfa ha arranged an Elegant Program and the publio I cordielly Invited to be present. f Bishop Convalescent The many friends of tbe Right Rev Biahop O'Reilly will be pleased to leirn that he Is now past all danger, although his convalescence will neo essarily be alow. .Why Not Here? If oar singers are to organize thorn selves f r epecisl practice this winter, It is high time some, move wsa mads in the matter. It has been proven that The Dallesbas aa good musical taleot for a atrong chorus as osn be found in tbe state, and : this winter other singers bare moved into the oity. It la to be hoped tbe first re hearsal will soon be eat lad arwl that I our people may rnjoy sotus good con oerts this season. Chronicle. Prof Hoekenberry'e night sobool opens toing'it in the basement of tbe C rtral church. THE TERROR OF WINTER A N r . k:. the trouble and cures Rheumatism by cleansing the blood. It neutralizes the acids and filters them out of the circulation and sends a stream of ..nr. t1.-,,l . 1 fit, . cease, the inflammation subsides, the nlsbed La'Grauil.i with 11 Industry that has done murs lor tin county than any other small Industry ever eatab liibed here Beaides disbursing a pay. roll of from 1 125 to $200 a week It has brooght trade here that haa heretofore gone tort! er cities. A grrat deal of the FJuln ami atin .b k.. I . wi .j a wrii sent away tbia summer bat another year will see tbe greater' part of the work oomiag here. , At present the works bis bat seven men at work as tbe fall of the y ar bringa a dullieas in this particular branch of baatneaa; - During tbe eum. mer as many ti IS and H men are em ployed, I ringing the payroll up to tbe maximum. Tbe foundry, the black smi'h shop and maohine shop proper are boaily engaged the year around. At present ths foundry department is turning out a large number of brass and iron oaatinga for the rail.oad grading machinery at Elgin t nd a large am unt of iron work tor the new sobool house being built sorose the track and 'he other departmenta are toralne OUI the nana I nnnla nf rol work wh'cH is b liig done preparatory to start inn the renlar fall lrm" woik. Chancle in Firm in uranau l oj'e vaah i-a iaiy has nndergoue a tbtuge iu piopiietors uod B h! Umt and V li l eels are tie aole proprietors. Mr, B E Lewis- Isat week pun baaed tbe interests of f US D Zumleil end now bss a half. Interest. 1 be ssme business plan will be carried oot as heretofore and together with the grain, hay and fusl departments the implement line wHI be built up and when spring opens they expect to have aa good a line ol implement on hand as ooold bedealrid. - 1 The barley roller is .working full time filling local and export orders and a great deal of bay is being ' shipped. Mr. JOB Lewis spent the summer at North Powder with the baler and es timates that ha baled la tbe neighbor hood of 1000 tons In tbst locality. Psrt of this hsy bae been shipped bat the company still has plenty lelt. ' Fleet Sails (By HcrlppsNsws Asaooistlon) Halifax, Oct SO Prlnoe . Loo Is' fleet sailed from here' this morning for Annapolis. - (' - ', ; TRhASURE'S CALL FOR CITY WARRANTS Notice is hereby ivr n that there are now funds on band to pay all out standing warrants issued' on General Fund yf La Grande city, op to and in- ! eluding, No 4693 endorsed Februsry Interest on all warrant on General Fund from No 4818 to No 4693 In olusivrt, ceases front this dale. There are also funds in tbe treasury to pay all warrants issued against Water Fund of La Grande City, up to, and including No BC36, endorsed July 8,1905. Interest on all warrants on Water Fund from No 6600 to No 6b1S inclusive, ceases from date of this call. La Grande. Oregon. Ool 8Utb 1905. , E J Welsh, City Treasurer. TireM out, worn out woman cannot sleep, eat or work; aeems as if she would fly to piices. Hollister'a Kooky Moontxlo Tea make streng nervee end rich red blood 35 cent. Tee or Tablets. Newlin Drug Co. Do you want fresh eggs? Do you prefer nice crisp and tender vegetables? Do you like the best and freshest fruits? . v Go to GEDDES' BROS., you can always depend on getting just what you want. lieinze pure vinegar, you can do your own reducing. lieinze pickles and chow chow. Crosse and Blackwcll's chow chow LOW PRICES, BEST GOODS QEDDLf BR2J: North Fir Street All kind of second band goods bought and sold CEO. GROUT, Prop, 1 1 JM Pir St. bet. Adams and Jefferson THE OXFORD DHI JAMEJ FAHQUHARJON, Prop. ! CompM aaMtrtmant of WINES, LIQUORS AND. CIGARS, Cold lunches and mixed drinks a specialty. Fair and impartial treatment to all. You are In vited to call and get acquainted MtimiMuimiititiMin Blue ; l7ont Saloon P. THi"iQCr.N DrnnrUln. S "w nviyrwii i iwsnivwi FINEST WINES' XlQUOliiT .Imported tod -domestic Hot or cold lunch all hours JeOeraoa Aveaa Opposite Depot MMMIMaaMMMM) ( lllfllllllflllllll, a Palaco Salofta CHAS. ANDERSON, Prop. FIMl WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Always on band ,HJ ' . a Jsflsisoa Avsna Opporlt Depot e man tmssmamamsnxmwsum smss f THE LOUVRE CS1SJS WRIGHT, Prop. WIML5. LIQU0K5 2 CIQr1R5 Gentlemen always Welcome : Eaglo Sa'on tLRICH LOTTIS. Prop. . TINS WINES, LIQ!;OHS and CIGARS Lunches are our special ty Jvttmwm Vvoii, 0ppMit4 depot 50MMER OUSE CAFE 'Phone Main 64 t 'NUF SAID Brick furnished in any quanity or any style. No contract too small or too large. ..See sample of our pressed brick. GEO. v . KRE I G HR La Grande, Ongon.