La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 30, 1905, Image 1

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fair and warmer to-night
Saturday (air
ir,rrn v
Sorippa News Association
Bt Petersborg Oct 30 U5 p m-To
night the autocracy of the Romanoff's
old order of things ceases to sriet io
Russia. Witte telegraphea - from
- Paterhoff where ha apant the day with
the Emperor that before bit departuie
for Ihla eitr that the Emperor bad
surrendered and bad affixed hie signs
tore to the Imperial mandate com
Htm Dwiuuwui upoo wuioa be
(Witte) piomiaed to aoeept the office.
Witte now oomea Into fall power as
minister and ii thai enabled to eon
vert tbe farolal national assembly loto
a real legislative body, to be purely
repreaentattve and will confer npon
tbe people their fundamental clvio
Witte Is tbe man of the hoar and
Real Bargains in the fullest Sense of the Word
Every Item noted below will be recognized by the discerning ones as strictly high
class merchandise at extraordinary worth at the smallest of small pricing. An
honest comparing of quality will prove to your satisfaction that THE FAIR
Jackets and Coats .
of every conceivable description. Wraps
that have both quality and style, and . at
prices you can afford to pay too.
$12.50 to $22.50
Jackets in fitted ard" box back effects, 23
and 29 inches long in red, castor, black and
gTeen at ' ' ; , M
$769 $798 $868 $99 $1J98 $1398
Three Quarter Length Coats
In errplre and mannish styles, in kersey,
beaver, zybalines, and a large variety of
fancy mixtures at
$550 $750 $300 $900 $1000 $1250
and $2250
ricxifold Collars
For Men
will not break when
ironed and cannot
be folded out of
shape, insuriug-a
perfect fitting collar
ISc-Two for 25c
New Shirts
Tacked a.d plain
New Hats .
All tbe latest blocks
just received
98c to $3
eomlng fresh from hit fields of vlotory
at tbe Portsmoath peace commission
whereby he saved Russian honor In
standing One in Hat no cash Indem
nity would be considered It is thooght
that with bl personality and tl.e fact
that tbe common peop'e era to have
representative right that tbe great
internal strife will - give awxy to a
better condition of affaire .'
Ht Petersburg Oot 30 The city la
quiet this morning. Reports are re
ceived bare that preparation are being
made tu the southern part of the
empire to mussaore the Jews. The
msssaore baa already started at Poetoff
where part of the Jewish quarter was
plundered and ten Jews Injured in the
In Our Ladies' Suit Department
Suits of all description, and c-lors, iu all wanted styles, in cheviots,
serges, novelty suitings and man nish mixtures. Suits trade for us
by the best houses in America. We note below a few of the many
. J : i i . . J
eiiruuruiuury vaiuee, on Bate ims week.
.-. nm..
black , serge suits . c $12 60 black serge
silk lined l'acket 4.U(S with arinrr. inrlrat
Blue Venetian 8uita x $15
silk lined jacket d.yO
A special offering, and
large assortment in j and
longer cont. effects in all
the moat mod it-h and wanted materials, iu solid colors and fancy
mixture, suits sold everywhere at great special values at $14 98
choose this week at $12 60 the suit.
New Shower Proof Coats
Just received by express direct from New
York, beautiful colorings, best values, nat
tiest styles it has ever been our good for
tune to show, at the exceptionally low price
$16.50 and $18.50
Silk and Zepyr
Shawls and Facinators
of generous sie and good weight, designed
to deep the wearer comfortable on the
coldest day. Ia white cream and black.
From $4.50 25c
In the new and much wanted ' checks aud
plaids, in colors red and green, Mack and white,
green and white, blue aud green, blue and
black, aud many other q . t. rv
beautiful color creations loC tO JiswU
Cravenette Cloth 52 iDCh
in oxfords and tan, at the yd
Fancy Flannelettes Ja'i,.I,-:ihi0
. tor oainiy
dmnug saques. Beautiful, f)c 4ft JQ
dai.i i y colorings, the yard 1 10
SMsnewsiSBiBaWsSslBMSMSiiiiiMSBaaaaaaaaaaaa w w ' m tw aVVW
attack. The socialists are ao Ive a
Warsaw and have forced the banks to
close and stopped most of the traffic
by overturning the street care. Tbe
peaaanta In many of' the polish pro
vinoes have revolted and are destroying
government property. - '1 . j
Manchester, England Oct 30 It le
reported here that " the Czar has
shipped all of the royal plate and
Jewelery to Copenhagen. Tbe vessel
on which It waa shipped was insured
for 13,750.000
London Oot 30-A correspondent
wires that tbe easaalltiei at Odessa"
one of the large Russian cities, wbioh
k. V - - v - ...
- - ' f ' j W ...W MIWMlii Vfc I kit
Black sea on Sunday a ere, taenty Ave
civilians killed and one hundred
eighty seven wounded. Two soldiers
were killed Business is at a stand,
atill and tbe populace seems to be
fit Petersburg Oct 30 Fifty students
and the instructors of tbe school of
$15 black cheviot suits AO
short jackets, silk lined O.yO
black chevio
All Linnen Art
40 inches wide, yd
Art Linen . 80 in
wide in deep cream
and white, the yard
ladies' New collars
all the latest New
York styles in li ti
nea and silk. '
Ladies' and child
ren's io colors red,
white and blue.
$1.25 to $4.50
" w'd
technology this morning set no pro
visional gorsrn ment . Tha troops soon
surrounded the building in which it
was established. ,
Tha strikers ia St Petersburg num
ber 11,000 and the strike contributions
amount to 10,000 rabies daily.
Odessa, Oct. 80 Persistent rumors
are afloat that the sailors of the Blaok
Sea aeet hare mutinied at Uauton and
killed Admiral BlrileuT ottheChonlne
sqaadron and then set sail for 8ebaa
topol, flying the revolutionary flag.
Warsaw Ool SO Crowds are more
rintnn this
- aspuea ij
be getting beyood the eootrol of tbs
military authorities, tlhops are being
pillaged and wealthy citiuos bouses
bate been destroyed, one of the reaid
enoee burned, bring tbe goternor gen
erals. The troops fired into tbe air,
but so far there hat bseo no bloodshed.
Heklngsfor Oct 30-The fsotory
workers la this eltv sroused br mvlt.
a tors are determined to Joii the strike.
mere are only f oar thousand troops In
FiaUnd and the authorities are greatly
worried because St Petersburg cannot
spare them more soldiers in tbe
present orisia Hekinfort Is tbe
capltol of Finland, a Russian province
a city o( over 75,000. ,,
to pr"oteotczar
Kiel, Oct 30-The German cruiser
ami the oomplete torpedo boat divi
sions sailed lor the Russian cont It
it reported that tbe Kaiser ordered
the fleet to hold Itself la readiness to
protect the Czar and fan 11 in case of
Chicago Oct 30 A dallf correspon d
.ent cables Irom St Petersburg that
there is open talk ol a ohange in
dyossty and it is persistently rumored
that Prince Paul DolraonakorT will be
elected to tbe throne. It is olaimed
at bit right is greater than tbs de
oendentt of Romanoff. J P Morgan
and V7 Perkint and other financiers
are trying to charter a steamer to
leave for London. It is impossible to
leave bf rail.
San Diego Fire
Scrlpps News Association.
San Diego, Oi t. 30. Fire this morn
ing destroyed two woodn lodging
houses on corner Fourth and A street a
J J Light Jomped from tbe third
story and was severelv Inland l'
was taken to the hospital where be
oiea in a lew hours. It is feared
that one or more lodgers are still In
tbe rains. A blind man by tbe ume
of Lynn, with his heal wramed in
wet blanket, was led through tbe
blazing ball by bis mother aud was
saved from injury. The loss of tbe
two buildings Is estimated at 110,009
One of the bulldinas waa lha afienft nf
a murder several months ago when W
u Kooinson ran amuck and killed five
people and himself The Br at.nni
at about sit o'clock this morning in
the room where Robinou's first mar
der waa committed.
Serious Business
Horipps News Assooiatlon.
Shanghai, Oct 30 Rear-admiral
Train, commander-in-chief of tbe
American Asiatic squadron, and son
Lienl Train, were attacked by
Cbinrse outside of Nking while
pheasant shooting. Tbe admiral so-
cidently shot and slightly wounded a
cbioese woman. He was at once sur
rounded by tbe villagers who took the
officers guns and belt lbs lieutenant
as a boatage. Fjrly mariners were
landed to rescue tbe officers and tbe
mob sttaeked tbem with pitchforks
Tbe Chinese oflicwls refused to return
tbe t fficers guos Nakin is prosrcul
ng an aotive boycott sgaintt Ameri
can goods.
Grain Markets
Chicago, Oct. 30-Wheat, opened
8934 ; olosed, 90;8; corn openej iH'4;
loeed, 46: oats opecod, . 3CJB :
closed 30,.
Portland, Oct. 30-Club, 73, bias
stem, 70; valley li.
Buyers today are offering 65 cents
I 1 1 " !MW,,BMtiaMnnnwnnnwaMajwjBtjtMj
By "orlpps Newt Association
Kansas City Mo , I'ct 80-Twelve
passengers were killed and thirty In -lured
at 10 o'clock thla momlog when
paseenger train No 1 on tbe Sante Fa
nM uaiai'ou one a lie
east of Sheffield, a suburb oily.
A partial list of the dead U; James
Seymour, Richmond, Mo) Johu Mo.
Gregor, Fort Madison, loa; Eitra
Engineer J V Oaphs, Cbio.go) Bag
gaageman Willism Uarrisoo, Chicago
Roy Cleveland, Ohio, Lee . Montgo
mery, La Crosse, Wis; Earl Thorn
N Y. Two ltalliant and Luther
Richards a colored waiter, and a
negro porter Three of the m.ll
clerks were lnjur.4 A number of
Swedish emigrants were also injured.
The wre kage of lha tender, mall
bagiiage, smoking and oh .1 roars are
tiled 30 foot high. Ten cart, which
were the Pullmans, touriittsanl diner
remained on tbe track. All of tbe
dead so far as known recovered 'are
two mall olerks, the biggigeman and
porter. The wreck took place In a
deep cut flanked with rook walls fifty
feet high ' , ,
Mine Burns
Scrimps News Association. '
Stockton Csl Oot 3) The entire
snrieoe works ol tbe Lightning mine
at Angles, O.laverls county, were
destroyed by fi e at ten o'clock this
morning. The loss is estimated at one
hundred thousand dollars. The fire
started in tho oturge room and wat
soattered ti the other buildings by Ibe
explosion ol giant powder oaps. Ten
miaere who were 850 fe. t underground
vosped through a tunnel iuto the
sb ft ol tbe Angle mine.
Stockholders' Rights
By Scrlpps News Association.
. Wasblngion, Oct. 8J. In deciding
the case of J W UuMirie versus H L
Harkness today tbe court held that
the stockholders of national btnkt
ere entitled to inspect the bank
books. Tbe esse srosa In oonnvnilnn
with t.e Commercial National bank of
Ogdeo; Utah, ol wbiib Harkness ownsd
one fifth of the capital stock and was
denied the rigbt of Inspecting the
Boycott Resumed
: Sorippa News Association.
Hor g Koog Oct 30 Americans here
say that tbeboycitt has b?en resumed
in all Chineei ports, and that tbe ri.
sulo are serii ui In Canton', and 1 he
Iealnrs bav j tss received $5,000 from
tbe Cbinuse in California to aid tbe
spread of the boycott idea.
fJo one nefd be ia want of Interesting fiction
who will take a look over oar book shelves.
All the latett populur novels are there and
many tnort that are quite as interesting il not
as popular. We have books to suit every taste
in tbe way of fiction.
We recently reoeived a large addition to our
book stock a big Bsoortraent of the new copy
riehfeil novels at 11.25. and a W i ..i.
copyrights in cheaper bindings. No use let
ting time hang heavy for want of good reading
matter, when the world's choices fiction can be
had at these yrices. Sometime wLen you w.tnt
a good novel come in and rummage through
our shelves. 8ure to find spmething you will
La Grande Oregon
Court Martial
Sorippa Newa Association '
Vails jo, Cel., Oot. 30. The coort
martial of Ensign Chsrles T Wede, "
charged with responsibility ot the
Bennington disaster, opened here toll
morning. The prosecution presented'
eljiht specifications , against . Wads, . , -three
of which were alleged . neglect of
duty leaving the engine room when be
knew the boilers were In bad oonditlon,
placing lneioerienrad altar on Hnt
waver tenatr, ana lor leaving tbe engine
room while the oiler was on duty.
Chief Machinists Mat. tiut.
Ifl.d that the lifting gear was oat ol " '
order when Wade waa aaaliuut t
sbip. Commander West, Judge Ad- " ";
vwnte neii 01 iNapa. and Naval Con
straotor Uolden oomprlee the counsel
tor tbe Helens. , - . "
Sorlppe Newa Association '
Los Angelee. OjL- SO -Tin et ;
controversy of any note look place
wis uiurinug m uis jxtuoual WUTU
convention in which all the leaders,
participated. The cause of tbe special
discussion waa the proposed altera
tion of scctiou one, artlole four of Ibe
bylaws and constitution, by Miss En
sign ol Oblo.
Tbe projosrd rbsote provides for
tbe selection ot a vice president at
large and recording teoretarr by elec
tion Instead of appointment. Tbe
proposed change was lost by a vote of
74 to 410
President at Sea
Sotlpps News Association
Portsmoath Oct 30 A wireless
message from tbe President, who Is
aboard the West Virginia, to Governor
Herrh-k In answer to ble telegram of
congratulations was intercepted tbls
morning. Tbe President Is proceeding
up tbe coast la a heavy sea at a re
markable tate of speed.
Norfolk Oct 80-A wireless message
fiom (Jape Hatteras to Norfolk aavy
yards says that the West Virginia at
10 o'clock this morning was 60 miles
sooth of Hatteras In the midst of a
severe gale and would not reanh the
Virginian coast until eight tonight
The Presldert is aboard and In Ibe
midst of tha storm having a rough
passage,' - s
Will Meet Prince 1
Scrlpps News Association.
Norfolk, Vs. Oct 30-Admiral Evans
with his bat'leship and sauadron nm-
ceed today . to Hampton roads pre-
parea lor tbe reception of Prince Louis
or blueetcm and G3 for club.