La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 28, 1905, Image 1

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Fair tod warmer to-night
l Saturday fair
- 1 ' i' NUMBER 307
Bcripps News Association,
fit Petersburg Oet 28 Tbs day
' op lad with the riots eharcteritio ol
yesterday. , At Cornel three bombs
were thrown and the chief of police
aod two Ooaaaeke wete injured The
mob at Reval fired rn the theatre to
prevent the firemen from extinguish
tag the flame . The troops charged
the rioter with clubbed , guns. A
uumosr of eaaaaltiee ere reported.
Bt Petersburg, Oot 28 The manloi
pal ooanoll at M oacow baa telegraphed
Premier Wltfe, that owing to the
deplorable tit nation ezlating here,
the municipally haa appealed to the
patriotiam of the atatermen . who are
Real Bargains in the fullest Sense of the Word
Every Item noted below will be recognized by the discerning ones as strictly high
class merchandise at extraordinary worth at the smallest of small pricing. An
honest comparing of quality will prove to your satisfaction that THE FAIR
Jackets and Coats
ol every conceivable descrintion
that have both quality and
prices you can afford to pay too.
' $12.50 (o $22.50
Jackets in fitted ard . box back effects, 28
and 29 inches long in red, castor, black and
greeu at
$769 $798 $$68 $)$0 $jQ8 $1398
fhree-Quarter Length Coats
In empire and mannish
beaver, tybalines, and a
fancy mixtures at
$650 $750 $300 $ip00
. and $2250
Flexifold Collars
for Men
will not break when
ironed and cannot
be folded oat of
shape, insuring . a
perfect fitting collar
I5c Two for. 25c
New Shirts
Tucked aid plain
In the
New Hats
All the latest blocks
just received
98c to $3
directing the affaire ol government,
praying them to Immediately establish
law and order, hate I on fundamental
reforms. Telegraph oommanitation be
tween beta rnd Moscow is Interrupted.
tit Petersburg, Oot 28-A St Petera
burg correspondent wires the military
oommandrr at Kleff that he- baa been
? rccnptiii Huiaw, wuere
a state of war ia declared to exist.
St Petersburg , Oot 28 Signs of dls
sention among the rankaof the strikers
and their supporters appeared for iba
first time this morning whan the
textile workera end tbn meobanioa
were unable to agree upon the eoarse
In Our Ladies' Suit Department
Suits of all descripti id, and cMoro, iu all wanted styles, ia cheviots,
rerges, novelty suitiugs aad man nish mixtures. Suits nzade for us
by the best houses in America. We note below a few of the many
extraordinary VBluee, on sale this 'week. .
$10 black: serge suits .
with silk lined jacket 49$
$12 Blue Venetian Suite
with silk lined jatket ' 5.yO
A special offering, and
large assortment ia and
IonfffPr fnuf txtfanka is
tne mostinortifh and wanted materials, iu solid colors and fancy
mixtnrep, suits sold everywhere at great epicial values at $14 98
choose this week-at $12 50 the suit.
" viivv
New Shower Proof Coats
Just received by express direct from New
York, beautiful colorings, best values, nat
tiest styles it has ever been our good for
tune to show, at the exceptionally low price
$16.50 and $18.50
aod at
Silk and Zepyr
Shawls .and Facinators
of generous eie and good weight, designed
to deep the wearer comfortable on the
coldest day. In white cream and black..
From $4.50 down to 25c
style?, in kersev.
large variety of
$()00 $J250
new and much - wanted rlmnka
in colors red and green, black and
j i -. 1 1 i . ,
and white, blue and
green, blue
black, aiid many other
beautiful color creations
18c to
Cravenette Cloth 52
in in lords and tan, at the yd
iuclns wide
Fancy Flannelettes J081'.1'
for cainiy
Baquess Beautiful,
colonogs, the yard
they would purine. The textile
workera are suffering with bonier and
oold and at the beat are only making
30 eenta per day and are Insisting that
aoooomio demanda receive firat atten
tion. The enlightened meobanios
deolare that all efforts moat be first
directed toward rrasbiog the present
political regime. All numbers of the
professional associations decided to
giv three daya earnings to the
Warsaw Ocl 23 Martial iew bas
been declared io this city. " The strik
ers bate blown up the bridge at
Kyaikoff near here aod the railroad
tracks Lave bean tmn n
arable distance
Tomsk), Oct. 28. A mob marched
tbroaph the streets singing revolution
ary aonga and demanded a republic.
The troopa cbirged the rioters forcing
them to disperse. Many were wound
ed In the attack. A atrlke of the rail
way' employes followed the demon-
$12 60 black serge suits'
with short jacket .o5
$15 black cheviot suits 0
short jacket?, silk lined O.yO
a t VII,
All Linnen Art
40 inches wide, yd
Art Linen. 80 in
wide in deep cream
and white, the yard
ladies' New collars
all the latest New
York styles'' in lin
nen and silk.
Ladies' and child
ren's in colors red,
white and blue.
$1.25 to $4.50
to IS
strationt although they remained .tl t . - " 1
wr up 10 mis inornlng,
Kleff, Oct 28-A mob gathered
bare this morning and nude threats
of violence agaiuat the troopa The
government authorities ordered
machine gana to be placed at the
railway station io readiness for attacks.
Odeasa, Oct. 28. The e'u.lerta of
the eobool here olashed with the Coa
sacks at the gymnartlo aadeiry this
morning. Nearly a hand red, seven
teen ot which were girls, were injured
Una student's bead waa oat open by a
sword. The cltv councillors mtaA t
fc:s: vii s)"uri out tne government
vetoed the resolution.
Dragomlraff, chief mlllury advisor
totbeCcar, died laat night at his
country estate. The telephone opera
tora struck today. Mosoow common
icatlons have been restored and a
message says the city ia quiet. i
The city is again io darkness save
for candles and kerosene lamna. Wit
spent the day with the emperor at
Peterbof. Upon Wttte rests Imperial
hnpes. It ia only a ana. linn ni hn..
before there will be a Dremier with
power of dictation appointed.
The city ia abUz with thtft th Antra
aod spirit shops burning fiercely.
Datto Ali Killed
Borlppa News Association
Manila, Oct 28-Datto Ali, at the
bead of the Moro insurgents waa sur
prised by the troopi amler Captain
Frank R McCoy ot the Third cavalry,
and be and bia aon and ten followers
were killed. The troops captured 43
Mlrof, arms and much ammunition
Three ot the enlisted men of the in
faotry were killed and two wounded
There Is also beary fighting between
the oonatabaiary and the Moroa near
Lake Llngnason in Miodqaao.
Football icorcs
Borlppa News Association.
Chicago, Oot, 128-The following
root Dan aoorea were made today,
" New York-Princeton, 1 2: Columbia
0. .
Annapolis Swathmore ail, Navy 0.
Westpoint Yale 20, Wentpolnt 0.
Cambridge Harvard 10, Brown 0
A Terrible Deed
Scrippa News Association.
Telluride. Colo.. Oot. 2S.In a fit
of jealousy Carlo Belaaso thta morning
shot and killed bis four month old
baby and mortally wounded bla wife,
if afterward ooni milted sololde.
Taft to Panama
(Borlppa Ne as Association)
Norfolk, Oot 23-Taft aalled this
morning ou tbe oruiser Columbia for
Panama. He will nasa the nrasidant
off the coast or South Carolina to
morrow. Will Thank Nations
(By Hcrlppa News Aseooiaiton)
Waohinaton. Oot 28 It la annnnnna.l
that the president bsa appoluted for.
mar Ubvernjr Francis of Miatourl, hj
a special commiaaioner to thank 43
foreign governments for their partici
pation ic the World's fair at St Louis.
Blew Open Safe
Bcripps News Association
Hag-erstowo Oot 28 Ten men this
morning blew open the safe of the
First National. Hark ard siole
$1,700. Citizens fired as the robbrr
left the scene but alleioaped.
Misa Hattle Chessman, a telophon
operator, who was In tbe olllce over
the tank, beard tbw etploston and sam
tbe armed bandita. 8he gave tbe
alarm and a potee arrived before tbs
thieves reached tbe Inner safe, wbere
there were tbonsanda of dollars.
Too Much Booze
ily Scrippa Newa Association)
San Francisco Oct 28 Fathf r V Is
o, bigb priest of tbe Oreek church
and chaplain of tbe interned Ruisian
oruiser Lena, died suddenly thin
morning. Th sailors coming arbors
from tbe Lena report bis death due to
etoeesivs fodke drinking.
Oregon City, Oct 58-Fred Hefner,
whose home is aaid to be in Douglass
county, paid the penalty of stealing a
ride on the Southern Pad Ho train
ne was on top of a
Pullman coach in company with other
men, and juet before the Padding
River bridge was reached by tbe south
bound overland, he stood up, and waa
si rock in the head by the bridge tlm.
bere He waa instantly killed and
was picked op hy tbe train crew with
ft broken neok. The body was taken
on to Woodbarn and Coroner B L
Uolmsn was notified, as the accident
occurred In thits oounty - . '
No Inquest waa necessary. It Is
supposed tbat Hefner was trying to net
io bis borne from Portland without
pay irg fare.
Must Prove Guilt
Sorlpps News Association '
New York, Oot 28 -Moses Haas
and Frederick A Peokham, the cotton
brokers want, d in Washington on the
obarge of conpf.lraoy to defraud the
ijovernmeut in the ootton leak scandal
were dlsobarged this morning by
Commissioner Ridgleu before whom
tbe estridltlon pro ee lings were held.
The commissioner decided that the
goyernueut muat prove beyond a
doubt that an offense bad been com
President on Cruiser
8orlpps Newa Association
Waahingion, Oct 28. The Washing,
ton navy yard wireless station this
morning Intercepted a m ssnge for the
cruiser West Virginia en which Rooae
velt is on from some where off tbe
coast of Florida. It waa sent by
Admiral Brownsbn to the commander
of the Colorado saying that the West
Virginia arrived about noon off Ran,)
Key aod proceeded at a speed of 18
wu. uu uuuaiusrua remaraaoie i
at Washington. Tbe meseave nicked ' n.U I I. - I i . ...
up came over a thousand miles.
Captain William Beobtrr. of Kev
Wett, reports the West Virginia slahL
(d off th.t part this aftirnooL. The
Colorado and the Peodiy v mi a have
gon to mo her.
Grain Markets
Chioago, Oct. ?8-Wheat. ooened
8a oloied, 905 corn opened 45):
losed, 45 oata ooeced. Sh-
closed 30. '
Portland, Oct. 28 -t.'lub. 7.1. bin..
stem, 70; valley 73. ft
iluyere today are offering 63 tents
or bloestera and 70 for ninh.
No one neril be in want of interesting fiction
who will take a look over our book shelves.
All the later t popular novels are there and
many wort that are quite as interesting if not
as popular. We have bouks to suit every taste
in the way of fiction.
We recently received a large addition to our
hook r-tocka big asfortraent of the new copy,
nghlednovfls at 1 25, and a lot of popular
copyrights in chesper bindings. No u,e let
ting time hang hesvy for want of good readirff
tutUier, when the world's rhoices fiction can b
had at these yrlces. Sometime when you w tnt
a good novel come in and rummage through
our shelves. 8ure to find something yon will
. La Grande, Oregon .
Speaks In Nebraska
. Scrippa Newa Association.
Nebraska City Oct 8 Grovel Cleve
land reached here at 10 o'clock ' Ten
thousand people gathered to welcome
him. He apoke and anlm,ii J
J Sterling Morton and aaid tbat bia
rm-raory waa sacred, not alone for bia
workaaa tree planter bnt aa an
honest and upright etatesmaa. He
said 'Morton's character Is different
Immaaaarab'j from a ahiftiug, notroe
standard ot mean amblMoaa or suooeaa
fol cupidity. Wa have fall n upon
d"i! ?.D oar.PP' to" from the
mm sw muwmuty uMuaj laoie
Mysterious Suicide
ScrlppsNews Association.
8eatlte. Oot 28 Mystery surrounds -the
suicide of Frank B Uubbvll, one
of tbe most prominent 'aalestata mea
and capluliett of this city. Hia bride
of three months discovered bim oa the
floor of Ma apartments in a fasbloa
able hotel unconscious. wu
worth a bait a million dollars and his
financial standing was gilt edged. He
tame from New York a few ago
Three physicians failed to save his
li e and he died at 10 this morning
No oauae can be assigned for his act.
Hiibbell was found with m gat tubs
io hia mouth. Do meet io, and not,
floauoial troubles are believed io bs
the cause of bis suicide. '
Unnecessary Suicide
Bcripps News Association
Han Franolaoo Oot 28 -With ' a
bullet bole ia tbe right temple and a
pistol clutohed in bis right band, Jobej
L Garrell was luund dead in bed this
morning In his room in ilia lnvr
bouse, He left a note written last
night saying that hia heme was in.
Terra Haute,Iodiana, and that hhv
father's name ia Chria Gairell There
ia no reason for bia aelf deatruotion,
although he bad besa despondent. He
bad a oertifioate of deposit for f 2000
with Lad.) 4 Tilton of . ortland, Ore,
and bank books from the Spokane A
Eastern Trust oompaoy aad th Cana
dian Bank ol Commeroe. "
Cannot Exhibit NIms
Borlpps Newa Aseociatlon.
Chicago, Oot S8-Jodge Beth of the
federal court issued a temporary ' In
junction rrstralnlr.g Lubln of the
dim exchange of the Empire theatre
oircult and the Columbia Amusemsot
company from getting or exbibltl
the promotions of the Brltt Nelaoa
Morgan In Chicago
Soripps News Aseooir tiou
Cbjoago Oct 28 J P Morgan earns
here today, ostensibly to attend tbe
horse tbo. Today found him t'ue
storm center of the Iraotioo problem
He is quoted tbs morning as aayn
hat i he question waa settled. The
mayor addressed him a letter demand.'
ing lo know where, wbtn and by
whom it was settled , v