t 1? : THOSE LADIES' COATS THE GObBEN RtiLE STORE CERTAINLY ARE NICE THAT IS WHAT EVERYONE SAYS WHO HAS SEEM THEM The New EMPIRE effect in three, quarter length. Made of Broad cloth, Covert, Kersey, Melton, or Cravenette. AMD THEN THE PRICE TOO. So much less than you have usually paid for the same quality and workmanship. PRICE $10.52 to $19.75 we nave the plainer ones also, at $3 to $5.50 MISSSES COATS, at - - - $1.65 to $8.50 COOP SERVICEABLE GARMENTS,' ALL OF THEM THE OOLDJUN RULE COMPANY, ;.;..::nn? 1 Largest Store- 1308, 1310, 1312 Adama Avenue. Smallest Prices' TRY AN "AD" IN THE OBSERVER'S CLASSIFIED. IT .WILL BE GOOD. f3SISUgil3llgDi PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY smoking KEY WEST PERFECTO THE VISTA 0RADA and C. B. Cigars Manufactured by C. E. HACKMAN, mil Cor. Ate. Factory Adorns and Greec wood Street Jliairaiirzjiiiiitran m . ""' Suit for $16 Why go and get a Hond-me-down Suit when I will make you up a suit juat as cheap, better work and guarantee a fit. MAKE YOU A SUIT FOR 115.00 QAJLT; AJST SEE us SUIT CLUB WINNERS LRiyburn . . $35 Suit New Club A-L. A.N DREWS Haberdasher and Tailor r WANTED ApplesVegetables, Hay and Crain '2ii? D0W PUrkiDg Bpi',e8 8nd C8U Ufle sbinpine look in any quantity. We pay Ligbett market prices for aliproduce. HONEY Te have a fresh consignment of fany white clover grteri neyWb;Chi80U h at APPLE BOXES AND PAPER Do you want apple boxes, boi lining paper, or wren ping paper? We have them and sell them ,h0 aale prices. wuuie- ST0RACE we store all kinds or goods a', a verv low rate storage plant is absolutely fire proof "and takes a uw into ui luounuct) Attorney L J Davis of Union, ii over on legal business today. Mr and Mrs N J Thomaa, are In tha city the guests o( Mr and Mra J O GulllDg. Mr Thomas la tha aniweln- teadentof the famous E IB mine. Egga are very loaroa and If . tha market continues this way a few days longer the price which U now 30 oeDta will advance. No little exoltement w.. ,1.1 the Elirln train last vanln h ti,. prematare discharge of a revolver In the Hand of a man by the name of Yoakum. The ball pinned tur.mnh hi. foot. He was taken to the aarffiaal wuya , iiau lor treatment and ia now In a romn over Julias Fisher's saloon. James Moss, a prominent farmer ol Sand Ridge in Qiand Koude valley, ia iu the city today on bia way borne 'roni Walla Walla, where be attended the funeral of W W McCoy, an ancle wl.o died in Portland last week, and waa burled at Walla Walla ve.tar.1a. Mr Moaa formerly frniuhtoH tm.n Umitllla Landlne; to Idaho and re members Pendleton wbt-n it wag hat a Tillage of a few bouses, lie ia sur prised at the remarkable growth of the city. EaatOreoulan New Grocery Firm Mm. MagKie Shearer tbia aftern ion purchased the Nebraska Grocery store from Mra. Rainton, and will hereafter conduct the tame. Mra f hearer has jeen a resider.t of this city for the past sixteen years during which time he Ima made many friends who will be pleated to know that she has been al la to aeonre ao well an established bnslnera. She will thornnohlv M.tk (be atore and will endeavnr to kan . all tlmea complete stock of fir. I r!.. groceries. Her advertisement will appear in tomorrows Issue. The QAM Club Last evening a new social nlnh orjjnrlzed wbbh .ill hereafter weild a I considerable influence over the .nnl.l affaire of this rliv. The na f.lnftv h;cli will be known as the O A M. I. 'composed of young Indies and gei.tle- t.. ..... uwu, uut won iremyslio lettira algnl fy will remain a secret to all exoept club members. Danoing wit the principal amusement of the evening A I Gale ia over , frets Union today, : Ur.'O T Ba; !elt last night ' "tor Portland aod il!a'nd "Ben Hnr." , " E E Conley, the Crlte; wheat farmer, is in the city today. There are. quite a number of Strang, era in the city the past few days. J H Mathews of the Dalles (a In the city today on basinets 1 ' - William Fine and wife warn 4 naa'. entera on the Elgin train last night ana are in the city today. - i . t ' May rllle, the elsar man. left' hl m rning for North Power to visit his enstomera,. ' .,' '-' .-! '' Joseph Palmer left tills mornina lor- UttKer Litr.; He expects to retnre to. m rrow eveninir. . i i Mra E Gradner of Imbler earn in on last nlghfa train and la .. in the oily today visiting friends ,, , The men at cork ' derelnnlns (h spring up Mill oauyon are now in abont sixty feet and etlll gaiox into tbe mountain. .... , i.h ; i,. : Ohai 0 Bunte arrived vesterda nH will remain about two weeks lnnkinif iter nia property Interest before re turning to rortland. ,t i U Editor Maxvell, of tbe Hcoot, was La Grande visitor today, and tbe Ob server acknowledge a verv Kmn irum ine brotner. , ; George McCabe, tha. railroad con tractor who has the contract of build ing tbe Elgin extension, is in th nit. today having oome up on last nlirhf. iram. Ira W Hnlllnirer. ' rnnreaontino George V Oram Atlas company, wis a iauur ia me city today and left , on the morning train for Baker City. HEATING STOVES' AND,, ; STEEL a-sf 1 'la. RANGES ' t; I have just received my .fall stock of Heating , Stoves and Steel fringes, all sizea, "and prices in proportion. If "you are giing io need a Steel Range or Heater call an4 examine them, ,; , THE CELEBRATED MAJESTIC .'f steel" RANGE h 1 also have a nice lot of lanternsahot gnus, rifles, ' i iwidkmmnnition. ;'i .t: ., ; !! . J . ; j, MRS FiI-l TlN-H MURPHY, Hardware and Crockery. j Mrs Geoigfl d'Oannora'nd daughter wn 1 niFfl nnun vtr n. in"D-.i j ...... uo.ci vyivjr, . I - " M AUIilBlU E O Hurlingame, one of the, prop.fnd Tloioi' returned home this morn. etora nf tha Un.l ..... t ' . .. I in 17. rletors of the Murliugame. Payne Ir rigation projejt of neur that city, is in the oitv today on business connect ed with his company. 5;, j Mr. and Mrs.' Alfred Coolidga paesed tbrongh this eitv this mnPnlnn enrouteto New Mexico where ' they will remain during the winter honlnt that tbe climate will benefit Mrs. Coolidge'e health Mrs Cooridge ia a sistor cf J W Soriber.' Mr ia tbe manager and one of the principal stockholders of the Tuders National bank of Spokane. The Traders Nation al la rated as tbe II rat bank in h sta'e of Washington and ntulirVr. Coolldge'a management has incceeded In reaching this distinction, though only few years ago it was rated with the smaller institutions In the state, E SGekler ol Elgin, who has been in the oity since Saturday transacting business, feturiteA bom this morning. ' ack Frost is reforming; during past few n'gltts and hsa not ben neb tears as he iodolgrd in "the fore prt 01 last week. - r . . i ' Xhe ABU Steam laundrv thic morning received a new steam polisher wbiob will be a valuable addition to he already, very oomplet plant H J White; who baa Lad ebarse cf he Doi'on Oodnty exhibit at the-Lewis nd CUrk exposition' returned home this morning. v" '' I DrE A Vaughan; of Pendleton re luroed yesterday morning, but be was 0 wen pleased with La Grande that he purchased property in Wood! Wood I Wood! Good dry wood delivered ANY LENGTH. ANY KIND, -.. ...... ... dihi prices on anantllv - . . orders No order to large or none to small James Beavers, Red 1441 ing. F 8 Newsome baa been annointed street superintendent, for the north side of the track, He now baa a foroe of men putting in t cross walk in frout of tbt Geddei grocery. ' , , r Miss Maud Oavioees wbo has bien the guest of Mra J D McKennon re turneij to ber .home at Oniariq tbi The LaQrandrlron Works tnH -.:'.:''T''" ati ....... . : , A i , . Hot Dishes are served fcere Tte'e la not a single iceburg about oar hot" dUhea. 8ome reetauranta nerve what .h..i,i be hot food, as if it had juat corns oak ot., A Refrigerator i ped today by wagon. ' iAU members of Ratbbone Slatara are.requested to be present ' at the Mr and Mra Harry Bunk, r wbo hav- after wbloh there will be refreshments r BUS SJilE-W. VVi - f ni - - . , 1 ' (lays.retoi ned to their borne at Huinp vt looay. ii , . , -i u" i ivoa gives yorr dyssnept eod a large barley cruder of 30 tons , sia and shortens your" life Out rTs-3 day.oapacity to X'ltJaviness ior"his''tanint serves what buoys yon On ami Wallowa oounty ranob. I waa ship-.Hakes you fat and contented with 111 manina. tor a- good aqoare meal thait will help you keep yonr religion? oome and see as The oftener you oome the better. I S The Model Restaurant ! 3. A. Atbucklc, Proprietor By order ol M. E CU'v: Minda Pattison. I)1ITM niv We sell weekly J CA tttmsx- 1 1 J 1 f BEFORE BUYING YOUR SUIT OVERGO AjT QR RAINCOAT tStefn-Biocfi WE WOULD ASK YOUR PERMISSI0M TO BE SH0WM THROUGH OUR frjiOBBY, iJP-fyDATf ! LIME OF GARMENTS. FROM THE MOST RE N0WED MEN'S , TOGGERY HOUSE IIM JHE This Label Stands for 5 1 Years of Knowing How I r Our very .(Won Produce ComDanv 2:50 Ia tha class in which our Odda and Kndk aale ia rated. Thia record ullI doubtless be broken tomorrow 11 people are finding out the real bar gains we ere making, boys home msde "Can't-wear-out" storking railing in Portland and Bait Lake for 76o and 90a a pair, at 35o this week CRESCENT KNITTING MILLS Makes digestion and BHalmtUtln. rtect Makes new red hloorf nne Thai' !. uui.. .. . Mountain Tea 111 do. A tonic for thaw sllilr and BaaL osl a. : x li . . . iw cenis, lea and j Tablets Newlin Urog Co. Cot 7 9 1 r n TV?? ir-.i ' 6m t. lM1biy,ls'' f If rtltAGjayiB ry v . Xlfl 111 y A::: oLumi!vo,HASE BEEN i. v EXHIBITED IN TsLl I O CttSAsiA . . i mo rAiviuto BKID Of CLOTHING HAS MVEK LA GRANDE BEf ORE, and wc feel assured after examlnatinn nf Mm. .kS Ins f.t and workmanship together, with popular prices, you will feel satisfied that we can give you values equal to any custom tailor for from $10 to sis less I Ghieagg 1 Store . ,. -Il,llllir.'. '-..juuii' . , .. , '