Bargains Tfas Week; II Watch $3.50 to $19.00 some of these are verj fin watcbea I ke of Powder. 30c per lb, less quantity 35e Cood baby buggy $5.50, Good EJu $730 Fine Sewing Machine $12.50 4 Gasoline Lamps, bargains, on trial Picture frames, 25c to $L50 Remember my "Excelsior" Heaters art the finest made, at bottom prices. Bring your old one and exchange. " F. D.HAISTEN, Phone Red 1161 r Highest Prices Paid for Second Hand Goods Uhe farmers and TJraders TJationat Siank fjCm frmmfr Off. NO. 4463 Capital Surplus liability of Shareholders Total - For therotectlon ol IU Depoeitoral Dspesilpn et tale Beak ere aoeorded eucfc liber! treatment ea shall tie la keeping .with the ebareeter ead value ol their eeeoante. We veeM Ugpleeeea to hare yoer eoconnt. . ; v JOBCPH PALif KK, President. G. E. McCollt, Asst. Cashier. ENGRAVED GOODS The Obserrer is in position to offer to its patrons a splendid line ol engraved Visiting Oarde, Wedding Announcements and At Home Cards at prices just the same as 70a send away only w pay the" postage. Call on us and look nt our samples v. THESE ABE OIJB PRICES: , English Script cards, per 100. .1100 ' French Script, Tery latest, per 100 $3.00 ' Shaded Old English, per 100. . . . . . .. . .3.60 Roman, 100 cards fS.00 Solid Old English, 100 cards.... 18.00 Gothic, 100 cards. . Printing lutnre orders from any copper plate, 50 cards 76c, 100 cards. . . . . . .12.00 Wedding Imitations from' 18.00 a 100 to $24.00 a 100. ? Besides taking orders for engraved . stock, we are prepared to print all the above in latest type feces. Call on us before ordering. THE OBSERVER FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY, Pretty Polo Turbans, Tricornes, Smart -Sailors, Handsome Large Hats, atvendless variety of Caps. , ornamental Combs. Etc E XI WELLMAN & GO Jjo. Groiide - Oretron $'60,000.00 14.0d0.0O ' 60.000.00 $134000.00 J. W. BCKJBKB, Cashier. T. J. ScBOoaiv. . Asst. Cashier UNITED STATES LARGEST BUT ONE To-day 130,000,000 The English The Doited Bute U by lar tb larg eit ol tU the eiviliaed nation p KnaaU, which bu about 130,000,000 inhabitant. The German empire bM W.000,000. Aaatiia Hnngert 47,000,. 000. Jpa 47,000,000. frano 88. 000,000, Italy Si ,000 000 and Spain 18,000.000. China hu 360,000.000, bat the dace not oount in calcul lion ol thi eorl. Owing to the rapid growth ol the United BtatM, the English language i mow pokn by mac person then caeaoy other .i vil li d longee. Charts V id be i,xk O into to hi hone, Pinon to men. Italian to hi lady Iriend and Hnani.h n iw la hi da;, three end e balf eeuturk PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY COURT Ooteber Term Continued B Chaneay, Printing ee per Mil 134 75 8 MGoff, J P Feea e'ate ? Gabhart 8S5 9 55 1 70 170 7 80 S3 20 4 70 a Carter, Bp eonttabie feet J P CoortS v Gabhart... i V Christiana a, Witneee J P Oouit, etate Gabhart. ... I O Sbeekley. Witne J P Coort, etate v Gabhart. . . . John S Hough, I P Pee, etate v Tanleoa 9 PUhildere, Sp eonatabl fae P Ooort, 8 v TauUon. ... Chae Piaher, Witneee J P (Joart tat re Tanleoa Bert VUklaeoa, Witneee fee J P Ooart, etate t Taolaoe.. 4 70 4 70 6 80 3 40 10 00 4 40 LC Martin, wltaeM f eee J P Court, etate e Tenieon.... John JB Hough, J P Pe, etaU eErano : J H MeLoohlln, ooar-table leee P Court, etate v TanUon OS Cochian, Habeaa I'orpa eeaeof Hen Duffey TG WUaon, J P Pt etate Duffey .... William Hanoook. oonaubl fee J P Court, etate ve Duffey. 5 10 170 1 70 1 70 1 70 1 70 3 00 6 00 George McDanlei, witneei feee, etate re Duffey Sam Bloom, wltnoaa fare J P Court, Mate re Duffey Ckerlee Duffey, witneee J P Court, etate r Duffey William Huleok, witnes J P Court, state n Duffey Wa Keefer, witneee J P Court, etate re Duffey B A Maatereon, work repairing Jell. B H Uoyd, nttorney feee, itate re Gabhart George May, relief for 8eptem. ber, 1800 E1U Neetee, relief for Septom- ber, 1906.. O W Sonder, relief for Septem ber, 1905 John HUderbrand, relief for September, 1905 L W Bagel, relief for Septem ber, 1906 M A'Herrieoa, treneportetloa ee per bill John E Hough, J P Peee, etale . re Joha Doe..... J H MeLaehlie, eooitable feee, . JPCour State re Joha Doe.... ... ir ...... . L Beybara, witneee J P Court, ' etate r John Doe..... JoaaE Hough, i P Pete, etate veMeDoaell J H MeLoohlln, eoaitable feee J P Ooart, atate re McDowell H W 8 toner. Oread tfury Bailiff H B Henaa, teporter'e feea. 800 13 00 10 00 8 00 8 00 7 20 7 56 S60 170 6 70 3 40 31 00 October term 100 00 J A Af heckle, meal for juror 10 90 KB Taylor, Jury Bailiff Octo ber term 36 00 ROAD PUND R A Leathern, work on road dlatrlotao 13 17 60 R B Leathern, work oa road tetrlot no 13 4 60 Levi Leathern, work on road j dlelrletao 13... 0 00 B P Brown, work on road I dietrkt ao 13 8 00 Sammerrllle Lumber ea, aula . lor r d No. 23. 8 00 BGLaatham,workoardKo.l3 1 00 O B Bherman, work oa oouaty v roede; MM WUHam Greham, work oa r d Ko. A 3 00 BZOerblae, work ea county People Speak Language go Spain wa land on which the d a i.-v-WMt, England aa only e small pot on tbe map and the English lan guage held ooly e minor pUce in the civilised tongue. Today 130,000,000 peak English, 100 000,000 apeak Kutnian (for not nil tb people of the empire ta'k tba na tive tongue), 75 000,100 u German, 70,000,000 employ Spanish including the inhabitant ol tbe Latin American ooontrie. and 40,000,000 sprat Frsneb. Moreover the lead (or English ii'ia pioly lengthening. Near y two-ih rH ol all tbe people who palt tK Eng- Leslie's Wotklr roada Rama, r d No. 30 Wm Dixon, woik on 18 75 (18 36 oonnty roede H Beaucbkamp, ame A Sundmen, work on r d No. 18 Jam dbooklay, lumber es per bill... .' C Venorder, work on r d No. 83 J J Hrowo, aanie.. Frank Sholditrom, work on r d No. 18........... ........... I W Paulk, work on county bridge Calren Jam, tarn Carl Millar, ease Pleat Brother, lumber a per bill B B Morelock, viewing Roe road ...................... B Logtdon, aame Arthur Gurtia, mrveylng eame II 26 1 79 ai oo 6 30 3 00 7 60 4 00 17 00 8 60 8 60 85 12 600 6 80 8 80 4 40 7 00 3 40 a 40 a so 10 30 7 00 E B Morelook, , viewing Cum- mlne road , B Logadon, eame Jo Gat, chairman eeme.... Welter Gatee, tame Peul Ellia, marker eame Arthur Cur Ma, turreying aame Ira Stewart, work on r d No. 6 Goodnougb M & 8 co, lumber aa per bill J 0 Miller work on r d Na. 6.. 0 B Moore, work on county roede Same, work on rd No 1. ......... 44 20 ' 6 35 6 00 7 00 Lee Smith, board of help repair ing bridge CONTINGENT FUND K O Moore, transportation of 1 75 Oeoar Llneberger 5 40 John Prawley, caab paid for stamp l 00 J B Gilham, oah paid out per bill 13 95 CCPeulogton. caah paid for tamp, etc , 3 CO Alex Slater, boarding paupere 63 20 Order by Mail . If you ere too greet e distance from our store to call, we should be only too glad to reoeire your order by mall. Huoh order will receive prompt attention. With e splendid assortment of the beat drags, ' stationary, mediuln, machine oil, stock end poultry pre peratlon and a thoutand and one odd artlolea earried by a first claae, well atoeked drug store, you ceo be assured of having what you want right at your own home without effort or waate of time In shopping. We guarantee every thing, so you can return enythlng which doee not suit Nwlin Drug Co. SMITH REPAIRS Guns Bicycle Sewing Type Writers Umbrellas Biases broken casting Oriarle Scisiore and does a geuerid repair business GL. SMITH CREAMERY BUILDING Stops tho COUGH and Heals the LUNGS -A- T JHIIxL E THE LONG I - ? 'J ASH 500 ACRE FARM FOR SALE This farm is only 15 miles from La, on the Elgin biauch of the O. R, & N. Bailroad, at the Rinehart spur. It will make several good homes, and will be sold in small tracts i! desired. There are three different young bearing orchards, and two good houses on the place.. In a good school district free from debt. Terms easy. Address, HENRY RINEHART, ; SUMMERVILLE, OREGON. Or call at the farm for full particulars. O LA GRANDE Complete Machine General Blacksmith , Horse ! Manulacturer of 4,119 Fitzgerald ltoller reed Mill I D FITZG E R ALD. tl KOPHIETOF CARPETS CARPETS The largest line of Carpets ever brought to the city. More arriving daily. Pritty floor coverings, 25c a yard and'up. SPECIAL ON 00 CARTS THIS MONTH W. H. BOHNENKAMP, Hardware and Furniture G. L FOWLER Truck and. Transfer Wood and Coal Phone 1611 All order given prompt attention. OVERCOAT Many swell dressers will want the loDg swell, swag ger Overcoat, We have provided for their want for we have received right from the shop9 ol the World's best Overcoat Mikers 'he most elegnnl lung overcoats that could be produi eK ARTISTIC AMD HANDSOME We want young men. in particular to call to ee these smart garments Nothing that could add one whit to - the st le, beauty or "go" of these coats , has been omitted. They come in Kerpeys, Meltuus, Cheviots, Friezes, unfinished woreieds, Etr. " $i2.5u tu D'in't thiuk that tliere are ny overcoats iu town that can equal these superior garments in any wsy. BROS. ia oua ttbkihiSk& U Mttb o 1 1 IRON WORKS Shops and Foundry Shoeing and Wagon Work IN A HURRY? THEN CALL WJIi. REYNOLDS The transfer man. He will take that trunk to the Depot or your home iu less time than it takes to tell it. Wagon always at your service. Charges moderate. Day phone B 179'J, uight phone R 12. ., n . at : t : mo ' - I.. nU 'ii J 1, X; 1: iith 'S.i ied l 'lenv en It bat t ? Tbf netk. ot. U j. j I20C V""!ne f Cana ns 1 the i jatre t tent i eon a I be ' 1 V I