BURGLARS GET A RICH HAUL Get $6,000 From an Indiana National Bank i LUMBER it I Or Money Saving Paint Money uving In painting doesn't i the use of cheap-bjr-the-gallon paint, k meant the um of firat-quality paint paint that will cam moat surface to the gallon, that will spread easy and sav the painter' time, that will wear wel and put off for the longest time the need for re-painting. - The Sherwin-Williams Paint is money saying paint. It I surface to the gallon because k Is ground exceptionally fine and is thoroughly nixed For the same reason, it spread easiest and saves the painters' time. It wears longest because it is made from the best materials, so thoroughly W combined that they become inseparable, and hold together on the building for X the longest time. When you buy The Sherwin-Williams Paint you buy ecooo- "J? nry. We tell it. Color cards free. 5 y STANIELS & J ARM AN Jg k. . noaior In W.tll Pancr Paint. Oils. Glass. Etc i Scrlpps News Association Rldgevllle In) Oct 24 Uorglars this morning blew open the safe of the Ridgeyille bsnk end Moored SC000 la the running bottle with the bandits nd osf e of elimns, tbe easfcier and two of the robbers were wounded and for over an hour tbe town was at the mercy of tbe desperadoes who walked op and down the streets shoot Ing at every thing In eight and ap parently taking their own time In leaving The flrat plosion occurred atone o'clock and did very little daman. Tba seoonrt waa about flftee.i mlnoffs later and aroused B C lira ii ran who ma to the "street but as eoon at ha rppeared .ne of tbe bin-iits piokeU Brel at him and forced him to retreat to hie bouse where be got a gun, and went to tbe home of the president of the bank 8am p ton and tbe two fumed in a fir alarm. In tbe meantime tbe thlevse opened tbe sa'e and seen red tbe plunder by tba time the citizen were aroosed. All of the eleotrlo lights were turned on and tbe citizen attempted to aur round the robbers who did not fear being ctptwred bnt delibrtely walked op tbe streets and ahot out tbe light, ('shier tiraaou received a flesh wound la the head. ' - There were at ven in the party and all escaped but they - were heard to say that Branso had hit two of then. RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICES Better Umber asd Cheaper than it io sold in La Grande, We Deliver it to your Building. Grande Ronde Lumber Go. - PERRY, OREGON. 9i 1J& 51 MitWHV" IS THE BABY A CO CART OR YOUR WIFE A Sewing Machine Call on Us We have a few machines of tbe very latest make wbich we are offering for only $30. Call and see the machines, they do their owd talking Go-Carts from $3 . 00 to 114, they bear inspection. Pictures and Picture f femes , The best assortment ever brought to ' Eastern Oregon'. Call and see tbe display Everything you ever thought ol or heard of. . PRICES EIGHT , . ADCOOK & HARRIS, , Adams Avenue MINES PROVE RICH J E Elmendorff, superintendent of theWoodley mine, la in the city thl week. He report a very satisfactory season's ran as far as the showing ol value 1 concerned, though the water apply wee limited owing to the lack of mow in the mountains. 'Ih sea son's work took the form of a series of test and these war all entirely suc cessful. A force of men Is now em ployed In running a seven hundred foot tannel to tap the channel. When thl is completed it will suable the ground in Tanner' galch to be worked at a great saving over the present sys tem. Ibis tunnel will be completed by the time water appear In the spring. The Woodley mlnea will be come a great (actor in tbe upbuilding of this olty as La Grande i the base from whioh all supplier must be drawn The showing mad by Mr. El men dorff demonstrate beyond a doobt that the mines are rioh and the value in 'the ground oan be tuooeesfally saved and worked at a profit. La Grande National- Bank Capital Stock. Surplus and Undivided Profits........ $150,000 00 1 Deposits .....640,000 00 OFFICERS AND UIRECTORS George Palmer, Pres. J. M. Berry, Vice-Pres. F. L. Meyers, Cashier. Geo. L- Cleaver, Asst. Cashier. W. L. Brenholts, Asst. Cashier F. M. Byrkit A. b Conley F. J. Holmes C. C. Pennington ; Exchange sold available in all parts of the world. Telegraphic transfers to all parts of the United States and Canada 1 . 1 " A. at " "The man who loves his wife the most Is not the one to let her roast" These hot days, in kitchen overheated by a sweltering ( stove Cut out the family wash day. Send your laundry tc us. Savea wood, time and energy. Don't burn up a lovely disposition. Send your lineu, all of it to A.B.C STEAM LAUNDRY PHONEfj Main 7 La Gttnie, Oregon. Railroad News It I expected the surveyor of the Wallowa Valley B B will reach Los. tin this evening or tomorrow, as they are only short distance below town. P A WortMogton the right of way agent for the O ft A N Co , Is at Wal lowa still securing right of way for their proposed extension of the Elgin branch Loatine Leader. .. May Have Creamery The Lostlne Ledger ssys: Ther i strong talk among the farmer and holiness m n of Lostlnnd vioinity, ol organhting a j-ilnt stock company for tbe par rose of establishing a creamery at Lostine H Society Yesterday Mr. J H Aikln yesterday enter talned iff of her lady friend at ber residence on Fourth street with whist. Mr. William Allison re celved the first souvenir, a handsome olty ball plate and Mr. Uert Pattlson received second which was a Lewis and Clark souvenir. In tbe evening Mr. and Mr. J Aiklne and Mis Molna entettalned tbeir gentlemen friends and their wive. At this function ther were U table and 50 present. During the evening refreshments were served In the afternoon and tbe company en forfaited at cards. Dr. L D Keavls received first souvenir for gentlemen, it being a Havlland china oup and saucer. Mrs. T N Murphy received first lad lea' souvenir, being the same. This evening Miss Moina Alklne will entertain ber young frlenda her bom. Feed Fewer Cattle Ueorge Tincent, who was in town Saturday from Butter Creek, in formed the Times that he doea not think there will be more than half ae many beef cattle red on the oreek thl year a ther were laat. Many alfalfa growers will sell their hay owing to the lew prices of beef. Ueppner Time. Renounces Wilhelm W F Woodstock filed his Intension to renounce forever Kaiser Vilbelm and proclaim his allegiance to Unole Sam. Argue Today In tbe case or Koxy McCoy versus Mr Wilkerson and other the testl mony waa filed yesterday with Judge Eakin and today the argument will be made. Tbe suit i brought for tbe petition of certain property. ' ' . Good to Write on. Oar fall line of boi, bulk and toilet stationery includes the new style and latest qualities of paper. The art of paper making baa arrived at a point where very high grade paper can be had at very low price at leaat when we mas the prise. Fin paper in tablet form are in demand for general correspondence. We have them as well a anything else you may require in tbe ariting mater al line. Newiin Drug Co., La Grand, Or For Sale Imported tooth broshe finest blercbed bristle, stamped with oor name, for SKSo. New broshe for the asking It any ever prove detective. Newlia Drag Co. THE LIGHT OF OTHER DAYS. Not gnry many years a fro alcohol was useo. lor iignung m continuation wltb ouiitr nu ui ununr the name of." Cam phene," but It suf fered banishment because it waa too daiiifcrcuiK. Alcohol is gener ally narmiul wliun taken in the form of medicine, 'oxx elttlly to a delicate system. Dr. Pierrot tlx mtercbuUdlna and tunrtltm-Htrcikythcnlnq ilnn nf trrutinent is lounwMig aiior .Tdinres punt. Iln uses niitiirul remedies, that is native medicinal Toots, preparnd hy proreaum wrought out liy the t-xprnitltiire of much time and money, without the iiha of alco hol, and by skillful combination In the niotit exact proportions. Used as one of the active Ingrndimts ot nr. I'lervu'B (lultlcn Med ca Discovery. black riiKKKVRAKK specially exirlH its Inllui'iice In cases of lunir and hnmclilal triiuhles, and tliis"niRxvKHT" Is. tliure- lore. a sovurelKii remedy for bronchitis, lryiiKltls, chronic coughs, catarrh and kindred ullmenlH. 77i mintcx of the medMnal inyrttHrnt of tills world-fiimous remedy are: Hidden !4enl nsit. Uueen'g rout. Stonn - nsit. ltl.'ick Cherrybark, Bloodroot and Man- "1 have had snch a wonderful experience wllh Ur. rierce'H Golden tledtcal lilwtivery that I do not hetdiiUe to nicinimend II, Ite llevlna It to lie a womlerf al nHllclne to build ut the tlmueH uf the Hystem." writes Miss Htwile Hrown. Heiretary Knierwrn Literary Assoi'lBtUiit, 441 Kernian Avenue, Aiipleunt, Wis. Worry and nervous tnmhles had com- tleteiy run-ihiwn my health and strvngih; ad no aniieiiie, sleot hadl)'. and was In a staUs of nervous collapse. 1 tisik twelve bottles In all, and. each week, knew that I wasaettliia Is'tter and strmurcr. until flnallr 1 was ts well and st nmg as 1 had ever Us.'iu I have the utmost fnlt r and confidence In your medicine, nnd wish to thank you for my food liealilu which Is a UeitHhis to anyone. For 21 one-vent stiiinps to rover coHt nf mnilinir. you can set a free copy of the "Common Sense, Mistical Advlwr,puper covers ; or cloth-lxuind fur 31 sIiiuiih. Addresw Dr. It. V. l'ienti, Uuffalo, N. t. Ir. l'lcrcc's I'leAxant Pellets should be '.srsl with "(ioliii-n Mislicnl Discovery whenever a laxative la required. THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY Offers customers the best of everything in the X line of FRESH VEGETABLES. FRUITS. CR0CE- RIES, PROVISIONS, ETC., at prices as low as in- ; I ferior goods can be purchased. Good things to . eat . can always be had at THE CITY GROCERY 1 AND BAKERY. " If your appetite "goes back" on you, visit our store and you are certain to find - something that will please your palate. If you haven't been trading with us, why iot give us a trial order? We can please you,' Once a customer always a customer. P0LACK, the Grocer. ' PHONE, MAIN 75. 1 t 1 WE BJY Doors Sash, Shingles Lumber and . In large quantities dinct from factories and mills , at a yearly contract price, and while-we pay the . lowest price, we Ret the best goods, and can afford Vto sell at figures that others buy for, thereby giv- ing our customers the benefit of ,wholesale puces I STODDARD ; LUMBER CO. iiiiiPiMieiiiiiiiS m CITY BREWERY JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. Largest Brewing Plant in Eastern Oiegon Ask for La Grande Beer and get the Best A Daredevil Ride often end Id a aad aoohlent. To beat aocidentat Injnriee, as Backlea's Ar nica salve. "A deep wound In mi loot, from an accident." vrllee Theo dore 8obaele,of Colambae, O, ''oaaeed m ureas pain rnysicians war heln lee. bnt Baoklen'a Arnica salve quick Iv healed It." Soothe and heals barns Ilk magkj. ISo at Kewlln Drag oompaa. Frightful Suffering Relieved. Baffering frightfally from tbe vlns lent poisons of anditeeted food. O O Urayeon, ol Lola, Hiss, took Or King's New Lit pill, with the result," h writes, "that I was cured." All stomach and bowel disorder (lv way to their tool laxative properties, ioo at Newlio'e drug atore, guarran teed. LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE j AND SHOULD HAVElTHh l-KEFERENCE J : -v - , . . ... . .... 3 ST. LOUiS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE :. X LA1V3C1M & NUKKIC, Props. 9) 2' :fe&SJ First class turnouts fur- J nished day or night. Cj) Special accomodation for 5v commercial men. Jt Best service guaranteed ( Pi Horses boarded week or month. r :i i r . ... al g lurmauou w parues, lunerais and picnics. The Z $ ' oes carryall in tlte city. J vnHMavsfHtmHiaauinim V...