CLASSIFIED 7DVCRTISCMCNTS. Rr:-On eent word, one-half ioeertion. Cl.s.ified .0. brio, qtjic, Have your abstract of title prepared br the LA GRANDE INVEST MENT CO. , . Reel Estate Loans, any amount or city end country real eeute. Liana cloed promptly, m toon a title ap proved. LA G BANDS INVEST MFNT CO. FOB BALB-Eight aoree of land, four ..,. im wiuiru, oriiciaas poal try or hog ranoh. Six room houae, large bay barn md atable to aooomo date lis bead of .borer. On mile from potomoe. Would exchange for city property. For particular Inquire at Wm Smith' feed etore. WANTED Girl to do general bouM boot work in email , family, la quire of Mr J 0 Henry. ' -OBN18UED KuOMB-Nlcoly turol ' hed room for rent. Corner itb nj main n. - . . 8-18 tt KOB KENT-Pleautly ; farolabed room for light housekeeping, at, WANTED Ladiea permanent, pleas ant, mp oyment Salary. Call Foley House Boom 22. Witller A Co. Stockmen Attention All person deairoua of eeeartng permit for mzina In the Wallowa and Cbeanlmo Forest Eeeerve, for the teaeon of U!06, are hereby notified that a meeting will be held la Wallowa, November, IS, 1905, tor the purpose of allotlog tba range. All perron in terested are requested - to be'preaeut, or their application may not be allowed. If aetnpeeteut, It will be coostrued by the forest officer that grating It not desired. ; Howard K O'Brien, i "Ranger lb Charge." ; Wallowa, Oregon, Oct 0, 1909. Fine Cards Tbe Observer ha taken ' number of order (or engraved vieiting card at a result of the 'advertisings ws have been doing for the past two week. Those wishing extra fine work aboukj give ut a call and tee onr line of sam ples before ordering. ' Apples For Sale Twenty car load . of good wintei apple for aale. Call or addret tb tccretary of the Home Frnlt Co , Cov vegon. ' d A w CLOTHES CLEANED The ame old ataud, bat a new management, fak your to It to the tame pltce, and have another man clean and pre it the way it should be. Harvey doe tbe cleaning and repairing and doe it right. Another strong feature about hi rteni it that bis pricetaro oorreut. :' Remember the plaoe, : next door to tbe Commercial club. Ladiee and Gent clothing clean ed dyed pressed ' and repaired W E Harvey' KC DAVIS President I H CHII.DH Be and Treat, BLUE MOUNTAIN MARBLE AND GRANITE CO. LA GRANDE OREGON We have jutl received carload of Geogria, Tennetee and Italian marble monument. These are ; the finest ever ebown In the county. Oor monument com In toob a shape that can eat any design , you may suggest.. Our workmen are competent, too ' to do the work von dealre. LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF MUSIC PROF. DAY, Principle. MBS. DAY. AisiiUrt TbU it ono of the beet musical In stitations in th aula, and th people of this city and valley ate beginning to discover the advantag ea,of tbit school Tbe system uted it tie latret and moat practical, and Include all tba latest diaooveri tba art of teaching mutio. Tb acbooi It divided into two depart aentai o. 1 1 for beginner, from yean or more and are taught tba drat three gradea. Fopila com one boor kvery day. This I no Kin (rgarten system bnt far euperlor. In No. 3 the trade are from 8 U. 10. Here tbey gradoat. Poplh '.at one or two leeaon a week - at tbey d antra. No eoholare will U permitted to remaia in thia aebooi to do not ttody. Onnoalta thai Foley Houae ova th Candv Store Pbona 473. Mnt word aaah aW...t iTSdiE . t Onions For Picklint FOB SALE Small onion, for lOoant , per gallon, delivered to any part of ; o wiy. ddree O A Carey. Give eireei ana number. - Centennial hotel Under new management. Board and Boom 15 par week. eaah. MeaU 35 eU. Hpaolal rate fnralabad monthly patron. No. 1417 Adam. Are. Phona No iiai Mr. W E ktUROHlSON. proprleto. ,.; ; TAKE NOTICE Pbona Bd 87L Old Towa atora tor worn iw oay Uma lvanl. Chaanaat urooana ano rTovleioiia la the city. new etusk aad fall line of feed. Dated La Grand. Ore.. Jaly 96. Hept l , . t j ATKINSON LOST Monday night between Oper a . none ana iwibley' voed yard, tall 01 oar Drown bo. Finder pi return to Golden Bale Htar. FOR BALK Tioket to Portland or 8attl also ticket by Ureal North ern to Kan sat ptty. luqulre, for WmMllla. at HaUtea't JBeoond uana store. W)B SALE The A V Oliver four lota m Jetyreoa Avenue, iooloding plat . a . - lorro eceiea, one bundred and lea foot porch fanning back to railroad ( track. Q H Powers, th Minnesota land man, ' , ,. . f LOST Th bin print plant for dwelling. Three sheet. Findar will pleaa leave at the poet afflca. Plan war loet batwean BUaUia A Jarmant paint (tor and G It Blcboy' raeioano on H t tract. FOt RENT AND SALE Stor root on Adam Are, next to Model Bettaurant tor rant and two lot for tale on tame treat Jut below Fir St. Enquire of Chat Q Bant. ' Hick heedaohe It oauesd by cM. ordered condition of tbe stomach and la qniokly cured by Cbambetlalo' Stomach and Liver Tablet. For Ml by Newlin Drug Co. ODD and END SALE KNITTED GOODS In order to clot out what stock we v have) on .hand preparatory to the, change of management of the Crescent Knitting Mil!, which have been aold, wo will for one week closing Oct -28, offer a line of odd and enda in knitted under wear, locks, and sweaters at just. One-Third Their Actual Value Remember this sale closes October 28 And Ibis will be your last chance to - secure horn maaofactare CRESCENT KNITTING MILLS When 70a wish a nice jaicj roast or a tender steak, or a piece of boiling meat or pol roast, just phone Main 48, and 70a will soon have exactly what 70a desire. J. BULL fiLCO. Phone main 48. Remember tbe phone is on the directory as uoss Meat UArket main 48. ' rXfM, FOR FIVE YEARS At th last kerm of circuit court tha county official compiled fe oompare tiv ttelement of the expenditures ol Union County for tbe veart of 1901. 1903, 1904 and 1906. Tbe figaree in. dioal that tbe expense for tha year ending October let are tbe laireat ol tha four year but tbit may be explain ed by tbe expense of moviot thaeonrt records. For tbe year of 1904 the ex- peote were lese that anv nreoaedinir year exeipt for 1903 when thev totaled 151,537 HJ. i Comnarativ tatemantof tha fVmnt. of Union, Bute of Oregon from Oat. ober lit, 1903 to October ltt 1905. Th expenee of the ooonW from Oct let, 1903 to March 31st, 1903, we vx3,299.Qo and from April lit, 1903. to Oct 1st. 1903. it waa. S2S. 211.13 making a total expense for that year of 901,097 17. Tbtr war out standing warrenta drawn General Fund, on March 31st. . 1903. lb uoi of l22,4.95.- -- Tha expense of ' th oountv from Oct let, 1903, to March 81, 1901, wat $r,301.30 and from Marnb 31a', t October let, 190 It wat $6,8t.69. making total expente for that year of $54,017.89. Thar were botttaoding warrantt draw'a ou tbe General Fond, oa March Slat. IBM. tha mm nf t23t. W5.78 Th expeoae of tha connt t mm October 1st, 190t to March Sltt, )905, wat $20,434.83 and from March Sltt, 1906, It waa 826,964.67, making a aottl txptnt fortbat Tear of ' an There wet ouutaodlng warrant on the General Fund, on October let, 1905, the torn of I160.90i.37. Subtracting from tba outatand ins tate value of warrantt on March ai.i. 1905, ia-2i.b05.78. The amount out standing on Oct. let, 1905, 1160,902 37 ho a decree face vaine of. IBS. 903 41. Next Attraction W B Nelson, adraoot atant for tha Zmn't Traveety Com pan v. arrived in th city tbit morning, and the bill boards at being decorated in way to mike th heart rejoice. Th oompaoy come hrrt for tbe week beginning OoleberSO. The strong feature of the entertainment it Venelia. tbe jtwel danoer." Th Review baa the (.-(lowing to tay of ber remarkable aot "Tbote who wrN present at the Auditorium ' last evening witnessed torn epectaoular dancioa which has nsver been 1 quailed in tbit city Venita tbe J wel dancer., had bean hrreldtd at wonder, bot none ex pected tuoh a remarkable exhibition at waa giveo." .. . - .Ground to Pieces Moripp New Association Philadelphia Got 2-H If Ol.,t. th. the Clyde Bteamabip Company roll lu front of tb 22ud afreet etatlou car or tb Pennaylvania road today and bit body was ground to piaoe. Ha waa tb owner of . tbe GoQtbeore atabl ct runnlne horaea. and waa married a few man tha ago to Mr uioomoeld Mollvalne. Clyde waa about 60 year rf age Sod wat ver wealthy. ry Santiago Riot Sorlpp Kw AtWclaiiua Bsenoa, Ay res, Oct fb-A d I -patch taytlbst nttf were killed end Ave bandred wounded In a riot at Santia go, Chill, which eontlnoad all . day yesterday and far Into the night. A detachment of troopt anally arrived and bad a quieting effect. Tbe officers re anting many avett. A Daredevil Ride aft od In a atd acoifWot. To beal aMdntai inlnriaa. n u.ku.u a- pica aalve. "A deep wound In my loot, from an aculdeut," wrilot Theo dor t'ohoela.of Colombo. O. caused me mat naln J i..Tv lese, but booklea'a Arnica sal re quick l healed It." Soothe and barn Ilk magic, too at Ntwlln Oroa oompaoy. " PrisMful Sutterwij Relieved. SnffWrlns tML i f n 1 1 . I . . -u.iuuy iruni virO Unt poison of and Igeetml food, O U Mtw Life pill, with the result," b, wilt, "that I waa cured ? All toraackand bowel dlaordai giva way SLX't lo.?, propertiw i-lt "9W"a ' "ug store, guarrau HOLUTCR- ' Rscky Mountain Tea Nungets A larr Madlatu far B.r. Pi. Brlact SaUra Baaldi aal BauaM Vim. a .ii.nirt. 0 n ., ...... . . BM lUdwr TrouMaa, HmnU n.i. I in mm .!T.J'rM. irl.h Bowels llnulm l 7--n. II 1 HHCtT Mmtnuln Tm In tah 90UEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PE0PU Bis Undertaking HcripptNtwe Association.. Waahlngto Hot 84-Oen. . Isham Baniiolph the man who built the Cbioago drainage canal and who It now on ol tha contul ting engineer of th Panama canal, today expressed himself publicly that one half of the letbmlaa dluh would be completed and la operation within ten years. He aUtet that at least 24,0(10 men will b needed In the construction. Silver Medal The offloeie at tha Sugar faotory re oeivad a letUr of notitloation this morning from tbe director of awardt of tha Lewi and Clark expoaition that tba I. Urando faotorv had hn awarded the ellver medal for It. eugar. The auiar from ih I Onnj. faotory waa plarad in com petition with th faotoriee of WathiDgton, uwiioruia. uriorado, Idaho and Utah Lena Leaves Thursday Scrlppt Newt Atsoolatlon. Vallejo, Calif., Oct 2i -The Haitian oruber Lena which wat interned at Mare islaud for 13 month leaves Thurtclay noon for Ban t'ranoltco where it will ool and try (o aww 9rm VUI)m..i. o.. . next. A fast trip will be made In bopee that tbey may reach there before ic form , QUEEN. ESTHER GIVEN TONIGHT Th opera Queen Esther will ha nr. anted at th opera houae tbit evening and tomorrow eveniug, and the advance eala of eeata haa been tuoh at to in ure well filled housea to greet tbe perrormert. Too much praise oannot be given to Mrg Lauibllu In ber impersonation of Esther, tbe beautiful queen. In add! tion to ber perfect fltneta for th part in voice and pbyelqne, she bat given most careful and ooneolentlou ttudy to tbe part Mr Oeore L Olaver, who his a deep, rich baritone voloe, sings tbe part of King Ahaiuerut with wonderful effect. Mr C P Kerrin will appear at Mordecal, the Jew, at be possesses In addition to a spleudid lyric tenor voice much dramatin ability Mr Tom William and Mr Carr at Htmm and Zeretb, bare potaibly the mott difficult parte to portray, but they will undoubtedlv Run In . thitm. telvet with great credit. Mr Williams bat a very pleasing tenor voice. nH Mrs Carr posieftti a sympathetic coo tralto voice of great riohoeea, and their conception of their parte could hardly be improved upon One of the mott pleasing n ambers la the tolo by Mrs Dr Rirhardtoa in har of Prophet which the tinge In moat excel enttiate, and with great effect, Tba numbra by Mrt Jay Van - nuren at Hordeoal't titter are deserv ing of tpeoial mention. Har . high eoprano voice ie well mlted to P" o ting, and will contribute wonderfully to tbe rjleaanm ni oooaslon. Space will not permit nf ait.n.l.1 notion, but favorab'e mention should be made of tb work nf Mr. and Mia Aid rich 11 the prlnceetep, Mr Davit at the tcriba. Mr IUnt.i,b. at Hegal and Hherwood Wlliinmt at lue aiog't guard. Although this produollnn ltl t. given entirely by local talent, the public must not labor undar th. mi. taken Impression that it win be ch.ap, and not worth the price of .tml..;..n charged. We predict that thou. attending will feel that tla n... been amply repaid for (he price paid tor admission. , Osteopathy Diteate is arimltta.l 1. .1 i. an InUrfertno oltb the normtl bind and nerve supply to tbe part dlaeaa ed. Obviously then, tbe i) to cora I to seek tb point of thia Inirf-r nee and remove the obstruction. 81ikblly ditplaoed bonea can be re plaeml by patlenoe and attention to tb oiecbtoloi of Ibt cat, font. to rea mute let can be made to relax by proper manipulation, and .thlokened legamente can be aticbed l.v firm ),.. oautiou ' tentlon Tli .r. o. obstructions to be overcome. Th... are tba things the OatMiDath a..k. 1- acoompllah. When they are aornn. Pliabed tbe bodv blond upply resnme It wonUd ronr.e and ueiar promptly taken up tbe aork ol repair. Cell thi multiplying, organ resume liinctiona. ol.n.i. secrete, mainliranea mt.mrs ...... culnr activity renumet. Perfect health reauiM wny tOoold It not? If your body onoe worked oerrectly, why, if every part la In Da foat nn.iitnn should it not do t j again f Tl iaiabut plain common sense, foil w it. 1 irea out, worn out worn in cti.not oud fly to p.,. Hollls'.-r' Kocky Mountain Tea mate' rtrcuir nerve and rich red blood. 30 cnt. TeaorTahioU. Newlin Ung Co. 1 1 cheap Meat Is Hi$h at Anv Price Some meat markets may tell you a good looking pice of meat tor a few oenta rheaper than it wonldcott TOU at a rellubla uimbol .nil rnn - t w. won't know until alter yon have g tried to eat It that you have been 3 deoeived. We offer you the best meata that can be bought any where tbe brs that money can buv. WaguHran tee It and charge a fair price, wbio'u le cheaper In the end. Ifou cannot net something forloothing.eapeclal ly In meats. . Wa have everyfolng in the market line that you ran wish for. Brooks & Rohr Harris Meat MarKtt Telephone Maiu 10 GROCERIES, FROM THIS STORE ARE ALWAYS MCE AND FRESH C , Seasonable goods as well as Staples 'always on hand. ' ., QEDDEJ 0jRJ .' Norlb Fir Stieet Esfray Notice ! ' Notice hereby jiveo that there oame to my place aev'en mile south east of La Grande, one Jersey oow, brtnded circle bar on both hip, tiaiu cow it about seven year of age. Owner may have tame by proving properly and paying charges. . PpiCB QATES.' T Cheated Death. Kidney trouble often ends fatally, but by obooalng the rli ht medicine. E H Wolfe, of ilear Urove, Iowa, cbeated dealh.- rietayt: "Two yearn ago I hail kidney trouble, which caused me great pain tuli'ering and anxiety, but 1 took Uleotrlo tittera. whloh effected a. complete care. 1 have also found them of great benefit iu general debility and nerve trouble, and keep them constantly on band, elnoe, ae I Und they have no eoual." Newlin' druggist, guarantee them at 6O0 Insomnia and Indigesticn Cured "Lent rear I hurl a i ...... ... Uck of Indigent ion. 1 could not sleep as wink a...J It J . . V Masau tsiiu sjuuerwu inoBC exor JOluC ruic ufiiuv lur inrt nntirM ria nank meal. I was troubled . thii wat for bhfii.t ' ....... 1 k. 1 . r ..., .mm uiuuiu.. woeu 1 UNCI Chamberlain' Utotrraob and Mver Tablet, and roived immr-diate re '"'", John Olxon, Tuliamore, Ontario, Canada. For tale by .Newlm Drug Co, . . . J. L MARS, Contractor and Builder Draler in Building Material. La Grande, Oregon lrop a line, naming wot k, and I wl the right price. .. ', 0 .t . , u.- A TRIAL ORDER MEANS A '"' CUSTOMER AU that the Seattle Grocery Co. asks is that you give us a trial III liuaTT ' 5 onier. If we canno, please w lo oot wont jour trade. A saUtGed customer is a pleaseu one and we tiy to please. Tlit best groceries for tbe least money. , This is our motio u .ti a trial ovder wilhbe a demon stration of how well we succeed SEATTLE GROCERY COMPANY ZUNUKL4 LA WHOM 1 I MEW SEC0MD , HAND STORE All Icind of Kepnnil Viand goods bought and sold .j r.Fn r.DriiiT' da J09 Fir 8t. bet. Adamt and Jetfeinon 1 THE OXFORD PAR JAMEJ FARQIIHARSOM, Prop-, CoaipleU MaortnMntor WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Cold lunchea and mixed drir.ka a apeoialty. Fair and impartial treatment to all. You are in vited to call and get acquainted Diue rront Saloon E. THORON, Proprietor. V . FINEST V ' WINESt LIQUORS ; Imported and domestic cigars;:. Hot or cold lunch all hours JeOenoa Avsiiau Opposite Deptit tsiesess. ta ' Palace Salocra i e CHAS, ANDERSON, Prop. WINES, LIQUORS . AND CIGARS ' Always on hand Jafleraoa Avenne OppoMta Depot THE LOUVRE! CrJRIS WRIGHT, prop. FINB ,j WIHE5. LIQU0R5 1 Gentlemen slwayi Welcomt I . Fir Street . Eaglo Sao )n i LLRICH LOniS, Ptbp. i WINES, LIQIORS and CIGARS Lunches are our apwi-tlty . JtrTemon A venae, Opposite liut ' SQMMER HOUSE QA?t PHonc Main 6-1 'NIT "SAID Brick furniahel in any quauity or any' style. No ' contract too small or too large. See samples. of our pressed brick. ' ' ' GEO. KREIGEJR; ; La Oraule, Ortgon... I "iVWVvV , ArVVVNrVWvl 'SStXJ i ol Hi :( , re IV( OlC hi. ' St , Bd "i 1 , j id itl '' a : red i Veo ten I ra hat j Tu. uotk ot. i 120 ,. 0 ane Van ! - ns i In lb tr Mat Hag oo V - n 10 f- . .