ttt r: 5k). smga Hfffwismawsa 4 1 I 1 thJ W( Ml la T fell li) mi fiil BSCS 111 m9' IH iTUHQU T AnraC PHATC AT THE GObBEN RLE STORE CERTAINLY ARE NICE THAT IS WHAT EVERYONE SAYS WHO HAS SEEN THEM The New EMPIRE effect in three quarter length, Made of Broad cloth, Covert, Kersey, Melton, or Cravenette. AND THEN THE PRICE TOO. So much less than you have usually paid for the same quality and workmanship. PRICE $102 to $I9.Z j We have the plainer ones also, at $3 to $5.50 MISSSES COATS, at - - - $1.65 to $8.50 COOP SERVICEABLE GARMENTS, ALL OF THEM THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY, Xargest Store- 1308, 1310, 1312 Adams Avenue. Smallest Prices TRY. AN "AD" IN THE OBSERVER'S CLASSIFIED. IT WILL BE GOOD. 'P ATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY 1 liuoklng KEY WEST PEREECTO ! p THE VISTA ORADA I P and C. B. Cigars j 1 Manufactured by C. E. HACKMAN, Dr. T R Monk, o( Sammerville, was La Grand visitor yesterday, The first meeting of the season for the 401 olob will be entertained next Monday even inn at the home of Mrs L D Keavls by Mrs W J Morrison and Miai Margaret Porter. Officers Cbllders snd Ra born res -coed a young girl who cams to this elty from Bolie City and entered one of the booses in the "red light" dis triot. Her lather was notified and be Immediately wired her a ticket and he returned horn Saturday ni ornlog Factory Adams . and Greet: wood Street Oor. Ate. 4 Suit for $1B Why go and get a Ilond-rne-down Suit when I will tnaie you up a salt just as cheap, better work and guarantee a 6t. MAKE YOU A SUIT FOR 115.00 CALL A JSrp SEE US SUIT CLUB WINNERS M. Foid . $35 Suit New Club AX.. ANDREWS Haberdasher and Tailor Contest Today Colouel W F. Dnnpby and F P Qose prominent attorneys of Wtlla Walla and Green MoCarlie. O Becker. W U Towntend, U A Prosser and F E Stafford, all of that city a-e in the city today to appear before the '.United Stales land office in the contest case of Cos turn versus the heirs of Charles and Laura Stafford. The land in oontest ia aitnalel just inside the Oregon lins. v K4tt4.fttttttT' WANTED Apples, Vegetables, Hay and Crain ' We at ii' w pnrking apples and can use shipping lock in any quantity. We pay highest market pricea fr all produce. -, HONEY We have a fresh consignment of fancy white clover California honey which ia on sals at all tne leading groceries. APPLE BOXES AND PAPER Do vou want apple boxes, box liuing paper, or wrap ping paper? W e have them and aell them at whole, ale prices. STORAGE We store all kinds of goods at a very low rate, Our storage plant is absolutely fire proof and takes a very il i Ic? H ia I il (Hi Oregon Produce Comoanv 1 Married A qaiet wedding took Place in the laotist parsonage corner O and 7 at. ill 'I iiWnulrf aturday evening October, 20, when ttt H J Bookman snd Miss Clara E .Bartmees were Joined In marriage! by pasTor " W 11 Uibso'n utily a lew chosen friends w tneesed tho reremonv. after which tbe vnuns? ooaple went oat to tbeir eozy cottage on 1st street between Adams Arenas and Jefferson, here they will be at home to tbeir many friends who wish for them long life with greet oseful ness snd happiness, f M'sJII Aitklnr ib entertaining a few friends at oiiist 'bis art er noon. ' i are Clirk nn1 srn of Cove, spent Bnnday In this city visiting friends. L J Davis of Union, came over to visit relatives orer Sunday. A K Galloway, Blake-McFallV re presentative, is in the city today waiting upon tbe trade. O A Galloway and S E Barrla came op from Elgin Saturday night end spent bnnday lu tbe city. Attorney Knoeles, Earl Jones and G O Simmons left this morning for a tbree days burning expedition up tbe river Otlio Eckereley, of the Cove, was in the city today on matters pertaining to the estate of W J Shoemaker, of wuii u urn is .vuiiu .trLw . Marshal tioyhnro, Constable Mcfjiohin and son Don left this morning for a deer hnnting expedition on the brad waters of Rock Creek. It is expected Ibat tbe Morgan Jake power plant will be ready to content th the city line about Vedneiday. Tbe plant is op to date in every re- tp ot. . lister Parker, formerly stenographer for Master Mi-cbsnlo J B Matheson. bat now of Portland, came op yeater day from that city to visit friends a few days. Attention ia al!e1 to the cbanzeol ad for tbe Cresoeut Knitting mills announcing tl.e r-ale to close oat the stock pteparairr; to the of ownership Julius Fisher, Morris Maimer,, and Lou Rodders returned late Saturday with six dee' As a result not a lew of our gunners are looking op sutply of shells and ars arranging to get into tbe mountains. Mauler Frank St i veil suddenly dis appeared about 8:30 this morning and was found by Officer . Chlldere four riours later op oy tne Masonic Orms tery riding' a stick horse totally unconcerned of the nneaslnsss his absence had caused Ida parents. Dan Kennedy, who was arrested here for peddleing knives on tbe street, and who as held as a suspect of being one of the burglars wbo broke Into tbe Great Eastern store in Pendleton, was taken to Pendleton by Deputy Hierlff B'akely. r rank Clerk, who formerly owned the Gazette in this oity, and Scott Z Henderson, formerly engaged In law practl here, both of whom are deputy United States marshals, psssed through tbsolty today from Portland to Enterprise where they will visit a few daya. HEATING STOVES AND STEEL RANGES I have just received my fall stock of Heating SUives and Steel Ranges, all sizes, and . pri ;es ia proportion. If you are ging to need a Steel Range or Heater call and examine them, THE CELEBRATED MAJESTIC STEEL RANGE I also have a nice lot of lanternsahot guns, rifles, and am monition. . MRS. T. N. MURPHY, Hardware and Crockery. Examinations Begin Tbe examinations for forest super visors being given by tbe United States government in the parlors of the farmers & Traders National Dank, under tbe snperviaion of D B Shelter of Tacoma, forest superintendent, are being taken by a claes ot nine appli canta. The session will continue fonr days and ths papers will be forwarded to Washington and tbe results will be milled each applicant in the oonrse ol time. . II tttl Oysters are in Season for fair now and we ' ready '. for you now. Never Jl i. have we seen finer (ban we are now offering Large, fat and Juicy with a delicious flavor that will make yon want mors. We are Ready to serve them any way you like, raw, fried, stewed. broiled, roasted. Whichever yea take you will find delioioas Yoa can have them at any time. After the show, before the show or during lbs show. For dinner, for lunch or for breakfatit if yoa say si. Come in and open tbe season. The Model Restaurant GROCERIES FROM THIS STORE ARE ALWAYS MCE AND FRESH mm ; : - Seasonable goods as well as Staples always on hand. QEDDEJ BR2J North Fir Street J. A. Aibucklc, Proprietor OI'KN DAY INU N1U11T We sell weekly i (A meal Uoketa lor f4-Ju Wood! Wood IWood! Good dry wood delivered to any part of tbe oity ANY LENGTH. ANY KIND, 8ieaial prioea on quantity orders No order to large or none to small James Beavers, Red 1441 3G Died MoKINNIS-At Snmmervllle, Oregon, SHtnrday, Oct. 81. 1005. the infant sun of Mr and Mrs Frank Mi Kin nit. The funeral took place Sunday frnm the hoina. Rev Monhelle, pastor of the Presbyterian rhnrch olli lating. BEFORE BUYING YOUR SUIT OVERCOAT OR RAINCOAT WE WOULD ASK YOUR PERMISSION TO BE SHOWN THROUGH OUR NOBBY, UP-TO-DATE LINE OF GARMENTS, FROM THE MOST RE NOWNED MEN S TOGGERY HOUSE IN THE WORLD ,v ... ... .... ... ... This Label Stands for 5 1 Years of Knowing How r- . KARNES At the famllv home at Bummervillr, Krl Ir-y, October, 2f 100(1, H T Karnes aged about sixty years. Tbe funeral took place yester day at tbe Tresbyrerian Church of 8ummerville the Rev Maroballe, of flolaiing The deceased was otte of the tb honored pioneers of ibis county. Good to Write on. nr fall Hoe of box, balk and toilet stationery Includes the new styles and latest qnalities of paper. The art of paper making baa arrived at a point where very high grade papers Van be had at very low price-at least when wa make the prices. Fine papers in tablet form are In demand for general correspondence. We have them as well as anything else voo may require in tbe rltln mater, al line. Nswlin D-uif Co.. La Grande. I-T -"!W- v i THIS FAMOUS BRAND OF CLOTHING HAS NEVER BEEN EXHIBITED IN LA GRANDE BEFORE, and we feel assured after examination of same, combin ing fit and workmanship, together with popular prices, you will feel satisfied that we can give you values equal to any custom tailor for from $10 to $15 less Chicago Store y U Ore.