La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 23, 1905, Image 5

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    Probably fair tonight
1 Bargains This Week
II Watch $3.50 to $19.00
some of these are very fine watches ,
I keg of Powder, 30c per lb; less quantity 35c
Cood baby buggy $5.50; Good Bike $7.50
Fine Sewing Machine $12.50
4 Gasoline Lamps, bargains, on trial
Picture frames, 25c to $1.50
Remembermy "Excelsior"' Heaters are the finest
made, at bottom prices. Bring your old one and
Phone Red 1161
Highest Prices Paid for Second Hand Goods
Ohe farmers and Uraders
7J at ionai iBank
of jCa Srand Ortgom,
NO. 44B2 .
Capital '
Surplus -
Liability of Shareholders
$ 60,000.00
For tbejprotectlon ol It Depositors! Depositor of this Bank ere
ccorded aiicb libentl treatment m (ball, b In keeptrg with tho
character and value ol their aceounte. We would tej'.pleanud to
have your account. " .
Joseph Palmer,
G. E. McCuxly,
Asst. Cashier.
Apsi. Cashier
The Observer it in a position to offer to its patrons
a splendid line ol engraved Visiting 'lards', Wedding
Announcements and At Home Cards at prices just
the same as yon send away only we pay the postoge.
Call on-us and look nt our Samples
English Script cards, per 100 $2.03
French Script, very latest, per 100 $3.00
Shaded Old English, per 100 .$3.50
'" Roman, 100 curds $3.00
Solid Old English, 100 cards. '.. $3.00
Gothic, 100 cards $2.50
Printing future orders from any copper
1 'plate, 50 cards 75o-i 100' cards. $2.00
Wedding limitations from $8.00 a 100 to
$24.00 a 100.
Besides taking orders for engraved stock, we are
prepared to print 'all the above in the latest type
faces. Call on us before ordering.
Many Facts Regarding Our Schools
Which Will be of Interest to
Oar girls hve arranged with Pendle I I71od coat ot (anoint SO cra field
n for a gam ot baaket ball to he I wboae width U one halt ita length
Pretty l?olo Turbans, Tricornes, Smart
Sailors, Handsome Large Hats, an endless
variety of Caps, ornamental Combs, Qtc.
Ija Grande - Oretron
played aometlma nest month
A number ot oar 'people ha e favored
the school wlih vlalts daring the past,
week, , Visitor are always fery wel
come in any department ot the school.
The pub Ho tohoila baking to the
oUlzonship ot tbia city, their Intereata
are directly watohed over by. a bod
ot men representing the people, ' and
manipulated by persona employed .by
them. We f !", "-rTf"!:
the people, laboring (or the common
We are glad to know that there are
prospects, lor a lecture coursex thia
year, and that our children, InclaJing
also, those In the High sobool will be
given a rate ot ball price for season
tickets. io doubt a large number
will take advantage of tbia liberality
on the part ot those in obarge
Complaints reach the superinten
dent's office frequently with reference
to mifdemeanora and misconduct of
ohildteu 011 the way nt me from school.
I'beee troubles tor the moat part, take
the fotm ol .larger children abusing
sod otherwise imposing apn the
smaller or weaker ones. The snper
intenden t baa personally seen some
con. loot ot this kind sufficient to
thoroughly cnnvinca him that drastio
measures should be adopted to break
up these thlogs. Grown persons.
either parents or others, who person
ally observe misdemeanors in children
iimler the above oiroumstancea will
confer a favur upon the management
of this school by asorrt-iinlng the
names of offenders and reporting same
any evening after five o'clock to phone
332 Mack.' It has als been reported
to us that citizens of our town when
passing along the sidewalks, have been
crowded into the gntters by children
walking four or Ave abreaat whom
they meet. This mleoonduot la out
rageous and oaoses us to blash with
shame. Anjone witnessing ancb an
occurrence will greatly oblidge ns by
reporting as abive indicated.
The October eisiniuat ion in General
Information wsa glveo to tne High
school latt Friday alter recess Belov
the' questions are appended. The
average cn the scale ot 100 par cent,
boya 30 per cent. Average ot sobool,
31 per cent.
1 What man ot national reputation
bag recently completed a trip to
the Philipine Islands?
2 Wlint was the object ct his vlsl?
3 Spell tea words to be pronounoed.
rjpell chocolate, victuals, aauoer,
scissors, skeleton, biacult, auxlll
ary, vaccinate, poultice, vegetable.
1 Name five prominent ' American
ft blb claa magazines.
5 Estimate the area In square miles
ol Union County, Oregon.
0 find cost of kulsomiming the
walls (not ceiling) of a room 20
feet long, 14 feet 6 Indies wide and
10 feet 4 inches high, at 27 cents
per square yard deducting for a
fire place 4 feet by ft feet i in hea.
and two windowa each 6 feet by
3 leet 2 inches
7 It requires the sane . number of
pickets to build a picket fence
'. over a hilt as it would straight
through It. It you bellove tbis
. draw a diagram to show It
8 tlow many feet ol lumber in log
one and one-half leet squire after
alabf are taken off, the log being
being taelve feet long?
tt By one statement (or eaoh Indicate
that you kiiow aometbio of the
following l (l)Marcus Whitman,
2) Walt Whitman, (3) Clara
Birton (4) Gladstone, (5) Ellas
10 V Boss pioture is on the on cent
, stamp? On the two cent stamp?
On the p ratal card?
11 How many pounds la a bushel ol
12 A farmer in hauling 4 loads ol
wheal to town received (rum the
wetgbmneter the following gross
weighs; 35ttt lbs. 3036 lbs, 3094
lbs, and 33s(J lbs At each time
the ' wagon washed 1100 lbs
Find what be received for the
wheat at S4 cents per bushel,
13 Who Is Joaquin Miller?
14 What doea the world owe to John
Howard Payne?
10 rind tne simple interest on
144,24 tor 2yis, 3 mo. 19 daya. at
8 per cent.
16 Who invented (1) cotton gin (2)
steam boat, (3) ocean cable, (4)
telegraph, (5) first .reaping mac
plsoe in . the Amerioan home otroie. 1
Before the obilJ therefore, can possess
cutely developed powsrs ol observa
tion .and sn abiding interest in the
things be ought to know, surely the)
place where ba spends nearly three I
(ninths of hi lime sbonld throw
aruunri hiuiiifluer e wbicb tend to
develop b m along these lines, and, it
is no lee important that the aohool
where he spends lees than ooi fourth
o.' bis time should do its part
Miss Williams entertained with
some interesting exeroises by bar little
ones last Friday afternoon.
Foot ball game with Island City
next Saturday.
with a woven wire feuce at 87 and
one halt cent per rod a 6 Inch
base board at $7.00 per M and
posts one rod apait at B cents each
18 Estimate tbs length and width of a
1 bill ! ((''''.'!
19 What la meant by the Franking
privilege? 't
20 What Is that process ct law called
by whloh a ' parson foreign born
We were utterly ' surprised to note
that none knew the world's debt to
John Howard Payne ' Very few, per
haps a doien could solve correctly the
pioblam in simple interest. Leas (hsn
sii knew that Secretary Taft bas re
cently vi-iled the Philippine?.-. Only
three knew tbs object of his visit
Some thought Walt Whitman was
the son of Marcus WhitTMO. Aroo'd
ing to one, Gladstone was a famous
Africa j explonr , ' '
With nearly twenty standard nmga. on our rending Uble, mure It an
hall could not nam five Ameiican
magixnes. Only one knew the In
ventor ol the ooean telegraphic ruble.
Only two or three had any reasonable
conception ol the probable area ol
Union county, Oregon. 1'Woor three
had beeo autlioienlly oharrving tn our
reotly estimate the dimensions ol a
live dollar bill. Two knew the mean
ing ol the Franking pr vilege,
Now comes the question, "Haw
sbsllvwe aooount lor Mm?"
Where shall the recponbility lot
this condition be located, in the school,
with the parent, or with the cli 1,1?
Lt us ace. " No doubt the Milionl ci me
in for a ehari ot the blame tor this
condition wbicb exhts tn some dtp re
in practically l very high rchonl. li
the pursuit tit higher learning tbe
cause ol tbis ? By nomeius. Ou the
contrary it ehoulu sharpens tbe cli;lj'
perceptions and enlarge tbe soops of
his intellectual activities. Higher
learning should give the mind added
strength to graap and bold fiinily the
practical things ol life. Ihe school
should keep tbe child -mind awakened
to a constant realisation ol tbe relation
cf higher learning to tbe practical
needs ol bis bjiog in the woild where,
bis lot is cast. In school tbe child
must not be permitted to entertain
tbe thought that be is attending school
as a pastime, but should understand
Irom the influence both at home and
ebool that il s a place lor bard w.rk,
application todoty and strenuous men
tal aotivity. If cohool is not a pUoej
for bard work it defeats the very aim
ol its existence which is training.
When tuetohool (ails in this, it is at
It seems strange indeed that nearly
sixty young people ia tbe ninth, tenth
and eleventh years ol school work hsd
never heard ol tbe stranger who, when
in a strange land, sad, lonely and
friendless, peoned the lines which have
tiuck aobord in tbe universal human
besrt, and i'mmortalixfd bis name. It
is a peculiar comment upon the iullu-
ence thrown around our young peopl
that sixty of them now in tbe pursuit
ol higher eduoation, had not heard ol
tbis man wbo flit 1 wo years ago, spent
bis last hour homeless and alone on
the ruins ol Cartbsge far fiom bis native
land, and whose dust wbiob had so
long lain in that lar away laid, was a
few years ago lovingly borne and laid
to rest in Oak Hill oemetery, New
York. Here is whete tbe home is at
Uult, at least in somt degree, and
must share the blame with the school
and the child.
It would be Interest tig data to
study, il we could but knov, all the
subjects whfoh are brought up and
iccusaed each evening at each auppflt
table in this city and around eaoh fire
side, In the presence of the hundreds
of tbildreu wbo ar dailv attending
our public schools It Is betetbatj
the teacher bas an undeniable right U,
ask aod expact that the child shall
hear discused things which will bene
fit t'ue chHd enlarge his stock ol
learning and assist bis progress in bis
school work.
Years r I experience have taught us
that silly gossip, trivial and insignifi
cant local ad airs and cbrooio t.ulr
finding are given a l. r too prominent
For Sale
Imported ' tooth brashes finest
bloeched bristle, stamped with cur
mime, tor 25o. New brushes tor the
asking it any ever proves deteotl-.-s.
Newlln Drag Co.
Sewing machines
Type Writers
Brazes broken casting
- Grinds Scissors
and does a general repair
flacky Mountain Tea Nuggstc
A Boy Mlloins for Busy Pwpls.
Brings Ooldea Health and Ilenowod Vigor.
A siMx-lflo for Constlnntlon, Imllireitlon.
I anil KIiItov Trouble. Vimplea. Kcm-.iiJ. i'"Pr-
IBIi-od, Bad Breath, KIneririah BowbIh. Hew I'"
And Itackiirlio. It's Rocky Mountain Ti m
let form, m cent a bo. Gnutiin
nLnFi nugcets Fnn sat.iow prorn,E
1 . "J '
Many swell, dressers will
want the long swell, swag
ger Overcoat.
We have provided for
their wants .for we have
received right from the
shops of the World's ?)est
Overcoat Makers the most
elcgniil lung ovetcoats lhat
could be produ' ed.
We want young men in
particular ' to call to see
these- smart garments
. .Nothing that could add
one whit to - the st.le,
beauty or "go" of theee
coats has been omitted. -They
come in Kereeya,
Meltons, Cheviots, Fries'!',
unQoi6hed worsteds, E'.r,,
$12.50 to $25
Don't tbiuk that tthere are?11-80 1
anyovercoats in town thatif,i
can equal these superior
garments in any way.
j 'rot
, tii
1 '20:
This farm Is only 15 miles from La Grarde, on the Elgin
branch of the O. R, & N. Railroad, at the -Rinehart spur.
It will make several good homes, and will be sold in small
tracts if desired. There are three different young bearing
orchards, and two good houses on the place. In a good
school district free from debt. Terms easy.
Or call at the farm for full particulars. s
i-iiinviaf a,vi it hrV!
9 V
rS f a rt a airxr" tnrvat .iMMr mi
Complete Machine Shops and Foundry
General Blacksmith , Horse Shoeing and Wagon Work
Manufacturer of The Fitzgerald Roller Feed Mill
The largest line of Carpets ever brought to the city. More
arriving daily. Pretty floor coverings, 25c a yard andup.
Hardware and Furniture