SACRED OPERA l&IM CM J; " i j I a ....; w- LUMBER OUR HOME SINGERS II f II Money Saving Paint Money raving In painting doesn't mein the u of cheap-bythe-galloa paint, k . mean tlx utt of first-quality paint - paint that will cover moat aurfac to rha gallon, that will spread csty and m , the painten' time, that will wear wcl and put off for the longest dm the need ' . for repainting. The Sherwin-Williams Paint Is a money saving paint. It covers moat surface to the gallon because k la ground exceptionally fine and is thoroughly $ mixed. For the same reason, it spreads easiest and saves the painters' time. It wears longest because it is mad from the best materials, so thoroughly . combined that they become inseparable, ' A' and hold together on the building (or jf ' . longest time. When you buy Tha ? w ......... biivrwin-Williams Paint you buy ecooo . m Ve sell it. Color carda free. fcfl y STANIELS &. J ARM AN Dealers In Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Glass, Etc , ....' ) THE BABY A CO CART OR YOUR WIFE A Sewing Machine Call on Us We have a few machines of the very latest make which we are offering for only $30. Gall and see the machines, they do their own talking (,'o-Carts from $3 00 to $14, they bear iuBpeclion. Pictures and Picture Frames The beet assortment ever brought to Eastern Oregon. Call and see the display Everything you ever thought of or heard of. PRICES EIGHT ADCOOK & HARRIS, Adams Avenue La Grande National Bank Capital Stock, Surplus and :7 Undivided Profits $150,000 00 Deposits . 4 640,00000 OFFICERS AND UIRBCTORS George Palmer, Pres. J. M. Berry, Vice-Pres. F. L. Meyers, Cashier. Geo. L- Cleaver, Asst. Cashier. W. L. Brenholts, Asst. Cashier F.M.Byrkit A,bConley F.J.Holmes C. C. Pennington KxchangfTsold available in all parts of the world. Telegraphic transfers to all parts of the United States and Canada "The man who loves his wife the mosL Is not the one to let her roast" : Thete hot days, in kitchen overheated by a sweltering stove Cut out the family wash day. Send your laundry tons. Saves wood, time and energy. Don't burn up lovely disposition. Send your linen, all of it to , A.B.C STEAM LAUNDRY . PHONE j. Main 7 LaGttnie, Oregon. MStalMMtSI r Queen Esther the Beautiful Queen Tomorrow Might-Cast of Characters lmm:- --0:. 177 M. E Robinson, director The people of La Grande appreciate and are proud of ber singers, and neer let an opportunity to show their appreciation by attending enter tainments In which La Grande's ling ers take part. iiefer before have La Grande's Ingeri had inch an opportunity to display their vocal powers as they will hare In tha production, on Tuesday and Wednesday STenlngi next, nnder the direction of M B Robinson of Cbloago, ol the beautiful saored opera "Queen Esther." lareat enthusiasm baa been die played In the preparation for thla produotlon, and without doubt It will prove to be the greatest musical auc oeaa ever attempted In La Grande. That great care was need In the se lection of the people for the characters In the oast and chorus, and that the beat talent in the city baa been se cured, will be aeen by a scrutiny of the personnel of the oaet, whloa fol lows: Esther, the Queen Mattel Cronies Laogblln Abasuerue, the King.. Geo. L Cleaver tlamao, the Premier... l'homaa I.arkin Williams Zeresh, Hainan's wife Katheryn Cary t'arr Nordeoai, the Jew UPt arrln Nordeoal'a sister Sadie Nnodgrass Van Buren Prophetess.. Lilian Bates Richardson Captain King's Guard , Sherwuoi Williams High Priest Wo. Miller Hegal W F Uendricke 8crlbe Wra. K Davie Median Princess Mary Odelnphy Forrest Pereian Princess.. ....Mertie Aldrich Uegger R L Meek Hainan's child Ceolle Lilly 1 KINu'S PAGES Maude 8nodrass , Irene Morphy QUEEN'S PAGES , .. Genevieve Chi Istoflcraon , 't Maude Johnson QUEEN'S MAIDS Ome Richardson ' Hasel Land rum Florence McOall Oertrade Kalaton KING'S GUAEDS A J Webb Url Glllilan J M Smith George Williams KING'S MAIDENS fclva Enloa Ivy Voog jwine wuaier Edra MoCall Lena Jones Ethel Galling rear! Hnff J1IORUS Acoompaniat Mrs. Clara Lvla Mertie Aldriib, r Elizabeth Bannell. Margaret Nioholson Kirk, Addle Brookler, Hatel Landrnm, Kathryn Cary t'arr, Mab. l Cronlse Laua-hlln. Ethel Cowen, Ivy Long, Genevieve unrietoirersoii, Elva Eoloe, Cecils LIU7, Mary Odelaphy Forrest, Ethel Gulling, Irene Murphy, Pearl Huff, Edna McCall, Florence MoGali, Delia acason, f lora Mack, Lena Jones, Clara Pause, Maud Johnson, Graos Peek, Wlnnifred Way Jones, Lillian Hales Riohardson, Gertrude Ralston, Oma A Ricbarda n , Anna - Siesland, Maude 8nodgrase, Winnie Wenbam, Maude ScoQeld. EtU Fonts Tbronson, Ru'yThelaen, Sadie Snodgraaa Van Buren, Naomi Williamson, Edna Wiaaler. Geo. li Cinavr, Wm. K Davis, Robert Eakln, U P Ferrln, O L Uilll lan, Jas. Gutrldge, W F Uendrloks, Clarence Jaokan, Haaie Land rum, K W Mack, R L Mack. Wm - Miller. J M Smith, Hherwood Williams, Thomas (jartin Williams, A J Webb, W L Wenham. , A Daredevil Ride Offttl afttllffl In s Mi) klMl.Un T L..I ------ wiaJi dwiueui, iU UVJdl aooldental Injaries, uae Bocklen'a Ar nica salve. "A deep wound in my loot, from an accident," wrltee Theo dore Scbuele,of Columbus, O, ''caused ma BMAt natn Pkv.inUn. k.l n less, bat Booklet's Arnica salve quick ij ueaiva is.-- eooines ana nials barns like magio. I5o at Newlin Drus oompaoy. Frightful Suffering Relieved. HntTering Irightlally from tbe vlra lent poisons oi undigested food, 0 G Grayson, ol Lola, Miss, took Dr King's New Lire pills, with the remit." h writes, "that I was cured.'7 All stomach and bowel disorders give way to their tool-, latative properties. 25o at Newlln's drag store, gaarrsu teed. 1 CATAMffl. FIRST A COLD THEN CATARRH TUFU rnucilliriTinu A cold in the head is a common ailment, VUllOUnF 1 1UH but it rarely ever stops there. It often grows stubborn and protracted, the mucous membranes, or inner lining of the body, become inflamed and secrete a filthy, unhealthy matter which is absorbed by the blood and soon pro duces that disgusting disease, Catarrh. Then follow the unpleasant symp toms of "hawking and spitting," ringing noises in the ears, headache, . 1 hd 1 Catarrh for twew yean and poor appetite, mucus dropping back SiulSlSX&dSS. into the throat, and a feeling of gen- foj-dowa and unt for work. I read or era! debility. Every day the blood hi&y&ZftXF&SftUSfl becomes mor heavily loaded with ',l?,'imn I have never had any return these poisonous secretions, and if the DUt treatment iiVSieiSiSSl trouble isallowed to run on, the lungs , ' , kdwakd hbkoal, become diseased from the constant ". Bven.TUi. passage of poisoned blood through them, and then Catarrh terminates in the most dreaded and fatal of all diseases. Consumption. The only way to get rid of Catarrh permanently ia to cleanse the blood, and S. S. S. is the ideal remedy for this purpose. It soon clears the - system of all impurities, purges the blood of all Catarrhal matter and poisons, and effectually mttr7 Wmir' 9 reachinir disease. S. S. S. keens the htnml in PURELY VEGETABLE, perfect order so that Catarrh cannot remain; and as thia pure, healthy blood goes to every nook and corner of the body, the entire system is strengthened and invigorated, and the symptoms all pass away. Book with information about Catarrh and med ical advice free. IWaT fOTfT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLAMTA OA, :l RETAILED : AT WHOLESALE PRICES LJ Better Lumber and Cheaper than it io sold in La Grande, we Deliver it to your Building. LA w; G rande ' Ronde Lumber Co., repeppy fiPPHON tlllllllMIHHIMIHIMtM, , lllllllllllll - . ;ariciTYicRbcE AND. BAKERY v..r uw w ,uv,k ui, every itiiug in tlic lire 1 of FRESH VEGETABLES, FRUITS, CR0CE RIES, PROVISIONS, ETC., at prices as low as in - feribr goods can be purchased.' Good things . to ; eat' can' always "tie tad at ,1 HE CITY GROCERY , AND BAKERY. If your appetite "goes back" on t you, visit our store and you are certain to find something that will please your palate, ; ; ; If you haven't been trading with us, why iot -7 give us a trial order? We . can please you, , Once a customer always a customer. : : ::pouck; the Grocer. .".':-u PHONE, MAIN 75. ' V 4W W a ; i ii 1 1 1 1; Doors 1: Sash, 7 Shingles and Lumber ' In largo quantities direct from factories and mills M if r at a yay contract price, and while we pay the M M lowest price, we get the best goods, and can afford M M f to sell at figures that others buy for, thereby giv- m m bg pur customers the benefit of .wholesale puces g 1 STODDARD, LUMBER CO. f CITY BREWERY I I t JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. 5 fl Largest Brewing Plant in Eastern Oregon . ' v . . - ; r-- : ; Ask for La Grande Beer and get the Best c'.? V."- f LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE (AND SHOULD HAVE THh r-KEFERENCE 5SL LOUIS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE 3 5)1 ! ' LARSEN & NORRIE. Props. - .V'VX"- - . J g iw ''CSiSlj First class turnonU fur- ) Z rK' nished d.y or night. -J.' - rA. Bnecial acoomodstinn fnv 7c commercial men. 5 , Best servics guaranteed ft Hornet boarded week or month ) Kigt furnished for parties, fnnirals and picnhi. The C beat carrvall in th rit r C)