La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 23, 1905, Image 3

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    NLA lULU
and tomoi t j w .
Rare One oent word, oae-balf a
Insertion detained ads bring qoiok
Have your ebstrscta of title! prepared
Real Estate Loan, any eraouota 01
eity aud country real estate. Loans
oloeed promptly, aa toon title ap
rob BALK Eight aorea of land, four
acres In orchard, first class poal
try or bog ranch. Six room house,
Urge hay barn and atable to aooomo-
uaie aix nead One mile
. from postoffioe. Would ; exchange
foroity property. For partleolara
inquire at Wo Smith's feed tore.
wa i&u uirl to do general .. bouae
noose work in email .family. In
quire of Mre J 0 Henry, i
-URNI8HRI RiMtua ni.i. .
lied rooms for rent. Corner stb
and main at.
8-18 tt
FOR KENT-Pleasantly 'furnished
roome for light housekeeping, at.
1017 Fourth sreeU
WANTED Ladles permanent, plei
ant, empoyment. Salary. Call
Foley Bouse Room S3. Witller t Co.
Stockmen Attention
All pereona dealrous of securing a
permit for grazing in the Wallowa and
Chesoimus Forest Reserves, for the
season of 11)06, are hereby nollBed that
a meeting will be held in Wallowa,
November, 16, 1905, for the purpose of
allotiog the range. All persona. In
U rested are requested to be present.
or their application may not be allowed
If not preieut, it will be oonstrued by
the forest officer thst grsslng la not
desired. ' Howard K O'Brien,
'Ranger In Charge.'
Wallowa, Oregon, Oct S, 1906.
Fine Cards
' The Observer has taken a number
of orders for engraved visiting cards as
a result of tbe advertisings ws have
been doing for tbe past two weeks.
Tboee wisbiog extra fine work should
give us a call and see onr line ol sam
ples before ordering.
Apples . For Sale
' Twenty car ioada of good wlntei
apptea for sale. Call or address the
secretary of tbe Home Fruit Co , Cov
regon. d A m
The same old etaod, but anew
management. Take your salt to
the same place, and have another
man elean and press It the way
t should be. Harvey does tbe
cleaning and repairing and does
It right. Another strong feature
about his ejeteai ie that bia
prices are correct.
Remember tbe plaoe, next
door to tbe Commercial club.
Lad lee and Gente clotblng clean
ed dyed pressed and repaired.
WE Harvey .
Bee. aad Treat.
blue"Mountain marble
and granite co.
We have just received a carload
of Geogria, Tenneeee and Italian
'marble monuments. These are ,
,tbe fineaf ever ehown In the'
. county, Oar monuments come
In eucb a shape that a can cat
any design . yon may suggeat.
Our workmen are competent, too
to do tbe work yon desire.
PROP. DAY, Principle.
ThUieoooof the beet musical in
stitatlons in the state, and the
people of this city and valley are
beginning to discover tbe advantag
ee.of this school. Tbe system need
Is tLe latest and moet practical, and
include all the latest dleooveria
'nth art of teaching music. The
school ie divided tnto two depart
mental No. 1 Is for beginners, front
year or more and are tauabt tbe
drat three grades, faplleeomeooerf
noar every day. Tble Is ao Kin
J erf ar ten system bat far superior.
In tfo. 3 tbe grades are from 8 to
lev- flora they gradual. Pupils
take one or two lessons a week as
they desire. Mo aobobu will be
permitted to remain in this eebeol
to do not study.
Opposite the Foley House ove
the Candv Store t oons 7S.
mm a wort each eubsequeot
results. Try om today.
Onions For Pickllnj
FOE SALE 8an onions for 10 cents
per gallon, delivered to any part at
the eity. iddrees 0 A Carey. Give
etreet end Bomber.
Centennial Hotel
Under new msnageeaent.
Board nod Boom IS per week, oath.
Mealattets. Hpeolal rates furalsbcd
monthly patrone. No. 1417 Adami
Are. Phooe No. 1161.
Mr. W E MUBOHISON, proprleto.
. Phone Bd 971, Old Town etore for
wood (30 daya time given). Cbeapect
Urooerieaand Provisions In the eity,
New atoek and fall Una of teed.
Dated La OmimU. Om.. Jl M.
Hop 1 ? :'''' B i ATKINSON
LOST Monday night between Opera
bouse and Nlbley'a wood yard, tall
of a dark brown boa. Finder
return to Golden Rale Store.
FOR SALB-Tioket to Portland
Beattls eli ticket by Ureet North
ern to Kansas City. laqclre for
Wn MUls, at Halstee's Beoond
Baed Store.
Anyone wishing ahavlnis for atable
bedding may obtain them by haul
Ing them away. 8toddard Lumber
company.' ;
FOB BALE The A V Oliver tour lots
on Jefferson Avenue, inclading plat
- form scales, one hundred and lea
loot porch running back to railroad
track. Q H Powers, the Minnesota
lend man.' ' :
Makee digestion aad assimilation
perfect Makes new red Mood aad
bone That'a what Hollieter'o Rocky
ssooaiain Tea wuiao. a sobm lor
tbe elok and weak. 30 cents. Tea and
jauiete newua vrwguo.
Tired oat, worn oat woman cannot
sleep, eat or work! seems as if aha
woald fly to phots-. Holllster'e
Rocky Moantala Tea make atreng
nerves ana rion rea diom. aa cents,
Tenor Tablet. Newlla Drag Co.
Hick headaoba Is censed by a ils.
ordered aonditioo of too stomaob and
la qniokly cured by Cbamberlain'e
Stomach and Liver Tablets. For eala
by Newlin Drug Co.
In order to close out what
stock we have on band
preparatory to the change
of management of the
Crescent Knitting Mills,
which have been' sold. wt
will for one week closing I
uct zb, oner a una or odds
and ends in knitted under
wear, socks, and sweaters
at just.
One Third Their Actual
Remember this sale closes
October 28
And this will be your last
chance to secure home
1 li tv
When you wish a nice Juicy
roast or a tender steak, or a
piece of boiling meat or pot
roast, just phone Main 48, and
you will soon hay exactly what
you desire.
J. bull a CO.
Phone msin 48. Remember the
phone is on the directory as
Boss Meat Market main 48.
Full Course
All who with to encourage the high
est grade of entertainment should at
onoa fall In line to help Insure the
The minister's anion. Prfeoeore
Martin and Hocktaberty and others
endom the plan. Tba coarse will
eooalat of five mem bare. J Whitcomb
Krougher will deliver one of hie hum-
erooe yet Inatraotlva lecturee. Judge
A Lowell well known and popular aa a
speaker will tarnish aa a ldress.l
Klaworth Plwmstead. who has enter
talned from Baltimore to Baa Fran
cleco, will give one of his dellghtlol
The Harry T tSulterworth Co , wlU
furnish on number. Tble oompany
eonaletaof Mr. Bntterworth,
Hattle Rood Grace, soprano and
whistling eololsti Mlaa Boeentower
of Berlin. violinist, and Mlaa Mahal
Marlon Wallace, artistic reader. One
other mosioal attraction will be given I
Police Busy
Bcrlppe News Aaeoclation.
New York Oct 23 The polios are
tryiag to solve the mystery revealed
by tbe capture of the sloop Derado
which was laxlurlantlv fitted out
with ailverwara. . Oriental rats and
loaded with expensive brio a brao
hleh ie supposed . to hare been
stolen frem the homea of millionaires
along tbe sound and carrying the
effects of Midshipman Jackson, U 8N
who disappeared from the battleship
Missouri apparently going with Olae
Maxwell, whoee effsote were also found
on the sloop. Jack eon waa found some
time ago, by his father In Canada, In
a dated condition and did not remtni
bar leaving the ship and could recall
bnt little of what took place after
Joining the woman .
Five Years in Pen
ftrippaNsws Association.
Baa Franoisoo, Oct S3-Willism H
Dilllard mast serve five years in the
penitentiary for selling fraudulent
Chinese certificates Tbiee years ago
wben Willlard, who was olerk In tbe
offloe of Internal Bevenoe Collector
Lynch, was convicted and has since
been in Jail. The United States court
of appeals this morning affirmed tbe
deoision of the lower conrt and he
mist begin bis sentence at once.
After Big Game
Sorippe News Association
dan Francisco, (V-t. 23. According
to a report received bare Jim Jeffries
and Governor rJparks of Nevada killed
a M0 ' pound oinnamon beer last
Thursday after a 6 mile cheee with
dogs In GHtzly valley. Sparks sho
i bear through the heart and in
falling it killed a d g. This is tbe
fourth bear bagied by the party.
Still Experimenting
1 8 Mathews, who placed one ol
his Irrigation and power wheels In tbe
U ramie Bonds river on tha Oldenburg
farm will inetall oh in the .Do
Cbntea river as aa expert m ent.
Tha wheel baa worked tuocesefnlly
In several streams, both as a power
aad Irrigation wheel and does not
require a dam, as it lies flat on tbe
bottom of tbe stream or ie supported
on the sarfa a by framework, jnst as
may be needed to teoare bet results.
There Is growing demand for some
practical Irrigation wheel and Mr
liathewa believes be bsa make tbe
right discovery. His wheel . can be
used In ny she And Is inexpensive
and appeals to farmers who en raise
water from nearby streams without
tbe expense of dams and costly canals
Loubet In Spain
Bcrlpps News Associrtioo
Madrid O it 85 President Loubet ,
of Prauce, arrived today aud was
royally received.
Prison Convention
Berlpps Hews Aeeooialloa.
Unooln. Neb. Oct 23 Tbe National
Prison Association convention began
here this morning. -
Grain Markets
Chioago, Oct. n Wheat, opening
OTK; closing, 86?,; corn opening 46;
losing, 447,1 oats opening, 29i;:
eloaief S9i-
Portland, Oct. t3 Club, 72, blue
stem, 76; valley 7a.
Bayers todsy ere offering fa cents
for blaeetem and 00 for slab.
What Dnis
Can wa send yoat we deliver Ires.
Newlla Drag Co.
making a well balanoed eonree suited
to varied taatee.
The oourae will be given in Central
Church which ia finely situated and
arranged for the work. The Inclined
floor, the farnaoe heating and the ex
cellent aooustica ol the building make
It very desirable . Holders of season
tickets msy without extra expense r
serve seats for the course. The prloe
of tickets for the eeries ie but 11.50 a
remarknb'y low figure wben the talent
secured Is considered. Pupils of our
Schools both city and country will be
given season tickets not transferable
at hall price.
Tiokets enough to cover cost of
soars should be engaged ' at once. If
vou wish to be of the greatest service
In pushing this enterprise speak tor
tickets without delay. O U King
oarrlee a list and will enroll . ion or
7" m7 ?" order at the Ob
rtor offloe or at Setdef'a candy store.
Saturday Night's Show:
Those who visited Steward's opera
hoose Saturday night were sgreeebly
surprlssd to And that tbe "Pride of i
Blue Canyon" presented by . the Em
pire Theatre oompany was much more
cheerful and elevating than "A Broken
Heart" wlilob waa presented the night
before. The whole out with one ex.
caption la deserving of special men
tion. A B Brooks as a 49'r was typ
ical for tbe part be took and A R
Harvey as Judge Ananias Lovetoddv
wee tbe Joy of the whole evening. His
love for the spirits that cheer end fats
ability as a Judge amused everyone.
Minnie Adams aa Trlss and Madeline
Wheeler aa Mothsr Grimes and MIjs
Prim wsre One. We reserve the right
to eay that Frank Dare who took the
part of Jack Hamilton, the villlan,
should have his vuloe filed or engaged
in calling hoga. Even in making ar
dent love to a young lady be used the
strenuous tones as If defying ha ene
mies. With this one exception the
play went off merrilv, ending with
everyone happy and tbe vllilan In tbe
telle of the law.
Financially Overrated
Or Gouge I made a great, mletake
In diagnosing that fallow Poor's esse
ai append loltls. He waan't atla to
atand the operation.
Dr Saabonee Did be diet
Dr Gouge No 1 didn't proceed
that far. He's up and around all
Or Sawbones Then why waau't be
able to aland the operation?
Dr Uouge Financially, I mean.
Washington Post.
Half the ailments described ss
rheumstism are not rheumatism at all
merely pain from pressure on nerves.
Osteopathy finds out and works many
quick cures lo such cafes.
Married At Baker
' Miss Effle Simms formerly of this
city was married last week at Baker
City to Mr Everett Darling of that
plaoe at the retldenoe of -the bride's
sister, Mrs Charles Kellogg.
5cA Package
We will cell any tankage of envelopes
in our window this wenk onlr for 6o.
Newlin Drng Co.
Csiray Notice t
Notice is hereby given that there
oamS lo my place seven miles south
east of La Grande, ons Jersey cow,
branded circle bar on both bip. fliu
cow is about seven years of age. Owner
may have same by proving properly
aod paying charge.'
Notice of Street Improvement
To Who It May Concern:
Notioe Is hereby given that the
etreet committee of Ibe olty at La
Ursods, Oregon, hereby orders the
Improvement of Adsms Avsnne ss
Commencing at tbe south east corner
of tbe Intersection if Bprui Street
with Adsms Avenue; tbenoe along and
upon the south side ol Adams Aveone,
In a soul b easterly direction, to the
sooth weet corner of tha intersection
of Adams Aveoue with Balm Htreet
by placing Ibereon a ais (6) foot tide
walk according to tbe epeciUrations
of tbe ordinance providing snob Im
provement. Aod notioe re further
given that unleee such improvemsut
Is made witbln thirty (80) days from
the date of this notice tbe same will
be done by Ibe street 'superintendent
and a lien filed npon the property for
the payment of tbe expense of enrb
baikllog. . "
Signed: L D REA VIS,
Chairmen Street Committee.
Is High at
Any Price
Some meat markets may sell yon a
good looking piece of meat for a
few oents cheaper than It would coat
you at a reliable market and you
won't know until alter you have V
triou w vai it tun yuu u,t, irouu
. ... i. .i... i tz
deceived. ...
We offer you the best meata that
can be bought anywhere the bear
that money can bur. We guran-
tee It and charge a fair price, which
is cheaper in tbe end. Vou cannot
! iiet something lorjnotlilug.enpeclal-
ly In meata.
We have everything in tbe market
line that you can with for.
Brooks & Rohr
Harris Meat Marktt
telephone Main 18
T l'ho transfer Gj&u.
He will take that trunk to the
Depot or your home in less
time tbau it takes to tell it.
Wagon alway s at your Hervicp,
Charges moderate. Day phone
B 17fc night phone R 12.
Cheated Death.
Kidney trouble often ends fatally.
nui oy cnoosmg me npnt medicine
K H Wolfe, of Bear Urove. Iowa.
cheated death. He says: "f wo years
sgo l naa kianey trouble, watch
canted me great pain sull'eriog and
anxiety, rut i took Hileotrlo titters
which effected a complete cure.
bave also found tliem ol great beneOt
in genernl debility and nerve trouble,
ana keep inera conaiantiy oo liana,
since, as I Und thei have no eoual.'
Newlln's druggist, guarantees tbein at
Last Hope Vanished.
When Is ullng pbyelolans said that
W M ol tVkiii, la, bad in
corable consumption hU last hne va
nlahedi but Or King's new dierotery
for consumption, cough, aud colds,
kept biin out ol his grave, lie savs:
"'t his gieat specific completely cured
ute, and saved my life. Since then, I
have used it for over ID years, and con
sider It a marvelous throat and lung
cure." istrioily aclentlrlo core for
conghiorejhroats or oolds; sure pre
ventive of pneumonia, Guaranteed,
0t! and tl.Ou bottles at Nswlin's Drug
ctore. Trial bottle free.
Insomnia and Indigestion Cured
4,Let year I had a -ver severe at
tack of indigestion. 1 oould not sleep
at night and suffered most exornotut
Ing paine for three hours after enob
meal. I was troubled this way for
about three; mouths, when 1 used
(hnmhflrlttin'a Hlnmanh unA M...
Tablets, and received Immediate re
lief," eaye John Dixon, Tuliamore,
uusarto, vnnaiia. tor e!e by ewlln
Drug Co.
Contractor and Builder
Dealer io Building Material, :
La Grande, Oregon
Drop a line, naming a oik, and I
the right price.
Truck and
Wood and Coal
Phone 1611
All order given prompt
All that the Seattle Grocery Co.
asks is that yon give us a trial
order. If we cannot please we
do not want your trade. A
satisfied customer is a pleased
one and we try to please. The
beet groceries for, the least
money. This is our motto and
a trial ouler will he a demon
stration of how well we succeed.
All kind of second band
goods bought and sold
- ftrex cnniiT r
200 Fir St. bet. Adams and Jefferson
Complete Maortment of
Cold lunches and mixed drinks
snantaltv, VmI end ImMrtM-
treatment to all. Ton are in
vited to call and get acquainted
Blue Front Saloon
( E. TH0RS0N. Proprietor.
Imported and domestic
Hot or cold lunch all hours
JaRfcnoa &vene Opposite Depot
, s)s)we)aaaavaaaaaa
Palaco Saloca J
Always on hand
e jefloteoa Avenae
Opporlle Deviot e
" - ' ,
Gentlemen alwayi Welcome
Rr Street S
Eagle Sa'on
' . FIX!
Lunches are onr specialty
leflaraoa Aveone, Opposite depot '
M-ons Main 6-1
Brick furnished in any
quanity or any style. No
contract too small or too
large. See samples of our
pressed brick.
La Grande, Oregon.