4 PROFESSIONAL CARDS PHYSICIANS DR. A, L RICHARDSON, Physician and Surgeon. Offlot or Hill'l Dr BUm. '- Phone Black IS a Re Main PhoM N. MOLITOR M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Coram Aaaaw avoaae tad Depot Bt OtSee Main Main 68 WILLARD SMITH i ; PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Plume Mala 11 Lewis balldlng, opposite Hum Huom Offlee Baaia, I to I, T to " ( BACON & HALL, PHYSICIANS ANP SURGEONS "oao l Foley bonding, Maia 1. C.T. BaeoaVlteeideBoaMalolS ' ' M. K. Ball kceldtaec Male SI DkS. BIGGEKS & DIGGERS Physicians and Surireon O W Blggen, M. a Geo,!. Bigger. .. i . Telephone Offls Blank IMI HmtAmra Mln n QIBee Raliloa Building oyer J. M. Berry ' Store, kaeldeaee oa Madlaoa Are. econd door wast of 'orreer realdeaee, Dr. a W.Maxir. LaORANUK . OKKUON Profpaboael ealU promptly altcadcd to i day or eight. DENTISTS REAVIS BROS. '.' DENTISTS.'.' ' OaVee Bomater Building ' OOlee Black M Heildenee Black 111? C. aCauthorn "dentist Onto Over Hilt pru( Store) La Grande, Oregon Imw aMMiii m- 1 1 i i-TT7""T7nriii- ..in-i;::,:,! jll, VETERINARY SURQEON Dr. T A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURQEON, Office at AT Hill's Drugstore La Grande, Oregon Phone 130 J Residence phone red 701 ' Farmers' line 53 PR. W. T. DJWNE3. vrrtaiNART surqxon and DBMTIBT " Leave order at Red Croat Drug elore Realdeaee Cor Mo aad I at Thirty Sv yeare experience, beat of reference furalabed ATTORN EY8 CRAWFORD & CRAWFORD Attorneys-at-Law LA G BANDS, OREGON litre la Foley balldlng. J. W KNOWLES Attorney and Counsellor ' At Law Office ia Ralatoe Balldlag PhoaelM , -. . I Grande Qr. H.T. William A.C. William WILLIAMS BROS. ATI OHN EY8-AT.LAW Offie la Balatoa Balldlag Fboaeria La Grande, Or. L A. PICKLER CJvu, Mining; Irrigation En jlncctln j end Survey In Estimates, Plana, aud Hpeulnoellona. . Offloe la Foley building La Ubamdb, ubboom fe'oel tired, no appetite, oannot sleep work or eat? 'Ibat'a tiredues aud will disappear at once it yon teko 11 ol lister's Kooky MoauUla lea Cbla month. Sft ceuta. Tea or Tablet. Hewlla Drug Co. JLocl&e Directory. StAlJIJOCZl, UntnaeAvie P O h evert Huaday Bight la a w r wl V Mua hretbera Invited tc aileuu. toart. at I J.A.alaWU, W.r. J. K. rulVack, W. a tOO P I Oraau Lodge, Ho 16 ireu k their ball every IMUuraay nignt. Vlaluuga.. u aer eonhall tartud to attend. U. envy plat eaa be em at Model rUn- auraul. iamea lloaa, N U I. R. Muooka, Bee. aVTAK BNUAMPMKNT No 11, I. O. O. r saMisoyory arai and third Iboradayo la in eauatb la 4 rellowa hall. VUltlng paltl arutka ajwayn vwnww i. hhhl Mr. UAmamj Mebgaaea. aVelbe BuaTEHMBTA Ota Hon Chap.r M aueeia tlie OMittad end iarib Wedncaday lacb. BMata el i" t aa in nimbi i .tupi atertle Aldrleu. W at Wary A Waraiak. tt, W.A. La Orondetkmp Bo. T7Umni avry Ant and IhlrJ Wcdovaday- of the bmibUi at a. O. O. F. Hail. All vieltwg nelrb burrecurdllly ly.llioaii.od. k. Kaukad, V. ti 4 oka HaU, Clark. rOKaWTBMS. Or A M URIC A -Cnnrt Mr ) Btartoa,d4o It BaU eaeb Tuenday alglil l 1 U H M nail. Brotbara ere lavlled to ailei.l ka Hrimam.lJBlaf laairr. Oi William. Kin. fr atoard el Tcalew -nr.u L. Bloen, joria 1 aadUavbart tBiuane) TTtTICNDHHIP TKNT NO Sl-K. U T. N. Mrot eaeond and tblrd Wrdmwdey a BtoBIb, Inl, Oi U K. balL Vialiing fcclgh w.loom. ti T WKIMr NllkltuKK, Cm . xoK MlOTW. Hyoorrt Kiepar La Grande Evening Observer Ourrey Bros., Ed's and Prop Published daily except Sunday Entered at tbe Poat Office at La a Second Claaa Urande, Oregon, VI ail Matter. Monday. Oct 23. 1905. One year in advance. ..... $8 50 nix months in advance. . ..Sou Per month 66c 8ingle copy 5c ADVKKT18INO RATKS Dlaplay Ad ratee fttrnlabed npon application Ideal reading notice lOo per Una first naor- tlon, so per line rbr each aubaeqaenl tlon. ksmluUons of condolence, serer line. Cerda of thank, 6c per line. THE PRIMARY ELECTION The primary election law, under which for the first time, . ... u voters belonging to the several political parties in Ore goo, will make nominations for their party to be voted for at the general election next Juoe, is a new and untried olan. It , any be jastly style! a political evolution; if not revolution, It is an evoluiiou because it radi cally overturns a practice that has beetP followed siuce the formation of parties in the U S more than one hundred years ago. It is an evolution because it marks the most advanced step that the mass of the people have taken toward realizing and putting into practical operation the theory of "a government by the people and for i he people" since the Declaration of Inde pendence, 129 years a;o. II the people will, by their action at the primary election, demonstrate that they can and will nominate fit and clean men to be voted for at the June election, by so doing they will banish from our political machinery the last remuant of luedalism that has controlled political parties in this state and educated the young voters into the narrow conseption of politics and civil duties that the prime object aud purpope of parties and partisanship is to secure a fat office for the big man of the parly, and for him to divide the smaller offices amone his favorites. The result of bossism is that with a stale constitution limiting state indebtedness to 150,000 and county indebtedness to $5,000 our state debt is more than ten times above the limit, aud aomeSf our counties more than twenty fold. Notwith standing these enormous debts, the people have been annually taxed heavily. Now that the people have a chance to take state aud county matters into their own hands, it U to be hoped they will realise their re sponsibility aud act and take charge oi state and county management. They certaicly cannot do worse for themselves than the bosses have done for thein. The Boise connoil has passed an ordinance forbidding the use of rigaretf.es by any person under 21 years of age, and alst the having of cigarette "mak ings" in the possessiou of any minor. While the Scout is not going to resort to what is familiarly called "knocking" neither will ii give further notoriety to irre sponsible speculators or thrii non-productive enterprises. We will thank all persons with unreliable plans for developing the Northwest to peddle tht ir ideas elsewhere for cheap advt r tisine. It will be an act of charity to the reading public to draw the mantel of oblivion pround fake developments. Union Scout. Aspirants for office will now have to go t the people for fa vor, instead of toadying to the bosses, as formerly, observes an exchange. NOTICE All those interested in tha orgiz- ation of a nlgbt acbool will meat in the buercent of tba Central jCbnrob of Cbrut at 7 ,30 on Monday evening; Oct 23. Tba meeting ia aolely for organization and, it ii hoped tbat all interested will be present. U J Hookenbeny. AUCTION SALE I will Bell, at pnblie wle, at my farm one and one balf miles north of Island City on Wednesday Oct 25tb at ten o'olook, tbe following property: 2 mare and tolts, I yesrllne colt. 2 work horses, 8 head of cattle. 2 back, 1 mower and raka, 1 12 inoh gang plow, 1 barrow, 1 fan mill, 2 aeedere, 1 binder, 1 scalding box, 2 seta barnesa. and otber tbinua too namerooB to mention. Terms ol Bala. Bum of 110 and under oash. Soma over 110 9 mo. time ou approved note without interest. Ten pr ctut discount -for oash WM. MOPS ' ED STRING HAM, Auctioneer If Picking Up The Horse Shoe Bring yoa good lark, the opening of a saving acoount will bring you belter luck, and more of it. Of course you'll want to open your aooounl with tbe bank. faying Department of tha Farmers and Trader's Nat' I Bank. Sacred Heart Academy La Grande, Oregon 1 hi institution is conducted by .lit a titi t of bt. Francis, and affords excellent educaiional ad vantages, Classical, Literary aad Scientific Courses are taught, al?o Music, Drawing and Paint ing according to the latest methods. Pieparmg young ladies for the professiou of teaching a specialty. Classes will be resumed Sept ember 5. For terms and other particu lars, a dress Sister Superior MEAT CHEAP But not Cheap Meat a Having purchased the Bock & Thomas shops and also tbe bull Market, we are in position. with the thres shops, to furnish our patrons with choice meats at a less price than if we had oulyone shop. It is not our intention to raise the price of meats, but it is our intention to reduce the prion, aud thereby hope to increase our trade. A trial order will couvince you of the assertion. Grandy& Russell THREE SHOPS Adams Ave. bet. Uraudy and Depot, adams Ave, bet. Elm and Fir Fir Str. bet. let. Jefferson and Adams Ave. Main 50 - Main 78 Main 70 Keady For . Business WITH A flAL LINE OF FEED.' HAY AND GRAIN We are ready to buy all kinds of hay and graiu, aud pay highest market prices. K.y.oLiyER Slater Buildine JEFFERSON AVE Main 57. J. R. OLIVER. UNION COUNTY ABSTRACTS Farm Loans a Specialty Best equipped abstracter , in Union county. . Many years experiences with the Union county records gives me a great advant age. It is folly to pur chase realeatate without first securing a proper abstract An abstract from my office will show the title just as it appears ou the ' official record. ). R. OLIVER, LA GRANDE, OREO ,N Room 31, Sommer Bdlg. I OUR FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Use yonr 'phone and let oar free de livery eervic benefit yoa. It may be tliat you have never bean into oar tore, bat that makes no d'fference, we sbHll be jast at pleated to deliver anything you want aa' if yon were oar regular customer. You'll find our good i and prices aatinfa tory, wa are inn. Ited 81 Newlin Drag Co. CANDY Now Is the time to think about the sort candy your Children have been eating If you buy candy from SELDER ' You need not worry about it, for our candy is made upon scientific principrls and it is . all pure. A trial order wil convince you as to its merits. SELDER, The Canrjy Man YOU HE SATISFIEI fill If your tlcketa renrtl and Klo (trn. le kaiii Line ol the world" . the Penver t ie "tteenio BECAUSE l aere are ao many aoenlc all -art in. end polutaof iiitereat lon thn Vie . iwonOlen ho.I Dcnnr Hat ilu till) never beoomee II resume If yon are going eaat, write for niMiioa ana gel a pr tell yoa all about It retly boolc.tUat will itor. W C McBRIDE, Agent, 124 Third St, . ortlard Oregc JUST RECEIVED CURTICE BROTHERS v BLUE LABEL CATSUP Sold BAKER PHONE MAIN 29 r':4'-"ay?aarta:,-iiiei'aii Hi ! ,-- H HENRV a Vaia.ltriba LICENJCb seas M yai Lady aseistaLt, Calls Phone ij J. C. Henry, residence 664 III J. J. Carr, residence 386 WHY NOT INVESTIGATE The cosy brick cottage has been sold, per haps you weae intending to investigate our offer on it, and the delay has caused you to lose. Look into these two other proposi tions before too late. ' - . Five Room Modern Cottage nearly pew, nicely located,. ! acd we know price and terms will suit. - Five Room Cottage in nice part of town, at a very reaVi sonable price. You can jot afford to pay rent, when with a small amount of money to pay down and monthly payments abiut the same as rent you can soon own your home. '" We have started many ou the right road, let us start you. Will build you a house according to your own plans. Will loan you money on your property. - - - - . jCa Sranctc investment I Co. Foley Hotel Bui!diug VIOLET1NE PERFUMES THE BREATH Saves the Teeth Hardens the Gums A. .1 Prescription Druggist Old Jewelry made to look like Clock taken oar of IJoad The Daily Observer FRESH G00DS by J 1 i ; BROS. Adams Ave. 'in rim -ryi r- So OARRfe UinUM UI.J ,' EriBlLnER5 --i ". , sw mm w mmm am answered day andaoigbt, Mo. 621.' La Hrande Oregon La Grande, Oregon Received the Highest award for purity and excellence at St. Louis ex position 1 ' ' ! Leaves a Pleasing After Effect in the Mouth and Makes the Teeth PEARLY White J HILL LA GRANDE, OR WATCHES? Yes, of course we have watches, tbe very beta watches made. We alto - have Clocks, and , every thing in the Jewelry liue J. ll. PEARE. new Repair work given prompt attention. . . . Vn'1 i). .