La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 23, 1905, Image 1

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    Willi 5
and tomorrow ,
" M
Fair and warmtr
Tonight and tomorrow
W.SER 302
t1 "-'-v.
be Moved
; Within a Few Weeks
K transaction ol eonaiderable not
baa been made in . sailing of tb
Oieaoent Knitting Milla to a Arm, by ! n
the owner, W K Davis. The n w
owner, whoa identity baa not been
disclosed, will mot Ll industry trom
this aity to one' of tb Bound oitte
where tbey we now In eitigatingTb
mill have bead a moneymtfb in
litotioa for the owner, but ' aa the
territory ia somewhat limited for
manufactory of iu kind, - and as Mr
Davie has decided teste for music, he
ha aold ont and will represent Eilere'
piano bouse of Portland, with a slock
ol good in this oily.
Within lew wek , or a aoon a
affair can b ao arrea. ed, MrDivi
will receive a line of Instrument fiora i Eiler, In order that 'be wight fatnil
Portland and will open up full jiarn bimtelf wilb the lootioe of a
fldg d 0004)0 (lure. 4 It bough the, piano , house belora open log " np for
Hilars people carry 88 kind of plannr, business here. A yet be doeiu'i know
Mr Davis will only attempt to carry a jut where bo w 11 bate hi stock, but
few line a the territory i limited a, there Us probtbility that be will ocoo
thia place Those which be will carry ; py tbe room loon to be Vacated by the
are. the Obiekeriog, Boboasaon, Lee- knitting mill. - '
Folk as Fireman
Borippa New Aaaoclalion.
. JerTron City, Mo, Oct 33 Tbe ex
ecu tiva uMlon canght Are tbia morn
ing In tb big reception ball beneath
tbe eleeulng apartment of Governor
and 34 r Polk. They were) nwakeDed
At a Smart Saving
More than a year ago we placed our order for this Fall's supply of rubber shoes of
all kinds for the sole and only purpose of heading off the sharp advance in prices.
Which came latter. As usual we give you the advantage of our saving by this
early purchase, and GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU FROM 10 TO 20 PER CENT ,0N
RUBBER SHOES. A careful comparison of our prices will convince you that here
is the place to buy your rubber goods
MEN'S HIP BOOTS $5.00 MEN'S 'TUFF' 12 Inch top shoe $2.5f
lit qOHlity pure gum Loot re in- 1st quality meus sang toit shoes
forced ankle, heavy- soles, hod en A tra heavy rolled edge soleg fusion 0
itiag proof to the kuee . O.UVI lined tbe prioe " JL. jj
1st quality puro gum boot, with 1st quality tWce lined extra good
extia heavy ' aole?, re-in forced o 7c ' "oe for wet weather here at the . AA
ankle, sung proor, pet pnir .O epeciallow price Z.UU
A low ahoe for German e x, with Au extra good shoe with 1st qual-
extra heavy rolled edge sole, 1st j m ltS pure gum eoles, heavy cloth iC
qiflitjr uppers the pair L.LO
MEN'S 'TUFP eight inch top $2.65 MEN'S I buckle SNOW EXCLUDER $1.50
1st quality, suag proof. Lumber- -v lit quality pure gum heavy roll
men'a ahoes, with ht avy rolled edge soles, extra heavy heel the g Ct
edge sole . L.)J price 1.50
MEN'S CAPTAINS Half rubber and half cloth shoe for
These Rubbers are all I hi f.unoos Ilood Robber Go's. mak and are guaranteed equal to
any rubber on the market Rabbets for small and large here at a saving We ask yon to
fwmpare our pricesthe q i ility we guarantee the best.
to a Sound City
McKimbill, Weet Bros., Bailey
toos and Kimball organ. In oon-
tioo wilb the piano and organ
Davia will carry a atock of holiday
110. v
r Davi it musician of recognised
ility. Before rejld ng her lie bad
tbe direction ol various oboir and
quartette at different tioitta and baa
bean identified with musio tor the
greater pari o! bit Ufa.
After the in-ii of the holiday be
hi - i . . -. .
will orgaoix -a cUh to teach vocal
music, . beside handliuir musical In
Mr Davis arent laxt week In Fort
land in tbe virion department of
by tb iinok end tbe governor
amicted Mr Folk from tb building
and turned In an alarm. He donned
aa old rubber coat and took eommai.d
of tbe Bremen directing the operation
personally. The blaze, which wa
oauaed by dofeotive eleotrlo wire, wa
oon rxtlngoUbed with a loe of about
1000 .
i ,-zrZTZ7Z?
Riots In Chili
By Borippa New Association
SaniUgo Chili Oot S3 Ten were
killed and hundred were wounded in
a battle with the polioe with rioter
Sunday The riot itarled at a meet-
log called to pttition the government
to abolish tb import tax oo Argen
tine cattle, Tbe troop were absent
at miliury manonver and the polioe
were unable to quell the disturbance,
The street ear and leo'rio light weie
destroyed. Tb lira deoartmeata
e tiled oot last night to aid in reetoring
order. The troop ar expected to ar
rive today
Miss Alice Returns
' Borippa Nawa Association.
8an Franrleoo, Oct 23-The Siberia
with Mia Alice Roovlt and U
Harrlman abroad, , wa sighted 45
mile oat from port at 9:30 tbia mora
tag. They are expeoted to reash port
1 about noon aud tbe ahip will be dock
B "0Br later .-v ;:
, i..
Tb Siberia entered the harbor at 11
o'clock and will break tb record from
Yokohama eatabltthed by the Korea by
two or four hoar. The Korea mad
tbe paecage la tea day and 11 hoar
Hears Oil Case
: Borippa News Aooiatlon
Cleveland Oit 23 The - IntersUU
Commerce Commission mt sere today
ti bear the charges of - discrimination
In oil rates . preferred by Krank U
Clarke Oil company against tb New
York. Kc Haven and Ilartford rail
rord Yellow Fever
By Borippa News Aoclatlon.
NewOrUao Oct 23-It I believed
that th ad of the yellow fever epi
demic is In sight, a only on new
oass was reported today and no death.
heavy sox; worth $2.50
, Borippa New Association. I
-Wink!,. W rt-.
on. died here Oil morning at sis
Death waa oaare I by an affection of
the heart. The fatal alokinir anell
wa followed by aevere ham wgage
which waa the direct oauae of hi
Tbe funeral will be beld under the
auapioea of the local lodge of Beottieh
Kite Masons.
Jeremiah donates Simpson wis
born in New Brnnawjek i9 March,
1842. When yet a boy of six yers the
family moved to New York, where he
lived daring his early Ufa In the moat
abject poverty. At 14 be left borne
and went to tbe lake aud became a
cabin boy. '
For 23 years he followed thts vora-
tlon and while on the water hie chief
exploit was bringing In the towlnir
barge Butter of which he eas captain
dnr!n a fierce gale The ahip waa
btld at anchor all night bat fresb
gale drove It aahore and the orewlaken
off by tbe life raving crew. It Is Haid
that no officer ever made so long a
fight as did Simpson. '
After the loss of th barge Rlmpson
went to Kanaa and went to farming
near Medicine Lodge. When Popu
lism became tronget Slmpou becain
an aotlve candidate and with tbe aid
of tbe Democrate waa nt to congr
In 1890. During th campaign be wa
charged with wearing shoe without
. "My frltnds," said rtimpaon, "them
are all th socks I ever wore. If yoa
can't see them from there, come np
and feel tbem."
His frlenda said be had on a pair
bat tbey did not ehow above th too
top. From that day Simpson baram
known a "gockle Jerry" end on the
tide of Popaliim and tb nickname
rode Into congress from tbst dlstriot.
Jiry Simpson did many, nnoioal
thloi In ,vTabington, bat proved able
in debate.' Be was especially bitter
agaloat Speaker Reed, lie attacked
him at every cppoitariity, and though
attaoked In retarn by members on the
floor, wa always able to bold bis ou
In reparts and debate. One of tbe
peculiar things b did was to arraign
Congress for providing from fnor to
six towels a day for ach member. He
declared one was enough to last him a
week, and that that ejlowanoe ought
to eatlsfy each of the member.
Ue wa elected for four year In
189) and was re eleoted for two ynr
In 1890 M was defeated In 1898 and
since then lies lived at Koawell, N. M
: In Old Alabama
Borippa News Association
Montgomery Ala Oot S3 Tbe Pn si.
dent reached this city at II o'clock
ibis morning and mad a short spetch
'rom tb and of the oar. He said that
th last tim be vialted Alabama he
wa with a regiment. H praised the
state and it people and said that be
would see tbem all anon bis return
New Ortean Oct 33 Th West
Virginia I anchored in tb gulf south
of ibis city, and .will remain tl irs
until lb President boards It Thursday
oigba. -
Court In. Idaho
Scrlpp News Association.
Momow Idaho Oot 83 Tb federal
court convened tbif morning in the
land fraud oteee to fry tbe curt
erougbt in by indictment at Boise laot
July, agalnat a number of prominent
oUiaena of LewUton,
Last Chapter
" Scrlpp News Association.
Lima Ohio Oot 23-Tti latt chapter
of tb robbery of tbe Amerlcaa
National bank wbloh took plac svsn
year ago, and for which an Innocent
man was scouted, was ensoted today
when Thomas Wllklns pleaded (roily
bd was Sentenced to fi years la stele
Naval Review Today
Sorlpps New Auoolation.
Tpklo, Oct, 33.-Japan fa enfote to
day over naval review hloh passed
on today wl! boat an unpleasant oc
currence, Three hundred end elaht
warship were iu line and included
the captured Kus an vessel. Th
emperor wa aboard the cruiser Aaama
led by a trailer and escorted by gun
boat and passed along a line which
waa beaded by Admiral Togo's flagship
After tbe review the emperor received
An Amazing Tangle
' . Pcrlpps News Association.
Pittsburg, Oct 23 Receiver Con
oingbam of Ibe Enterprlre National
Ban, has discovered that tbe large
notes held by the bank for money
toaned. by Cashier Clark, who com
mitled salcide ere missing. All ol the
paper ai d book were carefully ex
amined but no traoe of (horn tumid be
'nd. Aft ftsrazlsg systssi cf Saeooe
was revealed. Aeoording to Canning
ham, Clark kept no record of th loans
mai, much lets seeking tbe approval
ui iu, unnnuiii
Reward for Wreckers
(SarippsNews Association )
Fresno, Cel., Oot. 23. A reward of
$1000 for the Information leading to
the arrest sod oonviotion of the Owl
train wreckers bss been anlhorixed by
Vice-president Calvin of tb Southern
and w posted today There Is no
definite clus aud the miscreant will
orobably remain nuoaptared
Idaho Collision
Br Soripp New Assoaiatlon
Montpellsr, Idahi, Oct. 33. A head
end collision of two frolgnt trains on
the Idaho division af the Oregon Short
Line today retailed in th death of
two tramps and the Injury of Fireman
Dnmont The wreck Is blocking tbe
May Be Lost
Scrlpp Nw Asdociatlou
Cleveland, Oct S3 The ateum r 8 J
Hecker, with Captain Ptewart and a
crew of 23 man and on of th. largest
bip on th lake, I believed ta have
been l( t. Tb ahip wa da at Sault
St Marl tin Saturday night.
Later The Kerker Is reported safe,
Packers Claim Lack
Of Jurisdiction
, By Horjpp New AHoulatlon
t;hlcego. Oct. 81. -All iudioted
pneaer this morning entered plea
denying jurisdiction of tbe court, and
the ilefen 'ants collectively pleaded
not guilty. Their attorney claim i
thnt the United Ptata laok Jnrlsdlc !
tlor, as there I no law providing for!
th ooov ctin and punishment of tb
alleged violations of tlie Interstate
commerce laws, and sska thst the de
fondant be dltmis-ed from ruslod-.
No one need bo in wunt of interesting fiction
who will take a look over our book shelves.
All Ihe liter t popular novels are there and
many tuort that are q iite as interesting if not
as popular. We have books to suit every taste
in the way of fiction.
We recently received large addition to our
book Hock -a big assortment of the new copv.
righted novels at $1.25, and a lot of popular
copyrights iu cheaper bindings. No pie let
ting time hang heavy for want of good reading
mutter, when the world's choices Action can be
had at theee yrices. 8omeLirae when you WAnt
a good novel come In and rummage through
our shelves. Sure to find something yoo will
La Grande Oregon
; Scrlpp New Assoclatloa. t , .. . . .
xxew fork, Oot 33-AS a reanlt of
mutiny of tb crew of tb Ida B Gib
son, which took plac this morning.
Captain e H Braoley U tin a serloo
ooodltion, sa(Trlng from nauivruu
atebbe, and William omuuaa. tbe .
ship watchman, aud detective Har-
llok were abot, It la feared they . bave
received fatal woooda. The matins
occurred this morning shortly after
tbe achooner went aground oat able
of Norfolk. Tbe era we sabdaad
by the officer ho need bolavlng pine
Tbasulp wa brought to tb Ea '
river pier where she Is fael settling to
the bottom. The crew escaped to
shore and wbsn tb officers attempted
to at teat them tbe battla . took pxiee.
First ofScer Medley Is missing, and
it I feared that be lias been murdered
Will Not Withdraw :
Borlppe Nswa Association '
80 Franoiseo Oot S3 The deposit or;
of f 60.001) tod.y decided not to
witbdr their deposits trooi the
United Bank and Traat - eompony
which wa elosed by the benk com- -miseionars
Saturday. By an agree
men! with th eommiasloners tb bank .
will abolish it branobe In this city
and suburb and withdraw its stock
amounting to $80,000 represented by
promissory note. Under these con
ditions it I understood that tbe com
rnistioner will allow tbe bank to
resume business.
Jap Murderer
. fcrlpp Nsws Association '
Portlnnd Oregon October 23
Wlth a pocket kaif Klata Kassska
this mom lug wss stabbed to death on
be trt by 8 Matscbaita, a Japan
k whom tbe polio believe to bave
been hired to do tb mnrdsr, Tb
murderer eepd.
Tb packer deolar that tbe govern
ment exhensted It remedies when it
secured I o junction mider tbe antl'
. trut I wand say that tb governs ent'a
election ol that remedy preolud tbe '
legality of the proceed Inge brought
against tbem " of a orlmleal nature,
Tbe defendants filed as s part of their
plea Ibe repoit of Commlsaloaer Oar
field which they declare abows that no
! nulawful act bad been oommiited br
I them to restrict trade. ,