TOMS NEWS TODAY it Fair and warmer Tonight and tomorrow mm '.' i lauiwmvui, uHiun VAJunii, vkcuuix, 5AIUKDAY. OCTOBER 21, 1905 VIMBER 301 rr n ptt' rv ? n h iD) VULLJiuE IV ' v - l A nnftitrxe ihhsm. rAiHcrv Anrn -. . ' ' " i ... i v,". t V' PRESIDENT . : S, .-.-V . Greeted By Hundreds of Enthusiastic Admirers : Borlppa News Aasociatioa . 2tlz ?; "r .iU..t rived her at 6:10 this morning and top of fir: minotaa to ehange engines wm made. The train traveled elowly tbroogb the night, to the great com fort of the passengers. AT JACKSONVILLE vi Jacksonville ria Oct SI Toe Presi dent arose at 8 o'clock - Jaat at the Geori la-F1drid boandry at Folksoa There he left the ear a lew minutes and shoo hand with little knot ot people. Mn,- women and children, black and white tied by and each re e ived hie greeting On little white beaJed boy waa hnoght sbirkingly along and the Pretident cried, "Well here' little tow head. I've . got tow bead of pay owa." . V'i'"1'.1. ' Atibequaraotiaaeairip at the line no attempt was jaade to top'Thatralo on ita wsyeoqMi. Below Atlanta gmt crowds gathered at atattosa. and at ooa small plaos boat midnight wher thenti& stopped to ooal, two hundred had gathered ;' OoV bid color ed woaaaa ran np and down waving haf arm Where ia the .Pieidrnlt' ebe cried, 1 want to tee the President." ' O me to bed" acid the tre'nmao, "Wake him op for ma. Wake Bint op and I'U die happy." an cried. Beaching Jacksonville the party w m met by .thai governor, at or and a At BEST More than a year ago we placed our order for this Fall's supply of rubber shoes of all kinds for the sole and only purpose of heading off the sharp advance In prices. Which came latter. As usual we give you the advantage of our saving by this early purchase, and GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU FROM 10. TO 20 PER CENT ON RUBBER SHOES. A careful comparison of our prices will convince you that here Is the place to buy your rubber goods V! MEN S HIP MOTS ; ' ; S5.00 MEN'S 'TUFFV 12 Inch top shoe $2.75 lit quality pur gum boot re-in- , 1st quality rneng aoag jroaf shoes forced ankle, .-iieavy sties, and - extra heavy rolled edge soles fusion 0'-e inag proof to the kuee J.IIVI lined the price 1 MEN S 'TUFF SHORT BOOT $3.75 MEN'S ALL RUBBER OVERSHOE ' $2 00 ' 1st quality puro. fcuro; lioot," with ; .1st quality fleece lined extra good ' extra heaTy soles, re-i n forced shoe for wet weathet here at the ankle, snug proof, pei pair O.P '.. special low price j Z.UU MEN'S TUFF ONTARIO, SHOE $1.75 MEN'S 4 buckle SNOW EXCLUDER $2.25 A low shoe for German's x," with An extra good shoe with 1st qual- " exfra heavy rolled edge sole, lst- -g- ity pure gum soles, heavy cloth o oc" quality V ff ) j7 -: ? " ' uppers the pair JL.&D .. ' . . ' .. , r.., - ,, ' ' ' - 1 . , - , MEN'S 'TUFP eight inch top $2.65 MEN'S I buckle SNOW EXCLUDER $1.50 lit quality, inag proof. Lumber- 1st q-jality pure gum heavy roll men's shoes, with heavy, trolled edge soles, extra heavy heel the , CA edge sole , ; ' , C..)D price ... 1.50 MEN'S CAPTAINS Half These Rubbers are all Ih- any robber on the) markf compare our price the j -.. t if 1 ') V . Ii i IDOL OF 1HE iSOUTri oitis"ns' committee. Artilerv. belli and whutlea greeted him aatie started ' to speak to the largeat crowd ever gatnered io thi city. At two o'clock tbe party luoohed with the board ol trade. , ' Her In tlorlda, tbe first of the O all eUUe whloh I have visited np on tbia trip, I wish to ear a special word about the Panama Canal. I believe that tbe oanal will be of a great benefit to all onr people, bat moat of all to tbe Statea of tbe 8uth Atlantic, tbe Gulf and the Paolfle lop. When-oumpleted th canal will atand aa a momnmeot to this nation; for It will be tbe greatest engineering foat aver yet accomplished in the world. It will be a good thing fur the world a whole, and for the peo ple of the latbmaa and of tha northern portions of 8oath Amerioa In parti cular. Because of our especial in terest In it, and because of the posl tion we occupy on . this hemisphere, it la matter of special pride to ne that oar nation, the American nation aboald have undertaken tbe perform ' ance of tbia world duty. A body of tbe most eminent engi nes In the world, both Americans and foreigner,, ha been . sommoued to advise aa to tbe esaot type of canal which loald be built. At no diaUnt data I hope to be able to annoanc what tbelr advioe is and also the sot ion taken npon their advioe. Mean while the work la already wjll nuder QUALITY a Smart Saving 3 rubber and half c.'oth shoe for i.OO .- famous llood Rubber Go's . make and are guaranteed -equal to Rabbets for small and large here at a saving; We ask you to tahty we guarantee tobo the beat. Y Sim Soh?A w mm, i. Jf way, and baa advsnoed sntfloUntly far to enable me to annoanc with cor. tainty that it cin surely be aooompliah ad, and probably at rather leas expeoce tbao wia anticipated. . Bat npon he last point, a well aa npon tha question of time, no positive statement can be mads until the re port of tbe oommlettion of englnea aa to the exact type of canal baa been received. Thewoikisa diffloult aa it is important: and It is of course inevitable that from time to time dif Acuities will occur and checks bo en oo ante red. Wherever , auoh la the ease the men of little faith st ' home will loee that little faith, and tb critlos who confound byateria with emphasis will act aftsr their., kind. u mi MniiU mm whol nnaaaaa not only faith, bat rrsolatlon, and are of too vtrile fiber to be awept o ie way or the other by mer aeniatiooalism No oheck that thsy may oome will I of mora than trivial and passing coo sequent, will Inflict an permanent damage, or eiuee any seriouj delay. Tb work can b done, i belntf done and will b don. What has already been accomplished is a gaaranfy aa to the future... . -v-r ; . . When any each work i undertaken there are always many mera advawiur, rr who flocK to where it is guiug on nd many men Who think they are ad veptnrers, but who are in reality either weak or timid, lollow in their footsteps. Some uf the first class will now and then cause trouble In one way or another. . But every oar will betaken to detect any misdeed on tin ir part and to punish them s toon aa tbe misdeed is detected. At for tiie coud class tbey will put trouble r irfl ! losing heart, returning home, or writing home and raising a cry that they are not happy and that tb oondition of life are not easy or tbat the work ia not being done aa tb think it ought ti be don Njw these men stand just aa straggler and laggards stand who are ever to be found in tha rear of even victorious ' . Continned on pag H. . ROBBERS heavy sox; worth-$2.50 ST. LOUIS CASHIER HORT BcrlppNw AssoolationT Bt ronia Mlssoarl, October 31 Franclp B Bander, -cashier of (he 8t Louis poetoflloe waa arrested In tbe offio tbia afternoon aocosed of m beRlement Tb . warrant charges Raoder wsi on of th moat tra'atad and efficient cmployeea. Posi master wyman waa greatlv abockad when tha Inspectors acquainted him with tbe tb situation and said that Bonder was th apitom of postal information, npon whom the administration of tbe otllo relied always placing tbe great ear confidence in hi honesty end ability. . " Bander was arraigned this afternoon and whs held In DO.COO. bouda. One inspector' xpresad th opinion that it may davelope that tbe apparent shortage may th result of r series of mistakes in took keeping. Frisco Bank Faili - fieri pps News Association. Ban Francisco Oot 21Tbe Limited Bank and Trust company failed today. Tbe stat bank commissioner have assumed charge of the bank' aflaire. A large crowd of mxioos depositor hav oougregated. Tbe failure is largely due to overloading of real etate which the compaby dealt beav ily in. ' v ' '-'..'' " ',''.' The total resources an1 liabilities on Oct 17, was t33ft,78J 23. Foot Ball ; ...... Brrlpps News Association. Oblosgo; OO 21 Pliiladelpliis Pennsylvania 8, Drown ft. Iihioa Cornell 30. , Western Pennsylvania 0 N)w York Colombia 10 Kentucky 0. VVest Point Harvard 6, West Point 0 Carlisle-Oarlisl 1H Dickenson 0 4nn Arbor Mioblgan IS, Nebraska 0 Steamer Lost. ' Horlpps News Association Cleveland O Oot 21 The steamer Bnlgarla made port rare this after noon and ', reports that . during the storm the steamer Tasmania went down off point Pilea and " that eight men were drowned. Well Pleased Mr MeallnWa. waa an" Obnrver caller this morning snd in con vena tion stated tbat t'.e. seven tb of this month he had been a resident of this vanes' twentv four veara - When akmi how he liked present conditions compared with tbore of twenty four years ago b said : "Present conditions nit oi much tb better. In tboe good old (Jays' wblcli bear tb- discontented apeak of, h rae feed wa high and horse obeap. ' We bad mnrb t buy and little to sell. Our tsble iar was poor and labor bard. I am well salted with tbe present Jury Disagreed Hy "vrippa News Association' ' 1 Denver Oct 21. The Jury in the aa of Helen Bcbmid of LosAnR.l s was discharged this morolng . lielen olalrcs tbat her husband deaerted ber and told her maks her living by her beauty. Tb jury afur being oot forty boar war unabl to agree. Helen was formerly a wife of Abraham Eseklel. Simpson Still Lives - 8crtpp News Association . Wichita Kfcn, Oct Jl-Jiry Simpson is still boveVliu between Ii sol Oath, His wonderful vitality pussies th pbytlclsns. Celilo Canal Tb Dalles Cbronlol report seventy five men and two steam rock mllla at work on the canal to paas tbs fall of tb Colombia river a few miles above Dalles City. It further states tbat la a abort time there will be several hundred mea employed by Unci Bam thcra. :- : - i. Caught at Last '8.rippNews Association Casper yor Oct Sl-Otto C'benel- worth, ' known aa on of th moat notoriona metiers In E intern Montana. Wyoru'Dg. and tha Dakota, Is under arrest here. Chenel worth' operations In Monttna were especially bold, driving band of boraes under tbe very soaaows ot tua officers and after being oaptnred onoe In tbat country broke oat of jail at Me'ora. Struck A Mine Scrlpp News Association. London Oot at It it reported that the Japtnean transport 8anori Maru from New Chwaogto Dalny; Most ol theerew w saved. Convicted ; 'By Scrlpp News Association) Boflalo N V Oot 21 Alonio J Whitman waa convicted in the su preme court today for grand laroeny (or psising a f irged obeok on the Fidelity bank in the sum o' $750. HEROIC ACXOF CAPTAIN 8cripp Nsws Assoolatlon. .TT . Portland Cot 31 Capt O J Hoygh klrk ol th steimer Iralda performed a berolo resoue tEl morning on th Colombia river, diving off of the berrlcan deok from bie yexael. which was thirty titt from th water and saved tbe lives ot Mr Clifford Uarris and ber aevan yrar old son who were sinking for tbs laat time, having baen capsized while out in a skill-. Missouri Pacific Wreck Sorlppa New Association. , Kdflld Kansas, Oct (21 Thirty aii Injored end one fatally hurt ia tb result of th Missouri Paoiflo train being wrecked this morning. A brok en rail caused the accident. Flv roaches were derailed Diamonds Found Sorlppt News Association. Vn. ouver, Wash. Ckt 21 Four thousand dollars worth of diamond from- Rod ferns, V'ctorla, were found auder the vtoant Loose of O C Keith, of this city, who Is a marine englnrer. tie conferd and ioipllcated a woman with whom bs 'bad been living. Sends For Relief Scrfpps Newa Asaoalatlon. . Surnto 1 1 Oct SI Tbe relief coti mitte was con. polled to send out aa .pl for aid lor Iberjrlon (offerers. I Anything You want in ? Stationery - A stationary stock aa large and complete ai ours contains insuy tbings whinli would be uted more generally if people knew that such items wore on tbe market and at their comuittud. v ' - For tliia reason we invite everyone to call and examine our Biotk. Such q in edioii is almost sure to develop into a want for tome of these items. Borne ol them, snch as letter files, bill files, clips, etc., are almost household nfct t8ities w litre there is a deed ot referring back to letters or sUlemeutg, These things save time by enabling you lo at once locate the particular bill or letter you want and they are where you know they won't get lost. Almost very well regulated family now uses Account Books, Mem orandum Books, etc. We have a big assortment Irom the smaller ones that fit in a vet pocket up to tbe large ones for office ose. ''', Tissue papers are. in demand now for decorative pur poses, also shelf paper, etc. Of course, we have anything yon ever want iu corres pondence pipers (box, bulk and tablet) pens, ink, pencil, muciltjge, paste, rubber ' bands, erasers, etc,, and always make'lowfst prices on them. , , NEWLIN DRUG CO MP AN Y La Grande Oregon , BLACK POWDER IGNITES Sorlppa Newt Assoolatlon., : Sana Crus, Oct 21 An explosion oc cured tbia morning at 9 o'olock In th . black powder depot of th California Powdr Work. Th' first explosion waa In tbe wheels of tb mil! at d wheels. Luckily no on was In th mill at th time of th accident and there was no loaa ot lit. Tb walls were left li.taot and tb loss to th machinery Is not great as It oan be used again. Tho m ilt oloaa bv ara considered luoky as they did not i- piocle. ' Centennial Anniversary Scrlpps Nsws Asseslsiioa London, Oot Ul The bondretb anni versary of Admiral Ne Isio's victory over the French fleet off tb Pay of Trafalgar, whloh was tb crowding . glory ot a long iiat of aoheivi mant waa celebrated hers today, Dur ing this batil Nelson was woondfd ; through ti shoulder, lingering for threr days V?ho informed that th day had been won for Encland ha dial composedly, his last words being,' "i'liank Uod, I've dons my duty.' Fight Extradition , Bcrlpp Nws Aasociatiou. , New York, Oct 21-Uogh JMiUor, oounset tor Moles Haas and Edward A Peckman, the outtoo brokrs of this '" oity who srs wsbtsd In , Wssblngton ou charges of being , In connection wlta the cotton leak soandal, argued todsy teor tbe United States "Com-' mlasioner Rldgaway in an effort to -prevent his dilents from being taken to wasbing'lon, . , ( Trollyes Collide v '. By Soripp News Association '-' 1 Ban Beidardino Oot 31 Tao 'rel! cars of tbe San Berdardioo sjitem collided this morning l 6;40 In a dense fog. Motormeo Wbitlook re . oeived a compound fraolur of tbe leg and bad his skull fractured Motor man Ktele bad a sprained ankle, sod numerous pas angers wers injured by Hying glass. . , Grain Markets ! i Chlosgo, Oei. ' 21 The ' markets ' oloaed today as follows: Wheat 871 '' oorn UK; oals 99. PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Oct. 21, -Club, 72, blo stem, 76; valley Ii. . 5 f.-t , 1 LOCAL MAKKKT -lioyera todsy are offering 03 ceot for bluestem and 00 for club. t l -. . ;.a i a t : n c y "ii tt 0 it k it k D tl h tl ia it kr K ! to 0 rb. lee ra tal f I r ib. i mmmmt"! i i ' i ..i.i.i .r-M