j i 1 T C3 u I n Was Ollf WM and Hi : :J- bel not ': 1. . 27.! : : .- the ms : Utt puis ha, wl.j ' - I, : 1 . i -in ; k l t. II t M aa wnr (a 1 l THOSE LADIES COATS THE GOL2BEN " R0LE STORE CERTAINLY ARE NICE - . THAT IS WHAT EVERYONE SAYS WHO HAS SEEM THEM The New EMPIRE effect in three quarter length, Made of Broad cloth, Covert, Kersey, Melton, or Cravenctte. AND THEN THE PRICE TOO. So much less than you have usually paid for the same quality and workmanship. PRICE $10.50 to$9.Z5 BB M ' - - - (1 I si HEATING STOVES AND L RANGES We have the plainer ones also, at $3 to $5.50 MISSSES COATS, at - - - $1.65 to $8.50 COOP SERVICEABLE GARMENTS, ALL OF THEM THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY, I Largest Store- 1308, 1310, 1312 Adatns A venue." Smallest Prices W'm K Oavle retftin-d tbii morning iroai a noauiea t,p to Portlaud. A no . her (oiir ho- load of aapptle left yesterday from Ibla city for tha Woodly mine. -.' Pro eorr e llerdrlcka ia buildlnv an addition to hi rea'dence at 1902 Alder street . M E Crippen la nuraina a broken thorn t ttii week, tba resalt of an accident at tba O K & N abopt. Eagene Reith o' Hpraeaa.' Wash, ta in tba city few days viaitlos hla adnt, Mra A Nealln.- - 1 " The Bias Mfontaiu Marblei A firm nite Workeyeaterday eracted a' band aome morj amort ' over tha irm nf John J Glaaa in the MaiODio cemetery. Daid Heldenriech retained thle morning frim Portland. Obits G Haute bad at ranged to coma with him but.wae taken licit a few hoara hafn,e train time. , - ..-v -i Or M K Hall re'urned thla mnrnlno whera be liai been in attendance upon Mm J M Berty and A W Leffel. The upon botb, wbich took place yesterday fern Portland eoccaesfnl in every Lli-orge h rowere reporTa the sale of ma i-iaut naraery in thla c I mutineer wi of the year. for tl.ino lepostouaioo tba first I have jost received my fall 7 itock of -Heating V Stoves and Steel Ranges, all sizes, and prhea in proportion. If you are ging to'" need a Steel Range or Ileater call and examine them, : ' ; : THE CELEBRATED MAJESTIC STEEL RANGE . I also have nice lot of ian'teVnsshot guns, Vifles " and ammunition. ' 'r v , .. mrs. T."r;i7.: i murphy. , Hardware and Crockery. The-FireS Fire waa iiroovered thia mnnin. elgbl o'olock in the tank' houaa'oii tha J owjtm property across tue track; Tbe bow carta were taken out, and though they reaohed the t pot too late to aaa mat tioil ting, tbe residence waa laved. ihebre originated from an attempt totb ont the . waterplppa, tha fire wbicb wai atartxi around tba pipea flLAltinor hn.nntft Mnlml 'PL. J . i "Tiiiii amount to about a bundled and A." r- fifty doll,.. - t.Y ! J R. OLIVER UNION COUNTY ABSTRACTS Farm Loans a Specialty Best equipped abstracter in Union county. Many years experiences with the Unioa county records gives me a great advant age. It is folly to pur chase realfistate without first securing a proper abetiaot. An abstract from my office will shuw the title just as it appears on the official record. ); R. OLIVER, LA GRANDE, OREOJN Rooua 31, Sommer Bdlg. GROCERIES FROM THIS STORE ARE ALWAYS NICE AND FRESH 'ZPs' A TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. C. S. Land Offloe, Ia Grande, Oregon ' BP . 1U03. Nonce l herebrglTen that In coinplliuioc wlthtbeprovlaiunaoruia act of CoavreM M Juue a, 1G it. eollUed "An act for tli. uie 01 tliuber UuU ia Ibe Htula uf Callfornln, Ore ton, Nevtuia, and Wuhingtoa Territory," iu extended to .11 the Hubtto Land Mutea by art of Auku.14, lj-i,vlroc K Molttur. of Ial Uraodn, comity of Union una aT nien i tittemeot Na tut Uie lied In tbia olllae hrr .worn 7 ' . ""T( - . .no pareuH. til IIiaHWi. ,Ki,yui uuni it. I..,, u rf. a of Heetion No. la Towublp Ho, Bouth, And frlUslTer proof to etaow that the land eouttlit ta more valuable for lu timber 01 (tune than for agricultural purpoeeM, and tr HUbll.li ber claim Ul aaldland before the itcatator and Howiver at La Uranda, Ore gou.oo Haturday.tba IHth day ol Nov., v. M UIHIUC, ft Urande. Uragon; unaas, uraxi VIWIII. Any and all pernon elalmlng adversely tht aouva doacrlbad land, are ,rU.ted to U.i Uielr claim. In thin oUloe on or before aald Inla day ol Hat. iuub. B. W. Davla, Beclelei aa wttnawHM: John Shilling, Jr le, Oregon; Jama Hhllling, ot Ia Bgon; Mlcbnlaa Molltor ot La won; John T Wllllamaon. of La Seasonable goods as well as Staples always on hand. QEDDEJ BRif North Fir 8treet TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE X 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Offloe, La Grande, Oreron. ., , . . . Sept. U. IHttt. Notice la hereby Riven that In eon.pl.anee with tba nmvlalnna .r I h. m4 Ar fi . Jonea, Itm. entitled "Anaol for tba aale of timber landa In tbe Huta of rallfnrnla, Ora. oo, nevada, and Washington Territory." aa i uuuv uuiq oiaiea OT art of Auguat 4, IMC, Nlcholaa Mollt.'r ol rHa P A TRONI Z ID 1 HOME INDUSTRY My molting KEY WEST PERFECT0 THE VISTA 0RADA and C. B. Manufactured by C. E. HACKMAN. t)or. Ave. I t?aili!raiirei!i-iiTi: ra1 Factory Adams and Green wood Street Suit for $1B Why go and get a Hond-me-down Suit when I will make you up a suit just as cheap, better work and guarantee a fit. MAKE YOU A SUIT FOR 115.00 V AULa A JST D SEE US ; ;- - - - SUIT CLUB WINNERS Fotd . . $35 Suit New Club iiaberdaaber and Tailor i AUKuai , imc Nlcholaa Molltiir ol h ihi" i' of "nlon, Htate ofOrenon, - uivu ,u .11 1 oil) ent No. )Uu. lot tba du of Section No. ID In townablp No. i uth Boutn ttanie No. . K w If. And will otter proof to abow that the land eoiiKht ta more valuable for Ita Umber 01 tone than for agricultural nurpoaea, and to eataHl.B bia claim to aald land bVtore the H-lalr and Kerelver at La Ornde Ore tun, on Monday, the Uth. day of IHh:, IvuS. He namaa wltntaara: Jamta Hbllling of IiaUrandt) OnOn; JoUn stiilliug. Jr. ot La Grande, Oregon; Aijna B. Kogeia, of La (liamla Uregou; Jobu x Willlamauu, of La Umnde, On HOD. Any and all peraona claiming adveraely the above deacrlled landa are requMlrd to file their claim. In thla otfloe on or before aald U'h. day of Uw.iuoi. ' "M la a. W. Davla. .Keartatrr. - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION' ' IHtpartinent of the Interior : U. U. Land Offloe, L Grande, Orwron. Bep W. laus. to make final proof In aupport of hi. claim and that aald proof wlif be made before u.e r"' u Laniioifti-e " " A aa I 11 n .n S irV M s h&lir'J1''''' '9. Prove I OregonT au tibial Key W Davla. Reglater. Home Help In tbia iaana appears, the advart'a. ment of 0 B Haekmao, tha cigar maker, who i alia attention to bis three famona brands of cigara These brands are tbe "Key Weat Perleotca" the Viaia Orada" and (ha "OB." Mi Unokman tnanaracfurea tbeae cigara In our onity and tnet erore la entltl 1 to trial order from every smoker Id this tliy ' By patronizing tbia faotory wa aa.Ht in tbe upbuilding of a borne nterpriae and . ihereby . keep , oar money nt home where we have some cbanoe of finding It again.' The Foresters The rfception tendered Chief Hanger Burgeoiae laet evening by Court Maid Marion No 22 e of A, waa a . moat pleanant affair The obinf delivered an addreat at tting forth tbe advantage of Foreatty in na uaoertaia manner. After tlie.addreaa a banauet cn.. ed. G o L Bisirerg. the ' " aiBOhtrged bis duties wiib credit to ' An Afternoon Miia Allie Steven entertained a fnar Of bar lady friendr yeiterday afternoon at ber home. - Tbe ladiea anem tha r - afternoon playing whiei. . Tboea nres- nt weret kr,-,.- .?.., . - . ' Meedamea Kiddle, Cavaoa. Lvla. TbiooHon, Taylor, Morriaon. Moore. Ed Murphy, Wm Murohv. Alliann Spenoe, MoColly. ' Molden, Aikioe, Anthony, Swaney. Hillman. and Thomaa. Miaaea Stoddard, Lyne, Hunter, Enma Clark. Eamaaw. Maria Clark od8hOTt,'v 5 Mr Ed Thomas araa aararrlarl aha first ouve'nir and Mra Ed Swaney tbe aecond. . . i , . ... f . r x Eagles Notice x -Grain Markets Chioago, Oct. 19 Tbe markets closed today as follows: Wheat StiWi corn U oat 28?4'. V PORTLAND MARKET " . Portland, Oct. 19 -Clob, 70. Mn atam, 75 valley 72.' - - - . : ' LOCAL. MARKET Buyera today are offering 63 cents for bloeatem and 70 for olob. " Craawi I 1 , a-."- - - . J All members of La Granda Aerie No 256 F O E are requ.ated to attend oar regular meetira Friday 30th for thepurpote of Initiation and ottier ouaineia. The ne t ia full of eggs, tbe inoobator in good, order. bim.ll and plea.ore to those gathered 1 1" . 8 Tk 1 M?he "d around the f..,i,e boa.d. . , 1 5"' 1 iu. ." " , gerw,ii visit the Aerie on official business; irt .eu.rraw.ea, ana wtu reault good attendance la eznMUri t . - j Oysters arc in Season for fair uo and we 13 ready for yoa Bow; Never JX havo wo aeen Oner than we are now offering Large, fat and Juicy , with a delicious avor that will make yoa want more. We are Ready'..? to servo them any way vou Ilka. raw. fried, stewed, trolled, roasted. i Whichever ya stake yoa lll find deliolouej You ean bava (hem at any t,n,"v After the abow, before the show or during lbs show.' For dinner, for lunoh or for breakfast if yoa eay jj Corns in and open tbe season. The Model Restaurant 4 J. A AtbucMe, Proprietor .; a a m i 1 tloketa for ( u muBn 80rq ordBf- . J A Matott, Pre,ldent and night ZZftSESAiM .. . . ' awa . a, aw , . . Mm urn. t.. .. -.... . . MM m -Tw-aaft'SMiir 4S'TSf09f1mvmmmmm BEFORE BUYING YOUR SUIT omarruotiQs WE WOULD ASK YOUR ; PERMISSION TO BE SHOWN THROUGH OUR NOBBY, UP-TO-DATE LINE OF GARMENTS. FROM THE MOST RE NOWNED MENS TOGGERY HOUSE IN THE WUKLU ' This Label Stands for 5 1 Y of Knowing How Frightful Suffcrititf Relieved. Suireritig frightfully from tbe vlro' lent poiaon oi undlgeaM food, O U Jrayion, ol Lula, MIm. look lr King' New Life pilla, with the renolt," ha ritea, "that 1 was cured " All stomach and bowel diaordars giro way !.? .' ?' ,MI,s Proparfie. Mo at Newlln'a drag atore, guarrsu leea. TREASURER'S CALL FOR . . .. ' . COUNTY WARRANTS i NotliMt la hankt at... au. I d. . --" a.H ,11.1 aiiw an. I eralgned, Treaanrer of Union County ' ua muni na uana wiin wnlcb to pay all oonnty watraota whlob were I preaented and eudoraed by the ttooniy o . u "l traaanrer's otlloo In tha city of '.a Oraude thla the i luib day of May VM 0 lntereet ' allowed after aald data. Jobu rfawley. Trraaorer of Uuioa Coon ' y JfWWMr-jjfV WWPflaaW I (f' j'ML- A aV7V ' -IMW "':;V"-,-.V';': THIS FAMOUS BRAND OF CLOTHING HAS NEVER BEEN EXHIBITED (N LA GRANDE BEFORE, and wc feel assured after" examination of same combiii Ing m and workmanship, together with popular prices, you will feel satisfied that we can Jive you values equal to any custom tailor for from SI0 to $15 less ''! ...... ... """"" ' I I - ' ... J ....... , ll' I .. . ., Store S ''1 a) a . aawTw'",w,',Mw'IKf!yy?y-,lw ''wlawawAw