HEATING' STOVES , AND STEEL ii i a a a ii mi j - a r aw Local !teni RAMGES AT THE GObBEN RtiLE STORE CERTAINLY ARE NICE THAT IS WHAT EVERYONE SAYS WHO HAS SEEN THEM The New EMPIRE effect in three quarter length, Made of Broad cloth, Covert, Kersey, Melton, or Cravenette. AND THEN THE PRICE TOO. So much less than you have usually paid for the same, quality and workmanship. .. PRICE $1050 to $19.15 We have the plainer ones also, at S3 to ss;so MISSSES COATS, at - - $1.65 to $8.50 COOP SERVICEABLE GARMENTS. ALL OF THEM THE GOLDEN RULE 1 m a : . . -. a 3 1 -51 S 0 firaokbimmr. wee a passenger on this Ei.rniiiga train enroote from PoiMand ti bit borne at Onion. 1 tVptain'Jeui.le Holies, of the Salr vat Ion Artnv, fo'iuerly of tbla city bat now of iVrtlaod, If la lb city today vleitlog friends. B Hood, of Wallowa, is In the ally today on baine9a. John Huber, tbe well knosn farmer of Dear AllceJ, ia In town today trad' lrg witb oar merchants. . , The lltila oh ol L A Piokler, hat diptbarla and tbe family , (a under quarantine. . ; .: , MuWo Orani aod children,, Who have teen visiting friendc la' Portland for the past three weeks, returned this morning. -.- ?' 'i O OFrazler,' the flendrldge farmer, came op last night on the Elgin tralik v n aammooa oi tiigio, came o last olbt on the delayed Elgin tra'n Adam Croasman, formerly of )bi city bnt now proprietor -of tbe- Uove od . la In Ihave juBt received , my; fall stock ; of Heating Stoves and Steel Ranges, all iz8, and prises in proportion. ' If 1yoa"are ging to need a Steel Eabge or Ileater call and examin them, " THE CELEBRATED MAJESTIC STEEL RANGE Int nflantarhn 'shot cnnR 'tiSea. 'Warn munition. f,;i ..- s ' J ' - , - - . .' : ' f;; ' ' -. MRSMlTrHlNi i MURPHY, - : Hardware and Crockery. COMPANY 1308, 1310, 1312 Adams Avenue. Largest Store- Smallest Prices Located In Kirkland The Kirkland Praaa of Kirkland Waab, obronlolea the faot that Ollla Patty, formerly of tbie ooooty, waa eleuted treatartr of that town and tbat he la cotr.plellng a home In that place. Club Dances mentioned, will be of a high order i M Marphy, J B G ilham, J P Donnely, Dr L D Reavla, E E Bomig, E M Eberaole, A V And re we, enter tain mi nt committee. ., ! Tbe Comuiorcla' Club w.'iioh waa to be held at tbe Ulob next Friday will j not take plaoe nntil Friday ctober 27. Tbla ohange It made In order j that the rehearsal tor "Queen Etth i" ' may oontinne uninterrupted The en- ' Urtalnment committee ataarea the i pablio that tbe aeriea of danoee whloh have been arransd, and tb Bret of which will take place on the date Remarkable Case A good Illustration of tbe poaalblll tiet of Oeteopathv la alTorded by recent caae at Haatmgs on the-Undton to wblcb many nawanapers ge extended apace. Tbe patient, enppoaeit to be r-ufleriog from blood olot on tbe brain, refuaed to eabmlt to en operation. Instead be called In an Osteopath, who made eeitn etin o taral oorrectiona wblcb retalted In very rapid Improvement. At latt accounts the pa1 lent waa well on tbe road to recovery. . TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3. 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. O. a Land Offloe, La Oraade, Orefon Hept 6. 1W6. Notteela hereby given that In coinpllauct With tbe provialona of the aot of IVwgraaa ol Juu , 1H70, entitled "An act for the aale M Umber landa id tbe tltatea of California, pre. run, Nevada, and Wellington Territory," aa extendod luall the Publlo Land HUtea by arl of AuguaU, 18WJ, Urn HI Molltor.-of La iPATRONIZE IvlOnE INDUSTRY New Cigar Factory C. E. HACKMAN, Prop My leading Brands are the KEY WEST PERFECT0 fi An all clear Havana Cigar, a better piece of Key H West goods cannot be found. , 1 THE VESTA DRADA and C. B. 'pa i Are also worthy of your patronage, A trial order M will convince you. Faotory Corner Adorns Avenue and Depot Street haa thto day Aled lu tbla the HW) & HK i of ttecttou No. ; In 'I'd State of Ornron. y tiled lu una omoe ncr aworn atatxinent Na tH for tbe purouaae 01 In 'I'ownablpNo. i Houtb, lUnxe No. as K W M. it , . And will oUer proof to abow that the land aouahl la mora valuable for I la Umber 01 atone than for atfrioullural iiurpoeea, ana u eetabllab her claim U aald bind before th HuKlater and iieuelver at La Urande, Ore Kon.nn Haturday.tlie lath day ol Nov HKJft. Hhe n-iintx aa wltiieistM: John BhllliiiK. Jr., of LaUtaudr, Oreaon; Jnme Hbllllug, ol La Uramle. Uravou: Nlcbolaa Molltor of La Urande Onwou; JolmT Wllllaulion,: of La randa, Oregon. ; Any and an pereona elalralng adversely thi Grands, Oregon. above dowrlbad landa are rwUited to 0.i hotol came ovi r yesterday . theolty todewij; JVJl J 3 Mr and Mrs W V 8nrxlr.a to leave this veu'loj F fori tbelr new borne at Collaz, Washington.; . ) J a fltltlnger plead goilty to uu beuoming conduot on' the elreat and waa fined 110 by Recorder Snook. , DrOeoO't. "ennor who has been in Portland for tbe prat three Week a" w- tarne t tbit raoruln r. Mrs ' O'Connor will not be home antlt tbe latter part ol tbe week,- ' - !?.' " '" . ! ' Jamee Gntrldge, Tom' Williamson and Jack Health, who bave been in Portland In tbe capacity of fair gn'ardt from Com pan r L from this oity return ed home tbit morning."' ' . , ! .1 he Ttummaga sale, cond acted by the Methodist ladles oommenoed this morning In tbe room formerly ob copied by .Wo Bmitb'a feid store, opposite tbe Slater . boildlng. -They havemany articles of real J- value that repreaent genuine bargains. - i - 'We were shown one of the "new 920 gold notes jnst leaned by the treaaory department at tbe La 'Grande Nation al hank todav whloh it eotnethlrtg of novelty in papat- money and. i will doubtless attract considerable at ten tion until tbe (eui-ral '. pvblio become naed to tbe coloring Hberm Stoll was severely injared yeeterda) while working in the O R 4 N machine Whop.' He was- working 8 R Ha worth, who lias beh. quite ill tbe past few days it reported roach better this afternoon. V "". . Miss Allison, who has bees tinting her brother Wm Allison, left tbit morning tor bei home Jo .jlefferson, Missaarl. - : . It is not erpeoted tbe tr al of tbe O BAN anrl K. -!;-; JiU.- win be beard before Judge Eakln until FrlJay whsu' Attorney Cotton Is to bs here . . , ... V J . - ' MrsJ T Williamson who wat in Portland' and ' viewed tbe eloelng toenet of tbe fair returned home . tble morning acoompaaled by ber nelce Mrs E E Hughes ' Rev H H Mower .who bat been In Idaho for. the. past ten days at the bedside of his son wh6 hat been very sick with typhoid fever Is expected home witb h' son tomorrow.. v ' ; Engineer Tbiesen is having an ad dition built on bis bouse in tbe west part of town whioh will be a great con venience.' ' ' ' ' Engineer W A Carlson and family leaves tonight for Kamela where be Baker $66,000 in Debt Tbe semi-annual : reports of the ooacty clerk, recorder and sheriff, will be filed Monday showing the condi tions of tai collections aod other county affairs. It will appear from the eoooty clerk's report that tbe ; loonntv ia nn debt-Baker City Demoorat. Iht-lr clainiH in thlolUoe oa or beiore aald Utbday ofMov. lUUfc. . K. W. Davis, Raglatei TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1375 . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION." with an engine In company wlthl t , i. several others when a large wrench L.mI .i-., t- .. .i,. Slipped atrlking him across fhei, , .. omeo. kiiocking hlm offotthe :he(l0t'0, - , iMred engine ,,. He doee not know the eraot " '.-, extent of bis injur Ua at this time. . i ! , . ,. U.S. Land Offloe, La Grande, Orefon. Heot. 18. IWM. Notice I hereby given tbat In compliance witb uie Junes. 1 Utnbar lan on. Nevada, and Wanhlnnkln Trriilory, extended to all the Hublle Land Htatee by art of August 4. IxWL Mcbolaa Siolltor ol je ia-nereny given inai in voininiaam le provlalona of the aot of Oongrna of . lHiK, entitled "An act fur the sale ol ' landa In the HtalNi of California, Ore. La t.rsuJe, County ol Unlun, Hiato ororeKon, ml No. Houth Hangs No. , K W at. baa tbla day Hied In Uila office bla eworu auicmani No. a4S. for Uie nurohaaa of the NK'4 ol Heetlnn Ho, 1 In Tuwnahlp MD.I And will oiler oroof to abow that the land sought ia more valuable for ita timber or aimiatlian for avrlcultural nnrooaea. and to HtaMlnb bla elalra to aald laud beiore th Hmilaler and Receiver at La UmnUe Or on. on Monday, tbe lllh. day of Lnc.. 1WHS. na PHIUWUWimwrw rfltiiira noiiiiiin ut iiauninue urcgon; joun Miining, jr , 01 la Urande, urrgon; Aiina b. Kogora of La Oiande Oregon; John X Willlai'iauu, of La Uraude, on gon. Anv aud all Demons elalmlna ad veraelv the above described laoda are requited to file tneireiaima in tnia oince oa or tmore aaia Ui Ik-day or Uca.lWo. K V Dnva. KeiMrr. a Suit for $15 Why go and get a Hond-me-down Suit when I will maie you np a salt just ai cheap, better work aud guarantee a fit MAKE YOU A SUIT FOR 115.00 CALL A JSTD SEE US -.I,, i- ' - . SUIT CLUB WINNERS M.Ford S3S Suit New Club AL. AN DEEW8 Uaberdasher and Tailor NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Deportment of the Interior ' V. H. Land OiOoa, La Uraade, Oregon. v HcpL, SM, lKJo. Notice la hereby aiven that Uie rollnarlna. named aettlar haa Bled nolle of hla Inlenilnn to make dual proof In auiLort of hla ilm aod that aald proof will be made berore tbe Kegimer and Hecol er or Ilia UM Land Omce at La Urande, Oregob, on Nov. V, limn, via: H K No IHm. Albert O Hodgra, of MlarkK, Uregon Tor the Ki NKU.NWJ, HKVrlea II He nanias tbe following wltneawe to prove I niawniiDuoua twiupdm until ann miitiiruiion of aald land, vlai frank Allien, B f llornetl, A J Mu.Uvan, Joacpb lurroit, all fiarkey Oregon. v w twvia, aeglater. gees to ttke a helper. JraTcIStory that the inii ii Ii- rii ,iina J - Oysters are in Season for fair now and we E ' ready for you now. Never' i ' have we seen fioer than we are now offer log. Large, fat and Juicy with a delicious flavor that will make yon want more. O, Ware Ready.: 5 It la 'now an assured fact beautif iir Bacred " opera, "Qneen , wrve them any way yoo - like, raw. Eatbae . will ha read v for nreaentation rrleOi Stewtd, t rolled. roasted on the evenings of., Tuerday and Wednesday,' October '21th aa4 25th Whichever yi-n take yoo will And delioloua t.You oau bave tbem at any Tbe principal solo parts are in able V".. After the abow, before the show Han le and tbe ohorue is showing great j or dnrlng the show. For dinner,; lor tmprovemeut. No muaical event bat I lunh or for breakfast if yoo say h. ever attracted no much attention or, me in and open tbe season. U The Model Restaurant 1 J j' J. A Arbucklc. Proprietor f ' Os I'M i iiuat3i lua; -y " aNU aiUHT tt'mfmw&ll tgg!&T9iKX!!x T 'r 'T1A,'arwyBwr?iii. nana i $ V BEFORE JBUYING YOUR SUIT OYERGOAT OR RAINCOAT UE WOULD ASK PERMISSION TO BE SHOWN THROUGH OUR NOBBY, UP-TO-DATE LiNE OF '6ARM MOST RE- N0WNED MEN'S TOGGERY HOUSE IN THE WORLD ; av" .v tStefit-BlOcfi smart CofAes TMeIjinl;tni4fni. "tlVa.J iwiU . sjarwsi aw ve MHUVSW SSVSt tatJ VU 0 i 1 -i of Knowing How awn a.-xr 'J - V 1" Frishtful Suffering Relieved. BoOering frightfully Iron tbe vim lent poiions ol undigested food, O O Grayson, ol Luis, Miss, took Dr Kiug's New Life pills, with the result," b writes, "that I waa cured " All etomacb and bowel disorders give wsy to their tool , laxative properties. 25o at Newlin's drug store, guarrau teed. TREASURER'S CALL FOR . COUNTY WARRANTS i Notice le hereby given that the on-I dersigned, Treasurer of Union Connty ' Oregon, has lunds on band with wblcb ' to pay all county warrants wblcb were ! presented and endorsed. by the t'oanty Treasurer peior to tbe 13th day of June . l'.HX). Dated at tbe treasurer's oltloe In the city of t.a Grande this tbe luth day of May 1805. . No InUreet allowed after aald date, John Irawley. . Treasurer of Uuion Conn jt -aa .jtr..4 1 tv - -A.t&-A-' sj-ivw-., j, Anawawar V -v . .1 i 1 . THIS fAMOUS BRAND OF CLOTHING HAS NEVER BEEN FXHiRiTFn iiu LA GRANDE BEFORE, and we feci assured after examination of same, combin ing fit and workmanship, together with popular prices, you will feel satisfied .that We caii glye you values equal to any custom tailor for from $10 to $15 less GMiGaLgG .. . . ' i- n v .. r. I . tr J .... .. . : ' . ''" a i mi li "1'M'IH'H I ! " Stori