GlASSIHCD DVERTlSi!MeNTS ' word. one-half insertion. Classified s bring ,atck HM1 Batata Loans, An? amounts on City and Country Real Estate. Loans closed promptly, aa soon m tltla ap t roved. - , , LA O BANDS INVESTMENT CO. -URN18UEDBUOM8-Nlcely furni shed rooms lor rent. Corner .th and main at. , "' '8 18 tf FOB SALE A good business chance In Cove Oregon, bakery, confeo tionary and , luoeh room, payiug $2600 a year. Can bo bought for a few days for $1600, purchase ptiee include building. Cause for sell ing, sickness. La Granda Invest ment Co. Foley Hotel Block.' DBESSMAKING-Mra. Draka will taaoh yon dreaimaklng, tailor, sys tem. No chart. All you need la tops linaaud yard tlok. AUlaaaona typewritten for reference. Claaa terms 115. Call for farther partlcu lan at th and Q atraet. ; ; k: Anyone wlabina ahainni Inr atahU bedding may obtain them by haul Ing them away. Stoddard Lumber company. . '. 'a FOB BALE Eight acres of land, tour ores in orchard, fJrst-oless poul try or bo ranoh. Biz room house, . large bay barn and, atabla to acoomo- daU six bead of .horse. ,Ona mile from posUoflloe. Would axobang for city property. For particular I Inquire at Wm Smith's feed store. FOB RENT Furnished bouse-keep- - tng rooms, cod t rally located, phone Bed 1101. WANTED Girl to do general bona '.. housework in small .family, la quire of Mrs J 0 Henry; 1 - 4 HOUSE FOR .SALE Persons desirj Ing to purchase adwelllngfor remov al from where aituated are requested to see the undersigned, T. D. Slater, Fred Taylor. . FOR KENT-Pleasantly , furniabed rooms for light housekeeping, at, 1U17 Fourth street. WANTED Ladies permanent, pleas ant, emp'oyment. Salary. Call Foley House Boom S2. Witller & Co. . Notice To Property Owners Notice la hereby given to property owners owing abade trees whoaa limbs protrade over the side walk, that an less eaid limbs are out off within the next ten days the Street Superintendent will trim them and tbe azpensa Of said trimming will be charged to the property oaners. ' Fred Bynhorst, Street Supt of the city of La Granda. Dated this twenty seventh day of September, 1905. . OUR FREE DELIVERY SFRVif.P 1 Use your 'phone and let our free de livery aervioe benefit you.' It may be that yon have never beet into our (tore, but thai makes no difference, wathall be just as pleaseil to deliver anything you want as if you were our regular customer Yno'll fiud our goods and prices ratislaolory, we are sura. - V Red 81 NEWLIN DRUG CO : Notice ol Final Settlement - Notice la hereby given that Annie Johns, administratrix of the aetata of ztlahop Johns, deceased, baa filed her . I ..I J 1 .L. wmi aeciafiaiie in hiu .mi mu'M iuo county Court of Union County, Oregon baa set Tuesday the third day of Oct ober, A. D. 1906, at four o'clock p. m. I jr bearing the same. Annie Johns ' Y ' ; ' Administratrix 1 GRANDE SCHOOL . . iOR MUSIC - :; j -. - . 4 ; PROF. DAY. PrkWiplc.: ' . MRS, DAY. AwMmiI ThU 004of the best musical la stitutlona In tba stale, and tb people of Ibis oily and valley are bagioniog to discover ibe advantag es! ttis schGoI. The cyitea used IslLa latat and most practical, and tool odes all the latest dtsoovarie ! the) art of tmcbloa music. Ins school Is divided into two depart- :BUt No. 1 Is for beglnnors. from i years or more and are taught tba nrat tint- gradsa. fopila coma on hoar every day. Thfa la no Kin lergarten system out far surior. In No. i theiradeeare Crom 4 tt 10. Here they radaaiau Pnoll. Mut one 9r two leeaona a week a they desire. No aobolare will U permitted to remala in this acboo mlm do not study. )ppos ova (lie Oandv Mora phone 473. Bate Ona eent a Mill a easA! ..t. - results. Try 00"." Centennial Hotel Under new management. Board and Boom 95 per week, cash. Meals 25 cte.. Hpeelal rates furniabed monthly patrons. No. M17 Adams Are. Phone No. 1161. Mr. W E MURCH1SON. proprleto. TAKE NOTICE Phona Bed 971, Old Town store for wood (30 days time given). Cheapest Urocerie and Provisions in the city. New stock and full line of feed. ' Dated La Grande, Ore., July 2G. HP 1 E J ATKINSON LOST Monday night between Opera house and Nibhy 'a wood yard, tail of a dark brown boa. Finder please return to Golden Kola Htore. LOST A gentleman's purse containing twu too dollar bills and some small change. -Finder return U thla ofllce nd receive reward. FOR BALK Ticket to Portland or Brattle also tioket "by Great North ern to Kansas City. Inquire for Wm Mills, at Hapten's r 8eoonl Hand Store. Engraved Stock We are prepared to furnish our pat rona with the finest engraved curd and announcement at the tame price less postage, that you send away for your work., Call and see our camples THE OBSERVER Announcement a . . i. . '.. . ;, 1 who to caii me attention 01 our many friend and tbe general publio to tbe fact thai E H Hubbard and A O Hagans have purchaeed tbe barber bop on lwpot street, known a tbe Kirtley barber (hop, and that we pro pose to oondcci a first alas (our obair barbershop and ban rooms, an J we reapcotfully rolioit continuance of your most valued pstrcnuge. ., HUBBARD fc HAGANS. ; Stockmen Attention .AU person dralroua of securing permit for grazing in tbe Wallowa and Cheanimus Forest Reserves, for the season of 1U06, are hereby notified ti at meeting will be held in Wallowa, November, 15, 1005. for the purpose of allotiog the range. AU persons in terested are requested to be present, or their application may not be allowed If not present, It will be construed by the forest officer that gracing is not desired. Howard K O'Brien, i '- "Ranger Jb Charge." """ -Wallowa, Oregon, Oct 5, 1U05. ' A Daredevil Ride " often anda In a aad accident. To heal aooidental injories, use liocklen'a Ar nloa aalva. "A deep wound In mv foot, from an sccldent," write Theo dore 8ohuele,of Columbus, O, ''caused me great pain, rnystoiana were help less, but Bucklen's Arnioa salve quick ly healed it." Soothes and finale horns like msglo. 5o at Newlln Drug company. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATlOu IT B T nA t lft .t Ally, aoih, lllOS. nonraie nerenr given innt tlie roiiowiUK named settler has filid notice of lit. Ini.uiion to niakefinal Droof ill eutilMirtiif hla elatm. nnl thai aald proof will oe m.viu before the KeioSUir auu Kwanrm ui. v.n. uiua imoe,Rt l.u Otande Oregon, on uptober 10, 1005, via H K No. H7, Peter Lvanaen, of Starkey Oregon, for the Lota 1,1ft S. BWji SfM. NWX HEJa, K'A fa namea th. following wtUeaaeA to ma hs WUUIIUUUB rVBIUCUW UMB .HU CUltlVMltOO Ol aaid land, via: . ... h'l.m innmm f V. .... . Kline of HUrkey.Urrinm. Jnmea II lluii.v, m HUrkey, ureaon, vuarie. ADticraon, of M uranue, uregoa. . E. W. lvia ' Neictatrr. When you wish nice juicy roast or lender steak, or a piece of boiling meat or 'pot roast, jnat pbone Main 48, bbA yoo will soon have exactly wh it yod desire. J. BULL & CO. Phone main 48. Remember the phone ia on tbe directory aa Boss Meat Vlirket main 43. ; : J. N. WILLIAASGW MAKES STATEMENT Will Push Case to Earliest Possible Issue. Will Consider Resignation. 'This is my first experience In being convloled end sentenced" said Can- gresrman Williamson to a reporter to d'iy" and I assure you it la not a pleasant one." But for a man who has been through tbe aleg that our congressman has just esperlenoed he looked exceptionally well, and aeated in a comfortable cbalr in a ooay altting room, appeared anythng but con. rioted. When eased how It fe't to be a oon vloUd mas, Mr Williamson said. 'Per sooa ly 1 have just thin feeling that ia tbe Inner receesea of our being there presides a monitor from whoee ad mlnltionsno msn can esrape. "That monitor, that conscience eays to ms f-at lam not guilty of tbe charge u. aaawiun iwa aiiua; wiaii in me I shall go about my own affairs with head erect and my ahoulders well back, filled with the aelf consciousness of my own innocence to suoh an ax teat that I can look - every man quarely In the fac." But," he continued, and the pleassnt smile faded, "1 find my deepest humiliation in this trying hour to be born of the fact that my misfortune, whether I am guilty or not, may work a detriment to the Interests of the people who chose me as tb"lr representative." V What will be your next mover asked the reporter. ,. "Contrary to the report circulated I was released on my own reoognlx anoe and will In a few days leave for my Crook county ranoh , Aa soon as Tragic Story It i now an assured fact that the beautiful, sacred opera, Qneen Esther," will be ready for presentation ons the evenings of Tuesday an4 Wednesday, October 21th and 25th. The principal solo parts are in able ban I and thecborua Is showing great Improvement. No muvical event ha ever attracted so muoh atteutlon or awakened ao much Intereat among the knusiral p-ople of La Grande aa the coming production of -thla most beautiful . ol all the light sacred opera. '',, The soloists are selected from among the best and most popular singers in the city, snd Ibe entire caat and obtrus will be attired in costumes iep resenting tb time snd fashion of tbe eourt of the great King Xerxes. All i he members are working en- tbuslHsiioail7 under Ibe nniiringdiree tions of lrof Koblnion, " abo has re cently staged and conducted this ai.d other similar musioal pfoductions in all of the principal cities in Oregon and Viashinaton, and it is now stated as sn Bcsnred fuct lhat 'Esther" will be given on a more magnificent scale ana with stronger musical effect than Das ever been Deard In this eitr. whlla the costuming and stag picture, will rspresent scenes of oriental grandeur never before sttempted at an amateur pteformauce here.. i ; : Musically, Esiher" Is not n light musical skit to be rendered' bv child- ren, as some suunose. hot In ooint of music and dramatic action ia everv bit a havy as grand opera, there utias: not a single spoken w.rd Irora start to Snlsb. The. opera will be tiiven com plete each evening, and J idling from tbs lutufHat nolwiogtMken. the home will ne picked to the dojra nt eaoh rendition. When you see the cast of characters you will be convinced that all tbe puts have been most carefully lelecieil, and that there I (.vuiyteaaon to ex peel it most enjjvable and iai(otoiy even, ing's eu:erta ument at eacb iwrfoira. ance ' Billow on Stand Mllwrtultee. Oct 15-JmUe Ouitrlas today decldrd tt at r rank 4 lligelow, derxnittfig es praeident o( tbe First Malioal tienk ol tht il y, mu-t bs brought back from rort Leaven art h lnltontlary as a wltneM at the trial ol II nry G (ioll. formerly assi lalit Aiebierof ibe bauk. Bigrlo ia serv Ing a 10 year sentence. The formal order lor bis appearance Noveiubar 211 Signsd. :' No:ice of Final Settlement - NOTICK rS HKIIFHY fllVKV, 1h. it.. uinleralKiied, Kievutur of toe liut will and imtaimut ofrUrah O. Hslley, deceaaed, baa liic.i i.,Or ,1 niivuiil aa mr.h .lernlor. with tlie county rlerlc of t'nlou eooiity, (Innon. and lleHiiiiyjiilKetlieeofhaa aei Ueioiier ill, IHH. at 2 oV lurk. In II . .O....... u .k. Oinr Hum in I a liiaiide, aald iity and MflU-,a I Im llniniml plnoe benrii c otilre liooa. if any there be, to tks approver of aai tlnul aacounu lui!"'"1 ' ' (',D,,'. ""Won, Sept Isth, V.S.tvaiihoe, A'ly. for Kierulor Mwaiii U tlallty, Kieonlor . tba appeal Is on file, I shall do all In my power to have it hastened to sn issue. I desire to have It derided by the blgheat tribunal in tba land, and when that decision is obtained it 1 have a job of serving my time, the sooner it is done, the better' " "How sbout thla much-talked of re signation, Mr Williamsonr "After a momeut'e consideration be asktd : . "Why should 1 resign T Who knows whether or not the supreme court will dissmiss or affirm the proceedings In Judge Hunt's court T If they are con tinued, then there will be time to canvass the subject of resignation. 1 see no reason for hasty action There .nnybe a feature , of my resignation wuicn many good people are overlook - Ing. Suppose I shon'd retigu at once and some one be elected who would ! go to Ihe nstlonal capitol and employ ' his time and talents In . antagonism ! every movement made by Senator Fultou. Would not such a move bs a detriment to the In Uresis of tbe state? Is It not clear lhat ons man can an ' j oomplleh more then two msn each of whom I pulling' In different direc tions! : , And then after aom further com ment Mr Williamson said: "1 shall give this question careful consider ation wlieu the proper time arrive Sod if I consider that the Interests of Oregon will be advanced by my re signation I shall do It quickly" Tlie 'Jalle Cbroniole. Burton's Demurrer . dorlpps New Association , Ht Louis, Oct 17 Senator Burton's demurrer to his Indiotment was sus talned today and a special grand jury ordered : for , Novemb r 9. Judiie Vandevnnter against him defective ' and ordered him to be releassd on aj SOOO bond to appear bafore tbe special rauu jury woiun wut .recunsiuer tne case, .. , Special Notice. Notice la hereby given that I have old all my Interest in tba late Arm of Bock ft Thomas to Fred Bock wba will collect all accounts due the aaid firm, nd receipt for asms. All persons knowing thsmselves Indebted to same, ill sav the coat of attorney fees by calling upon Mr ock and settling at onoe. G. W. Thomas and Fred Bock. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3. I87 '', NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. , , - 0. a Laud Offloe, La Unuide. Oretcort - Nptiesls hereby si ven that In oumpllauiw With tli.provlnlona of the aol of. IkuiKieaa ol ' June S, una, emitted "Aa aot for the aaie oi : Umber laudato the fttiiLoaor iiuiir.irniu .. ! (on, Nevada, and Washington Territory." as ' xteuded to all th. Public Land Hiatus by act ' 9J Auauata, Wal Uraoe n Molllor. of Seated "thlsuo. V?ti uTTAAh1! Ku "t .? , j, TowusiiipSo, Boutti, And will oifer Droof to almw that th i.n.i 7"Jn hUMo ,f" " timber oi iiab iw claim to wud Unit beior tin aon.on aiurda. n.-Twi, SZ :rMi'!?f.?T".:JoU.H.!1.l.1,in''' .'.' tirande. Ureg-on; Nlolmlaa MolUor of La Graude. Oreiron. untnus urKiro; joim T WILIumaoD, f I Any and all person claiming adversely thi abov. deaerlbed lands are reguwated to ft.i UielrelaliiiB In Uila oiftc ou or btlore auio lata day of gov. iuuf. . B, W. Davla. kUlatn t. a I; MLC ; mxmm- Iiiiimiiiiii iinauii iiinr-'''''"'-'"'' GROCERIES FROM THIS STORE ARE ALWAYS MCE AND FRESH Seasonable goods as well as Staples always on hand. , . . QEDDEJ BR2J North Fir Street , g t 1 G. L FOWLER Truck and Transfer Wood and Coah Phone 1611 All order given prompt ; attentioa. ; --,; h IR. OLIVER. UNION COUNTY ABSTRACTS Farm Loans a Specialty Best equipi-ed abstracter in Union county. Many yearn experiences . with the Union county records gives me a great advant age. . It is folly to pur chase realestate without first securing a proper, abstraot. An abstract from my oflice will show the title Just as it appears ou the official record. J. R. OLIVER, LA GRANDE, OREGUN Room 81, Sommer Bdlg.' " ! Frifihtful Suffering Relieved. Hnflering frightfully Irom tbe viru lent poitous of undigested fond, O G Grayson, ol Lula, Miss, look Ur King New Life pill, with the result," . b writes, "tliat I was cured " All stomach snd bowel disorders give way to their ton!-, Insaiiv properties. 35o at Mewlin's drug store, goarrin-eed. Where does It go? That's a question i we are asked a dozen times a day. Where does the Rock Island go? The answer is: Pretty nearly everywhere ' . ' 1 To Peoria and Chicago. ' . To Davenport and Rock Island. To Lincoln and Omaha. . To Tonekaand KansuCity. To St. Joseph and St. Louis. To Texas and Oklahoma. Three routes east via Den ver, Omaha and St Paul. i CORHAM, 140 Third at, . FortteMl.Ora, 'eeae.e....a.r IS mv SECOND wmh STORE All kind of second hand goods bought and sold CEO. GROUT, Prop, 209 Fir St. bet. Adams and Jefferson ArVWVWVrVVW)irVVVS THE . I OXFORD P1R ' JAMES FARQIHAR56N, Prop, Comptet aaxortmentof ' 5 wines', , liquors i , AND CIGARS Cold lunches and mixed drinks ' ; a apeolalty. Flr and Impartial , ' treatment to alU You are in- 1 vited to call and get acquainted ! eWWirVSrVM VVVVrVVVVV r tSIuc front Saloon ' E TH0RS0N, Proprlttor. ; " V FINEST ' c r?t hi WINES, LIOUOIIS Imported and domestic CIGARS ':' . ..." ri I . Uot or cold Juuch all hours t- Jefftrao Avesae Opposite Depot ' Uw-twwMwww Ss) a? ' ' Vlal Palace Saloca : CMAS, ANDERSON. Prop. e : , irf? FKlB i 1 1 ;' t' ,? WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS ,,' Always bu hand xu s . a ."' ' '' : ' Jeftetsoa Avenue Opporlte Depot e . TMF I mivpp I . CHRIS WRIGHT, Prop, ; : ,V" "IN ' ',J,i I VIHE5. LIQUOf.5 2 CIQ1R5 ; Ctntlemen si way I Welcome , . ''V Rr Street -' ' ' ' S If " 6 Eagle Saom ' ULRICH LOniS, Prop. F1N1 WINS. LIQIiORS I v and CIGARS Lunches are our specialty " fefferaon Avenne, Oppoaiie depot SQMMER jOUSE tAFE , j Phone Main 6-t " V ! 'NUF; SAID I W ' : niiirtf Brick furniehe l ; in .. any qusnity or any,' style. v. No" contract too sraull or tio lurge. See 8unnles of put pressed brick. , GEO,' KREIGEX La Grande, Oregon., t t ( ( I it ' hi V.' r i -t i: ...jx .i i