I 7 SEXa tarn t $pxiaii!SBtsmmm&HMmmiGissmd! THOSE LADIES' COATS I IIEATIi'0' -STOVES i AND STEEL rt J g :a ... a r Is r in THE GOLiBEN RALE STORE CERTAINLY ARE NICE ' THAT IS WHAT EVERYONE SAYS WHO HAS SEEN THEM The New EMPIRE Effect In three quarter length. Made of Broad cloth, Covert, Kersey, Melton, or Cravenette. AND THEN THE" PRICE TOO. So much less than you have usually paid for the same quality and workmanship. PRICE $10.50 to $19. 75 AHAf vaa ' - to We hnvp. tliA niai not 1 Birt"kjtv-y-i 2 mioeoci. uuais, at - - - si.RS to sa.sn COOP SERVICEABLE MRMEMTS, All Of THEM - THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY, Largest Store 1308, 1310, 1312 Adams Avenue. Smallest Prices if i. Suit for $16 ' Why go and get a . Uond-me-down Suit when I will make you op a salt just as . cheap, better work and guarantee a fit. ; MAKE YOU A SUIT FOR $15.00 ' CALL AJSTJD STH TT SUIT CLUB WINNERS M. Ford . - $35 SultNewClub A.Ti. ANDBEW8 Haberdasher and Tailor r , .. . - f Still Imprisoned Bcrippe News Association. . Brownsville, Da, Oot 14-8ix men are itlll imprisoned In the burning mint at Prederlcketon, where the ex plosion took place yeiterdsy and thai fata 1 unknown, Eeadj For Business WITH A FULL LIME Of fEED, HAY AND GRAIN We are ready to buy all kinds of hay and grain,. and pay highest market prices. K. V.OL.I1ZER Slater Building IEFFERSON AVE Main 57. We want Potatoes and Vegetables .. vvuUlwW(J a large number of ,h.i. . ... .... " v irovwflPN K points ana wiu make the first shipmeate bttiu- "" w wwpww mi, order we yet need irg nuauiy or nrst-elaat potatoes. We, are tne top market price. Win Eggs and Honey Salt Lake Delighted Adelaide Herrmann delighted audi enoet yesterday afternoon and evening at the Salt Lake theatre. In addition to the magical novelties which are Msoclated with tbaname of Herrmann, there were magical peclaltiee of mach merit. Madame Herrmann ahowed hrnelf the worthy iuoorsior of Herrmann the Great and perform ad the most marveloua and fascinating feats -Salt Lake Herald. Business Men ; The greatest of the Herrmanns and Company arrived In La Granae this mointng and will begin their wonder ful performance at Steward's opera boose tonight. For the benefit of the business men the curtain will rise at 9:18 and the performance will end at 11:15 . .. With the Adelaide Herrmann 00m. pany The Four American Trumpeters the most refined muiioal sot now appearing before the public, singing and play og on lereral instruments. Prices S6 .60- 75 and 11.00. Be onre your seat at once at Van Buren's store. .- . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior ' V. H. ind umoe, La Grande, Oregon. pt, !, Tub. pamed eetuer baa died oolloe of bia Intention Lif'it?' proni ,n nfPort of bla claim and thai aald proof will bo made before the et LaOrande. Oregon, oa No. 0 m. .ii h Dma iim follow I dj wltnw to prove We have a consignment ol fanoy whS r foyer Oali- 1 fornia honey which may be obtained at all theleadine P grocery .tores. ,In buying egg, Mk for the Blue B Mountain brand. This name guayanteos to you that they are a home produot, freshly iaidi pyice l7xo 'M case of 80 dosen. Oregon Produce Company . 3ttftk9mt laa.Ha Jefferson A.?enue. .rrJ. i . "" puu anu cultivation 6r4ol! P W Davie. Refleter. Notice of Final Settlement. umnoi uiviiPi mat ihe uuuwiiKOW. aV a rCU tof of til tu( will And th. r ,,tr air 5 BnK vssm be county Judge Hieieofbae aifoowbar Unrt Houe in I Urunda. aald ttnty and J,1!'" u Pla for baarhi ibj. lwM a""1. Oregon, Sept l,th. r.S.Ivanboe, Atty. fbrBxeentnr fcdwafd U Ualley, tu ecu tor Mrs JayVsn Tiu-en retarned this momlog from Porttand.' Kuuloftcr and Mr H L (ileeni hare retarned from visilinir the fair. James Hnodjtrsse will aaoceed W V Bnodjfnise t sesl tant seoretary of the Commercial Clab IIMIss Beroloe E!lsw.wth left " this morniDg for Enterprlsj to accept a position asaeompoeltor on the Wal lova Chlifuln. ' Miss Helen Lore -h has been ln the rlty attending high i Schoo', re taraed to her home ' at Imbler t'.is morntrg TretellDg Arditor Campion who has been in the oi y lm;kiog after the O B St N company baslnees, returned to his Portland cffle this morning. ., J M Pbj eip-cte to leave for Cali fornia about the SOtb, to spend the winter at his fine new heme at High lands. Union Republican. Mrs Frsnk Tory who has been vlalt. In ' ber parents JMr and Mrs Wm Kinzle. will return in the nornins tn her home In Baker City . to leave in a few days for Colfax, Washington, where Mr Soodgrasahas a position as bsggege maater for ' the U B company j Mrs Agnne hu I"' retarned ' from Chlciiga where she has been all sum' mer, being detained somewhat longer than she expected bat will open her klndergarden school trhin . f.. days. JO Mills and Ed Le.nh ly sold their Dlaces in Dnnt -n-nt- beve returned to La Grande and ex- pict to locate here. Tha - - ' .'1I.UJUU are both well known hr anii siii - - -... celve a besrty welcome, , t Mr and Mrs Hanrv Rii.tm. uit for Idaho this week, where hey ex peot to make their home. Man old Union friends wi h tha Rt.uir..n. good luck in their new ,, homo Union Bepublioan. '.u ...... - ' I have just received my fall stock of Heating Stfives and Steel Range, all sizes, and prises in proportion, - If, you are gaing to need a Steel ange or Heater call and examine them, THE 5 CELEBRATED MAJESTIC STEEL RANGE I.aUo have a nice lot of lanternsshot guns, titles, and ammunition. , ; ' MRS. T. ?N. ' MURPHY, vi hi O f-n. art'wa,e nd,Crocliery. ' Mrs Geo Hpeoo and two ions, Riobrrd snd Victor, retorred to Tf In. caeet this morning, ' vMr C M fiiddle ol Mav Park atat.. bat tbe groweis are now bar tasting tnetr wioter apples which will amount to about 1000 ooxes of ooromeroisl .,. v.r,.; iL..,: ? !'-' "Married RUTLEDGB SMITH-In ' this city Friday Oot 13 1906. at the home of ...Mrs Roxey McCoy, Mr Bamnal Kntlidgeaod Martha Smith. R v O H King. Officlatlna.r Partfae am f auTBucou age ano reside in Union. Wood! Wood IWood! f 1 4 Good ' dry wood deliver! to any part of tbe oity ANY LENGTH. ANY KIND, ,;. 8 VfM prloes on Quantity y ... w..w.w . tu uu4. w Mhryif or none to small . , j ( James Beavers, Red 1441 ft EO.V Osteopathy Thoughts Of Famious'Meii r red Hoaih. Grande Ronde Electrio Company left this morning fw Union where ,he will let the oontract for : brick substation, this sUtlon Is made neoesaaryby tbe cntract which tha company has aooenud to fm-ni.h " olty of Union with light and power, Mr Housh will return this evening and paes on through to Portland. v LOidenbuig relumed from Port land this' morniug ". - " "When in tha fa to re hn aatlm.tl. Intelligence sums the great discoveries .I1L. . I . . . ..... m iua mneteanin centrify,-j believe that the Science of Osteopathy will be given plaoe near the head of the list; Ople Bald'. - v - , "If tbe founder of OBtaoDthn."n Still, does nothing more In this life than what he has done to relieve the suffering of women, bis name will go down in history aa the greateat phy sician of any age and one of the bare factors of the raoe'Mra Senator J B Koraker. All our oarativa ajenta are pois ons,! and as a oonsequenoe, every dose diminishes 1 the batient'a vltllt Alonlo Clark M D College of Physl olansand Sargeons, New York. - . "I am more or less familiar with Oatropathy and have a deal of respect for ' it. Most oet tal nlv nntwl. .. ever dies from th hands of an Oetea- Mis. Ann. D. video 1. of KiZLZ V?. ? 01 has been In U n, ji ,t "Ttl7l MKMf (W Wief pMain and In nas oeen 10 La Ur nde tbe nail week I na . t , ,l. .. .. . . - -" .-uuwt m a 1 moat tbe guest of Mra Vanderaeu en. re. imaa-inad tha r-rf;.j ,i . i-wa-waM, uiaa eauivsa turned home this hiorning. , Elbert Hubbard, editor of Peiliatlne. Gentlemanly Service la sure to be had at our restaurant. Our waiters are polite, whioh belna to make the meal Inviting. , Tou're also sore of Good Service when yon order a meal at oar plaoe. We don't charge Delmonlco'a nrlnae. ad you'ta not broke wben yon pay the bill. There are all kinile of m. staurent', but ours can't be beat. Eat at it and see. The Model Restaurant J. A. Arbttckle, Proprietor uprn nv AND NIOHT ' We Dell weekly l tit aual tlokeu tor r4-V BEFORE BUYINC3 YOUR SUIT OVERCOATOR RAINCOAT ., ' - ' I ;.', -V ...4 .... il .:: ,. ' - -. . : S SMI . .. WE WOULD ASK " YOUR - PERMISSION JO BE SHOWN THROUGH OUR NOBBY, UP-TODATE . . . ' " ' . 4 1 . LINE Or GARMENTS, fROM THE MOST RE N0WNED MEN'S TOGGERY world v' r.v'Vv;! HOUSE IN THE ataitta .- " " . ;. . . -it' i 1 in ' V if ' ... i I This Label Stands for 5 1 Years of Knowing How y-rz' v" w im'Ivaiii w. a. wao uiaoe at la Grande, Orwon, STIS'a'i'V n" "o of bit InteMiion I 1UQ6. 'f"rT toiiak.Tn.i37:..:."J.'?. aw intention 1. . 1 " " uip(nw nia claim, and 1 that uid piWwill or m.rfli w, .h. I I ffiJl0' th d omoeTaT tal uL ""St"a ucioiier iu, iwa, via H E No. i67, lSjtw i.anwn, of Hlarkor (irMin for the IWM8el,Ti48.;Tt8EwM. " Vm UainrSI tt fiklL.M.. a. . IOraaSe.' 6re7oa7 ". -B.W. Davie , Kcstecr. IT. 1 1115 f AM0US BRAND 0E J CLOTHING ?HAS IMFVFP rffw u,n,v ... : LA GRANDE BEFORE, and we Tee! assured afteV exanUnation of same, combin ing fit and workmanship, toiether with popular prices, you will feel satisfied that we can give you values equal to any custom tailor for front $10 to $15 less -' A - i I'