.. ,..A .-. ..,t -. I.HMMiBl...,....i . - jAVRiTnF.lt fair lots a'tetboo , , Tm.UIl iintl iiui'is- sttt" " " M-i'"""'ssaa31a,Mjjj -tr- - Glassipicd . oM-H,0, cnl a word, one-half Keel EataU Loans, Any arnonats oa City and Coantry BmI Estate, .'Loans closed promptly, as eoon as title ap- (.roved. LA GRANDE INVESTMENT CO UfiA'ISUED BU0M8 Nicely (ami- ' um roomi lor reat. Corner ttb sad main at. - - ' ; S-lStt FOE BALE A goo4 business chsooe la Cot6 Oregon, bakery, eon(o- nonary and luoeh room, payint 12500 a year. Can ba bought lot a jew days for f 1600, parobaie pries inolodee building. . Cause for sail- log, sioknssa. La Grande Invest ment Co. Foley Hotel Block. DRESSMAKING Mr. Drake will Uaob yon dressmaking, Ullor sys tem. No chart. All yon need Is tape line and yard atiok. All lessons typewritten for teferenoa. Ulaaa Urma 13. 'Call for further particu lar at 4th and Q (tract. i ay one wishing ehsvlngs for aUble bedding may obtain them by heal ing them away. Stoddard Lumber company. ,v ....... -.; ...... .,,. rutt BALB-Elght aerss of land, four r seres la orchard, a flitt-olase ponl Uy or bog ranoh. Six room house, large bay bam and atable to eooome date six bead of.uorses. One . mile from poetoffioe. Would exchange ,, tor oity property.' For particulars I Inquire at Wat Smith's teed store. FOB BENT Furnished boose-keep. ' log rooms, con tr ally located, Phone Bed 1101. : WANXDGirl to do general bouse bouee work in amall .family. In quire of Mrs J O Henry. HOU8K FOR HALE Persona desir. Ing to pnrebaee a dwelling for remov al from where situated are requested to see the undersigned. J. D. Slater, Fred Taylor. FOB KENT-Pleaaautly furnished rooms for ' light housekeeping, at, ln Fourth atreeU WANTED Ladies permanent, pleas ant, employment. Salary. Call Foley Hojase Boom S3. Wi tiler Ada Notice To Properly Owners : Notioe Is hereby glren to property owners owing shade trees whoss limbs protrude over the elde walk, that an lees said limbs are oat off within the next ten days the Street Superintendent will trim "them and the sxpenee of said trimming . will be charged to the property owners. - . Fred Bynhorst, Street Bupt of the oity of La Grande. Dated this twenty seventh day of September, 1906. our free delivery service Use yonr 'phone and let our free do livery sefvioe benefit you. It may be that you have never been into our atdre, but that make no difference, we thall be Just as pleased to deliver anything you want as il you were our regular customer You'll flud oar goods and prions ratielaotory, we are sure."'-;" , Bed 81 NEWLIN DKUQ CO. Notice ol Final Settlement . Notice Is hereby, given that Annie Johns, administratrix of the estate of Bishop Johns, deceased, has filed her final account in said estate and the county Ooart of Union County, Oregon has set Tuesday the third day of Oct ober, A. D. 1906, at four o'olock p. so. for hearing the same. Annie Johns Administratrix LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF MUSIC PROf. DAY, Principle. MRS DAT, AjiUani This e ono of the beet mnsloal lar etitntloneln ;tha stete, and the people of turn city sna valley are beginning to discover the advantag eSkOl this school. The system seed Is Ue latest and moot praotieai, and inoladee nil the latest disooverts la the art of teaching resale. The school Is divided into two depart meats; Nw. 1 Is for beginners, from e years or mora and are taught the first three grades. Pupils corns one boor every day. This Is ao Kin dergarten system but far superior, la No. S the grades are from S to la. Here they graduate. Puplla take one or two leeeove a week as they desire. No scholars will be permitted to remain in this school wte do not stsdy. j Opposite the Foley Hooee ova the Candy Store. - Paono 47S. - dvcrtisiicnts a cen, a wonl each eabeo.na.t Centennial Hotel Under new management. Board and Boom IS per week, oasb. Meale 33 cU. Hpeolal rate foraiahed monthly petroaa. No. 1417 Arfema Ate. Phono No. 1161. Mra. W K M0RCH1SON, proprleto. TAKE NOTICE Phone lUd 971. Old Town aUm for wood (90 data tlma el mi) DWnal Urooariee and Provisions In the city. Hew etook and foil Una of teed. Dated U Grande. Ore.. .air . HP 1 K 1 ATKINSON LOOT-Monday night between Opera boose and NiUey'a wood yard, tall of a dark brown bo. Finder pi return to Golden Bale Store. LOST A gentleman's puree containing twit ten dollar bills and some amall ehange. Finder return to this office and reoelre reward. Engraved Stock .. pniwM ee rarnlih ear pat- J rons with the finest engraved cards and announcements at the asms prloe less postage, that you send away for your work. Call and eee oar samples. TUBOBfiEBVEB ' Announcement" I wish to call the attention of oar many friends and the general public to lbs fact that E B Hubbard and A O Hagens have purchased the barber shop on Depot street,, known aa the Kirtley barber shop, and Ibal we pro pose to ooodcot a first olaes foor chair barber ebop and bath rooms, tnd we respectfully solicit a eontiaaene ol your most veined patronage. HUBBAkD 4 HAOAN8. Stockmen Attention All persona desirous of securing a permit forgraslng la the Wallowa and Chesnlmas Forest Beeerves, for the season of 1106, are hereby notified that a meeting wUl be held la Wallowa, November, 15, 1005, tot the parposa of alloUng the range. All persons In tereated are requested to be iJmeeut, or their application may not be allowed. II not present, It will be eoaelroed by the forest officer that grating Is not desired. Howard K O'Brien, "Banger la Charge." Wallowa, Oregon, Oet 5, 1903. Special Notice. Notioe is hereby given that I have old all my Interest In the late firm ol Bock Thomas to Fred Book who will Collect all accounts do tbs said firm, ena rsosipt ror asms. Ail psreooe nowiDg themselves Indebted to seme, e III save the cost of attorney fees by railing upon Mr Bock end settling at oooe.. G. W. Thomas and Fred Book. NOTIOB rOR PUBLICATION Department of Um Interior Land OfflM.UUrmada, Ore. -August, SO, IWt Notioe Is hereby riven that the following namad settler hu Hied notioe of bis intention lAIIUk. llwllMMf In mtt IMM ft A kla.l.ln. ! aud Uiatsaid pruof will be nsd before the koxuhw ana Keoetver ol toe u. b. LAna umoi No 3,rS valine Bortdr, of La Grand' a Urande, Oregon UWSeo. W,Tp. 4 HL, K, SB She names the following witnesses to prow t DtnvuuDiuii raMuenon upon ana caiuvatloa oiatia tana, vis.: worm Howard, u Utaidt uregoo, Jwper V urun, union, Oregoa Irvfii Oliver, Ls Oraide Oregon, WUIlani Banlon, La Grande Oregon. JC W. Davls,RcMer When you wish a nice juicy rout or a tender steak, ere piece ol boiling meet or pot roHt.'jtut phone Main i and you will soon have exactly what yon 'ieaireJ v vjeBULt:aco. . ' x - Phone main 48. Remember the phone is on the directory at I3oi Ileal ' Market main 48.: t.. LAST DAY OF THE SYNOD'S Yeeterdar afun9on at 1 ;30 D m ! toe rjynoa mt n!tr adjournment nt l;30pmSvM. H Boh led the the devotlone by offerint . prayer for mlaelone. Bucineee being reeumed Ber V ft Hott enbmltled the report of Com mittee oa Vaoaoey and Supply, the report wee approved. The following Trustee of Albioy College were elected. Presbytery of Grande Bonde Ber K H Hays Presby tery of Pendleton, Ber B T Allen Presbytery of Portland, Be K M Bharp Ber Henry Moroo' te, Wlllamet to, Ber a T Baboook, Kev It M Mount, Southern Oregon, Bar U B Brown. From the Alumni, Us? Geo T Pratt. The Vlos Moderator took the (chair at this point and Bev W Van Noye presented the report of the Home Mission Oommlttee, ithe Report wm approved and Bev Dr Holt preaented his report as Syaodleal Miaeionary whloh was duly received and the dell lenoeoftae Byaodioal Missionary was commanded. Miss Julia Hatch the field Secretary of the Wemane North Paolfia Board of home Mlaelone aa utims to aadress the Synod 'and gave an Interesting account of ber work. Bev Dr Hutchison of Taooma wee heard la support of the appoint meat of a Secretar of Home Missions te be resident oa the PeolBo Coast and te neve Supervision of the ork'oa tluseosst. Or Kstehum presented the report of the Committee ea Forelrte Missions. Pending the adoption of the report Dv J H Laaghila of Baa Freeolsoo repreesatlng the Heard Foreign Mie- wu heard Also Or A L Hutchinson representing the Synod of Wosaiettoa. Be port was approved and recom mendations were adopted. Byaod then adjourned to meet at 7j3epm. The Presbyterian ehuroh was wsll filled at 70 p m when a popular meeting was held la Ue Interests ol missions and evangelism. Bev E M 8hsrp of Mount Tabor ebnrcb, Port land presided and conducted . the devotional exeroises President Mas Iatoeh of San Francisco Bemlnary was the first speaker aad dealt with the subject of tas EvangeUetio movemeet. The wonderful oampalgn carried oa lu Oregon last year bad served to lead the church te expect large and con tinued results In this Synod. Tbs harmony and aamestaeae of the Ore gon chare bee on this tastier gave great enoaaragemenl to the readers of the movement. The churches of the 8yned were under ebllgatloa to reap a fall harvest from the revival. The Evangelistic committee desired Pres byteries and lastori to hld oouftr snoee concerning the beet means fur leeching the different oleeees la the community. Attentfoa was called to tbs leakages lu ehorchss and 8abbath tvaools. Fifty alnejper sent of Bon day school scholars are being , lost to tbeouarch. four out of five men it is eoinpoted have no oooneetion with the church. Preebyterlanism was assuming a now sbareoter that of seek ing men for what, they are, not what they beve. Ministers should give themselves to study ths srt of saving msa. As thedlsoiplee ministered end lasted the spirit bad come upon' them and mads eonqaest easy and such woo 1.1 slwsys be the experience of the church. Rev I U Laaghlin or cte Chinese mission ofSsn FranHeoo then was Intredaesd nnd spoke on Foreign missions Ths . speaker sketched in vivid word pictures the ob ranter of the work in North '-hlna. TODAY'd BEHSI05 A devotional meeting laating for thirty minutee prefaced tbs business sessions of todsy. . Rev X B Griswold ol Albany being in enarga. The Moderator opened the tynod St 9am sod lbs minutes of las meet ing were read and approved. Tbs Byaod appioved of the overture from tbs Synod of Wstbiugton asking that a Home Mietloa Seoretsry be appoint ed for the Paeiia onset. Tbe Committee on Systematic B r.e fleenos reported' through Rev lr Tbomptsoa ol Independence thst tbs liberality ol lbs churches bed not kept pace with tbe increase ol population and wealth smoag Presbyterian people. Rev ET Alien of Irrtgoa gave tbe report of tbs Committee on Narrative. Tbs rsporl was rseeived sod approved. Rev J B Blair of urtlsnd Presby tery repotted a brighter . eotlook for the committee On Edooalion. In the bounds of the Synod. " Ths re port was received end Its reoomenda Uons adopted. Rev D M Hars of Myrtle Point presented the report of the committee ea eburch ervetiou Oat of 106 sbarobee 49 bad , tolled to! ontrlbate to tba board. Oregon rev col red 11427 treat tba board last year tfORK to aid in buildlra- of new charchmi. The report was approved Rev Henry Msno'te of Wetmloister ohurcb, Portland, presented the report of ths committee on college. Glfte from rhdrrhoe to thle purpose doubled the contribution of last year. Pendie ton academy hed closed a good year. Alr-aoy sollege had a nw president this year In the person of L M Crooks. Rev H H Mount of Eugene told of hie offiolal visit to Albsny by the eppo'ntmant of. the Synod. Preeldent Crooks told of the pro grete of the college in the past year and plans for tbe future. The roo- mendatioa of the committee advlslng the raising of $25,000 endowment for Albany college wee under discussion when adjournment was reached TIMBER UNO. ACT JUNE 3. 1378 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . 0. B. Land OlOoe, La Urande, Oreon Nottosls herebr glvefi that In comiillunre 'Iththeprovlnlonsofttie aot pf t'ingrtui l nne a. l;s. entitled "An aot for Ilia nuie 01 limber lands in tbe States of CnlHornlu. Ore gon, Nevada, and Wenlilngtoa Territory,1 ezuuiueu wen me ruuuo uoa mates tir act of Augiult, lKi,anii Molitor. of La Urande, oountv of Union, Suite of Oregon, bat this day filed la this oirioe hrr mm "" ' 1 . ..... um Miiiiilmin or iwawu iE'4aeKU bwm & Lota of Section No. 7 in Township Ko. 4 Houtu. tune NO.HKW1I. And wllloff.r proof to show that tbe land sought la more valusblo for lu Umber 01 stone than fur agricultural purposes, and tr ealabllih ber claim to aald land before tin ifcsrlmer end Keoetver at La Urande, Ore gon, oa Saturday .the 18th day ol Nov., Iwo. ehe name as wllueweai John Hhllling, j r., of LsUiande, Oregon; Jaiues Hhilliog, ol Ls Urande, Oregon; Nicholas Molitor of La Uraade. Oreiiou; JohaT Wllllamaoa, of La Grande, Oregon. Any and ail persons elatmlng adversely tlx above described lamia are reuuealed to fl. tnelr claim. In tbl,olOoe oa or belore said iBthday ogov. lwe. . B. W. Davla, EegUta NOTICE! FOB rtJBLICATIO.N Department of the Interior, U. H, Ind omoe. Notioe la herbv arivcn thut th roiinwlnv u uranae, uregon, I nameu avLiier nae niea nniiie 01 ins inionti to niake Bnal proof In aupport of lila ciulm, nnd that said proof will be made before the Kegtuter and Keoelver, V. 8. Land Ullioe nt La Urande. Oregon, on dovombur , ISO, via: IL K. Ma 8760, tfama.il O ttryaon. of Mewuniu, Oregon, for the Wt K U, HKiiiltl'U. Lot 4, Beo, 26, Tp. N . range SV. K W M tie names the following wltueaaea to prove her continuous reeldeuoe upon and cultiva tion of said land, via: L U Baldwin, t. 1 Hllyard, K K Oliver, and Oeorga Van Oradale: all of ttescham. Orrgoo. E. W. DAVID, ItoglBter. TWBER LAND. ACT JUNE 5. I57S NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 9. Land Ofnce, La Qrande, Oregnn, . . Uopt, w. luoa. Notice Is herebr given that In compliance wlih tbe rrovlnloua of the aot of Congreea ol Janet, UT8.entliled "as act for the tale ol Umber landa la IheHtetea of California, Ore goo. Kevada,end Waahlngton Territory," a extended to all the Public latnd HUtee by art of A moat 4, ImtZ, Nicholas Molitor ol La Grande, County of Union, Mute frf Onuori, has thle day Sled la this oriloe bis aworu slatemeni No. U6, for the nurehaaa of the NK of flecllna No. It In TownaUlp No. t Boulh Hange No. 37,KWH. And will oner pmo( to abow that the land sought is more valuable for lie timber or clone than for agricultural purpose, and to aatahiiah his e.alin to said laud before the Heglaler and Keoelver at La Ommlc Ore gon. on Monday, the tlth. day of D ie, liui. lie oameaaawllnesrai Jnnns hlililing of LaUrands Oregon: Jolm Shilling. Jr , of La Urande, Oregon; Adun B. Ihigers. of La Oinnde Oregou; John t Williamson, of La UriiUdo, Or gon. A ay and all persons claiming adversely trie above deeerlhed landa are 'requested to file their claims In Ibis office on or btfots stld U.h. (Uyof Dee.,JW6, - K W nea nets) sr. . ADWNISIRATRIX NOTICE Notice is tisrby given to all whom It may concern that,- Anna l ay hs been appoinied by the Countv Court of Union County Oregon, Adminlatra trig of the Kstste of John II bay, de ceased. All pere. nt l.avlnn claims enainot tLe estate of all decoHtsd are reojoired to prea-nt them with ti.e pro per vouoliere within six motiths fioin the date hereof to the Adiuinistratrii at h -r home, 2to 7u8 8rd Street, I .a Grdcle. Union Couny, Orirol. Dated tbie 16th day or Fepumter 1WS, Ant s Buy, . Administratrix of tlia Katate of . John ii Hay, tlecoased. Notice to Creditors All persons Indebted to tbe lata Curtis Bil ston of La Grande are hereby uotlflwl to rail at once and settle their accounts, for tbe preeent the books WIU be foun I at the old pUoeof buUms. HATTIK J R ALSTON, - , AdmluUtntrta IMlr.-gll t-t4mt iVt t, A CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS Bast Couth Srrui. Tastes Coed. , Use In time. Sold by drugfists. v. YOU WILL BE SATISFIE1. If your tickets readl a (II ali. the T-nver toe "WoeuKJ ana hio tiramte V um oi uw world1 IJEOALTbE There ere so nier scenic alt-a -t. ssd F-""" "i iuwwi ainog ine in if sweeouenen and Denver l ist ' nave becomes tiresome i ti li If yoo are going east mauon ana gel a pt tellyoa all about it reiljr took.lhat will W C McBRIDE, Agent, 124 Third 8t Pprtlard OrejC J P GROCERIES FROM THIS STORE ARE ALWAYS NICE AMD FRESH Seasonable goods as wen as btapies always on hand. ' QEbbEJ" BR North Fir Street J. R. OLIVER. UNION COUNTY ABSTRACTS Farm Lons a Specialty Best equipi ed abstracter in Union county. Many years experieuceB with, tbe Union county records gives me a great advaat Hgu. It is folly ' to pur chase ealnstate without 6rst securing . a proper ahsttact. An abstract -from my oflice will shuw tbe litle jnst as it appears on tbe otlicial record. J. R. OLIVER, U GRANDE, 0REQ JN Room 31. Sommer Bdlij. G. E. FOWLER v Truck and, Transfer 1 . Wood and Coal "; Phone 1611 All order given prompt attdutiou. 1 A Ddredcv'd Ride often ends In a ed arrl loot. To heal aooldenial Injuries, u-e bnckleu's Ar nica antra "A ile. p svohikI In my loot, from au ai'videut," "rites 'f'lia1 dore fc'chm Irt.of (,'oliimbiis, O, ' uaui-cd me-sreat poln - Ph jatcliuis were ln-li- lees. bnt lluelcieo e Ariii:a enlvc tj-iU-k If h-eloil It." Buotlies ami ' h als borne like magio. ifo at Newltu U:ug eompai.y. ' , SuoiprliUaPe-' iMofiPAcirir DKPABT Tune RehfldnJ IK (iKAHUK, OR l-ROM Km i jOp m Not IkJU a. m Mot Halt Uke. Oem.r, Kt. . No I S:rKj a fa No j tv! p m Wor'li, Omaha, Kan sas city, Ht. Niuis. CUi- leagoaud Last. Portland. Dailea Pan. dlotou. Walla Walla, laytnnt l-omeroy, Col fas, Moscow, Huokane, and points erst and uurtlk via Hpoltar.s . No a t-JOa to. Portland, Dalles, f.u- llelon. HmHtllla. Wal. aot 146 p. m. lula, LewMoo, rollai. Ho . .HJlOsm Minnow. Wallace. War ner, Hikana aud other poluU east and Bortli vtahyokane No.K OallJ eg' ceit Sunday t-.Uau Islnnrl City, ileal, 1m oler and i .giu. ton- Soil Mo p to is uns at El u v tti t"t lor points In V at 0a. O mb btemm b6iwiti rorltjd tiotl v . . ,Oea,rs. Agent 111. I! MfkTkltll AtfaaetB. ri m x .a.-eeyA. V M'. mm NEW SECOND m6 STORE Ali kind of second hand goods bought and sold CEO. CROUT, Prop, 09 Fir St. bot. Adams and Jefferson VeVwvAiNWwrVsVwVrV ': THE ' 0XFOKD P1R JAMES FARQUHARSON, Prop, Cmntilfrtsw ettftrtnumt nf I ''wimps i inTinnc. . " " r a .. Ohaeei W NesaaT AND CIGARS Cold loutbes and mixed drinks a specialty. Fair and impartial treat ment to all. You are In- f vited to call and get aoquainted eesetneeeet iteieee. Blue Front Saloon i ' E. TriOHSON, Proprlttor, .- ' FINEST " "'iy-- WINES, LI0TJ0IIS Imported and domestic CIGARS Hot or cold lunch ail hours Jefferson Avenue Opposite Depot Palaco SaloOei'; e e e t " ' m CHAi, ANDERSON. Prop. s . e e a 4 a e FINK WINES, UQU0RS AND CIGARS Always on hand ' e . e e ' e e Opporlte Depot e r e jenersoa Avenue iwwseeasaseeasgatsl VUB f MM! rr-V-l H i nr . i i ia I u 1. 1' a a a Basat . taw S vm CHRIS WRIGHT, Prop. I WIHE5. LIQU0R5 CIQIR5 Ctntlemtn ilwtyt Welcome : Eag!o Sa'oVn ULRICH LOniS, Prop. ' '' FIN ;' WINES, LIQTOttS and CIGARS Lunches are our epeciiilty I'iffcrsoo A venne, Opposite depot 50MMER IfOUSE CAFE Phone Miin 6-1 .' .. 'NUP JAID . Brick furnished, in any quinity or any style. No contract too small or too large. See samples of our presstxl brick. GEO. KREIGE,R. La Grande. Oregon. s ... : ' ! . t i - ! f ' I I ,.1-,.;, ..I... .. . mji a'.' ''T. ,aa ; ,u. .:(: rJ'