PROFESSIONAL CARDS ,, La Grande Evening Observer PHYSICIANS DR. A. L RICHARDSON. Physician and Surgeon. OOMmaiU'iDniUor, Ska Pkoat Blaek ttfl ReaMalaFkeae Currey Bros., Ed's and P rop N. MOLITOk M. u. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Caraer AdaaM ayaaae and Depot Bh oava iia "- " Beatdane tuia a Willard' smith . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Rme Mala Tl Lawk kaUdlar, train tawr Hooae -- CXaBawB,tM,Ttet BACON & HALL, PHYSICIANS, AND SURGEONS OaVa la Wet kaildiaa. Maim II. C f . BHo'laidMNMali It' Baatdtaot Male M M. BV DKS, BIGGER3 & B1GGERS .., ' Pby tloiana aod 8arfoM Blam,K.Dl i QwL.BlMnl.M.O Offlaglack;tftl Baaldeam afaiaa) Offlear Ralatoa Building over J. M. Bonyt atom .Bialttam oa, Krilw Aa oacond Boar ur. u- w.wam ImORAMUH - OREGON ProteuMMMl aalU proaptly Minded to ' ' dayaralalM. ' . Published daily except Sunday Entered at the Urande, Oregon, M.j) y .n.. Post Offlca at La aa Second Claaa Wednesday, Oct II. 1905. One year in advance f 6 50 Six month in advance., . .3 50 Per month... V 65c Bingle copy..., ...,6c ADVERTISING RATES Diaplay Ad nla tarnlahed apoa application tonal raadla( doUom Ito par Una tm Una,-50 par Uaelbraaakeahaequeal taaolatloak oreoadoleaee, jo rar Una, Card ol Ibaaka, te per Una. 0ENTIST8 . REAVIS BROS.rV; "; 1 " 4 DENTISTS. : y I ' Offle. BoiaW Baildtac Oaiea Black U lualdaaae Black IU7 . CaCauthorn -DENTIST : u!tt0 Over Htll Drug" Store La Grande, Oregon VETERINARY- SURQEON Dr P A CHARLTON VETERINARY" SURGEON, Office at A T Hill' Drag Store La Grande, Oregon Phone 136 J Residence phone red 701 Farmers' line , 58 DR. W. T. DDWNE3. YBTIBJNABY BOaatOM. AND K . . v: i. Leve ordoe al Had CaaaiDrae aVara . Thirty Ba raawaiaartaaca, kaat of rafacaaaa ReaMaaetCor Ukaadlal ATTORNEYS CFAWF0RD & CRAWFORD . Attorceys-at-Law : , LA . SRaKDI, laa la PoWy aalMlnt. OBXOON J. W KNOVYLES Attorney - and - Counsellor . At Law OaVaiaRaWoBndla4 ' ' Hi LaUcaaaaOr. H.T.WUllaaaj A.C. WilUaau iyVILUAMS BR03.V ATTORN EYS"ATLiA!V QOto la BaMaa BaUdtag PkoMittA La anode. Or. L. A. PICKLER OA, AWaj, lrrlatkm En jteerin j and . Survey) f ' Tethaaloa. Plata, aadHpttlSntitaat. OOee la tottj atLldiag La UaAaaa. Qaanat) Foal tirad, aa appatlta, eanoot at tap work ar out That ' Uradoatd nd arill dtakfpaar at ata if Jo Uka Hoi Itatar'a Rooty Momataia laa thla aaatk. toota, Taa at TabtaU. Kovlla Dreg Co.. . .. . Lodge Directory. rot U)L- uua AM M aaritla KrMtfrB .A. Matow, W.. J. Ik, rUoc. W. lOpr-lAQraaaa Laia, a tk iMau a " "aa naii ani.iaaa anV VMiaa Bkaa. Modal Raa-Haaa.HU taaBtry paM aaa a aaaa aavaah , . aTARBNAMPMBlTT Na at, V. O. MMavarkiaB4lkirdTkrday I aaxa la 04 PaUov, aali. lallla aWataadl car. is natrt. ATMTAa Old Boa. Ckapur Ho . ataaaaaHkaaaMdaaddMuik WHMdu a Aadtanaiky a la timcm Taapia - . L VT aaruaAiltka,Wa1 ; Kary A WaralrV. V ; M. W,A. la UtmaAaikiap . Mikm wry firm. 4 Uird W.daaA af U 1 U ai I. O. u. r. Han. All viaitara aaWk aata am aardtelly anrtad w amd. . . .... amV,a , . Joha Rail, Clark. PtMIIHTm Of AHEHKIA fatrt M, Wartoa. No V aanai aaah Taanday al(M la lUHkiaall. aVnaata ao laTMad to aiload. Oaaa BanMaa,UkW Baatar. vawaikaiMia. awara oi i i ia -i.a U aadttartaat ruaara . i ft. i - - -R1KHIWH1P TKNT NO k'-K. O. T. M. MrH a ad third Wadawaday rar aaoata. la i, O, U, P kail. Vi kciiia Wi'lroaaa O T WKlMkNBBBuLH, Uw. at OA. kUiea, Hiaard kaapat IRRIGATION The American faimer first heard abort irrigation from the soldiers who belonged to our array that invaded Mexico nearljr nity years ' ego. These ineil, among the maoy strange and wonderful things about which they talked, told of irrigation as carried on by the Mexican farmers, but no body then thought it would ever be con sidered a practical process - for American farmers to immitate and that millions of dollars would be invested in irrigating plants in the United States Our forefathers came from the low lands of England; the allu vial lands of Germany or bogs ol Ireland and inherited ideas and skill in ditching to get rid of surplus water but had lo tradi tions about irriga iiig. This being . the case the American farmer has been slow to appreci ate the benefits of inigation. and a very great proportion of them to this day give hut an unwilling ear to propositions for conducting water upon their land, and are prone to regard the cost of Irrigation at money lost. If our country school would deviate somewhat from tradition al ruts and teach children more about "how plants grow" and the important part that water has in vegetable growth our farmers woald not be so indif ferent to the best and most re liable means of supplying moisture to meet the absolute demands of a growing crop. A crop of growing wheat will ab sotb Iroml the soil end throw out through the green blades a quantity of water equal to the whole weight of the plant, each twenty four hours during the period ot growth, and broad leaved plauts require much more. Experiments carefully made i how that a plant of spearmint absorbs more than twice its own weight of water in a dky from the' soil and throws it out through its leaves. This water, to keep the sap in the plant of the proper consist ency for circulation, must be oo hand dorinj the growing season or the plant cannot grow. In a climate like that of Grande Ronde valley where the uatural water fall is not in the growing season much ol the soil fails to have a storage of water sufficient to meet ihe demands of a grow ing crop there is a wilting dur ing many of the summer days, Thin wiltiug is a cessation of growth and causes a dimution of the crop. In addition lo enough water to keep the sap thin enough to circulate and supply tie lots from trauspiration water is uec essary to make the ripen. d graiu fruits or vegetables. In every hundred - pounds of marketable wheat there ere fourteen pounds of water and in one hand red pounds of wheat straw theie are twenty six nnnnda tit walar. Thr are seventy five pounds of water in one hundred pouuds of potatoes. Une hundred pounds of ripe apples or penrs have eighty three pounds of. water. Red beets are eighty five per cent wa'er, strawberries and goose berries ninety per cent water, turnips ninety three per cent water and ' watermelons ninety five per cent water. It is evident that the city fire department needs re-organising and the matter should not drift as it is nntil we have suffered a needless conflagation. In re si onse to the alarm this morn ing only one can as takeu to the scene of the fire and then it only had 250 feet of hose in-, stead of 600 as : it should nave baa. rot the put two years the department has not been op to standard and . steps should - be - taken to inke it such. " ' " ' ' :' '". ' CANDY Now is the time to think about the sort candy your Children . have been eating . ; - : .v - '.' , : - If yon buy candy from SELDER . You need not worry 1 about it, for our candy is , wade . upon scientific f principrls and it is sll ' pure. A trial order .wil convince you as to its merits.' If four paper U aot delivered at yoa tbink ft abould be, ptetaa nnti'jr (be III M acd ita miMtka "ill be rectified. A I1TTRCF HEALTH C7 111' h SELDER, TCandy l... Man : Absolctzly Pure fL$ l.'Q SUBSTITUTE SOMETHING NEW I BRAZE CAST IRON If your stove, sewing, ma chine, washing machine, or any other casting is broken . I can braxe it and make . it equal to new . both in ap pearance and strength. , , . Agent . Underwood Typewriters : CL SMITH CREAMERY BUILDING ALWAYS Catering to the wvnta of our worthy ratrons,we ha ve at last satisfied the constant demand made npon 'as for high grade tailor made cuitb .for gentlemen. In making our selection we have been content with nothing short of the "beet" and now invite all "swell dressers" of La Gmnde and vicinity to call and icspect our magnifi eient liue f woolens for fall and winter trade. Stop a monent, when pursing, and read ' onr gdiiratitre. It will certainly intfrest you. Remember we are located in the Haworth building, 13. 6 Ad a us Ave. Don't (-uel we are the only peopld nr the northwest who chii "make" your Uaderwenr. It is superior to anything on the maiket. ' CRESCENT KNITTING MILLS 1 A wonderful toDlc. Orivek ovt - all linpariti alvae you ktreoKtb, health kDanappiDeta. ibst't wliat Holliet art Kooky Moaoiaia Tea will do. 85 eentt, Taa or Tablett. Nealln . Drag Lost 1 Draper hat luat a taok receipt No. 162733 iataed to himself for S S ttcki ot barley, fept 16, 1900. All pertooa are hereby warnad againit aooeptlDg ante." Finder will pleate tetorn rama lo i Draper, LaJUrtDde, Oregon. IN A HURRY? THEN CALL Win. ElETHOLbS The transfer man. - He will Uke that trunk te the Depot or your home in less time than it takes to tell it. Wsgon always at your nervier. Charges moderate. Day phone B 179'-', night phone R 12. a c oa vis rWdaal H CHILD Boo. and Traaa. BLUE MOUNTAIN MARBLE ; AND GRANITE CO. LA GRANDE OREGON We bare joal reeeiad a carload of Geogria, Teaoeaek and Italian marble monamentt. Them are the flneat aver thowa ia the ' ooacty. Oar monamDtt coma In snob a thapa that we can cot any deaigo yoa may tagged. Oar workmen are competent, too to do tba work yon deaire. STEWARD, Proprietor and Mgr D. H. MONDAY, OCTOBER 16 ti 'iiaa'Sii .... ..i'j.i';,,. . . .. ,., li ... ; . . L-iiV ii-'-A .HENRY S6 GARR Ltdy asBiBULl, Calls aukwefed day and 'night, - Phone No.621.' PUNEfWL DIRECTORS LKEIUED Ef1BlLnER5 11 Ij.o. U j. j. Henry, residence 664 Carr, residence 386" f 1 S fi'Vt."fawj"i ajaj a)Bl.wJ4M La Grande Oregon H. H.f RAZEE presents the BiS fun Show UNCLE ; JOSE PERKINS AN EVERLASTING SUCCESS 8ee Uucle , The great Josh at the New ; York Connty Fair subway Positively the largest and best produe ion ever given this famous play Watch for the bil parade ' of the Hayseed Band . By a company of , Sinicrs, Dancers and ComcGians Oiiaaataaai PRICES 25c, 50c and 75c kilAaia.a....t.;, WHY NOT1 INVlSTIGiVrEl I The cosy brick cottage has been sold, per ' haps you weae intending lo investigate i our offer on it, and the delay has caused you to' ' ' lose. ' Look Into these two .other pnposL. J j j ; j ! j tions before too late. " , " Five Room Modern Cottage nearly new, nicely located, and we know price and terms will suit. Five Room Cottage in nice part of town, at a very rea- - son able prlco. . : ' , . ,. Yon canaot afford to pay rent, when with a small amount ' of .money to pay down and monthly payments about the same as rent you can soon own your home. . is We have started many on the right road, let us start yon; -Will build you a house according to yonr own plans. . Will loan you money on your property." , i Xa Sraride Investment Co. Foley Hotel Buiidiug " La Grande,' Oregon VIOLETINE PERFUMES THE BREATH Saves the Teeth Hardens the Gums Received ' the' 'Highest award for purity and excellence ai , St. Louis, ex- ' position" " Leaves a Pleaslni After t Effect in the Mouth and Makes the Teeth PEARLY ' 'J White A. T.. HIL.L. Prescription.Drusgtst LA GRANDE, OR WATCHES? Yes, of, eonrse I w4 bave watches, the very best watches made. We also have Clocks, and every thing in the Jewelry line J. H. PEARE. Old Jewelry made to look like new Repair work given prompt Clockt taken eare of attention. aitv,.,?aaaTr X BV. W NO POISON No iSpoilcd Fruit By usina EwnomyJ liars there is no. danger from Zinc Poison, the fruit beta j ln v,cum. Iketp ior- ever. These Jars are to be had at BAKER BROS. Phone Main 29 " ' SB Bk a as syaVflMika Aa