- . . . . . .. : EXCELSIOR " HEATERS, COOK '': STOVES AND RANGES' Just Received direct from the factory and will be sold t for cash at the lowest prices ever offered in La Grande : before. Call and see them. Heaters from $2.50 to $18.00 Cook Stoves from $8.50 to $30.00 Ranges from $32.50 to $45.00 - RUGS AND CARPETS-Positively lowest prices' offered. ;..R,US 25,cents up. r -: . TO CLOSE OUT -Pint Fruit Jars, 50 cenbj quarts, 60 cents; half gallons V 75 cents a dozen. Five gallon tub of paint $3.50. . .F. D. HAISTEN, s t ' f ' Phone Red 1161 : ; ' .. , I Highest Prices Paid for Second Hand Goods i r : FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY Sailors, Handsome Large Hats, an endless : ,( variety of Caps, ornamental Combs. Etc E H WELLMAN & CO Xa Grande ; - Oregon If';: -,v;:;;OiX.'i5-V:M;:;::-:'p 1 1 v;;;- .- e; ';-;Vv-: -v .-. WE buy ; ' :".v:-,V':; ;0 Sash, Shingles and I; Doors Lumber STODDARD LUMBER CO. I In large qaantitiei direct from factories and mills at ay early contract price, and while we pay ; the ::. lowest price, we get the best goods; and can afford to sell at figures that others buy for, thereby giv- ' - ing our customers the benefit of wholesale prices CITY BREWERY . .. f. JULIUS i ROESCH, Proprietor. CM Largest Brewtng Plant in Eastern Oregon :: ; v.:- :. : ..(.-. ; .. ;, n. Ask for, La , Grande -Beer j and get the, Best LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE AND U SHOULD. HAVE TH l-KEFERENCE If v -.-, 1 : , ..... STV LOUIS LIVERY AND, FEED STABLE 2 ' t j LARSEN & NORRIE, Props.; . - jj f) ' '- .-Vvp1 'jilh : . . Fint cIbsb turnouts fur- 3 ( nished day or night. ) Special accomodation tor mi commercial men. . BeBt service guaranteed (f Horses boarded by day, V week or month. SAYS POIJTiCS ; CAME FIRST Cleveland Ohio Oct 10 yritten charge tg&lDtt Collector of Cbarget F Leach b been filed with the were . Ury of tbe trewury at Wehiogton by CepUin 0 Beabem, former depu ty collector of cuitoma under Colleot or Lttoh, enl whom Collector Leech diaoberged 18 mombtego. Among tbt obergee made by 0p Uln Btnbam U that of "pernloioue political actWity la oing the gorera ment ofBoe for traneaotion of political initead of government bniioeee." . Bbcks Lynch Negro BitabrlJge, Ga, Oot 30, New bae just reached Balnbrldg of tbe lynch -Ids ol a oegro 78 miles weet ot here br a mob of his ova ram. Tha nmom had assaulted a Bectro alrl and bail at- tempted to assaalt another,' who rut him in tbe breast .Nearlng An End Tha Floto Show will clow thai. seasons tour on the 16th of this month and will hsr traveled 18,223 miles makluir an averasaef SS mllea for Tenr aar slnoa ther left thlr borne. which la lo Denver, Ool. Thsy have Tlsltod the states of Texas, 'New Mexico, California, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri Nebraska, Iowa, S Dakota, N' Dakota, Minnesou In the United State be Ides four points la Canada' and So Bora la Mexico. ' ! r ' ' '- CHEAP AEAT k High at - Any Price V 8om meat markets may sell you a good looking piece ot meat for a few cents cheaper than it would coat E you at a reliable market and you won't know until after you hare tried to eat it that you bavs been deceived. ,- ' : - ".' K'!:. We offer yon tbe beat meats thai ean bo booght anywhere tbe best tbat money can buy. We guaran tee it and charge a fair prloe, which Is cheaper la the end. Vou oannot get something rornothlng,eepeclal- iy in meaU. , ' '" We have everything In the market line tbat you ean wish for. ' Brooks & Rohr Harris Meat Marktt Telephone Main 16 ' RECORD BREAKERS i OUR NEW SUITS I E CERTAINLY BREAK THE RECO R " ' - -rr We have distanced our best of last season, and ' I that's no ordinary achievement. We detorruined to make it difficult for auy one to pick it flaw in j , .our Suit Stock, and a careful glance will show j what it is l possible to do f wh m V fabrics are ? I Carefully Chosen and Tailored Adelaide Herrmann There will be cause fop wonder anil mystery at Stewarts Opera bunse1 Bit urdfiy Oct 14, tor Madame Her?maun with Her Imps of maglo and her enter- X a' ' I i i' " . i ' i . i i :' iMlf 1 l t is ; i.ft j i i J MEAT CHEAP But not Cheap Meat Having purchased the Bock & Thomas ahoDS and alnn th ( Bull Market, we are in position, itim iuv turoa suups, to lurnisn oar patrons wltn choice meats at' a less price than if we had only one ehon. ' It ia not nnr intention to raise the price of meats, oat it is our intention to reduce the prion, and thereby hope to increase' our trade. A trial order will convince you of the assertion.' Grandy& Russell THREE SHOPS j Adams Ave. , bet. Orandy and Depot,' ';if J Adams Aver bet. Elm and ; Fir Fir Str. bet. bet. Jefferson and Adams Ave. fain 50 . Main 78 .'Main 70 talnment of mirth will hold hloh carnival there. To witness ar evening's pertormanoe as tbe Herrmann audience Is like taking a visit tbroashFalrvland and as the magician's programme this season Is very elaborate and crowded full of Spectacular mairl-Dhanom Ina. few will possibly miss tha opportu nity ol seeing her. She carries with her special lishttoc aoDaratas. eur. prising eleotrlcal Inventions and a special leader of oroheetra to Intro duoe new melodies and aeooiiiDanvina aire. K -' . . , . Eigs furnished for parties, funerals and picnics. The 5 l T-;-. ) best carryall in the city. ; r , fg Niht School It enonah dudIIs oan hi Mnnrx! I shall open a night eohool In the cen tral city upon the following plan: ' I shall teaoh one subject on evening each week from 7 o'olook to 9, , the Bret boor to be given to those begin ning the subject. The charge will bo two dollars per month for each eub- jeot. The veubJeots taught will be English Grammar, Arithmetic, Rhet oric, Literature or a msnv of them as there are : olatsta Ism enonah. Those who wish to enroll will r,lMU give their names to tbe Observer offioe, to Mr. J? Kilpatriok or to mjaelf . : U J HOCKENBERRV Street Gown ; v A pretty and expensive street gown worn by Mies Hemic Howard ar Fid Folliette, ia "Why Women Bin" wblcb eotsee to tbe stewards Opera Uoose Tuesday Oot 10, was designed by Lord and Taylor of New .fork, and Is exqoletlely made of heavy mbrold. ered grass linen,- deep cream eolor. dalntly trimmed with delioato Point D' Esprit lac and insertions; the town gown -draped over with pal blue taffeta silk. Mies Howard wears ' this cosleme in the first scene of tbe third act, wbioh is laid on ' tha Bivaralde Drive in tbe metropolla. : A TRIAL ORDER MEANS A CUSTOMER - V All that the Seattle Grocery Co. asks is that you give us trial order. If we cannot please" we do .not want your .trade. A satisfied customer is a pleased one and we try to please." The best groceries , for A the least money. This is our motto and a trial ovder will be a demon stration of how well we succeed SEATTLE GROCERY COMPANY s t ' We have a great' showing of fall suits. Turn them inside outevery stitch, every little detail shows the touch ot the master tailor; no 'hurried ; , work no skimping nothing slighted. This is why our suits fit so perfectly and hold their i shrpes so much " longer and better than ;any otner Kind. t u; $ioW$25 ( ' .Name your price and. we'll, more than ineet your:, expectations at every point l8Hl;BROS. s Bd ' I?- , to la : g. t CLOTHIERS AMD HABERDASHERS. 500 Y be ACRE FARM FOR SALE This farm is only 15 miles from La Qrarde, on the Elgin ; branch of the O. R, & N. Railroad, at the Rinehart spur. , Ti nrlll mnVa ...) 1 ' J Mt L ' " . niu uih lovciai guun uume, ituu tin ue soia in smaii : tracts if desired. There are three different young bearing ' fn orchards, and two good houses on the place. -In a good ? .r school district free from debt. Terms easy. ; r Address. HENRY RINEHART. " : J bUMMERVILLE, OREGON. ; Or call at the farm for full particulars. m w tha I; : Sacred Heart Academy u urande, Uregon Ihia iustitution is conducted by thesisteitof St. Francis and affords excellent educaiional ad vantages, Classical, Literary and Scientific Courses are taught, also Music, Drawing and Paiut iue ' accord in if ' to the latest methods. Frepariog young ladiea for 'the profession of teaching a specialty. ;. , Classes will be resumed Sept ember 6. . ' For terms and other nartinti. lata, address " v ,, Sister Superior CLOTHES CLEANED The sam old eland, but e new management. . f ske your suit to' tbe earns place, and have soother man eleao and prea it the way It should be. Ilarvey do tbe cleaning sod repairing end doe It right. Another etrong feature about hi system. I that his price are correct. Ee member the plaoe, next door to the Commercial dub. Ladiee and Gnta clothing clean ed dyed proceed and repaired. , W K Harvey , LA GRANDE-IRON WORKS 0mplete Machine Shops and Foundry i ' General Blacksmith . Horse Shoeing and.Wagon Work wiauuiuciurer 01 iue nzgeraia itoller ITeea Mill D F I T Z Q E R A L. D cj Clean, fi s s n i b i r I bl CARPETS CARPETS j The largest line of Carpets ever brought to the city. More' arriving daHy. Pretty floor coverings, 25c a yard andjup.' SPECIAL ON GO CARTS THIS MONTH W. H. BOHiNfENKAMP; Hardware ami Furniture :-, ; .kl b i be Is to t fr Last Hope Vanished. ; W M Rmlthurt nl Pallln -ll h.l in. curable ooneamption, hie last hope va nisneo; ons ut man new discovery for consumption,' coogtis and colds, kept him out of bis grave. - He savs: '1 his great apeoHic completely cured me. mnd aitwml m Ufa. . Minn. hn . I have used it for over 19 years, and con sider it a marvelous throat una lung onre." Strictly scientific oars for oougbfor throats or colds; sure prc- 60o and 11.00 bottles at Newlin's Drug Ctor. Trial bottle free. A slrensth tenia tbat brlnira riih. red blood. Makes von strono. health I end active. That's what , Uollister' Kooky Mountain Tea will do. U5oents Tea or Tsbleta. Newllo Drug Co Cheated Death, ft "ii - ' V 1 OUt UT Ohootloff tha rli ht maill..ln 1 11 Vvolfe, of Bear Grove, Iowe't cheated death. Ha says: "two years r- - i tun I had kldnni. irnnlil. - kt.K E T caused me great pain suffering and L anxiety, but I took Eleotrlo titters, r wbioh effeoted a complete cure. I p ' have also found them of great benefit ' lu general debility and nerve trouble, Z. and keep . them constantly on baud, ? slnoa. aa f ttnrl h k.i. n .1 Newllo druggist, guarantees them at ? ! 3 Hli'k haadanha la nanaiul h. A . ; ordered ooudltlon of the etomach and l e quickly cured by Cnaoiberlsln'e Stomeoh and Liver Tablets. ' lor sale by Uewlin Drug Co. , . J. L MARS, Contractor and Builder ' Dealer in Building Material. 'r 7 La Grande, Oregon j; w ... Prop a Una, naming work, and I wll ,.,th right prlos, ,ijck ..Koautaln Tea lYuggets A Baiy koJiain for Baj Pwplr : 1 Bring, QoUa Unlth and Kouowod Vigor. A Btxwi'lc for CnifMtnatlnn. lti'ttrtlon, Me Uu Kflwy TroliWes. J'lmpt. J.i.,ivi, lir.puM Sltxnl, 1M BhiMlii, Mnifa-inh 1IohI, anil riiu-kitolia. II Itnpky Miuintaln Tea In Uli. W, form, lift ohl a box. .'-nuiu rnn.lo b UuLUvran IMii'o Conrixr, Vtvilmn, Win. . 0L0EN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE ;. fet II 1 it S ic at . & t. 'i If