Z o o o t o o Money Saving Paint Money saving In painting doesn't the uw of cheap-bjr-the-galloa paint, k ' meana the ok of first-quality paint . paint that will corcr mott turf act to the gallon, that wilt spread tivf and MM''- the painters' time, that will wetf wtl ' and put off for the longest time the Dead .... for re-painting. " . The Sherwih-Williaus paint - is a money saving paint. It coven moat surface to the gallon because it is ground ' exceptionally fine and is thoroughly mixed, For the same reason, it spread : easiest and saves the painters' time. ' It wears longest because k is made , ' front the beat materials, so thoroughly -combined that they become inseparable, ' and bold together on the building for , the longest time. When you buy The Sherwin-Williams Paint yon buy cento ; , my. We sell it. Color cards free. II L CTAMIPI C C i lIDMAU - ' ' O Dealers in Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Class, Etc 9 V STEWARD'S OPERA HOUSE SATURDAY, OCT. 14 ONE . NIGHT ONLY ABSOLUTE SUPREME The Only Woman Magician in the World ADELAIDE TTT1 TYT) HI 4 ATI H In And Company of Sixteen People sensational program of wonderful ' magic and illusions America' military musical act and Xylophone experts Mirth, Magic, Music. 4 American Trumpeteers Seats on sale ' Thursday morning at - Van PRICES, 25o, 60c, 72o, and fcl.OO . Burets "The man who loves his wife the most Is not the one to let her roast" These hot days, in a kitchen overheated by a sweltering stoveCut out the family wash day. Send your laundry tc os. Saves wood, time and energy; Don't born np a lovely disposition. ' Send your linen, all of it to ARC STEAM LAUNDRY FHONEIj Main 7 LaGrAnJe, Oregon. mm 'fill ill' Where does it go? That's a aucstion we are asked a dozen times a day. Where does the Rock Island go? The answer is: Pretty nearly everywhere To Peoria and Chicago. To Davenport and Rock Island. To Lincoln and Omaha, r: To Topckaand Kansas Grjr. To St. Joseph and St. Louis. To Texas and Oklahoma. Three routes east via Dea rer, Omaha and St Paul L B. CORMAM, 140 TMrtf SACRED OPERA QUEEN ESTHER The greatett maatoale ptodactioa ever aiierop'.td tjr th minio lover of tbia city ia the beautiful tiered opera, Queen Exlber, which'. ill be given of st wetk under tbe auipioee sod lor tb beoefit ol tbe LtG.aode Commer cial Club, and under tbe direction of Piof Martin K Robinson of Chicago, who baa tecently produced tbe tame opera in tbe ciiiet of PortUod, Seattle Tscoma and Spokane with wonderful acofat, all lhaio'o part' will be' taken by La Orande'a beet known siogers, nod tbe chorus, 60 -oioei strong , wblob will be uiior til ftuy ibing ever bete-to-frre heard in ibis oity, Tbe whole opera will be pot on io toll Oriental and Persian eosturns, and the stage mounting will be equal t anything aen' in Portland or any of the larger oiti. J'- A feature ol tba entertainment ' will be a aoarf drill by seven of La Grande' leading society young ladies, which will be well worth going a long dis tance loaee. Everytr.ing iodic tut that (bio will be tbe musical event ol tbe entire teaaoo and no lover ol good duiic wttnia rive mile of La Orandt should fail to attend the rendition ol tb.a beaotiful opera. '. ' A oomplete east of the character will be published later. ' Tonight The opera cloak . worn by Miea Bernlce Howard tonight ' aa FIB Telllette. In the firat aot of "Why Women 61a" Is of heavy cream voile prcfosely trimmed with rich of any lace and insertion,- gorgeously lined with expensive rote pink and tatfeta allk. Mlti Bernloe Howard the ac oompliahed leading woman of "Why Woman 81n" la not only tood ac treat, but a - remarkable clever writer. Miea Howard baa written a nnmbtrof elever contribationt to the leading magazine.' Ehe is an Englitb girl and sndervent a long and arduoai education in a convent. The young aotreta I eontidered one of tb mott beaatif ol women of tbe ttage : -av eX LUMBER; 8 House Frock Tba beautiful houae frook . worn by Mite Bernic Howard aa Fifl Follltette ia the aeoond act of "Why Women Sin" which will be tba attraetlon at Stewart Opera Hoaae next Toetdav Cot 10, was mad by Madame Lalnolne of Pari, and it very elaborate. It It of white crnoollu (Ilk, covered with a heavy drapery of rich black -Ouvnoore lace and extravagant lane floonoiDg Oniabed with exqolaita Jetted orna ment. Tonight and Tomorrow The Presbytery of Grand Ronde meet to-night at 1-20 in the Preaby terUn chorth. Eav S A Parker ol Elgin, will prench tbeme: Uodt Power Available." ' After the aermon th 'election of moderator will' tat plae. .; ,; -;. . Program for Wad, Oot,1 It, 1905. D.-00 Devotion Leader Kev W A Robinson, of Pin Vallay, ' ao Bnainet. ; H:i5 Recet. . ' . Wednetdty Afternoon. l:30-Devotlon Leader Rev H 3 Irwn,: of Barn. " ; 1 -.. 2:00-Bullae, t ;' i S S.-00 Religion ervlc, Joint meet ing with Pendleton Presbytery, ermon "Christ's- Attitod Toward th Unsaved," Rev H Temple ton, of Euterprlt. 4:00 But Inet. 6:00 Reoet. Wednesday Evening. Popular meeting with the Pendleton PretbyUry. '.- ' 7:30 Praia srvico. 8:00-Sermon, Th Charm of Jmos." Rev Ell T AUen, of Irrlgon. . A cordial Invitation ia given the publlo to attend all meeting. . Announcement I with to oall tbe attention of oar many friend and the general pnblio to the faot that E H Hubbard and A 0 Hagaot have purchased the barber hop on Depot street, known as tbe Klrtley barber shop, and that we pro pots to oonduot a flrtt elast foor obalr barber chop and batb room, an J we respectfully volioit a oontinnanoe of yonr mott valued patronage. HUBBARD 4 HAGANS. ; . Instruction In Music . Mr l.yle'a patrons will be pleate to know thai tbe ha retained to the city for tbe winter, and can be seen ai tbe homo of Mr 0 Ralston, No 1404 Ninth tlreet. Thote who prefer to re oeive instruction al their home can do 6 by making arrangement with ber Phone Black 1041:' A Bank : Account Drawing . . Interest. 5 ' We-can reoelve your deposits for any aum from 11.00 to 1100.00 in oar aviug department of thl bank and pay you Interett. Call and let as ex plain the advantage of securing in terest on yonr saving. . Farmers and Trader's Nat'l Bank. . NOTICE We pay highest . Market prloes for ehickens. .Want all yon have got. At oar Wareboas on Jefferson Ave. , ,' GR Cash Co. ' Notice Of Proposed Street Improvement , To whom it may concern : Notice la hereby givea of the pro- poeed improvement ol Adam avenue in the city . of La Grande, Oregon, by the construction of idealk aooord ing to tpecinoatlon provided - by or dinance, tbe taid tidewalk to be eon trooted from ' a point at the South East ' corner ol tbe intertection of If your paper is not delivered a too think it ibonld be, pleate notify the Ulos and lb mistake will be rectified. . . . opruce itret; witn Adam avenue; tbenee along and upon tbe South side of Adam avenue io a South-easterly direction to ths South west corner of tbe intertection of Adams avenue with Balm treet. ' Notice is hereby further given, that unlet aid proposed improvement is defatted by remonetranoe signed by th tbutttng property owners and filed with the undersigned on or before tbe 16 day of October,- 1905,' said side walk will be ordered constrnotetl by the couooil oi tbe oity of La Grande, Oregon. Dated thi fourth day of Ootober, 1905. . .- . .... I R SNOOK, Recorder of tbe oity of La Grande, county of Union, atntb ol Oregon.' . . , m it-fir i . V -... am mat X !': . ef ora WHOLESALE PRICES ' BetterlLumber and Cheaper, than it io sold in. La Grande. We Deliverjit toour .Building. MWby Women' Sin" at Steward's Opera House TonighL Grande Ronde Lumber Go. ' PERRY, OREGON. . TsTrBvs7aT,asy7gevj'v I THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY I Offers customers the best of everything ia 'the line of FRESH VEGETABLES, FRUITS, CROCE KltS, PKUVISIOIiS, ETC., at prices as low as in ferior goods can be purchased. Good things to I eat can always be had at 1 HE CITY GROCERY AIMD BAKERY. If your appetite "goes back" , on you,isit our store and you are certain to find ,, something that will please your palate, ' If you haven't been trading with us, why iiot give us a trial order? We can please you, ' Once a customer always a customer. : POLAClC m Chicciv PHONE,' MAIN 75. tg I g- 4 ENGRAVED GOODS The Observer is in a positiou to offer to its patrons''' a splendid line oi engraved Visiting 'Jards, Wedding ... Anoouncementa and At Home Cards at prices just tbe same as you send away only we pay the postage. Call on us and look at our samples ' THESE ARE OUR PRICES: 5 ;" English Script cards, per 100....'. . .. . . ,$2.03 French Script, very latest, per 100. ... .$3.00 Shaded Old English, pr 100. ',.. $3.60 . - Roman, 100 cards.! . . .'. .... . .", . . ; . . ; $3.00 Solid Old English, 100 cards....... . .'.$3.00 . " Gothic, 100 cards . . . , 4 . ; . . ........... $2.50 ' ; Printing future orders from any copper , ' plate, 50 cards 75o.,100 cards...... . $2.00 Wedding Invitations from $8.00 a 100 to $24.00 a 100. Besides taking orders for engraved stockvwe are prepared to print all the above in the latest type ' feces. Call on us before ordermz. , THE OBSERVER aaiaBBBaiaa1 BaaaaBl M aaaSBaaHaaaBBsaal aajaaal aMBaaal aHaaaaaiavaaMBaBBaBBaVtaaaava Uhe farmers and Uraders Tfational SSank . of JCa Srartd Ortgon. NO. 4-4-rsa Capital Surplus ' - - - " Liability of Shareholders Total - $ 60,00i.00; 14000.00 60,000.00 $134000.00 For tberetectioo of Its OerosUorel Dcp'osUors of tbi Bank are accordel ucb liln-rkl trealmsnt a hall "b ia keeping with th. cbar.oter I ioe of tholr atcont. We would ; teXpleaaad to hsre'your nocouul. " Joseph Pai,mkr, President. G. fcJ. McCully, ' Asst. Cashier, . 3. W. Sck bkr, ; Cashier, T, J. L"c.ivt(GIN. - -Asst. UaBhier . -,'; i'i-