Glassihcd PiBwmsmzurs I r.sret una eni a word. oas-balf a cent & vn4 ...u . . Insertion, Classified . br.ajcX T,J Jo:?y.bW,a,0t ' Weal EiUtt Loans, Any amounts on Llty and Country Beal Eetate. Loan closed prompt, as toon as titla ap proved.. LA GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. URN 18 11 ED BuOMS Nloelt furai- a snea rooms lor rent. Corner ttb and main at. 8 18tt FOB BALE A good business cbsmte In Cove Oregon, bskery, confso tionery and luoeh room, paying $2600 a year. Can be bought lor a few day for S1600, po rebate prioe incladet building. Cense for tell ing, aieknea. La Grande Iovtit- men. Co'. Foley Bote! Block. , DRESSMAKING Mrs. Drake will taaob yon dreaamaklng, tailor eya- tem. No chart. All you need la . Ufa line and yard atlok. AH lessons ' typewritten for refers one. Olaaa terma 15. Vail for farther partica- lari at 4th and Q strset. Anyone wishing ahavlnge for atable bedding may obUin them by heal ing them away. Stoddard - Lumber FOB 8ALE-Eight aoree of land, four acres in orchard, a flrit-olaaa pool try or hog ranoh. Six room house, large hay barn and atable to accomo date eiz bead of.borses. One mile from poat-ofBoe. Would eiobangs for olty property. For particular inquire at Wm Smith's feed atore. W F Hendricks hns returned charge f hla photograph gallery and begin ning Monday, Oct. 9, will peraonaily aaaume charge, and will be pleaaed to meet bis old patrons and as many new onefc ' W F HENDRIUK8. IX)ST Ladles tan purse, small change. Return kamp's store. containing to Boben- FOB BENT Furnished bouse-keep-ing rooms, oontrally located, Phone LOST-ln Baptiat Church Sunday Oct 8th, black silk nmbrsll a with pearl and silver handle. Finder will kindly leave tame at this office and re ceive tultahle reward . WANTED Girl to do general bouae bouse work in small .family. In quire of Mrs J C Henry. OUR FREE DELIVERY : . SERVICE Use your 'phone and let our free de livery service benefit you. It may be that yoo have never been into our ftore, but that makes no difference, . we shall be just ae pleaaed to deliver , anything yon want as if you were our. i regular customer. You'll Dud oar ;eoodsand prices tatisfaotorv. wa are ore. Red 81 NEWLIN DRUG CO. Notice ol Final Settlement V ' Notice is bersby given that Annie Johns, administratrix of the estate of Bishop Johns, deceased, bsa filed her final account In said estaU and the county Court of Union County, Oregon has set Tuesday the third day of Oct ober, A. D. 1905, at four o'clock p. m. for bearing the same. Annls Johns ' Administratrix Rummage Sale mi i l ; . i w n . 1 1 iud tauiea Ul wo u JU vuuiuil will held their rummage eale the 18, lit and 20 of this month in the White build ing, formerly occupied by the Union Steam Laundry. Anyone wishing to donate artloles please notify Mrs Aldriob. LA GRANDE SQiOOL OF MUSIC PROF. DAY, Principle. MRS. DAY. AmWmI This e ooo of the beet musical In stitutions In ithe state, and the people of this olty aad valley are beginning to discover the sdvsntag ee.of this sohool. The system used it ILe latest and moat practical, and Include all the latest ditooverie (a the) art of teaching music. The school is dlvldsd Into two depart mantai Na. 1 la lor heainntra. from a years or more and are taught the arm inree grsoee. rupue oome one boar every day. This Is bo Kin Jergsrten system bat far aupsrtor. In No. the grades are from I to 1ft. Hera they graduate. Pupil tske one or two lessons wsek aa they desire. No scholar wtU be permitted to' remain la this sohool to do not study. OddosIU the Foley TTonea ova lbs Candy Store. Phone 473. HOUSE TOR tULB-Pereona desir- - a a weuing tor remov al from where aituated are requested . w wm ins undersigned. J. D Bister, Fred Taylor. FOUND Ladies parte oontaiblns ys, papers, and sum of money. Finder call at this office and receive same br cavlos ehanrea. FOB BENT-Pleaaantly furnished rooms for light housekeeping, at, 1617 Fbarth atreet. Big Rummage Sale The ladles of the EoisocDal Church will bold their resnler aemi-annnal Eannm Mala at M trii.t.i-t.i. Implement Store October 12, 13, and 14. I - - - x.jaiiua a A CBANCB TO SECURE LOTS OF GOOD RARrtAINfl I ...... va I P.u. ka.i .. . I v ss iw UslTlUH VXllCJtil VO OOUtTlOutft I Jle ... I Kioaiy nowy nn aim wood and at me wm can a ror. - . Centennial Hotel ... -.. tianiar new management. " Board and Boom $5 ner week. cash. Meals 26 cU. Hpeotal rates furnished monthly patrons. No. 1417 Adams Are. v Phone No. 1161. Mrs. W E MCROHISON. proprloto. Engraved Stock We are prepared to furnish oar Dst- rona with the fineet engraved cards and announcements at the tame price less postage, that yoo send away for your work. Call and see our samples. . THE OBSERVER Special Notice. Notice Is hereby Riven that I have told all my Intereet la the late firm of Bock A Thomas to Frsd Bock who will collect all accoanta due the eaid firm, ana receipt lor same. All persons knowing thsmselves Indebted to nsme, "111 save the cost of attornsr fees bt railing npon Mr Bock and settling at oooe. G. W. Thomas and Fred Sock. TAKE NOTICE Phone Bd 071, Old Town atore for wood (30 days time given). Cheapest urooeries and Provisions In the olty. New stock and fall line of feed. Dated Ls Grande, Ore., inly 26. , Heps 1,: " E J ATKINSON Notice To Property Owners . Notice la hereby given . to property owners owing shads trees whose limbs protrude over the side walk, that an less stld limbs are oat off within the next ten days the Street Superintendent will trim them and the eipense of said trimming will be charged to the property owners. Fred Bynhorst, Street Bopt of the olty of La Grande. Dated this twsnty seventh day of September, 11)05. A flarvrl'vil Dirl I ..J. I - A ,j rr. . viwh sum ,u m hu wiubqi io oeai aooldsntailnjoriea, use Bocklen's Ar nica salve. "A deep wound In my loot, from an accident," wrltea Theo dore Sobnele,of Columbus, O, "caused me great pain. Pbyeioiiins were help less, bat Baoklen's Arnica salve qulok ly heeled It.' Soothes and farals boms like msgio. S5oat Newllu Ding company. .. Frightful Suffering Relieved. Buffering frightfully from .the viru lent Daiaona of nnrilvaatari fnnH n 11 Grayson, of Lola, Mite, tookDrking's new idie puis, wun me result," be writes, "that I waa cured." All stomach and bowel disorders irlve wav to their, tonlt. laxative Drooertl. 26o at Newlln's drag store, guarrsu teed. When yon wish a nice juicy roast or a tender steak, or a piece of boiling meat or pot roast, just phone Main 48, and yon will soon have exactly what yon desire. J. BULL & CO. Phone main 48. Remember the phone is on the directory as Boss Meat Market main 43. Grand Jury Report 1 To the Hob. Rntxrt r.u. ri cuit Judge, presiding at the October term of the Circuit Court of ti e I ,ta's of Oregon for Union county. J Jf Tour Grand Jary duly empane led lor this term of court beg leave to repcrt that they bare eonoloded their labors and now dtairo to ba die. ch",I, 3 We bsvs msde careful axaml. nstion Into all matters properly com ing before us and Lave found and re turned Inta court 10 true bll's and not true bills. 4 We bsvs uisda examination Into the several county offioera and into the manner in wbioh those offioers are kept, tthe records apireutly all In proper condition and order, and the several county offioers oompetent and trust worty end sooommodstlng to all those hsvtng ocossaion to visit their offices on business or Inspection. 6 W especially recommend the luoceeefal efforts of the county com. u vuuutj missioners sod the 'county Jadee In reducing ad paying off the InrtalitaMAaa k2 1 i off the ennnt indebtedness their showina- in thl. regard discloslni reduction of the float! no tl Hosting debt of the county In the earn e twe VVUMB SjM i of akhnnt fil Qu3 At Dtnuy VAJf rt Ma.k TfVkJ SI day . 6 We reooommend that the Connt Court acting as a board of county oommisslouere at an early date., take enik -- - ri .... - aiaiiiitf .mm lug lease to have the City of La Rranri clean up, level up and ssed to sult sbla lawn the court house yard and block and that the city construct suitable cement walks and BDninachaa from tba streets to the coart boase enteranees and proper cement and board walka where neceasarv about the court hoase block, so as to render ine grounds of the coart honee end the approaches thereon In a eonditlnn in keeping with the building aituated A I . . wereou ana aeea lor county purposes and ths Grand Jury farther recom mends that the county keep suoh improvements In good repair during ths life of tta lease of said premlsss. 'We recommend that the sheriff or one of his deputies keep watch and guard over ths court houss at nlsht by sleeping at the coart house, in order to insure ths safety to the pris oners and records therein. . 8 We especially refer the Sheriff to 8 30. 3104 of the statute and recom mend that he oomply with the pro vision of that section "in regard to turning over the moneys to ths eoanty treasurer. ; j .; , l We reccomend that the county court look Into the matter of provid ing shatters for the county clerk's otUoe, the county recorder's offloe and the oounty treasure's offloe end where neoessary to provide abutters In order inst tne county records may be safely kept. 10 While we reoomend the board of commissioners for reducing ths county debt, we do not believe in, reducina it at the expense of the traveling public uupiore me condition our pablio roads are in at-the present time and we especially recommend the oounty court to advertise for bids, for the construction of ths bridire aernai tirande river on what la known as the Peach road running from Islsod City to Nibbly forthwith. 11 W further recommend that tha county adveitise for bids for all sta tionary need by tl county officers. 13 We especially refer the tonnt court to section 2957 of the statute in regard to the sheriff's compensation for the hoard of prisoners and reoom- mend that ssid bills be nsid In ae. cordunce therewith. We farther treoommend where there bss been sn over charge of bills, as there haa hn for the board of prisoners during ths months of Augoit and September, that the court proceed, to adjust said bills in accordance with the law and that In the future no over charges be allowed. . 13 -We further recommend that tha telephone bills of the various counts officers, if paid by the countv coart out of the county funds, that the same os csaactsd Irom the salary of said offioes and ws further recommend thst the oounty oourt not allow say bills for deputiea other than tba law pro vides for, and in case of any mors deputies than the law nrnvM. fe. suoh deputies to be paid . for by ths respective officers and not by ths coppty. . 11 We desire to thank roar Hnnnr fcr the able and Dromot manna, i. which you have dispatched the busi SOMETHING NEW I BRAZE CAST IRON If your stove, sewing 'ma-, chine, washing machine, or ' any other casting is broken I can braze it and make it equal to new both in ap pearance and strength. Agent . Underwood Typewriters C. L. SMITH CREAMERY BUILDING ness of th's term and for the uniform courtesy la the treatment we have ra oelved at your bands Our Hailiff has been urompt to responds to our svery aemsnd and oar District Attorney has been on hands to advise ns in svery emergency. Through yoo ws desire to thank them for thtr etB. ciency anl faithfulness. . Baring now concluded our lahora after being In eesslon in all aeven davs we now desire to be discharged. vaied at La Grande la the n,.nm. of Union, atate of Oregon this th. dsyof October A D 1901 . Bso Brawn, Foreman John Graham - GeoL Hoffman ' " P II Dlokinaon - John Jamison E A Wills Jacob End, Grsnd Jury tier Hat The bat worn in the Riveralda Drlva scene in "Why Women 8ln" by Mint uernioe Howard as FIB Folleitte, Is of the picture style made kof Point O'Esprlt larason one side with a lnnn spray of mses droppsd from ths front co tne baok, and was made by Louise of New York. . Insomnia and Indigestion Cured "Last year I had a vert severe at tack of indigestion. 1 oould not sleep at night and stiffanul . nig pains tor three hours after eaoh meal. I waa troubled tbia way for about three months, when I used Chamberlaln'a Htomsoh and Ltvsr Tablet, and reoeived Immediate re ilV ? Joho Dlon, Tullamore, Ontario, Canada. For ssle by Mewlin Drag Co. . G. E FOWLER Transfer ; Wood and Coal Phone 1611 All order given prompt , attention. IH A HURRY? j r' THEN CALL WM. KETHOLDS l'be transfer man. , , ' He will take that trunk to the Depot or your home in less time than it takes to tell it Wagon always at your nervice. Charges moderate. Day phone B 179'z, night phone R 12. -VISIT THE- Lewis and Clark EXPOSITION To be held at Portland, . June I to Oct. 15, 1905. r TAKE A TRIP TO CALIFORNIA Through the Williatnette.3 1 - Umpqu and Rogue River Valleys, of Western Oregop, pass Mt. Shasta, througi the Sacramento Valley to tht many famous resorts on tbi- 7 " line of the - 1THERN PACIFIC CO. Fir beautifully illustrate; booklets, descriptive of Cali- . fornia resorts, address, - . W. R COMAN, Gen. Passr. Agt ; ; Portland, Or. YOTJ M E SATISFIED If yoirr ilAketa real ad Klo Uraoile Rlli Line oiUm world" the riiTw tne "Hoaniu ItKOAUbE . Tlwre areaoniaiifanealeall'-Kri i end Tat'"B'JutUmt (he 'in .,. ftevet beooaMB UraMme , "M",,' WO McBRIDE, Agent, 124 Third St. Portlard Orego S v - - - . ,. i GROCERIES FROM THIS STORE ARE ALWAYS MCE AD FRESH , Seasonable goods as well as Staples always on hand. QEDDEBR . North Fir'street' J. R. OLIVER. U NION COU NT Y ABSTRACTS , Farm Loan Specialty .yli:"?-f :'-V V' Bist equipi.ed abBtraoter in Union county. Many yearB experiences with the Union county reoords gires me a great advaat. age. It is folly to pur chase realestate without first securing a proper abatiaot. 'Ad; abstract ' from my office will show ' the title jusi as it appears ou the official record. ). R. OLIVER, LA GRANDE, OREQJN Room 31, Sommer lidlg. i'" Notice to Creditors ' Notice Ta hereby given, that I the nndersigneri by an order of tbe lion. County Coart of Union County, Ore gon, have been appointed administrat or of tne estate of Margaret OU, de eeaeiiv And that all persons having claims BKBlnst said estate ere hereby required to present the same at id residence in Union Oounty, Oregon, within six months from ths date ut this notice. Dated at Hammervllle, Oregoa, this 2uth day of August, 1905. , OEORUE OTT, Adminlntrtor of the estate of Mar garet Ott, deceased. . NOTICE TO CR EDITORS Notice is hereby given, that I the undersigned by an order of the Uou. County Court, of Union Oounty Ore gun, have been appointed adminstra tor ol tbe estate ol Pool as Ott deceas ed. And that all "persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to prevent the same It may residence in SuuimerviUe Union County Oregon within sis months from the date of this notice.' 1 . Dated at Pumroerville, Oregon, this 2!) tu day of August, 1!M)5. UI'jntKE OTT, Administrator of the estate of foul us Ott.decsesed. .OREGON Salfiip-llWl m No t - Hall IaSs, mcr, Kt . No 1 itiOpm Worth, Oiuaba. Kan- SUain No aaa City, Ht. Ijuaia, cut- Hot fcJOa. m.eaaoud taut. . Mo m Hot - . ' Portland. Dallea Pen- , dlotoo. Wall. Wallt K liaytnn, I'mnaror, Col- ' " and pointa rm mud 'Mfm ' ' uuVa laSpokar.e FortlaiKl. Dull, fen 1leUn, Omittllla, Wal, STOft lu la, Uwi.Urti, 7'o!li, Ho Momiw, WallMG. W IM f.m. net, Miukana au J olhm D;n m imluU eat mad Buna !. vUaMpokuua No.2 WandCiiy, A Ileal, Im- Dalljez. tiler aod .m. ton- Ho SI pl n clou at Elgin w'tb Bandar ta-c lor polula la Hak- SHOsra Sa ViaiMkaao every 8t. d . r. j E. U MOOHK,IAent A L Cralr, Oen, Vim, Agent NEW SECOND j IIAP.D STORE j All kind of second hand goods bought and sold I CEO. CROUT, Prep, J 209 Fir St, bet. Adams anj Je!f.rsoa THE OXFORb D1H JAMES FARQUH ARSON, Prop. Complete aaortment of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Cold lanchea snd mixed drii.ks a specialty. Fair and impartial treatment to all. Yoa am In- f vitod to call and get acqaHlnted .. . .... . . I Blue Front Saloon 6TH0RS0N, Proprietor. '' FINEST WINES. LI0U0HS Imported aad domestic CIGARS-, Ilot or cold luach all hours Jarftnon Anna Oppoeiu Depot - Palaco SalooA CHAS, ANDERSON, Prop. ' FINS WINES, LIQUORS " AND CIGARS Always on hand m Jeflenoa Arenne Opporlte Diot e j THE LOUVRE . CHRIS WRIGHT. Prop. , FINK L1QU0R5 WIIM Gentlemen always Welcome ; Flr'Stred . - Eaglo f Sa'o n k ULRICH LOHIS. Prop. : :- . . fimi ;'.... ' '' WINES. LIQUORS and CIGARS Lunches are our "pwialty lerTeison Avenue, OppofiU depot - - - - - - SOMMER HOUSE (AFE Phone Main 6-1 ; NUP SAID feM iniiiMMiii BU Brick furnished in any quanity or any style, No contract too small or too large. See samples' of our pressed brick. GEO. KREIGEjR, La Grande, Oregon.