if ' -I i i , , ct- , jjaBg8Bssssaa HEATING STOVES AND 7 STEEL E3 RANGES ST.0V.ES J I 4.... 1 J. I! m ft ft rt 4 J V THESE COOL DAYS REMIND US THAT WINTER WILL SOON BE HERE, AND WE MUST PREPARE FOR IT. :: :: ... ' THE GOLiBEN R0LE COMPANY , In Its Hardware Department, . ";; Has a nice lot of Heaters, Pipe, Stove Boards and all other accessories necessary to make the home com fortablcduring the fall and winter nwnths. They are offering these tfnnris;: too, at E SAME LOW PRICES THAT ALWAYS RtiLE at THE GOLDEN RULE. Call and look them over and we will name prices that will interest you. :: THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY, 1308, 1310, 1312 Adams Avenue. Xiarsrest Store- Smallest Prices ik r-1" 1 1 . f LADIES' OVERCOATS We- will make op thote fine overcoat patterns into ladles' overcoats for from $24 to 132 each. These ooats are made to fit by competent .workmen and are not ordered from eastern wboleale booses. You take no chances. If they don't fit or suit we don't ask yon to take them. . SUIT CLUB WINNERS Paid Kohr . - $35 Suit New Club A! ANDREWS Haberdasher and Tailor ft Ready For Business WITH A FULL LINE OF FEED. HAY AND GRAIN We are ready to buy all kinds o bay and grain, and pay highest market prices. MV. OLIVER Slater Building FEFFERSON AVE, Mala 57. We want Potatoes and Vegetables ii We have contracted a large number o! potatoes to coast points and will make the first shipments begin ning Oct 9. To complete this order we vet need a large quantity of ttraUlass potatoes. We are paying the top market price. Eggs and Honey We have a consignment of fancy white clover Cali fornia honey whioh may be obtained at all the leading grocery, atorea. In j buying eggs ask for the Blue Mountain brand. This name guarantee's to you that they are a home prodqot, freshly laid. Price $7X0 a case of 39 doien, Oregon Produce Company Jefferson Avenue. PUBLIC SCHOOL MONTHLY REPORT The school board not Uat night with Directors Yoooe. Kllontrlck. imnhn. and Bay, 8o per In tend tot J If Martin ud Clark A U Williama present. Tba minutes a ere read and tba sunerfn- tandeut' raport lor tba paat month was read and plaead on file. The teachers' and janitor's aalarlM . allowed and a number of smaller bill audited and warrant ordered drawn for their payment. Tba dlnlomai nf Tliomaa L Williams, Alio MoKluley and Grace Swan war approred and the boldara authorized to teaoh In tba aobool. A number of minor ehanma and repairs vera ordered. A dicti.m. ary and n nnmber of nmbrella atanda ware ordered and the blackboards ordored ohanged in tba WhIU anhnnl building. 11m auparlnteadenl'a r. twirl foliowa: Enrollment, bdy. 303; girl. 4381 total 831. Number of dayatanaht. liii number of times Urdr. 49: evar.. dally attendance, IBM; number of visits oy directors, namber of visits not director, 22 number of oases of cor poral ponWbment 33. Tba enrollment for thla Tear la 831 orer 780 for the aama month laat year. iimea tardy Wis month, ii); laat year tame month, 73. DIFFICULTIES OF MEDICINES in Jaokaon, Mist , there It an .old negro who all hia life baa oouplaiuad of numeroua allmenta Mothlog pleaaee him mora loan to eipstlat on bla "mieery." One day an old employer mat the aged Jake, and tba following converse tion ananed: Wall, Jake, bow are tba headaches today, and tba liver, and tba gout In your left tootr "Thankee, Mlstah Jinkina, they'se doing putty well, thankee, ash. l'te taking a powerful lot of medicine late. If " That so, J.ket What are yon Uk log?" . Ob, I'se takia some powder far the head, aome little oil la for tba lira and some kinder etuff for degoat. Bat I elnt got maoh faith In m1leina All mah lira, aah 1'aa ben fretting myw'f to Bgure out how dem dlfferett klnda o medio! oe attain aftar you takes em Into yo' ayatam -ore peopia ougbt to be totting themselves whether or nnfc dmos wach the desired spot. Thar would Take Notice W F Headrirka h -u- ' vMaiK4 UTgV of hia photograph gallery and begin-1 In. LJ 1 A., n . . . ! i wui personally aasoma nharm. anil mill k j I I have just received mylalf "slock fi of ' Heaimg j Stoves and Steel Ranges, all sizes, and : prises in proportion If' yor are g)ing to need a Steel Range or Heater call and examine them, , THE CELEBRATED MAJESTIC .STEEL RANGE J" I also b'aVe i nice! lot of lanter'neshbt guns, lifles, "l . and mmunitipn.cL; 'vy'; 'v i MRS. T. V MURPHY, cW oa 'am 1 narawaie. enq u-ocKery. , ? I the Dremloms hare all been award. ed at the fair and the full list 'will be t. . . tin Tbe little Wallowa gitl took tba four straight beata in the relay rsoe yester day afternoon. 'For 'County Jude Elgin will - hara' 4 carididata for oonnty judge on the republican ticket. While the election is still -maov month away thing eommeneing to warm up. Elgin Recorder. IKecorders Court Fred Kiddle, farmer living nesr Summervillu. was arrested tbi alter- 000 b Miyor Blate'r fipoh thecbaYge j obstruoUag tbs tidewslk by driving lis horse and buggy thereupon, and earing the aama there after he bad e requested to " more on". Tbe aayor made tbe arrest himself and eted aa oity attorney as well aa com- lainiog witnew. Recorder 8niok posed One of flre.dollara rtpon Mr u6 1. Riddle explained that be only 1 iced hi horse upon the walk In or- tnat tbe animal might be In out of rain. Tbe offeme took plao on f atreet in front of the mayor door. ;'. r. .". ? .a ,,,, Di. nit'' 0 ha. On Willow Creek. Thuradar. ! Ooto- pr 1905, to Mr. and Mra. O R Uib. krd, a son. ' . Onions For Pickling DR SALE Small onions (of 10bnt pr gaiion, aeiiTerea io-ny part of peeity. Address 0 A Carey. Give ftreet and number. -. , , FOB-SALE A . good business chanoa i In ' Cove Oregon, bakervooufeo- suMiwy aKi . lunon room, paying f zouu year, r Un be bought for sV "few days for $1600, purchase prior include building. Cause for aell. log aiokneaa. La Grand Iovest , OMnl Co: F.Jey Hotel Blo0l( FOR 8ALB-lght choice residence 'lota (0x180 feet' also fin driving horse and road ' wagon. Prof, lien drkka, Pkone 442 Black. ' ' - f k1 , IT SMELLS GOOD hnt thlS nnthlna ftn h ..tln,. r.t. a ateak Ut for the node. ' Tbe Waldorf-Astor and oar resUa-' rant are the only one 'on earth you ran get them at. ; ' SEAT YOUR GUEST befor on of the steaks and It will bind the bargain yoo'r talkina of quiokar than anything else. Good tivera always eat at onr rataurat.O ' lou'll live longer and di haoniar by patronizing as. .-w.w Willi J.'A. Arbucklc Proprietor " OPRN DAY AND muuT Ws sell weekly (1 rn Hi Uek.su (or M J ;r ., SsC TTXrTlVTf-t -tt ' - AJ I llNlj TlJlJK S T T QR , RAINCOAT PERMISSION TO BE T0DATE MOST RE jNOBBY, UP J0M THE. IV omart 1 mates NOWNED MEN'S TOGGERY HOUSE WUKLV ' IN THE r t ' t .- .... This Label Stands fop 3 1 Years 5 !4v51 ' .-i of Knowing How ' T- - 1 I . Cf THIS fAMOUS BRAND; OF CLOTHING HAS NEVER BEEN EXHIBITED IN LA GRANDE BEFORE, and we feel assured after examination of same, combin. Ins fit and workmanship, together with popular prices, you will feel satisfied that we can give you values equal to any custom tailor for from $10 to $15 less on icago - Store i , ' 1 Til iM ' i i - (inwtm to meat bis old patrons and aa many new one. W T HENDR1UKB w