Clashed RZRnsmnurs Ktfet-one cent word, oaa-half Insertion. Gls,fid bring quick 'leal Estate Losns.'Anjr amoants on Utf and Coantry Real Ealate. Lous u'JSed promptly, a toon aa title np- V LA ORANDK INVESTMENT CO. KRfiNT-Furnlslied housekeeping m in smu oi two, three and mr. . inquire, phona black 601. URN18HED ROOMS-Corner of 8 aaa n street. Mrt Htmmoos rUK tlALE Buggy lean, fire aod sis year old, weigu 10(50 ponnda each, Address K 0 Binebsrt, Imbler, Ore. If your paper ia not delivered a you think it should be, please notify the woe and Its mistske Bill be rectified. - UKN18HED RUOMS-Nloely farnl Ibedroonia for rent. Oornar ith and main at. . 8 18 tf furnished boaaa to rent. Inquire of tt-rsZnber1, . . DEESaMAKlNG-Mra. ' Drake will 7-- tIu(i, iaitor. ejre ten. No cbart. All you need la Ufa liiissncljardstiok. Allletaona typewritten for referenne Claaa terms f 15. Call for farther partica lan at 4th and Q atreet. ; Apples For Sale Twenty ear loada of good winter apples for sale. Call or addreea tba eecretary of the Home Fruit Co., Cora iegon. . . ,;: , : d A w Sprcial Notice. ' ttotlca is hereby given that I bare com my (merest In tba lata Arm of oV Tbomsa to Fred Bock who will au all accounts due the said firm, lj'lpt lor aame. All persons ( ail themselves Indebted to same, cutb coat of attorney fees by - an Mr ock and settling at . . W. Thomas and Fred Boek. FPt? nci ncnv " - .SERVICE . -l'eA theVobooe and let oqr free de- -ioe benefit yuu. It may be vnn havA MtH luMn Inin mi. :! . e, but lhal makes no differeno. klull b just'sa pleased todelirtr thing you want as if you were our filar customer .You'll fii.d onr Ids and prioee aiisfaotory, we are ' r Red 81 . J NEWL1N DRUG CO Notice ot Final Settlement fctlce ia hereby given' that Annie las, administratrix ot the estate of lop Johns, deosaaed,' baa filed her ecconst in said estate and the ty Ooart of Union Ooncty, Oregon set Tuesday the third day of Oot- A. D. 1906, at fonr o'olock p. m. fearing the aame. Annie J oh us - , Adminlstratrl GRANDE SCHOOL OF MUSIC DF. DAY, Principle. , MRS, DAY, AmIsuaI u s or of the beat musical In- lutions In the state, and the pie of this city and valley are tuning to discover the advantage i tois sonooi. ioe system used .e latest and moat practical, and adea nil the latest dlsooverie be art of teaching nnslo. The mi is aiTioea into two depart- ita,ao. i is (or Beginners, from jars or more and are taught tbe three grades, fupils eome one f erery day. Tble Is no Kin- fsrtsn system bnt far superior. No. 9 tbe grades are from 3 to ii ere tney graduate, ropiu one or two leeaons a week as deiire. No eobolart will be bitted to remain in this aohooi do not study. bpoaitethe Foley House ore Candr Store. Phone 473. ftGfcR & KEITH CONTRACTORS Cement Sidewalks and oundation work given " irompt attention. 8 lar and Cement work a Specialty. mates cbeerfullr furn- Jl. All work guaranteed i&uu mw icoi, iUJicr furnished. fice at Foley House. wofd rach sobsequsot Try one today. ,un ""Vr-rieasantly foralehed rooms (or liiht houeskeeplnK, at, muni street. UoTlnc Picture aVaini""T"irTl oueap or trade, Call on or address. La Ursnde Pawn Broken. FOO 1 A pair of Tba aame eaa be bad by calling upon offioer Chlldersaud proving property and Wing for this notice. - HOOSB FOE 8ALK-Persons desir. ng 10 parekass sdwelllngfot remor t from where situatsd are reqaeated o aee the undersigned. J. D. Slater, Fred Taylor. FOB KENX-FarnUied rooas oppoaite Fuley hotel, over eand atnM kt ore need apply without refers noes. FORRSVT-Knrnlsbed Boom apply MJflirs u cajiton 1407, Oth St. FOR BENT Ire , room . bouse, ew. Fred Bynhorst. " Centennial hotelj; - ' watiar new Dioanmtiit. ' Board and Roooa S per week, eash. Meala 33 cU. Hpeoial ratee rornlehed monthly patrons. No. 1417 Adams Ato. Phone No. liai. . ' Mrs. W E MDROHiaON. proprleto. Engraved Stock We ore prepared to larnUb oar pat rons with tbe finest engraved cards and announcements at tbe same prloss less postage, that yoa send away for your work. Call and see oar eamplee. THE OBSERVER Notice to the Public N C Simmons has deserted the Steam Cleaning and Dyeing worke formerly conducted by 8lmmona As Harvev. and the undersigned will oondoet tbe bus iness hereafter, collect and pay all outstanding bills. First claaa work will bo done aa usual. WILLIAM HARVEY. JAKE NOTICE Phono Bd 071, Old Town atore for wood (30 daya time gln). Ohsspssi Urooerioa and Provisions In the city. New stock aed (all line of feed. Dated La Grande, Ore., duly 96. Hept 1 - E J ATKINSON ; Notice To Property Owners Notice la hereby slvan to nrnnart owners owing abada trees whose limba protraao over the side walk, that an less ssld limbs are oat off within tbe nest ten- days tbe Btrret Superintendent will trim tham and tbe expense of said trlmmlns will ba charged to toe property owner. " f red Hynnoret, Street Bupt of the olty ofLaGrsnda. Dated this twenty seventh day of September, 190S. A Daredevil Ride oftsn ends in a aed aeoldent To heal accidental Injarlea, as Bocklen's Ar nloa salvo "A deep woaed lu my foot, from an sccldsnt," writes Tbeo- Amm. U..S 1 . f ,l I MA MU 1)1 1 . 1 ' . . lufnoiuu were neip mm, uui ooaiias i Arnica saive qolok Ijr keeled it." Soothes and bntla Ill t Mir A. . . uuruw lin-v iujiu. ZOO W l?(9Wlia UfDg vutAitau s . Frightful Suffering Relieved. HnfTarinff frloKirntl r.n 11. si lent Doieone nl nnilivaatrl tnA n a Grayson, of Lola, Miss, took Dr Ring's w muw iia, Wliu ins rsnuit," ne writes, that 1 was cured ' All stomscn and bowel dlsordsrs glve wsr w "" won laiauve pro pert tee 2So at Nswlin's drag store, goarraa feed. . When yoa wish a nice juicy roast or a lender aleak, or a piece ot boiling meat or pot roaaf, jnst phone Main 43, and yoa will aoon have exactly what yoa desire. j J. BULL & CO. PhoLemain 48. Remember tbe phona ia on the directory as Boss Meat Market main 48. . MDt , result,. "NOT A SQUARE DEAL" La Grande. Ore, Sent. 20. 1905. To the Pablle:- .'At the laat resalar weetins of the City Council; Mayor Slater mede tLe frank and open charge, that be bad been Informed I bst .the Cltv Eogineer bad received Sfi 00 from one of the Contractors cons trusting oement side-walks la the City of La Grande Ore, for which, the contractor waa to be ellowrd to alight the apeoificatlona, and that lb City Engineer bad also approached another contractor and r quested money of him with ths same objeot, and that he knew of one la- alaaoa where the side walk bad been narrowed In direct violation ot the- or d'Oanee I waa present at the said meeting. emphatically denied the charges and demanded an inveetigatlon, with the result thai the Street Committee was appointed to Investigate the charges. in tnoir . investigation, the Com . wlf - ouo am davit which had any bearing on the charge ot my receiving money. It ia Itself waa purely "bear say evidence" and wovld not for moment have been ad mitted as svideoee in any court in the eonntryv 1 refer to tbe affidavit of Leaser, wherein, he stats that bis partner told htm uus morning he bad' to have (5.00 to give to me that I wsa working for them Regarding this I will say :-Even granUng, that Mr VoUw made euob a demand of bis partner; bs did It with out my knowledge or consent, aod without nay anderstandisg on my part that I waa to receive the money. I absolutely dsny that there ever wsa any understanding or agreement be tween myself sod any contractor or anon else, and Mr Votawwas par ticularly refered to I secured ths fol lowing affidavit: tate of Oregon, I County of Union. David T V Volaw, being first duly sworn, dsposee and ears; that be Is a resident of Baker County. Ore; that daring tbe Hammer months of 1906, he operated la ths City ot L Ursnd, Ore, as a oement - - . , i.,mtMWl W. w M Belts, the City Engineer; that never al any time did be make, tender, nor waa there any understanding that he wss to mat any payment, nor did tbe aid O ft Bells request any payment la ooeslderatioB of which affiant waa to bs allowed to slight spsolffiostlou provided for oement side-walks In the City of La Grande, Ore, that affiants dealinga bar at all times been re gular, honorable, and business llks with lb said UR Belts. Signed :-DT F Vo'aw. Babeoribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of Bspt 1605 F M Sax ton. . Notary Public tor Oregon. Ai will be seen Iron lbs foregoing affidavit Mr Votaw awears, that be bad no undemanding with me. What be may bav said to Mr Leaser is a matter between Mr Lesaer and him eelf. I am not responsible for all tbe slander and go nip circulated through out tbe city, neither can I atop tbe mouths of tboes who chooe to become tbe comuion carrier of suoh filth. Oos little remark, however unfound ed, is taken up by these ' burd.H petted from mouth to mouth, until, magnified by ecb tuoceteivs srsnsler, it is at last told for tbe trn.b. Tbe psrty spesklng avsrs tbst be knows it lobs a feci. When Mr Leaser wss atked "Soils nsver did approach you oo tbe subjeot o! money f 11 is snewer wss "oo.1 Hs then states thst In oos instance be wss compelled to seek the msyor in order to gel grade stakes I do not remember tbe occurence, aa I would probably pay about as much attention tj au order from Mayor Slater as tbs city council does. This muob J do rsmsmber ; I never at any time iotentioually telardsd any man's work for the rearoa that be wouldn't "dig up", and Mr Leaeer doe not stats that I brld bim up for that reason. If, Mr Leaser bad to wait for stskes; bs Waited no longer Ihsn sny other contractor. A great deal of my tims waa taken up by private bosinees, for when the rat of my com penis tioo for city work waa lowered from 110.00 s dsy to 76 cents an boor, it waa ex pressly, understood tbst lb city work was to bav eooad.ry consideration, and my private business first. Now as Msyor Sister wss pleased to bring ths matter of narrowing aide walks before lb council and leave tbe iofetecee that I waa respon ible mere- for, I will go into detail and give tbe facts in lb case. When selling stakes for tbe adjoin ing property, I discovered thst tbe eiskee set lor tbs first mentioned side wslk bsd been dirregsrded, and tbe side-walk narrowed six inches. I im sisdistely notified L D Resvis, chair man of the strsel committee, and then tbs Bon Msyor, who cams rush ing down "Charge of ths Light Bri gade" sod after storming the chsirmsn of ths street committee and myself, 1 politely told him to "colli out" tbat I was In no way responsible; thsl I bad correctly given the etskes in tbs first plsoe, and tba oily didn't deem il necessary to base me see tbst thsy were conformed to, Hence tbs result. He then rushid over to aee J M Scriber, who, la tbe "Man behind the dollars" and when be cams out be waa as subdued and meek aa you please. He next came to my office, and while there 1 atked bim what 1 should do about the aids-walk that had been uarrowed, suggesting tbst our recourse was to ordar tbe contractor to tear It outandplac ths curb where It be lorged. After whining tor a while, he said that be , dldnt want to foroe Mr Boriber to tear out the walk; that Mr Boriber waa a client of hla and he couldn't sacrifice his privets Interests, just simply couldn't aflont to do 1 and that he 'woo Id resign bla poal lion of Mayor first," regardless Ot the fact that It ia bla sworn duty , to "as wuvxoi supervision over tbe affalrsof the city." I myself do not blame Mr Scriber for oirrowiDg the walk, aa it aavss a row of trees, whose removal would un etimably damage the property. Its width is smpl and sufficient lor the travel that goes ovsr It, and It Incon veniences no ooe But, I do not like to bay Mayor Hatar continually harp ing behold ia me a worthy man," than jump the fence, call me 'nigger' forgetful ot tbe fact that his own back yard Is filthier than mine. la anawer to the other stories which were circulated throughout the city, 1 will submit tbe following affidavit Affidavit of liana Chrlstoffsrson. State of Oregon) County of Unionf "? I, liana Chrlatofferson, oetog nrst duly a-orn, sy:-l have lived In and about the City of La Grande, Oregon, for tbe psst seven years, and Sm acquainted with one O K Bells, who, during the season of iw, was city engineer for said city, ana nave Known bim sine be wss first appointed to eaid position, and during ait tne lime be waa so emnloved. .., ..... . ' . uunug wmiKi nme 1 wsa eogsged wun one Johnson, aa his psrtosr, In contracting for, and patting in cement iu w.iar, m aaia city, nnder tbe epepl float loDa prepa ed by ssld Beitz and adopted by aald eity. Tliat Mr. Sells never approached me lor money, or any other thing, or svsr received from m money or any other thing for any favor to me or to tbe firm of which I waa a member. The only money be ever received from Jhe nrm tor any purpose, to my knowledge, was tor re-setting some erada ctai.. ana my partner Informed me be paid beltx five dollar for rfolna thia wnrlr I never told anyone f hat our firm bsd ever pain or iwen reqaeated to pay to Beits any monev fnv n.ihi.o Signed :-UANS CHRIS TOFFER80N, auuwriiwi ana eworn to oeror ms tble 28th day of Sept. 1906. FBIVANHOE, Notary Publl.. inr n. (Notarial Seal) AFFIDAVIT OK 3 W KGIl'II 6lat of Oregon, i county oi union ) I, J W Ksitb. beina first dal a nrn y! I m a contractor for doing ce ment work, and bav worked as 'suoh in ths City of La Grande. nri.unn since early 0 July, of tbla year Dur ing a portion of tbla time I ... lated with olc W B Hager, a a part ner, and during all of aaid time I have been acquainted with one O R Beltz, who wsa smployed aa City Engliirer. Mr. Bsits nsver aDitroiohad m rv money for any purpose, or received money from me or my nartmr. an tu. ss 1 know or ever beard, anv mon for any par pose at all, during said time, and 1 never told to an van it any applloatlon bad been mede to either myssll or my psrtnvr for money oy neiix, or anyone fjr him, to Induce or secure favorab oonslJeratlon on hi part. In our contracts, or for an. other purpose at all. Signed: - J w Krrrru Subscribed and fWOrD to bw.fnre mat this 28th day of Sept 1905. F S 1VANHOE, (Notarial Heal) Notary Pnbllo. Bo much for tbe evidence on both aids, which, I now submit to tbs pub lie for consideration, as I couldn't get bearing with the St eet Commit! to present this evldeoos to them, be. lore a report was bandod Into the council. Pay after day I importuned Mr. Reavlr, to call the commutes oa Invretigatlon together, ani give me en opportunity to defend myislf. .This I ss not allowed to do, and tbs rsport waa type written and bended in with out my being allowed tbe privilege of tbeverie t irimlnal, that of being beard. In their report tba committee did not Bud me guil'y, neither did they id me Innocent. I am not even al lowed the ssms consideration given a mmi Id the court of law, where, a man le preeumed innocent, until proven guilty, and If not proven guilty Is de clared Innocent. But, "In view of ths charges" (not svidenoe) I sm asked for my resigna tion. IstblsjustT ( Vote: Kioliardsonjf theeorpmittee did not eign tbe report. ) At the council meeting lacked this Most Hon. Mayor's permission o ad dress tbe council, aod he stated that if there were no objections, I might proceed, which I did. I commenced by roadiug Mr. Leas er's affidavit and aUrted to follow that by Mr. Votaw's, when HlaKoysl High ness pounded the table and abootsd for ms to stop, snd absolutely refoaed to allow ms to read Mr. Votaw's aUJde. vlt. Nor wss tbe affidavit read to tbe ooonoil Cat nlhht, nor did any tnan In the council rooms hear it read, l'ot this Most Hon. Mayor, In bis. extreme worthiness, launched forth in com munis that were cowardly, considering ths fact tbst tbs contents of ths a Hi da vit had not bran made pnbllo, and be ditred not allow tbe affidavit read. fs this ths justice a man lu tbe mayor's position Is oxpeotsd to show? I do nut cars about the position of oity engineer, ss I bad another and better wit bin forty -eight hours, but 1 do demend thst my name be cleared from - . . - v . ouuhiius and calumny which has been heaped upon it Respectfully submitted, CLYDE R 8E1TZ. hit at the Cause Osteopathy tf all the aystema of healing ia unique in this respect. The revolt of the master mind of Dr Still, the founder of osteopathy. against the blind superstition and ei per iuie illation of medicine, of wblub he waa a highly honored practitioner, led him to the field of research . Torning his back on the donmss of ths past and the urisnstalned theories snd praottoeaot his day, he bcldly pro claimed CAUSE : - . "Th body la a complete machine and a ts by ths laws ot medicines; all parte are otmpleto and ths uiotivs power within therefore, the caut of disorder ia within, and lies In tbe slight displacement of bones of the spine, nbe, pelvis, eto , and In contracting muscles and ligaments." Tbla Is confirmed , by actual demonstration on oases ' ween be had replaced them and cured the dlseate thereby, be save his system to the World Th!; -htt ti.s osteopath ars nraotioina todav They are Vnittl-g at the cause." Is why they are succeeding, oIJWlONPiiCIHr .JVvjnrW s UKPABT TimeHclKdal irunu . tWtI-k.nemrr.Kt. No I No 6 aaa Clly.Ht. Louia. Uii- Mo B.Ma.m.easosuabaat. . lAim " : Purtlaad, Dal lea. Pei dleton. Vail. Wall., ImyUMi, Pumeroy, col- uid point eral ud '" uorUi rla Upokitr.e I'ortland, li.llna, 'en. illaUni, Uraxlllla, Wal- KoS ' I ll la, Uwl,Um,7'oifl, No ' aluacow, Wallace, W.r- OS p. ra. uer.HpukaiM ami oihut 8Jam poliiU euat aud Bunh l Wpokntte No. laland City, A ut, Inj. Dally - birr and Con- HoSI tl'iSlZ ;lu' Hao Pibuomou everv Ave d m. K.O. S1UUKK, A 1 Craig. Oon. Faa. Agrot Agent VISIT THE - Lewis and Claik EXPOSITION To be held at Portland, June! to Oct. 15, 1905. TAKE A, TRIP TO CALIFORNIA Through the Williamette, Umpqua and Rogue River Valleys, of Western Oregon, ' pass Mt. Shasta, througi the Sacramento Valley to thr many famous resorts on th( line of the J F-r beautifully illustrate; booklets, descriptive of Cali fornia resorts, address, ' W. R. C0MAN, Gen. Passr. Agt F.EWSEC0MD j IIAKD STORE All kind of second hand ; goods bought and sold ' CEO. GROUT, Prop. ( 20 fir Bt. bet. Adams snd Jefferson - ' THE OXFORD DdR JAMES FARQUHARSON, Prop. Complete aaaortment ot WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS j Cold lunches and mixed drinks j specialty. Fair and impartial J treatment to all. Yon are in- j vited to call and get acquainted 1 irWaajiMrWirVWrVrvvvw) MM SieetM gas ., Blue Front Saloon E. TH0RS0N, Proprietor. FINEST WINES, LIOUOKS Imported and domestic CIGARS Hot or cold lunch all hours Jeffcraoa Avnae Oppoaite Dupot f toes, ztt 'OOOOOOOOSlOOOOOOOa a Palaco Saloc a : s ' CHAS. ANDERSON, Prop. : FINK ' WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Always on hand wpporite orio r) ' roaiaaa itsu f THE LOUVRE CHRIS WRIGHT, Prop. FINK VIHES. LIQU0R5 CIQ1R5 Gentlemen always Welcome Fir Street asm Eagle Sa'jom ULRICH LOniS, Ptop. , ,; FINB ' . WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Lunches are our epnt ulty ferTsrsoe ATrmne, Opvoaiie driiut 1 SJS W3 CFJ Phone Main 61 'NUP SAID IH BRICK BHICK Brick furnished in any quanity or any style. No contract too small or too large. See samples of our pressed brick. GEO KRElGERl . lya (Irande, Oregon. i rortland. Or. A V - . i i S-'rT 1 --t .