TODAY'S NETS TODAY I!? iTjlFI? lr "li with llbl frost I Li it 1 liLil tomorrow fair end warmer. ; .--f r. if. avJawawaC VOLUME IV LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY. OREGON, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 3, 1905 NUftSEK 285 GRANDE NO TRACE OF THE TRAIN 5 t ROBBERS Thought to Have Escaped to Seattle Where They arc Now llidding DAUGHTERS OF CONFEDERACY i Sorippa New Aasocir lion Seattle, Oct. S. Mora than 20 dspu ties and sheriffs, railroad deteotivee end the Ballard police force are soar ing tb country trying to find trace cf tba bandit wbe held up the Oraat Northern passenger train near Ballard I.;: ? . ehanne ia hundred Ibat they wiil be ' raoght a the bare a good two boor start of tbair pursuer rod It ia now , believed tbat they have escaped in a beat and are rowing to Seattle wbere tbey are now hiding, though ' no tangible clew baa yet been found Sheriff Smith believes tbat there were aeven men in tbe holdup Superintendent Soott of the Great Northern eaya tbat onlr 386 wai secured, and the officers of the. company have offered a reward of $1000 (or tbe capture of the robber ' Frank Alfred and Roland Gibbs, who ! MirWHOU . u'.ul it JTrtr?.", auapeoted of being trala.robtere, were releaeed from tbe Seattle city Jail ye terday afternoon and were given an hour to leave town. It i not believed l hey oommitUd the robbery. . Brrlppa Newa Association. . San Frenolsoo, Oat 3 Tbree hand red United Deuibtera of the Confeder acy met this morning at the Palao hotel In their twelfth annual eonven tion. Governor Pardee delivered tbe addreea of weloom.. The Indie eon- rllerlog tb building of a monument at Richmond, Virginia, to the memory of Jefferson Davia at a cost ef i75,COO Mr Cornelia Branehdtone at Galvee ton ia popular candidate for prealdent For tbe next general eonveotlon , Dal lae Tata will probably be cbosin Tbe day waa spent In lghteeatng. TERRIBLE CRIME OF ROBBERS Srrlppa Newa Ataooiatlon. Lo Angeles, Oot. 3. Jules Ram baud, a Rivertlde ranob band laborer, wa robbed by band of thugs in Al ameda atreet tliis rnorolug and then placed between the rail of tbe south em Paclflo track on Alemeda and Banning itreets. When found he had been struck by an incoming train and horribly mutilated. Ilia light arm and lea were amputated . Ha regained consciousness and (old hi story, lie snld that he had 1130 when attaoked. THE COUNTY FAIR OPENED TO-DAY Stock Pens well Filled and Splendid Ex r iiibit of Fruits TNP Meeting . ' . ... ' -A '. ; , f Sorippa New Association. New York Tlie annual meettng'of tbe stock boldera of Northern Paoiflu wa held today, J P Morgan wo pra sent bat eouoonced that no importance waa to be attached to bis presence. J P Morgan Jr. wai elected . director to fill the unexpired term of Daniel 8 Lamont deceased . . '.... ) n. : a . . " , p Dryan arrives ,,- Sorippa New Association. Honolulu, Oct 3-William Jenn'ni Bryan an I lamily arrived Here fc-day on the ateanai hip Maoohoria, An en thuatatical poblie reception was tendered blin. - Several Cremated ' ' (By Hcrlpp New Aaaoeialton) Edington, W Va., Oct. S Tbe families of J Algen and Joseph Cardel It were awakened in a joint house by the intense smoke. The men leaped from tbe window calling to their wive to lower tbe childrtn to them but tbey were all suffocated and crem ated before tbey oould be i em bed. , Editor Dead ! Spanish Duel "5 Hcrlppe Newe Association. Madrid Oct 3 A telegram Iron oeloua sya that Qehei'aW Lopez ad Meoendea fought which resulted iq tbe immeliate de ith of Dial. . 8cripp New Aseooln'lon. Dee Moines, Oct 3 Richard P Olarkston who for the last half eentnry boa been editor of tbe Iowa State Register and una of the ablest men in the elate, died today Imperial - Edict ' - V. kkI.L . St Petersbnrg, Oot 3 An Imperial B'K 'edlol as issued today directing the Diaz immediate arrangements to be made for rondooting ' election ' uf an representative assembly. Want Bonds ' By Woripps New Aaeoviation Cbloatro, Oo' 3 Tb eity of Chicago today died an attidavlt in, toe i-euvrw ourtin the 01 kago Gas ll'igation declaring that O T Mills, tbe principal stri-kholder of (be P-ople's Gas compary should becompelled to aive bond In the sum ol $15 0( 0 COO to insure tbe repayment to ooosumera of 26 cent for each thousand enblo feet used alnoe the passage of tbe ordinance r!uolng tbe price of gaa from on dollar to seventy Ave oeuta aa tbe people are protected by no bond . Cabinet Mee Writ Error Asked ' Bcrlppa News Aaecolatlon. Cincinnati, Oct 3 The ttion of an error Hied by MraChadwirk I at tbe head of the calendar ol the federal oonrt 1 1 appeal for the fall term of which opena today. Tb aeeord ol the rate Ja most voluminous. PIct Discovered ricripp News Association Berlin Oct S A plot wa discovered te atart a Boer republican ' the" fouth" eaat part of German Africa Andrew Dvwvtt, iwpuww 6i tan vur - fiin'ai and many Boer were taken 'or aidlrg the Germans in conqoorlng llnreroa It i learned tbat tbey planned. to ovr throw German authority. Devett and hie prinoipal aids have boen arrestei .,:,.,a-..-. . : A NEW SHIPMENT THIS M0RMIIMG Extraordinary Values s Heavy Worsted SUITS IVIen Extra well inade and lined with extra heavy Farmer's i n liniiigs, worth $12.50 every wneie, and all the time. $io LADIES HATS! . ' LADIES' HATS! PATTERN HATS, TAILORED HATS and STREET HATS. Our Fall Shipments are all In, THE LIME IS MORE COM . ... PLETE THAN EVER, AND OUR PRICES YOU WILL FIND AS REASONABLE AS EVER :: :: :: :: noripp 0ew AssooiMlon. : Washington, Oct 3-Th firSi rablnet meeting alnoe June 2) was beliTtajay All of tie membei were presei-t ex oept Secretary Sbaw who la invirgiuia l'he meeting wa devoted almost ex clusively to bearing of the verUl ie- porta and the appointment ol un as Istant attorney general but it wa decided to with hold tbe name. Tbe 8 eretary told briefly of his trip. AFTER More GRAFTERS 8crlpps New AnooUtlon, : Palo Alto, Oot. 3 Asserahljman Ulcbaeltree. ' In Lthe grand jury inveatlgatloo In th matter of bribing legialatora to vote against the aotl prise OghMng bll,j.e(u?ea.tojtlve-tbe name of the Bbt boodlera aod aaid , that a certain paper last night offered mm oni to leu. ' i ne)' raised it to 000 au.l then to tGSO for the foil state mentard namea, all of which Mlohet tree declined, lie tart tb attitud of tbe fight bill destroyed tbe confldenoe ol bta constituents who think him guilty ol boodllng Aooordlug to statement to Proeeout log Attorney Seymour, made to secure immnal'jr from proaecntloo, , au asaemblyman I on the way I Or tell th grand jury what be knows about bomlilng. " The eizteenth annnal mreting of the Eastnro Oregon Agricultural Bo oi.ty coaimenoed this morning under lavorable oiroumetauces, Tbe psvil- lion ia op9n but the exhibit ar slow in. although there are lome of ! HuY LADIES' SUITS, No woman id Union county should feel satUGed to buy her fall suit withcut having inspected onr new garments. The suit de partment ia fall to overflow of tbe latest and moat fashionable an its in all styles, aud at the moat reasonable of pricea. ; The latest styiea iu long coat effecta from " York by express, aui t. . . 5j .DU Up LADIES' COATS. Our cost 'department has been the centre of attraction for the pact ten daya. There ia more style, more fit, and more selection at altogether small cost than elsewhere in- tbia country. New express shipment every day. A half hour's visit in our coat department will give you a peep into the most exclusive coat showing" of the fashion centres. You can do Land frauds 7 Hy -crlppi News Association Ponlund Oot 3 Federal judge Hunt this morning ortriu cd tbe demurrer in the oaee sgaiust Willard N Jones, rbaddtus t) Potter aLd Ira Wade wbo are obargtd wuh oonnpiraoy to defraud tbe government out of public laud in tbe Bllon Indian receive by ooloms tig witli old aotditr. ' Tb trial of the case proceeded this noroing devoted lo tba securing of jary. The government it lupreeenttd by district attorney Heuey and Iberie ltue by attorney Huston and fipes Secret Compact By Scripps New Association) Chicago Oot 3 Tbe 8 Pen r. burg correepoadence ol tbe Dsiiy K ct ble tbat the Csar aod Ksiaer '. tier- many bave signed a secret cvmpact relating to tbe partili D if Au 'fi in the tveot ol diaroption and dul monarchy. One exhibit and Lomeroui art exhibits. More at tention appear to be given to tbe atock exhibit. Tb stock pen are well 'filled with cHle, twine and iinep; ' Tbe rsoing program ia com- pVt and tbe array nt lot stock la oomplimentary to the racing commit. ten ... : There are about fifty runner trottets now on tbe ground and of the best (lock in the West belca preseot. This aHornoor there waa a trotting race in tbS:3t class and a rannlng race. Th program (tomorrow Include tb lad is relay race whlol( will be wsrjjily contested, and there avtlt-tMrTwA mhiiIm u & .. J uuiti Trait iiiti teKBiuumti,, two b,rnail M7l-.: Crlday will be school childrea's day fair. Th management ha at the named Friday as school children's day, and any child presenting a ticket from hi or her teacher, aeeompaaled with tea cents will be admitted te the fairgrounds. Chlldien withoet such teachei'e tlokets will be charged tweut.y five cents aa nanal. an all i j school ddldren slioutl be sure tnd ome aeture tickets from their teachers. Ban lias Fallen , Horlpp New AssoclaUon 8t Louis Oct 3 Archbishop Ulennon today Informed tbe synod of the Calhollo diocese of 8t louis that hero alter all operatio and dramatlo muaio and all paid choirs must be dlspeoaed with. Women will not be permitted to slug In obolrs Dor will . Intoxicants be allowed to be told in church feat! vala. Mo uiuney can be raited for Church " purposes without the consent of tbe or bblshop. The archbishop Hectare that ss::: Ksy" fcs rendered In choirs except Gregorian chant and these by malo voices. He will (vermit the change to he made gradually. He also order that all funeral and marriagea must be held with in as. Crowe Up Again ' (Sorlpps New Association ) Butte Oot 3 Investigation today re sulted in apiactioally poMnve identl noation ol rat Crowe, ol tbe suspect arretted lait night a tbe bauiy want ed fogitive kidnapper of millionaire Oudaby' son nl Omaha. Crowe a Ic ed the officers lo tell Ohio! ol Polne DonobueolOmiba that he wou'd re ftirn without rf q it.itioo piptira. American Honored; Byfoiippt New AaeooUtton London Oot 8 Oen Chaff 's waa given a lunohnon ted 4 by Lo'd Mayor. A few guest were ireaent, moetly studies of the American em basey, including Ambassador Ruid ncse Tragedy Sorippa News Association. fresno Oot 5 Became eh spurned hi love In tbe ab-anoe of bsr husband wbo was working in tbe vineyard out ol town, 1 Maktyams, a Japanen, with a rfl fatally shut tbe wife of hi countryman, Goto Ando this mora log in lb Japanese quarters and then killed bimet If. .The woman wa shot three litres in the preaeno of two small children. Another Investigation Borlppt News Association. Cbioago Oct 8 Judge Bathes ol lbs (edeial court this morning appoint d W O Day receiver lor E I RoseMd, ib general mausger ol Ibe Western Lite Indemnity Co, io take ebatge ol tbe personal asset and sol as oounsel lor the policy holders and asked that a Master of chancellor he appointed to question Roaefeld la isgard to opera tion of the company. ';-;;Xircuit;'Couri:; Th grand jury has returned three true bills and on not true bill, James Ursmlett was charged tilth an aasult with a daugernus .weapon and Jama Htauford, of Li' Grande, Is charge J with two Indictments tor selling liquori ti minora. Not a true bill was returned againet Rlobards, cha gad with the larceny of a bone. The forenoon wss largsly occupied with argamenla ol demurs sod the case of Tibbetts charged with, horse su-aliag Is to be tried, tbe Jary was oboten tbl forenoon. MATCHLESS CONFECTIONS i better at The . Fair an; YOUR M0MEY GOES FARTHER at The Fair Lightening Finds Oil ' Bcrlpps Newa Association. Helena Bept 3 A bolt ol lightening which struck tbe ground ter rBear Tooth mountain 20 mile north ol ure, resulted in the tfisooveiy of oil and a gas deposit, f olios iug tbe fl wh tb flame spurting op in tbe air re vealed a seepsteol gas. Grain Markets By Bcripp Nsws Association. -C hin go, Oct. 3 Tbe markets oloaed tnd ay as follows: Wheat Bi'': corn 3s?4' , oats 27ft. ' luKTLANl) MARKET . Portland. Oct. 3 -Wheat, blue- stem, 75 ; valley 73; club, 72. i IX)CAL MARKET Blasstem, 73; club 00. When you want the finest cendiea in, ibe world, rememhnr that we have litem. We are sole agents for Gunther'e tuatchleua con feet iottery. The assertmeut ia ample and includes a variety of chocolates, boa bons, etc. The price varies but purity doea not. - : ! v . , No one wants impure candies na the way to avoid them is to be guidetfby the name of the maker. "Qunther" standa for all that la excellent In candy " . '': Our stock la entirfly freh throughout. NELIN DRUG COMPANY Grande Oregon j r . Y I-