y UpSS M m ; Eggs and Honey P W bar a large consignment of stilotlj fancy White Clow comb rg Honey, on sale at all the leading groceries. r j Ask for th celebrated Jioontsln Bom brand eggs. Thee ar r, jj strictly freeh laid, the beat in the market. Price $7.-25 per oaee jj of SOdosen. jy ' " Hay and Grain Vj Here la the place to get your bay and grain. Firal class Timothy jjjjj at 110 per ton. Panoy White Oate at 1.10 per cwt. , Call and eee dj, It ooata yoa nothiug. 1 f3 . fp Just arrived a large ablpment of Una Gsloatta sacki. Nol (U ' aackt at 18.60 per hundred. No I aacka at 15 50. Call and toe B1 us. It will cost nothing. I OREGON PRODUCE GO. Sacks Sacks, Sacks rr . i m n m m M al si 1 ar m. CARPETS CARPETS The largest line of Carpets ever brought to the city. More d.::y. VT; V.zz: zzti$. y?c r- SPECIAL ON GO CARTS THIS MONTH : W. H. BOHNENKAMP, . ,: ; 'V'..'-'- - ''i.. " r :'' " ' l. Hardware and Furniture CITY BREWERY ii JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. Largest Brewing Plant in Eastern Or ego Asfc for La Grande Beer and get the Best LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE; AND SHOULD HAVE TH PkEFERENCE WE BUY I Doors Sash, Shingles .. r y Lumber and la large quantities- direct from factories and mills at a yearly contract price, and while we pay tlje lowest price, we get the best goods, and cap afford to sell at figures that others buy for, thereby giv ing our customers tha benefit of wholesale prices 1 STODDARD LUMBER CO. J I ST. LOUIS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE jj 2 LAR5EN & NORRIE, Props.: m -i -1 ... im.hamI. A.m v-r: nished day or night. Special accomodation for commercial men. Beet service guaranteed Horace boarded by day, . week or month. Ki,r. furnished for parties, funerals and picnic a. The 6 ........ II i ttia Pitv. BUSY SESSION OF CITY COUNCIL The eity oooncil held an adjourned meeting Ust nlgbt and finished op tbe basiaeet that was lets over from tbe last meeting. . Tbe street com mi ttee tooeptcd tbe re port of tbe grade established by N A fickler on Sixth street between K and h strteta. which has gltso tbe ooiumluee no and ol trouble tor many months. .The oonocil directed that ootioe ol tbe proposed grade bt published in or tbat the interested parlies hate due notice. ' ... '1 The ordinaaoe petitioned tor by Mrs Bominer to prevent wagons front in juring eement walks wu earrled over to tbe next meeting. 1 An ordinanoa was passed authoris ing a seTso foot side walk Instead of a twelve foot walk on the east side of Fi'th Irom F to Depot ttraeU The oommitlee appointed to inveati gale tbe suggestion of irregularities in tbe office ol Engineer Biets, reported tbat they bad ossde quite anextensWe sKai the evidenoe was conflicting. Tbat they bad uked for bis resignation whiob tbey banded the counoil aa a part of their report. Mr Seila, who was present, alter secur ing permission to address the council, asked lor a complete exoneration ol tbe charges of bribery,'- tbat it thb counoil saw fit to discharge him for incompetency be wonldn't object, as that would be simply a question of opinion, but in so much as be bad not been permitted to meet with tbe com mittee as a whole be bad bad no op portunity to uffer his aide ol the quet tion. Alter a few remarks tbe matter wu paased and no futtber action was taken beyond the filing of the report of the committee. . The question of purchasing the land of Mr folk qpoo wbioh - the. springs sra situated tbat tbe city is developing was freoly discussed and at the regular meeting in Ootcbtr which will be on the 4th., the mattes will dpubUcis ooma to tome definite conclusion. A tunnel ts now being run into tbe mountain, wbieh is now in about IS feet and by the next meeting it ie ex sected to be ia about 15 feet morr. The formation tbat tbey are going through now Is a olsy, and the next fotmation as ascertained by boring with an auger will be a gravel bed and an increased flow of water is expeoted to be foutul when this ia reached. However the oonnoit is convtnoea soas tbe present flaw of tbe springs it suf ficient to furnish the city abaut doable tbe present needs tor eight months in the yesr. Several bills were audited and quite a number of , minor eity affairs were considered with referenoe to tidtwalkt and street grades. . .... - -1 VVt Txrll-f-TT Id Si Our Specialty Concert Last ; Night Tbe Presbyterian obnroh vat com toiubly filled last night with an appre ciative aadienoj to listen to the reoit al givan by the chorus whiob bat been under the direction and training of Mr Frank Bridget, tnd to the eooeert given by Mr and Mrs Bridge and Mr aad Mrs Forman titer the reoitak Tbe andienea marveled at tbe pro gress made by the class, and especially at the ready ainging fay note ol tbe smaller members. The exercises given showed tbe skill and ability of Mr Bridgee aa a musical instructor and direotor. , - Ibn oonoert given by tbe Bridges company as of the highest order. Their cborut tinging it especially fine and their inimitable readings, both humorous and patbetle, found a re sponsive ebord ia. every one in (be audience. . r " Mr Bridget reading of "Good-bye Jim" was especially fine, the expres sion and rendition of wbusii Wat ex cellent. Hit humorous nadiog of "Mr Middl-rib's Bbeomatio Cure," was on the same high order. Mrs Bridges deserve! special mention for ber read ings, and Mr and Mrs Forman as singers reoeived beatty applause. When tbs Bridget company returns ir January they will find a Inge cir cle of friends and admirers to welcome them back. ' )'--'"'' ' ana Mil BRYAN TO MR ROOSEVELT , . . . i W J Bryan bat written a letter to President Roosevelt, whiob was made public Hettyt, in part; . "To President Booseveltt Permit a parting word. Yon have tbe oontest of your life before yon and 1 desire to render you all tb aetiaisnce la my power. You bate asked oo eg rets to onset a law so enlarging ths powers of tbe Interstate eommeroa commission at to permit it to fix and enforce freight rates. Tbe railroad magnates expeot to block tbe passage of tbe bill again. "Stand by your guns. Yon bave developtd a reform element in lb re publican partyt you must lead it or suffer tbe humiliation of teeing the leadertbip pas to some one lse. "Go forward. Yon owe it to yonr self tod mora than all you oat it to your country. , ' W J BRYAN.". - Why tuffer with headache, eonatipa tion. stomach, kidney and livar trouble, when Hollisier'e Rooky Mountain Tea will car yooT No moner wanted unless you or cored S3 cents, Tea.v Tablet. Nawlia rug Co, , - . . Holllster'a Hocky Mount-J Tea oevar fail t too tb stomaoh,' rgw late the kldnyt, ttimnlat th liver and rlans tb blood. A great toole and Diuacle producing remedy. 3S ceots, Tea.or Tablets. Nwlin Drug uo. Sagebrush Perfume Tb much despised sagebrush may be a bleating in disguise abd Idaho may be one ol tbe wealthiest atatee in th west. It the dieoovery ol a Baker City, Or. , man is found to be feasible.' N S ' Imbaus ! Baker, a French toientitt who is In Oregon at manager of the Flagstaff mine in Maker oounty, . owned by a syndicate of Faritlana, hat discovered and patented a process whereby com moo sagebrush ean be utilized to make ptper and to provide an oil to be need as the basis for blah grade perfumes In the mak ing of perfumes a b.slc oil it used which it very expensive tnd only a small per eent of th essence for which th perfume it named it added to give it tb required odor. Statesman LA GRANDE One day only Monday, Nov. 9 THE GREAT Flo to Shows CIRCUS BEAUTIFUL AID KiMHOTH HEtUGERIE To Dazzle America's miluons WITH THE StH-ENOOR OF THE ORIENT Rev $100,000 Awe-Inspiring, Gorgeous MYSTERIOUS MM (00 PwfMMfi lis) PMpAt) ftprtMit ?Ls&a tsrcZf VJ tWMaMSftn f SwS st ll,tortl n ClrW- Is lMBll(. SSlMlItt anM mi tlttt t UK. Mlwtsrsrtklislttlsnf. tit Iss sT la m4 tarln Satasla M tkmt Is SIMM. lltaMSritsortifattls. SrillM Ctrtl sf SdS sat nMk, mm SiUMki t KW iltt itrnf snlM. WHILE OTHER DEALERS j ; - TALK PRICE. IXT- ' we talk quality 'a'nd price ', ' J - --i . ,f ', 'ill ' ' A man mav forget what he paid for his clothes, but he'll never, forget" how thej looked, how they fitted, and how. -they. wore. Our faultiest clothing saves, men paying ' mad to order prices and the unpleasant' feeling of wear log the ordinary ready-made. Yes, we"ll i be ready to . ll ow you any day. J v ; a t: 1 -tit Ji-i .tSB iAiJ BROS, CLOTHIERS AND HABERDASHF.RS. rii AillilSlsliiiAiiilAiiAiljntliimA ,i S; ft 4 E N G R-A VE D " The Observer is in a position to offer tt its patrons a splendid line oi engraved Visiting Oar da, Wedding Announcements and At Home 'Cards at prices junt, tbe eame as you send away only we pay the; postage. Call on us and look &t our samples " THESE ARE OUR PRICES: . V English Script cards, per 100.. V2.00 'I . French Script, very latest, pef 100. . . . .$3.00 Shaded Old Eoglish, per 100.. 13 50 . Roman, 100 cards.. $3.00 "Solid Old English, 100 cards.... .. j... $3.00 (3othic, 100 cards...... ..;... .......;$250( Printing future orders from any copper plate, 60 cards 75o., 100 cards,. .... .$2.00 Wedding Iuvitations from $8.00 a 100 to $24.00 a loo..." . y ' ;:r-;r- i Besides taking orders for engraved stock, We , are prepared to print all the : above ; in the. late&t type feces. Call on us before ordering. . THE OBSERVER . i.u. ... a it ai i . IimwC (aiS.atlai. ' StcaaaHahW, SiMtlfvl, . litMMSSracaMStftUa laaciai Slil. FALU" AND ' WINTER MILLINERY Pretty Polo - Turbans Tricornes, Smart ; Sailors", Handsome Large Hats, an endless "variety of Caps, .ornamental Gmbs, Etc. ;E M WELLMAN & OP ;f ; Xa Grande - Qresron A Cnm4 rra OutoM CihlMtlan mm ths Clrtwa toeewts ImaMdialalr attar tbe Monster Street Parade Every Henri) at 1 0 'look. 0 In Pirtorainco Dalit. 2 ltd 8 P. U. , oooaa oven one hour earuer Admission, Children, 25 cents Adults, 50 cents . J. L MARS, Contractor and Builder Dealer in Building Material. La Grande, Oregon Drop a line, naming work, and I vril give tb right prio. r"JLLI3TEiV! V .lacky, MouMtain Tea Nuogctf ' ' A Suf sttdlrfus fbr Boy Faoslt. '' Bilaga Ooldto BasJtk sad Rsacwtd Vigor. ' A awvino fYrC!ontittntlAn. InlpWIm. t.l stil M'lii'T TrriililH, PimplM, Kcimn. I'pi' BUwd, Bwl Brmth, Wiwslh Bowcla, Hwl ami liaekx-rm. 11'aK.x-ky Mimlnli T In " kt form, SA cnt m box. (IrnulnB mntla . HiikLurrm Dmva Cohiakt, Mwli.n. Wis. C0LDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PE0PI 1 Ml