v CLASSIFIED ; DVCRTlSMPrs Betes One esnt word, oaa-hall a insertion. ClatsiBed ads bring qaick iisal Estate Loans, Any amoaats on City and Country Baal Estate. Lout o.osed promptly, a toon as title ep- (.rorsd. LA. GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. K;K RENT Furnished housekeepinj rooms In anlta of two, three and v lour, Inquire, pbona black COL run bale. Horse and bungy, or will aell separately. Foor year old Baymont mare, will tail for 174 caih J E Coffey barber abop. FUR SALE Boggy tern, 6veand six year old, weigh 1050 pounds eaeb. Address F Q Binebsrt, Imbler, Ore. If your paper Is not delivered as yoa I Link itshoald be, please notify tbe Uioe and tbe mistake will be rectified. a U BN18HED EoOJlS-Nleely furni shed rooms . lot rent. Uurner Atb slid main st. , 8-18 tf Furnlibed boos to rent. Inquire of i-rsZubsr, . . .,. AddIcs for Sale v ' ' ' " r; v ... .... Twenty ear loads of good winter apples (or sale. (Jail or address tbe secretary of the Borne Fruit Co., Core flagon. '"" ' d & w Notloe Is hereby given that I bars nl 1 all ni Infaraat In tha lata Arm of itock 4 Thomas to Fred Book wbo will collect all accounts dua the said firm, and reoelpt for time. : All persona knowing tbsmeelves Indebted to same, ill save tbe coat of attorney fees by tailing apon Mr ock' and settling at ' Min. . ft U7 Thnmaaanil ftmA Rnnfe-. '., " ,Bg-gBg-- Distant Customers It's hot necessary for yoa to be right in town to be benefited by oor aoellent drag store service, for ws liave provl d for tbe dlitant ones by inauguratiu ; a mail ordsr system, lbs only way r you to Judge what a a k.i. ill 1 A . . i vvu foyrauuw vaaaas u a- w w ta ae wv try It. You'll be pleased with the prompt uses with which your orders are filled and yoa ran no risk, lor ws guarantee everything and refand tbe money If on are not satisfied. ; NEWLLN DBTJQ CO. Notice of Final Settlement Notice la hereby given that Annie Johns, administratrix of tha aetata of Uisbop Johns, deosaaed, baa filed bar r tinal account in said aataU and the county Coart of Union Ooaety, Oregon na set Tuesday tbe third day of Oot- f ober, A. D. 1906, at four o'oloek p. m. ' for bearing the urns. Annie Johns' ' Administratrix LA GRANDE SQiOOL OF MUSIC PROF. DAY, Principle. ftRSt DAT AmmUm This s ono of tbe best mneleal la stitotlons in the state, and tbs ale of this city snd valley are anion to discover the advantag es of tbis school. The system assd ie He latest and most practical, and inoinaes an wo hmh bwwwh I. tk mwt ttt tjua.tMri BinaiA. Tha school is divided into two depart mental DO. a laior Degiuiwra, iih & yeara or more aod are taught tbe . . . . a. ! 1 - nrst three grsats. rapua wwa w hoar every day. Tbla is ao Kln Jergarteo system but far superior. In No. 3 tbs trades are from to 15. Hera they graduate. Pupils take one or two laeeons a week as they dealra. No scholars will be permitted to remain in this school wto do not study. , OppoeiU the Foley Bouse ova tha Candv Store. Pbona 473. Imager & keith CONTRACTORS Cement Sidewalki and Foundation work ven prompt attention. Cellar and Cement work i Specialty. Estimates cheerfully fam ished. All work guaranteed to atand the teat. Refer ence furnished. : uj umce at roioy uouao. mi a word rech aabsequeat results. Try on today. LOST Pocket book eoatainlof $5 and oa a due bill on Osddes Bret for $15. Reward for return to this office FOB BOr-PleaaanUT ftarnlshed rooms for light bonsakaenlng, at, 1617 Fourth street. . . : Moving Plctar M"aBa" foV"Mle aheap or trade, Call oa or address. La Urande Pawn Brokers. FOUM-A pair of ehspe. Tbe same eaa be had by eelling epoa officer Ghilderi and proving property and paying lor this notice. . HOUSK FOR AXE Persons deeir lag to porekaas ad walling for remov al from whore situated are reqasstod to see the oadarslgasd. J. D. BUter, Fred Taylor. Centennial Hotel ; . TJader new management. Board and Boom IS per week, aash. Meals as eta. Hpaolal rates taraiahed monthly patrons. No. 1117 Adama Are. Phone No. 1181. Mrs. W K MOROHiaOlf. proprieto. Engraved Stock j We are prepared to farnlah oar pat rons with tha flaeet engraved oards and aaaoaaoamsata at tha same prtoee leaa postage, that yoa asnd away for your work. Call and sea oar samples. TUK 088EBVEB Boarding and Rooms , People 'visiting Portland fair and wanting good board and rooms at raat oaabls prices, call oaor addrssa Mrs. M Bartholomew, 850 Dixom street. Portland Aagnat TAKE NOTICE Phono Bad 071, Old Town store for wood (30 days time given). Cheapest Urooerles and Provisions la tbe . city. New stock and full Una of feed. Dated La Grande, Ore., jaly 98. Hept 1 K J ATKINSON When 70a viah a nice juicy rout or a tender steak, or piece , of boiling meat or pot roast, just phone Main 48, and yoa will soon have exactly what you detire. J. bull a CO. Phone main 48. Remember the phone ia on the directory at Boat Meat Market main 48. Smith Repairs Umb Agent Underwood . Typewriters. CKEAMEatlT BULOING BRICK BRICK Briek furnished in any quanityor any atyla. No contract loo email or too large. See tamplee of onr pressed brick. . t .. GEO. KREIGEJR. ' La Grande. Oregon, Convict Escapes Esse, Stpt 2? JM Rtail, a riot aader sentence of 13 yeara for at tempt to murder eommittad several months ago oa a frslgbt train betweee Trae.ee, Oal ., and this oity, escaped from the state penitentiary at Carsoa today by allmbiog a water pipe and scaling tha walla while the guard being ehanged. He was gooe half aa boor before kie absence waa discovered. Several guards and lndlaa trailers Immediately started in partuit bat Bead has thus far kept oat of sight. Tha trail has been followed as far as Gleawood, a station oa Lake Taboo. Iha coavlet is headsd toward Troekes, where It la thought he will be asptarad. Be la still wearing tbs eoaviet garb and so far aa known Is anarmed. 1 7" Equitable Deposits By SerippeNewe Association) . Now fork, Bept 23-Tha Equitable Ufa Go's deposits Is tha subject of in quiry by tha Investigating committee. Tha Equitabls's clerk of the financial department ie on the stand. , Dead Under Sawiog Hood River, Or, 8ept 18-Joha 0 McCoy, formerly an engineer on the OEtN and making bis horns In Portland, bat lately a memterof the firm of MoCoy k Thomas, of White Maim on, wae odmimmhwu wm log, which hed fallen acrota him, Monday. It devoloped today that no bones were broken, and it Is sappoeed if help bad bee a near his Ufa would have been saved. . CAP.DY Now Is the think about candy your : time to the sort Children have been eating If yoa buy candy from SELDER You need not worry about it, for our candy is made . upon scientific principrls and it is all pure. A trial order wil eontince yoa as" to its ; merit. SELDER, Jv i , . v Man CATARRH A UNIVERSAL DISEASE Catarrh usually begins "with a cold in tha head, but does not stop there. The mucous membranes all become inflamed and secrete a filthy, unhealthy matter which ia abaorbed or the blood and dis tributed to all parts of the body. The patient is then continually hawking and spitting, the nose ia atopped up, the ears have a ringing or buzzing noise. I the throat becomes sore, and as the nn- acaJiny dwkt dur inurougui miu rates the blood a general feeling of des pondency takes possession of the system. a u4& u,m lvt ,mn i vu .an. and Be man could har. been worn, I trie- arrthina I eould hear of, out no aood raaaltd. I then' baaan 0. 0. a.. anA eould ae. a little Improvement from the first abort wl bottle, ana arter taaing- it waa aarad. Thia waa aix yaa ra esro. ana I am aa well today aa anj uu, I think Catarrh ia a blood dia and I am aa well today aa any aaaa.and know there ia nothina on earth batter for the blood than a. B. S. Mo- body think, more oia. a. than I do. r, attea. aa. aaisua, Local appl icattona can sot curs Catarrh, because ther do not reach the seat of the trouble. Tbey allay the inflammation and temporarily relieve the disease, but as soon ae they are left off the trouble re turns. The ' Only way to cure Catarrh ia to treat it through the blood. 8, S. 8. soon clears the blood of all Catarrhal matter and tmrgee it of all irritating poison, checks further progiese of the trouble and com pletely cures the disease. S. 8. 8. keeps ineoioouinper fectorderaothat it can eliminate from the system all waste matter that will pro- rUR-LY VEGETABLE. dce Catarrh. Nothing equals thia great vegetable remedy in tha cure of thia disease. Write for our book and any medical advice you wish . We make no charge for either. ,( ' . THE SWIFT SPECIFIC C0 Atlasfa, 6a. IncrcdibU Brutality It woald have been lnoredib!e brutality if Uaaa. F Lemberger, of iyracues, N T., bad not done the beet be eould for hie suffering son, "My boy," he says, "out a tearful gash aver Bis aye, ao I applied backien'a rnlea Salve, whion quickly berled It and aarad bU eye." Good for borne and Meats too. OwlySSo at Nswlla Drag Oo. drug store. Officers Ekcted Portiacd, Eaot, JS-AeDoal meeUnga Spokane Union Deeot company were held today at the office of W W Cotton. The following were electee directors of the railroad oompany : E B rJarrlman, R 8 Lovett, W D Cornleb, Maxwell Erarta, W L Bull, Otto Eahn of New fork, W Cotton, F F Oonner.Jamea G Wilson, J P O'Brien, H 3 Stirling, K B Miller, V B LiUenberg, William Crooks and W O Skinner, Portland. The officers for the snsulng year are President and chairman of tba board, S HUarrima;vlce pre.in.nt, William D Corniab J vice president and ganeral manager, 1 P O'Brien ; . couneel, B 8 Lovett; aeoretary and general attorney W W Cotton; aaaistant seoreUries, Alat Millar and Joaeph Uelleni tr.aa arer, t V S Crosby ; aaaistant treasur er, John W Neakirk) georral auditor, blrastua young, Omaha; auditor, II, J Stirling; controller, William Mahl; aaaistant controller, 11 8 Bradt Five Men Sentenced Granta Para Ore Bept 28 Judge Haane Tuesday ssnteooed live man to tbs penitentiary. Tbree of them, Ben O'Neal, JC1 Roes and Ed T Berry were given Ave yean eaeb. They were tbe men 1 wbo robbed ' MoCroskey's ' dry goods esers aod pawned the articles in Cottage Grove. Tbe other two, Wil liam Kotbwell were, given, three years eaob. : Tbey took a grip from tbe d pot whion a traveling man bad set down lor a few minutes. ... . ..! ' -'i i 1 l'l r! rtt ,: ' ' . Great Floto Shows Tbete is certainly' no' traveling en tertainment in America, perhaps ia the world, whioh presents exhibitions so railed, so attraotive and so multi tudinous as do the Great Floto Shows. einoe tne pays oi JNoan a mors com plete tneusgsria baa never been seen. I Tiaditiona), poetio and enchanting eoeneo' never before iqualled or wit-' nsssad in the gorgeous historical speo tsole, "Mysterious ladle." Ev ry set In the monster jrogram is a revoUttoo ' to tbs beholder, The finest rptiimens or horse-flesh in tbe world, tbe high est aerialistt in the circus profession , tba champion riders botb male and fe male, ; tbe finest aprcimoua of tbe cutest ponies ia the world, tbs grand- set specialties sver eabibited; the fun niest clowns on eailh are with tbe Oteat Floto Sbowa., La Grands October it. John Hair, a juatlce of lbs pesos Uving near Coital, Wash, has been arretted . He was found In possession of a trunk snd veliua In which were paoksd 150 prairie oblok.ns which it ia claimed be waa taking' to Daven port's restaurant Spokane. ; Stoves Put Up r Ws make a specialty of patting op stoves All stoves pot by us ars set op In first olass shape. Pipe, elbows and aino can be famished. La Qrande Plumbing and Lieating Oompany, Wssuington Ave. , ; Notice To Prop rty Owners Notlcs Is hereby given" to property owners owing shads trees whoss limbs srotrode ovsr tba side wslk, that on lass said limbs are oat off within tbs next ten dars thai Street 8aperlntendeal will trim theni and tba sxpenss of said trimming ' will be charged to the property owners. ' Kred Bynhorst, Street Snpt ot the oity oi i-s Grande. ' ' ! " ' .' " . Dated this twenty seventh day September. 1906. - - - - - or D. H. STEWARD, MiimMNUHiiiHiiuiiiiiiiuiiiniiiiuiininiininiHmiiHiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' ' Tbe Sociely Event of the Season : ( , t i j ' One Night! ' ..''.:,.. ; .... Wednesday, Wctobcr 4tH ; ' Isidore Whitmark's Comedy Opera ;;; .;,.,. THE CHAPERONS Comedians, Scenery New uosiumes, unorus and Everything 24 MUSICAL IMUMBERS 24 ; i . Everyone a Gem : I "The Best Moticat Comedy , : 6ee and hear the latest New York Song hit : i "THE WHOLE DAM M FAMILY." ' ' Pricei 11.50, $1.00, 75c and 50c. Seat sale opens Monday -; p at v m at van liaren's . F---s--ea -t-a-a-a sma a ajs Notice to the Public N U Simmons baa deaerted tbs Bteam conducted by Plmmooa & "Harvey, and tbe undertigoed will oondaot tb. bue Ineai hereafter. 1 oollert and pay all outstanding bills. First class work will be doue as usual. . WILLIAM HARVEV". DRESSMAKING Mre. Drake will teaob yoa dreasmaklng, tailor sys tem. No chart. All you need ia ' tare Hue and yard stick. All lesaona typewritten for reference Clase . terma $15. , Call for farther particu lars at alh and Q street. . : - . A Remedy Without a Peer. "1 find Chamberlain's tomaob and Liver Tablet -more Jenerloial than any other romidy ' l e?r used lor stomach trouble, " eays J P. Elote, of l.Jiua Mo. Kor any disorder of the rtoiuarh, biliooanese or constipation tbeie Tablete are without a peer, for ctle by Nowlin PfugCoj. , J. R, :i OLIVER, v UNION flOUNTV ' ABSTRACTS -, Farm Loans a Spcclaltyj Best equipi ed abstracter -rin-. Union OMiiuty. , Mauy years experiences with tbe Union county records gives me a great advant age.' It is folly to ' pur-' chase realcstate without , first ' securing a proper ; ubstmct, Aa abstraot from my ofBce will show the title just as it appears ' ou the official , record. j. R. ' OLIVER, LA GRANDE, OREQJN Room, 81, Eommer Bdlg.j, GROCERIES f ROM THIS STORE ARE ALWAYS MCE " AND FRESH': Seasonable ioods as well as Staples always .on band j, j . j v;--; QEODEBRlf North Fir Street I r - urB":'' ' J-'WERA'-1 HOUSED Proprietor and Mar Music, Songs, Faces Mechanical and Electrical Effects 1 Ever Wrilteo.'iN. Y.JIer.Id - ima. a a . - aeaeeoe f.EW :SEC0MD HAND STORE All kind of second Laud goods bought and sold 1 CEO. CRGUT, Prep, UV Kir tit, bet. Adams anJ JrterscQ l : THE ' 0XFOR0 PIRf JAMES FARQUflARJOM, Prop; Complet. -Morttnent of c -WINES, LIQUORS ( AND CIGARS Cold laocbes and mixed .dru;ks J a specialty. Fair and iuipartlul i treatmeht to all.', fou are in- Vltad to call and get aoqaatiiUd $ rwti Blue Front Saloon ; ? I & THORSOnC Propridor. VIKEST i Y1INJ, jjivuuno Imported and ' domcstio Hot or cold lunch all honrs Jfefferaoa Aunaa OpponlwDeixH aa a .' W..;, v.i'- PalacoSalora CHAS. ANDERSON. Prop. ... ;A fin' . WINES, IIQU0RS ; ' ' AND CIGARS y ; Always on hand e ''I...?""'.? s . e jeasraoo avsnae w : THE LOUVRE CHRIS WRIGHT, Prop. L LWIHUS. LIQU0ft5 CIQIR5 tjentltmcn tlwayi Wclcom MiS31fcgita1J5!5H5SPla5i5H' Eaglo ,:Sa!oi)n ; ILRJCH LOHIS, Ptop. WINES, LIQUORS ? a and CIGARS , Lnuches are our specialty r ' - -,. , IctTarsoa JL venue, Oppontatlrpat -Ml t SQMMER JjOUSE Qm. , Phone Main 6-1 ' ( . f 'NUF SAID taaaai Oaii't you rat, sleep or work? I ilvert Uollietsr'a i Kooky Mounti Tea makes rloH, red blood, git streaiith and healtn. . t'mes when otbarefail. No onre no pay, .15 on Tea or Tablete.- Newlin Urng Co URIC Acir In the blood causes Klu matism.SciaticaXunibai Neuralgia and Gout. Y can remove the cause wearing one of our , ' REX .1 RHEUMATIC RINGS ! Mamifartuta by rha tn Rhruni klnf Co.. Harttwd, C.":UcM Paicc$2,00 . ' txv! J. R. SMITH, a e t y t