La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 28, 1905, Image 1

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    ivn i pnnn . . .
L I II U ll roow"t i;ooier Toniett
iJulliijil Tomorrow Fair.
VOI I IMF rv 1
Jury Brings in Verdict After Being Out
Seven Hours -Jones Trial Then
Binder Hermann's.
'.,,.. By Scrlpp Newe Association . ' '
Portland Sept !8 "Guilty ss cb.rged In the indictment,"' tu the verdict
' wbea the jury filed ia after being oat Id the Williamson Van Gsgner Biggs ease
in this city, seven bour John Newton Williamson, representative in con
P" tiom Oregon, Dr Van Goaner, bia partner, and Marion E Bigca, thi ir
friend and United gtetee Commissioner for tbe general land offlot at Prioevi le
bare beta declared guilty of tbe crime of eooaptraoy to suborn perjury , and
have been tbrowo upon tbe leniency of the court by reaaun of their previous
good character. The erdiot wee returned at 11 o'clock lam night At 10
o'oloeki after being out six bonra, tbe first ballot stood 11 for cooviction and
one lift equitulvvv.'V-;,!A '-X. :-VX. . "
Tbe delendente here made motion for anew trial.
"Portland Sept 28 The federal 'grand
jury tbia arte noon retained investi
gation In the Oregon land fraude.
On Monday tbe trial of W N Jooee
and otbert for alleged franda In re
lation to tbe fillet reeerve, will be
gin before Judge Hunt and following
. kbit oaet will come the trial of Con
greetmea Blnger Hermann '
Carter Explains
Scrlpp News Association.
Chios go, Fept M Carter tpent the
mnrnlng explaining tbe dlapoeltlon of
tbe government money In ibe con
atraotlon of tbe eoatheru works and
bow large euma came to be paid to
persons' wboee connection! were on
certain and admitted that than waa
misleading entrlee on tba oheck b'ok
ttabt. '
f "J. V f
yx A-
Shaw's Methcd
Scrip, Newt Aetociation
Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. a.Seare
tary of tbe Treaaory Shaw delivered ah
addra to the Ohio Bankert Aaaocia.
tloa thla afternoon on tbe proposed
remedy for tbe non alaatioety of tbe
curreooy. Ht staled That none of
tbe toggtatad remedies appeal to me
ao strongly at sn authorisation of ad
ditional national bank circulation
method, which Involves tbe right of
""""i tm W MKmw ww eir
eolation to an amount, ay fifty par
cent of the outstanding volume of gov
ernment bonds la circulation which
tbe bank should pay a tax of fire or
six per rentdiirlngtbelrmalntalBonee.
Tba government' consideration of
the Us would be a guarantee of tbelr
redemption. This U t ba-ueed In
eaaa of an emergency. Thla method
would hot advertise the xietence of
the emergency because it would put
no new kind of currency la circulation."
Congressman J. N. Wlllmaon
General Stricken
- Sorlppt Newe Association
Moscow Sept .28 Osoeral Stoeeeel
has auOered a stroke of paralyela
which teemt to effeot h'a ant Ira tuft
Ide and hia reoorerv is emalderei
very doubtful. ; . s
Formal Agreement
BySorippt Newe AwocUtion
Paris Hept 28 The formal agreement
between German and Fr
Morrocoan altuatlon iii " alguaj tbla
afternoou. - ,
Livesley Sells Hops
(alem. Ore. Beet 28 The laromt
transfer of bops made so far thla sea
son was yesterday, when Jo Usrrla
purobased 300 balee of Tom Llversley
at U cents per pound..
Extraordinary Values
Men's Heavy Worsted
Extra well made find Hoed with eitra heary Farmer's
a1 in lininoe ' nrnrtVi 119 RO Airan.-
.... ,VIjr
wuere, and all tbe time......,..;..
Our rail Shipments are all InV'THC LINE IS MORE C0M
No woman in Union ' county should feel
satisfied to bny her fall suit without baviug
inspected our new garments. The suit de
partment ia full to overflow of the latest and
moat fashionable suits in all styles, and at
the most reasonable of prices. The latest
styles in long coat effects from '
N'W York by express, suit. . . y Oil UP
Oar coat department Las been the centre of
attraction for the past fen days. There is
more style, more fit, and more selection at
altogether small cost than elsewhere in this
country. New express shipments every day.
A half hour's visit iu our coat department
will give yon a peep into the moat exclusive
coat showings of tbe fashion centres. '
You can do
better at'
The Fair
The Fair
Certificates Cancelled
Belem Ore nt 26 -Crtl of
sslafora tata! o! 20,000 acres of ttate
etnooi lard have been canceled In the
lst few week, because la tbe
lapse of raymeota within tbe te
qeired time. Of thla aggregate a
moont of land, 7000 toree la fn the
limit of tbe proposed Blue Mnnntal It
foreet reserve, and acoordlng to the
ruling of the Department of tbe Inter
lor. the atate will be able to nan tha
end as baas fur tba selection ..f II.,.
ineorlsloal DBrohunr. nf ih
bare forfeited tbe payments made, a-
eunung probabir to 110.000 hr ma
and tbe atate bat the land tn m
gain Much of tbe land outaid th .
serve will probably not be salable for
eome lime, et the atate lua raised tbe
price to 12,60 an acre. The 7030 aoree
maiae the reserve should and a mar
i or iieo ina. It j a
A large proportion of tha pari
ea tba'. bava been canceled were among
meee secured by violet loo of the law
governlog the pn chase of aute school
trii oB oi land Irsixl oua
bst scared many of the holders of eer
uucaiee iiaudulently eeotiod. and
they have thought best q ietly to
d-op tba wbole transaction forfeit
what they have paid and le' ilie state
aeepiba land.
Tbe certifloates wre Issued to ' lom
miss or middlemen, and tim rnrH.
ao rot show who the purchaser were,
out it la understood ammir h..
amlllar with puUio land affiire that
eome of the men eb hmhun in
dloteJ in tbe Federal land fraud caaea
engineered tbe deals by which the
lands covered by these certifloates
w re secured. Pavmaata f 9fi ami
75 wnta an acre bad been made.
ine department of the luterlor has
announced that It will not
Individual WOO boniht the mrUnml
lauos l aside the aeserv to use them
lor Ibe selection of other land. Their
greatest value tt the purvhaeert aa
rbarefore gone, and for that r.nn
St.. l.a J a. a.
uw uuiuera or EjTja rarf iRatAai .
uvoiwi FVI aw
rody to ck out of ft bad deal.
Food May be Short
lily Hcripps New Aaaoolalton)
Jnneau, Alaska, fiept. 28. Advtoea
from Nome lail to confirm the reported
lood shortage bat I the lata ateamere
ai onabls to'handle tba freight cn
tbedooka at Seattle It Is probable that
it will sesult lu a shortage of supplies
and the pilot will be raised on every
thing exoeptfuel.
This Is tbe only real shortase thia
summer, properties at Fairiianka .
closing; ea they are unable to operate,
ana ine owners are getting out before
tbe loe runt on the Youkon rlvr tt
ia cold there nlgbts and It Is feararl
that tba odd will lower the river varlw
this winter. Most of tha big minere
ooming op the river via Dawson and
Skagway bond tbelr dost to tbe San
Franolsco mint ' before ffolflif nwar
Canadian territoiy to Seattle
is a Candidate
Salem, Or, Pept 29 Uoveranr fh.,n.
berlaln aald tbia morning, wb n naked
If it waa hit Intention fo bannma a
candidate for tbe democrats nomi.i..
tlon for governor at the primary elec
tion next April, that he waa nnt .
candidate In tha aanae that h. ...
seeking tbe office, and tbat ha w not
a candidate in that eenee four years
ago, but that he realized now, at he
did then, that, if tbe nomination came
to blm practically aa tbe unanimous
with of bit follow democrate, be oonld
not refute to accept it.
Mountain Split
ScrlpptNewt Association.
Rome, 8ept 28-The Pietra Calor.dia
mountain wos split todsy by an earth
qnake which tbreatent the city of
Al!o and tbe Inhabitants are fleeing
(Soripps News Association)
Pttteburg, Seot 28 Tha Rt.nH.,
Oil Co today advanced all gradea of
oil five eenta per gallon In the eest
and two eenta per gallon la the weet.
Renews Attack
Kcrlppo Newt Aeeoclatlon,
Tetrolt Sept S8-Major Louis Bea
ment renewed bt attaok of the medl.
oal section of tbe war department in
a paper today and reviewed the Jap
anese vtctoriea and oontraated the
preparedness of Japan to thla count rj
and declared tbat the medical men of
Japan's srmy woo the vlotory. fie
eald dieease w.e not goeeeed at by
the Japaneee aa waa the caee in Ooba,
Hhllliplaet and in South Africa and
conoluded by declaring tbat until the
American lino officers taught tbe
necessity 0( eaaltation and the medical
olBoera were given the rark of author
ity to euloroc the medical depar ment,
It would remain a humiliating failure.
Sues for Divorce
By 8crippe News issooUtion
Cleveland, Kept 28-Mrs Mary ' A
Clark todsy fliod salt for a divorce
from William Clark, a aon of tbe late
Jamee Clark, the oil magnate and at
one time a partner of John D Rook.
felUr. Kite alleges desertion and
charge that bar husband la - living,
wim auoiner woman at takerfleld.
ON 1
' Py Horippa Newt Aeeoclatlon
New Fork, N. Y , September IS,
Perkine Is on tha rack today and ia
being mercilessly qnestiouad Be wee
asked regarding tba sal of the St
Louie terminal bonds aad requested to
show the book of the Morgan firm bnt
he declined, Uagbee Instated and"
Securities Stolen
Sorlpp Nee Association
New York, 6ept 28-Beoo.riMes
a present market valne of .
hundred thoueand dollar, were stolen
rrom wall atreet according to an an
nouuoemem made this afternoon. The
name of tbe losing firm It unannounced
a an effort It being made to arrest
pertont attempting to dIspoeof them.
Stole $KW)0
lty Hcripps New Association
Harrishorg .ptS8 The Urgi eafe
ol O r Buruett 4 gone in tbe hank at
Eldorado waa dynamited tbie morning
about eight o'clock, and ten thousand
dollars in ourrency wat stolen. Tbs
ehols awakened the clthens but the
desperadoes made their escape.
Push Club
Srripp New Association.
Rsoine Wit 8ept 28 H.lvar J.CoK
son of Sao Frenclid and Ivar Kirke.
gard of thia city with other leaden
at a meeting here today orgenijs-d the
uanisn wooiety of America to nromou
tbe commercial and literary nUiions
betwien tba two oountri.
Air Ship Flight
(ScrlpptNewt Association.)
Cnic.go Sept 28 Kcabensho msda
a very successful flight In bit eir sl ip
today and returned to the exact start.
(ng poioi. His maohine waa in nerfart
oontrol at ell timet.
Six New Cases
Sorlppt Newe Association.
New Orleans 8pt 28-Un to neon
todiy tbcre btve been e' new nf
yellow fever reported and two deaths.
Perklna evaded Ifughee iotlmationT1
that Perklna of tha New York l.lfa
arranged the purchaaa with Parkin of
the Morgan firm aothoriilog hlmeett
to buy tbe terminals st a cert In
figure Oh I bare made anh tarn.
taotlool,, aald Perklna discussing tha
greenient mads by himself with blm
elf to take four million dollars of
Big Four bond and said that be got
them for forty thoueand dollars under
the price stimulated by tha finance)
commute. . .
Pcrkiua was aakad abnat tba reports
made to tbe luauranoa departments of
tba various states and spent aeveral
minute In' advocating the feleral '
supervision of tba laearaacs eou
pan lea.
Witte Home
Sorlppt News
AeeestaUoa, f
St. Petarsbars. EaDt. 2i Tha
was a great throng at the stailoa to
welcome tba arrival home f of peace
envoy Wlito rVienda and newspaper" j
MAM . - L - 1 LI . .1 . 1
vuwtmu aim to ma some wbieu
was elaborately decorated la bit honor.
Tbe officials of tha war department
said "WltU baa brilliantly follliled
bit mlaslon aad that ha will ha mut
Ohaaeellor., Witte was dined tonfoht
by the Emparor when be make
his report.
Desecrator Caught
Hcripps New Association.
Istipeming. Moh..8Dt.. A nan.
garian, aged about 49, and who waa
apparently naff eierved and demented
waa enogbt in tha act of breaking and
and destroying tombstones in tha Innal
oemetery and waa-arrestad aa siu.
charge' of wholesale destruction of
atone and crosses In tba natholio
cemeteries ia Michigan sad Wisconsin.
Coming West
8orlpps News AssoeUtloa.
Chicago. Sept 28-Cbas M ffehnh
and Mr Schwab and a few -friends
from thla city are anroate to the gold
fields of Nevada and from thence will
vl jit Ran Franolsco and possibly win
visit tha fair et Portland.
S bwab refused to dlsoues the ra.
port that be wat going lo feaa Frsa
oltco to look after tba eonetraotloa at
Ruasiao battleships.
Vban yoa want tbe finest candies in .be ".world,"
remember that we bava tlieu. W are tola
agenti for Ounther'a matcblets confectionery. Tha
aesbrtment ia ample and includes a Variety of
chocolates, bon bona, eto. Tba price varies bat
purity doea not. ! ' ; , "
No one wants impure can dies ana tbe way to
avoid them ia to be guided by the name; of the
maker. "Qunther" stands for all that ia excellen t
in candy.
Our stock ia entirely fresh throughout.
La Grande Oregon