La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 27, 1905, Image 6

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    : : , - '- -' ' - " -' ... . s
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local -j
RANGES - ,...,,..,:,
-7 1 g
. I I j ,
i. ST0VES :jfc
. Jtt.j... BJB
MUST PREPARE fOR IT. :: :: - :; :: :: . ::
In its Hardware Department,
Has a nice lot of Heaters, Pipe, Stove Boards and all
other accessories necessary to make the home com
fortable during the fall and winter months. Thev are
offering these goods, too, at THE SAME. LOW PRICES
a a r
ni II c ..
Call and look them over and we will name prices that
will interest you. ::
Xarccest Store
1308, 1310, 1312 Adami Avenue.
Smallest Prices
''-' ' , ' ' '
Ww will rrakeop those fine overcoat patterns Into
ladies' bvernoats for from $24 to 132 eaoh. These
coals are made to fit by competent workmen and are
not 6rdered from eastern wholeale bouses. You take
no chances. If they don't fit or suit e don't ask
yon to take them. . -
! : "'' '.' -! v-;
PsuJ Ruhr . . 35 Suit New Oub "
EMDsvb . . . S3S SuK Old Club
- Habwdaabar end Tailor
'" 1 ' ' 1 -M J
Eeady For Business
We are read to buy all kinds of hay and grain,
and pay highest market prices.
Slater Building
Howell Coffman-In this oity Tburi
aay evening at 8:30, Bept 20. 1906.
Mr J M Howell and MUa Kl.n,iJ
Kav Edwin I. Hays of the Preaby
Urlao obarob offlciatina. nsino- th.
rlog ceremony. ..
Tbe young people were inarrlad t
boma, their boat on 7th at baviug
bean all prepared prevloaslr Mr anil
Mra Btillwell atood op with them.
wrs Millwell and Mra Howard until
a few weeka ago war both emrdoves
of the telephone company la this city.
in nooee waa bandeomelr decorated
and there were quite a number of In
timate frienda preaeot. '
O 3 Donahue bee Dtircbaied a train
load ofibeep from R F Stubblefield oM
JaHowilI IhlbffffnTloSiSrine
01 October. The first eblDmeni
will consist of ten doable deeded ears
or 6700 head. They will be taken to
Wood Perlt, , ten ml lee wait of Ohl.
go and fattened for tbe spring market
Mr Donahue will chip bout 40,000
bead from the west this fall , .
W D Kelson ia down today from
Iiainne. . , "; . , . , . ,
Ed Blaekbnrc of Baker City, la . la
tbe olty today. .,; , ; -,
Mra William Grant and children
went to tbe fair tble morning, 1 .
George Webb left thle morning for
Pendleton on the delayed train. v T.
Hra William Hotoh went to Donoaa
tble morning on the west be 0 ad train.
Tbeae cold wet days cause the wood
pile to reoeire careful consideration.
Frank Kilpatriek Jr.,' went to Port
land thle morning to be abeent a week.
H 8 Catena and wife wire paeeen
grM this morning en route to tbe fair.
A J Siarkey, . beed of the Pacific
Livestock Aieooiation ie in the eity to
day.'". ; " .""- s
, A P Ooee formerly in the bankiog
buelneea In SnmpHrie now a resident
of Portland '
D O Btetene and famlly ' of Dodge
and will make tble city- their bona.
Last nltfbte rain wai very acceptable
to the beet groweri.. It meant many
dollarr to the beet wealth of tba val-
E B Hughe ezpecti to .' leave In J a
few daya for Walla Walla where be
will look over tbe country1 with a view
01 locating. ; ' ; ' " ': - :
O L Fox, the , Elgin ; lumberman,
wbo formerly resided in thie city, la
in town today, having come up 00 Iaat
nigbt a train, , .
u Murpby and IN K Weet. two
prominent buaiaeea men ol La Grande
are in the eity for the races. Welle
Walla Union." " . .i
Mr. H L Tlmm, western manager of
ma Cleveland Baking Powder company
ia in tbe oity today looking after the
ba?lueea of hit company, . ' . , J
BUte 8cbool , 8uperintendetit
Ackermen paaed throat; h the cit
yesterday enrouta to Enterprlee where
HI attend, the county,, teacher
Institute. , 1-- , ....
Am jng those wbo returned .from
Portland this mornlog were Mr and
Mm John MoDonnId of Wallowa. Mr
Funk and ton of Enterprise D B
Huiidriota and wife and August Hue
of Elgin.,,, T- ' .').. --I,
I have just received my fall stock of Heating
'' Stoves and Steel Ranges, all sizes, and prices in
, proportion. If' yo'a are gMDg' to need a Steel -
Range or Heater call and examine them,:,
: ' .-.., ..f :.i U !.' -. If ... ,;.f,s ,.-,.'
f I also have a nice lot of lanterns,bot gnns, lifles,'
1 if.
; HaVdwiuV Ind Crockery!! ' V' 1 ,
. - ' ; ' - ' . .
OTiS,SaS8g55OTa8iffiIK33a5ZESW in;affBBmaeHfftjpej 1
8 O Uwackliamtuer
Union today. ' .
,The dty oanoi r erhedotelv to
meet this evening. '4. K i vJ
a ''.'
a L Alexander, of Imbler, 1 In the
today tntniuiotina bnslneee. -
Mra 1CW Bartlett wilt entertain tba
Kaffee Klatoh neit Friday afternoon.
ie over "from IFOR SAtEl-A irnni hu.u. t,--
In Cove Oregon, bakery, confec
tionery - and ? lueeb rqpm, paying
I2&00 a year. .'2 Ok a be bought for a
Ida, Ammm I arU . i
iui 4 uw, uroaaea prioe '
inolude bnlldiug. Cause for aelU '
3 log, sieanesd. , . uraoo lavesc
ment Co. F. ley Hotel Block.
Mr and Mra O O Wright of Sampler.
Ure , will arrive in tbe eity tomorrow
to be tbe gueeta bt Mr and Mra'O V
Allen during the fair. Bolsa Btttee-
man -:
JK Bomlgoame down from Bk
City thia morning to'appear before the
board or eqaallcatlon with referenoa
to his property interest which, are
centlderabla In tb olty.
Mlii bet itllbWnerhM" beeiTlh
the city for tba past rear, left thia
morning for Weiser, Idaho, from where
b will go to har home In Welaar
j Mr and Mra T A RimharL who have
been to Portland attending the annual
ruoenart reunion and 'the eXDoaltlon.
returofd home .thie Jmorni'gg. They
came bom by way ol Walla Walla and
stopped off a few daya visiting Mr and
Mrs BE Rtnehart.
I We are glad to note that many of
out subscribers have plaoed boxes on
the gate poet to receive the Observer.
A box insures prompt and rerteio de
livery and w bop that other will
IpUow ad pm up boxes, Oi i i
Lee Via, the druaitiat who has W
employed) n this city for several
months past, left' last evening lor
Milton where ha will remain two
Edwin A Smltb.edltor of the Rem I.
weekly Hookesman Review, la in th.
- ' "I I.4UHU IWO
city today on hla way to Spokane from weeka, while O P CoUin of that plaoe
southern Idaho where he has' beAn visits Ihe fl ! V nn iKaesl U m Tfl-
looking over the country.' He will 1 will go to WilHametta valley where
proceed to Pendleton tonisht ' where ha hu a drni it.. i'u. ; .. .
he will visit hla old friend and college babf went on through to Forest Grove
ouuin, nudge 0 n lmwu or tnat place lo vitit her parents. .a j v
L03T-On thi streets la this eltv.;
necktie with brilliant stud.
to this office for reward.'
"mm mm.
111 fft TL . J- . i' "
a-J(-uoi vii ine uriadie i
Is the only way to aerv cake. Every
body know that's bow thev set thorn
at bor restaurant and that's why we're
alway rushed during meal hour, v
Half Your Life 4
I taken up with eatioa. and drlnkln
and sleeping. Tbe sleeping you doat
know muoh about but tbe eating; yon
do. Why not then aat the beat f It'
wonderful what a good, satisfying
meal we oaa serve you for the nrlee.
Com as often as yon please and we'll
alway b glad to Me you.
Jhc Model Restaurant
' ' ... . . .
j. a. AtoucMc, Proprietor
sual tickets tor ?4
Goes For Engine $
Matur Mechanic JD Matbeton, of
tha OR N left this morning for
Hantlngtoa where be goee for two
compound engtoee of tbe 900 class
which will be borrowed from tbe O SL
to aasiet la movloa? tba ml
of freight aow being; aant over tha O K
Steel wedges .......................... .'. ,10o
Steel sledges i ............ . ,, . , iq
uroet cut saws ....0q per foot
Axes, with handles , ujq
Handsaws .....V..t0o
HeaUng stoves ......................... .ii.OQup
Bed steads .50o op
Drop Leaf Table , . tl.00 up
6 foot extension table................ $2.60 op
Kitchen safe ................,.........,.. .$2 20
Cupboard .......,....,.....,........,,,.,,,120
On' ..........$4.00
We have some good show cases for sale cheap .
The La Grande Pawnbrokers
Phone, Mala 4
More Lumber.
j-TEe Stoddard Lumber company to-'
u7 purooaata to entire cut of W T
under' eaw mill no Qraad
river " - ' Th .,,1 .in
between 150,000 and 800,000 feet and
in iomter wU b ahippad to the
I amber company's yards to this city
Horse Pasture
Splendid Alfalfa 'pasture 1 mile
eaat of oity, nfflclent for 40 head for
next two montn. $2 per month.
J W McAliater;
Do not forget tha Bridge Ocneeit
""gu at . ma PresbyUrian ebuich.
Ons hundred voice will be beard
la tba ohoru..
William Letla and Peter Johheon.
IwoOreek were fined IS each Iaat
wolng before City Recorder Bnoek
-r raicoeriog beaf Wtbin tha oily
Chrystal Rsbeooa Lodge No 60 gsve
a aoolal Iaat evening la tbe 1 O O F
i"l.0,;hh'i Odd Felloa.
era Invited. To aav tl. ..1.1
a auoeeaa Is statin the facta very mild
ftVfearvirvy.we-eeij .j..miw... -
' ,'!,!' '..! 11 1
' ' l r.'t. --i , (vwr-:.?f .,J ' ,'( .
:'' " '"'M- . b t r. I . ' '
- ; AT THE'V 1 (
I - .. .1-' - . ;
s, 1 - - ,. i v . , -. ... ir-
" ' ' . , ' :i V ; . - .t-;i .Ti,; y. , . ;
For 2ft!)a Commencing
eRtpwber 13
w . : --.-,,.. tf, .. ,, . t i