Classified Bates Ont eent word, oae-balf i eent word rech nbeeqoeat t Insertion, detained eda brlogqaiok retalte. Try one today. teal Batata Loan i, Any amoenta oa City and Country Baal Batata. Loa c-d promptly, aa aooa ai tlU ep- ; roved. LA ORANDK INVESTMENT CO. I ' K RENT Furoiebed boaatkaapiDt rooma In aaita of two, thraa and I .or. Inquire, pbona blaok 601. iOB. SALE Uoraa tud buggy. ' or will axil eeparatety. Four yaar old Baymont mare, will eell (or $7 cub. J Coffey barber ehop. ' FOR 8ALE Buggy van. five end all year old, weign 1061) nouuda eeoh. Addreee F C Binehart,, da. If your paper la out delivered aaytxi liiiok it abould be, please unli'y tbe . Uioe and tie mittake will te'rt-etifird. c KN18UEL) RoOM-Nlcely furni- ilted rooma tor rent. Corner tb ecJ pain at ; . Kurnithed boaaa to rent. Inquire of r4 Zuber, ynppiW. I vt; yuiv Twenty ear loada of good winter applea lor eale.,. Call or addreaa tba eecretary ot the Home Fruit Co., Cote I'reeon. . d 4 w Special Notice, . Not loa la hereby given that I bare oU all my tmereat In the lata fltm of Itock A Thomaa to Fred Bock who will collect all accounta da tbe a aid firm, nod reoelpt (or tame. All peraona nowing tbemtelvea ladebtad to tame, ill aave the coat el attorney feet by ailing upon Mr Bock and wattling at tnoa. Q. W. Tbomuand Fred Bock. Distant Customers v - . ....... It't not neoetaary tor you to be right in town to be benefited by oar excellent drag etore oervica, lor we have provl d (or the dtttant ones by Inaugurate a mail order ayttent. I be only way r you to Judge what a convenience thla will be to yon la to try If . You'll be pleaaad with the prompt nee with which your ordere ere filled and yon ran no ritk, lor we guarantee everything and refund tbe money If t oo are not aatltfied. t: $ r NFWLIN DRUG CO. I Notice ol Final Settlement Notice la hereby given that Annie Johns, edmlnlaUatrls of tbe ettate of Blabop Jobna, deoeaeed, baa filed bar final account in said aetata and tbe rounty Court of Union County, Oregon baa eat Taetday tbe third day of Oct ober, A. D. 1905, at four o'clock p. m. for hearing tbe same. . Annie Jobna - Admlnlatratrlx LA GRANDE SCHOOL ? ,jOF MUSIC PROF. DAY. Principle Mfc DAY. Altaian ThUWonoot tbe beat mualcal In ttitutlonatn tbe etate, and tba Gople ol thla city and valley are ginning to diacover Ibe advantag ea ol tbia aobool. Tbe eyatea need la tbe latest and tnoat practical, and Inelaoee all tbe la teat diaooverie in tbe art of teaching motto. ' Tbe acnool It divided into two depart mental No. 1 la for beginner, from & veare or more and are taught tbe Brat three gradea. ...... . 1 1 ii UM Pupilaoomeone iptiai lata hour every day. Thla ta no cutv ianrtan evataw bnt far auuerlor, In No. 3 tba gradea are from S to IS. Here they graduate. Paplla take one or two leaaona week at tbeydexire. No acboiare will be permitted to remain in thla eobooi wto do not study. Oppoalta tbe Foley Honae ove tbe Candv Store. Phone 473. H ACER & KEITH CONTRACTORS Cement Sidewalks and Foundation work given prompt attention. - Cellar and Cement work Specialty., Estimates cheerfully furn ished. All work guaranteed to aland the test. Refer ence forniihed. . , , Office at Foley House. dvcrtiscmcnts LOST Pocket book eoatalnlng $5 aad on a doe Mil oa Gadda Sroa for 115. .. Reward (or return to thla office FOB RENT-PlaaaaBUy tarnlabed rooma (or light howaakaaplnf, at, 1617 Fourth araat . Moving Picture Machine (or aala aheap or trade. Call on or . addreaa. La Uraada Pawn Brokara. Tba eaa bo bad by calling opon offlear CUildert and proving property and paying lor tbi notice. HOUSE FOB HALE Paraona deeir log to pure bate adwelllngfo remov al from where aitnatad ara raqaaaUd to eee tba underalgned 4. D. " Blator, Frad Taylor. v Centennial hotel Under new management. ' Board and Root f 5 par weak, eaah. UaalaUeta. Ppeolal rataa fnraiabed monthly patrons. No. 1417 Adame At. Phone No. 1161. Mra. W B UDROH1SON. proprleto. : .. c j n..i ..... ;s 'yattjiuv,aj jtvvn '.'- We are prepared to lurnUb our pat rone with the finaat engraved carde and aananaoanianta at the aame prloet leas puataga, that yoa send away (or yoor work. Call and tea oar tarn plea. THB OBSEBVEB Boarding and Rooms People viaiting Portland (air and wanting good board and rooms at reaa oaable ptloea, call oa or addreaa airs. Bartholomew, SCO Dixon etreet, Portland , .Aogaat I ; TAKE NOTICE Phone Bad 971, Old Town store (or wood (30'daye time given). Cbeapeat Groceries and Proviaions la the olty. Hew atook and (oil Una of feed. Dated La Grande, Ore July 36. Hept 1 It S ATKINSON When yoa wish a nice juicy roast or a tender steak or a piece ot boiling meat, or pot roast, just phone Main 48, and yoa will soon have exactly what you desire. J. bull a CO. Phone main 48. Remember th phone ia on. the directory, as Boss Meat Market main 48. Mew Repair Shop S T L C SMITH, Prop, j CREAMERY-BUILDING . FREE. FREE FOR LADIES I will eharpen, (res of charge, one pair ot aoiaeore for each lady w be will bring- tbia ad to my shop before 8ept. 30. BRICK BRICK Brick famished in any quanityor any style. No contract too small or too large. See samples of oar pressed brick. GEO. KREIGE;R, La (Jrande, Orefoa.. . bridges Concert Tonight A eborna of one hundred o4oea will be heard tonight at the Pieebyteiien eh arch aa a raealt ot the maeioel training eouraa which h it been in pro great under tba direotion ot tb Bridget Concert aod Contention com paay. Tote entertainment "begine promptly at 8-o'cljck, and the concert to be given by tbe Bridget peopla will begin at 9 o'clock. If yoa oannot get therein time to bear tbe firtt, the latter It well worth tbe price al ad mieaioa and abould not be mieeed. Germs?. tormtT Forget them. 8ee that eTery part ol tour body It kept clean, well noarlahad. and nn- weakened. science nas anowa that germa ebaraoteriatle of many diaeaaee are in and eat of as oar about 36S days In the year, ' . .- . .,. , . . Tbeee mloro-organiama become boar and harmful only when they find partial! deTitallzed tlaraea to neat in. Hare yoor oateopath tea that arery part of yoar body reoelret Its noarlah meat and aer?o force anlnurropted. Boat For His Farm Dr H Q Blelook of Walla Walla is baring a email tterawbeel boat bailt at tbe Portland tbipyarda to ply oa the upper Ooiambia liver and act aa a sort of feeder to tbe oraft which are earrying freight to the portage road Tbe doctor ewnt a farm on an ialane in tbe Colombia and tbe boat will be need for Iranaportlog all of the produoe from It to tbe nearby landing., aa well at handling other Ireigbt. ijbewltl al to carry piee gera . The oralt will be SO feat long and when completed will be ahipped to her dettination on one of tbe tleamboata tanning on tbe up per river. - OBESBMaKINO Mra. Drake will . teach yoa dreeemaklng, tailor ejre : tern. No chart. All you need Is tape line and yard atiok. Allletaona lypewrlttee for reference Claat tarme 15. (Jail for farther pertiua- Iara at 4th and Q etreet. ' A Remedy Without a Peer. "I find Chamberlara'a ritoroaou' and Liver Tablets more beneficial than any other reinedv 1 ever need for etoiuech trouble' aayt J P Klote, of Edina Mo. fur any dleorder ol the s omach. blllooanaaa or conatlpatlon' tbeee Tablete are without a peer. For aale by Newlln Drug Co. CANDY Now Is the time to think about the sort candy your Children have been eating If you buy candy from S ELDER Yoa need ot worry about it, for otr candy is . . made upon ' scientific principrls and it is all w pure. A trial order wil ice you as to its merits. WELDER, The Candy . . . Man ' " '"' J" "" '"' " ' ' fmmm r-M H ... . - .. - 3 i. Ibe chorue wb'ch haa been io Iraic ing, (Lowe a marked improtement, and tbeir eongt'aod choraaet will be a treat to tbe aong lover a ol tbia city. Aa a direct reeulto? tbe vieit of the Bridgea people, a permanent oborua with Thomaa Williama aa direct' r an d George L Cleaver ae a-a a'ant director, bat been organiied. The cho. ua will oontinne the murioal atadiet through tbe winter and will be an aotive orga- nuation in the musio tpbere ol thit olty. ' , Queen Eshtcr The Beared opera, Queen Bather, will toon be preteated In thlt city by local talent under direction ol Martin E Roblnaon. The Commercial Club haa undertaken thla production and will aecare the co-operation of aj many of the aingert aa la puatible. The flrat reheareal will be beld In the Commercial Club rooma Tburaday evening at 7:40 and all who will join the olaaa and help to makt tbia tbe greateat mniloal production 'en In La Grande are cordially la S be pretent at that tima Mr Bow. ton carrlee booka ' and costumea lor the entire oaet and cuorot and the benefit of the drill and lnatructlon makes it well worth , ones wbile to attend tbe rehearaala ' Coming aa it does immediately after tbe auooeasful elaae of Mr Bridges It will oontinne tbe good work be hat commenced. ' Circus Coming Almoat every eirout otaimt to have a tbow that eannot be duplicated aod an aggregation of performere tbe like of wbicb cannot be brought together, bat tbe (act it that every ciroua ol any oonerquenoe baa a double force and a double equipment. , , , . There are really two eirout troupea wbiob bate to travel about. The leaders are liable to injury. A eprain ed ankle will put one ol the beat per formere out and there mint te a man to lata hit place. PoKeibly iheaub- etitule will make at great a bit aa tbe ' regular. Even the perfoimlng bonet 'hT, tueir tubttitutee. It it a fact not generally known that the Oreat Floto 6 bow oarriet two complete large oenvateee. Ia oate one ia destroyed br fire or. alorm .another moat be ready to put up, Who a failure to give a performance entaila a loea rf from 110,000 tu 120.000 for penaea tbe matter beoomet terioua. Theb'gthow cornea toLaOiande Oct 9 Notice to the Public ' N C Simmon baa deaerted tbe Steam Cleaning and Dyeing worke formerly conducted by Slmmona & Harvey, and tbe undesigned will conduct the boe. Ineat hereafter, collect and pay all oatatanding bills. Pint cUaa work will be done at otual. WILLIAM HABVEr. Stoves Put We make a vpeclalfy of patting op ttovee. All etovee pot by na are eat op In firtt data ahape. Pipe, flbowa and tine Can be furnished. La (Jrande Plnmblng and Heating Company, Waablogton Ave. Inaedible Brutality It would have been Incredible brutality If Chat, g Lemberger, of eyracaee, M Y., bad not done tha beat be oould for bie aolferlog aoa. "My ooy, ne aya, -co a learrm gaau over bla aye, ao 1 appli.d fcanklen'e Arnica Salve, whlon quickly hei le.l It and aaved bla eye." Uood for bo roe .and nlcere too. OulyXAo at Newlio I Drag Co. 'drag etore . J. R; OLIVER. UNION COUNTY ABSTRACTS Farm Loans a Specialty . ; s ... ; Best equipj ed abstracter in Uuion c juuty. Many years experiences with the Union county record ; niv'i? wife a (rest. adv-nt-"Rf. It is folly to j tir liapo rrn'esti-'r without ; t;rt b r 'er. Hntinr.t. flUiy;:. i"ii o: v '.lico will h''W" I In- 1 1' jii-i i: ii ir? lit 'iiii i:in ii , rio'l. . R. i ; i i a . OLIVER, DiO, OK Mi Y 'K.-mi 3i ' Oii:un.'r B 1'. r n a r cn I UllUULItl FROM THIS STORE ARE ALWAYS NICE AND FRESH Seasonable oods ; as well as Staples always on hand. M ."V : :h QEDDLT DRif .North Fir Street VISIT THE Lewis "and Clark EXPOSITION - To be held at Portland, " June i to Oct 15, 1905. TAKE A TRIP TO CALIFORNIA Through the Williamette, Urnpqua and Rogue River -.. Valleys, of Western Oregon i pass Mt. Shasta, . througi " ,. the Sacramento Valley to thr .. many famous resorts on tnt line of the ' SOUTUEllN PACIFIC 10. beautifully ; illustrated f booklets, descriptive of Cali ', forriia resorts, address, ,;. ; W. R. COM AN, Gen. Passr. Agt. i Portland,' Or. ) ,J. ; '-if i YOXX WILL BE SATISFIE If your ticket. rn(1 and Klo Ornniia klbw Lineul the world" . the Perivw tbe "Uceuta . IJEOAUSE v toere.ra ao nwtiy acenle att'-ark nn and . polnunf liitrHt alma tha 'tie l. iwwn Otcdro and Dcnwr that lilt tl ll never beoamea tlreauue If yoa arecolna .t, vrttetfor 3fn ' niMtlon and il a iujr bo.k.iuat will tell you all about ll W C McBR IDE, Agent, 124 Third St. Portlard ' i , , Orego NEW SECOND j IIAD STORE All kind of second hand i goods bought,. and sold ' Cfi6: CROuVProp. I 209 Fir St. bet. Adume an ' Ji!Tr-ion THE OXFORD PAR. I JAMCS FAHQUHAaSO.'i, P.op. CorapifU aHtsiirtmtnt ol y WINES,; LIQUORS AND CIGARS f Cold lit tii heJ hiii mix"' J . i ia epeoiitlty l-Ai I r an i"'Prtlal 5 A treH'miMit to nil. . Von i. 'r- ' ritrj to chII Hii'l hi Hry - . ml j N Slue Pront Saloon j j'SJ , E, THORSON, Proprietor, d WINES, MOUO . Imported aud dotneatic Hot or cold lunch all hours i' , JtlTcraoo Arcbiui Oppoalt Uopot , ataataaaeaateaaa. e. Palaco , Salon ? CHAi, ANDERSON, Prop. vV FINK WINES, 11QUORS AND CIGARS -Always on hand Jen, Avenue . Oppcr:te Dett eeaiaeiaea 1 THE LOUVRE chris Wright; iVoV' ' ; . TIN! .. ' 'I ,, Ccntlcmen alwayt Welcome y-'-' Fir Street ,, ', Eagle Sa'cKrv ; ULRICH LOTTIS, Popi ' i . . FINg .WINES, LIQIfOHS and CIGARS -s f ... -r. r , l fi Lunches are our. Bpc Ulty l-i lefferaoa Avenue, Oppoaiie drMt SOMMER jOUSE pAFS Phone Main 6- NUF SAID n Can't yon eat, eieep br - arrkt lied liverf IJclliater'a - Rocky , Mountain Tea tnakea' rich, red' blood, give, atrenrtb aud health. Cuee wh.u all othara fail. ' No rure no pay. 83 cenu Tea or Tablete. iiewllo Drug Co. t ', uric; ACID. t.. jl.. 1.1 I ..... ... rl.-.. h' tu me uiuou tauscj I' 1 rjgL niuiuin, quanta, uumrago, N? unlgia and C9ut,. )'ou utii icinuYC tin; utut ujr wearing one of our r: UrvXrv RHEUMATIC , RINGS i . Mantrfiu-urwl hy tha Rtr (Mwnitt , WnfCo., IUiilonl,t. w.lkuu - " Paice $2.00 j a. a j, R. .8Mrraf ' traa fi icalau tllor. - totii Vork Para og a I a each twain ' trltb ' dolia . t a ' iara i fli ;e rej taaen t aai ca ta, -i tioa P ap wb 'bom rttne UAH I niai olg "i ht i wa ted . and looal tba of tolM tin. V tab de Id 111 Jl I : i; ' t