t' i p 1 Eggs and Hooey W hare a Urg eoattDmot f stiieUj raocy WkiU Worec mud Honey, oo Ml at til tU leading smart. Ask forth celebrated atovotaJn Bo bread . TUm ar trlctly frMb laid, the heat in tb nark, Frio 17. par mm Of 30 dOMB. . m 1 I Hay and Grain Herl. tbepletogetyoarhyndfrln. Pint elae Timothy t 110 pr to. Fancy WbiU Oats M ft.10 pw !. Call and m Be, It sort yoa Bot blag. , Sacks. Sacks, Sacks Just arrived lug sblpmaot of Am Calcutta Mk. Not Mcki at 10.50 per hundred. Ne I sacks al 16.60. Call ud m us. It will eott nothing. OREGON PRODUCE CO. I h 1 3 1 1 J y ill SERIOUS ACCIDENT NARROWLY AVERTED Painting Crew Discovers Washout in Time to Save Passenger :;v-:.-:-:;'-' Train. ','V CARPETS CARPETS I he largest line of Carpets ever brought to tbe city. More arriving daily. Pretty floor coverings, 25c ; a yard tndjup. SPECIAL ON GO CARTS THIS MONTH W. H. BOHNENKAI.IP, Hardware and Furniture CITY BREWERY JULIUS ROESCH, r Proprietor. Largest Brewing Plant inJEasiern Oi ego Ask for La Grande Beer .and get JU Best LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE AND SHOULD HAVE THh VkEFERENCE WE BUY Doors Sash, Shingles and! .Lumber In large quantities' direct from factories and milla at a yearly contract price, and wbila w pay the lowest price, we get the beat gooda, and can afford to sell at figures that othera buy for, thereby giv ing our customers the benefit of wholesale prices 1 STODDARD LUMBER CO. ST. LOUIS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE 1 '. . ' " - . ) (f ) 4 LARSEN & NORRIE, Props. A i'(?Jpy J First class turnout fur h&m8$ nished dav or niebt. , :-PK!' nished day or night. J I accomodation for S nnmmarcial mtn. S I i WJ JC1 A Bast service guaranteed fj . ' i 4 w Rita furnished for psrtiea, fnnerala and picnica. The OSes eece4c4JSe 0 J Ftmm, distriot mtnagar ol the 8pokMSMB-lMvlsw U in tb city todty oa boaioM eonneeted with bis paper. Mr FraeM say tbat last CTaiDg a painting erew ditoovered a oa nndir tba track in th Dry Creek canyon be tween Waiton and Millon. Tb apriag flood bad gradually eaten under tb track until a spaoe perhaps eight feet high and twanty feet in diameter bad been left.. Tbe train bad been run ning over il all summer, but aa there w s immediate danger tbe Pendtetoo Spokane train was flagged and the train crew aaaiwted by lb paiengfr blocked up tb track with tiea and rooks and passed over safely after a delay of two hours. ' Recorder's Office Arthur-Richer, and - Bart Collins, two employe of Uot Lak were brought before Citf Rao order Bnook tbl morning; charged with conduct unbecoming sjenUemen. : Tba com plaint gee on to state tbat tba de fendant did upon tb twenty fifth of thla month without first receiving tbe parmieaion of tbe board of directors of the Pacific State Telephone Com paoy proceed to water tba etook of aid company. Tb offsnse as cbarg ad was committed in on of the booths of tb Central office. Fech defendant pleaded guilty and was fined tan dollar a. . . . Cattle Sales; Nearly 'iOOO hsd of fin bear cattle bav bean contracted for and taken from tbl count)' during tb paat six week by different buyer. ; Hotcbkisi of Elgin, bas bn on of tb princi pal buyers. Before tb saon closes more than 2000 bead will bav been disposed of. Tb average price I 130 for three year old steers and f20 tor oows Wallowa Democrat. Daily Mail A call tor bid ou the route b been mad and a daily mail aervio between Wallowa and flora and Bartlett via Troy and ' Grouse aeems aaaurad after tba first day of , next July. This Is a ranch needed aervio and will be well appreciated by our paopl. ' :' Called Heme 8orlppNw Association. New fork. Sept 26 Baron Eaneko, Japan' finaooial agent who waa sup posed to remain in this country to twMv4tas m Imm eaMtMi waa auddenly called home and will return with Baron Komura.1 OUR fREE DELIVERY SERVICE '. Use your 'phone and let our free de livery service benefit you. It may be tbat yon have never been into 'our store, but that makes no difference, wsthsll be just ss pleased to deliver anything you want aa if you were our regular oustomer. . You'll Uhd our goods and prices fatisfaotory, we are sure. , Red 81 NEWLIN DBUQ CO. NOTICE We pay highest Market prioea for chickens. Want ail you bav cot. At oar Warehouse on Jefferson A. QB Cash Co. A Remedy Without a Peer. "I find Chamberlain's otomaoh and Liver Tablet more beneficial than any other remedy 1 ever need for stomach trouble," say J P Klote, of Kdina Mo. fur any disorder ol tbe stomach, biliousness or constipation the Tablata arw without a peer. For sal by Mcwlln Drug Co. Holliater'a Bocky Mountitla Tea ever faila to toa the stomach, regu lat tbe kldny. stimulate the liver and cleanse tbe blood. A great tonic and mnecle producing imdy. 36 osots, Teaor Tablet. Wewlin Drug Co. Why suffer with headache, constipa tion, atomacb, kidney and liver trouble, when HollU'er' Rooky atoontalo Tea will car youT No monoy wanted unless you are cured 85 oenta, - Tea o Tablet Newllu :, rag Co. v. Startling Mortality Statistics show at art linn mortality from appendicitis and peritonitis. To prevent and cur these awful diseaes, there Is just one reliable remedy, Dr. King's New Life Fills M t'Unnerv. of 14 Custom House Plaoe, Chicago, says: 'They hate no equal for Con stipation and Biliousness " 25o at Newlin Drug Oo. druggist. ALWAYS Catering to the wants of our worthy patrous.we have at last satisfied thecoDBtant demand made upon us for high grade tailor made suit for gentlemen. In making our selection we have been content With nothing short of the "beet" and now invite all "swell dressers" of La Grande and vicinity to call and inspect our magnifi cient line of woolens for fall aad winter trade. Stop a monent, when passing,' and read our gaurantee. It will certainly interest you. Remember we are located in the Haworth building, 1316 Adana Ave. Don't forget we are the only people in the northwest who can "make" your uuderwear. It is superior to anything on the market.. CRESCENT KNITTING MILLS """L ". - ; T mm You don't have to hire a Cab The La Salle Street Station in Chicago, which is used by the trains of the Rock Island System, is located in the very heart of the city, less than a block from the Board of Trade: less than two blocks from the Post Office; within easy walk ing distance of the principal hotels, theatres and stores. Vo aoa't Knt to hires cab to inch thnn, ; Tht "tinioo loop" b rirht in front of the Ration. , Pay etna, get aboard the elevated, anil you tn whiaked toanr at of town m with to nh. lAt sm pre jom otner seasons hj yon abouM M the Rock lalanal Sfltsm. Itmn an loea of thena. t. B. OORHAM, 0Mral Asrt, 140 TMral SiPetttaat Otw. Quality is Our Specialty WE OTHER DEALERS TALIC PRICE TALK QUALITY AND PRICE A man raav forget what he paid for his clothes, but he'll never forget how they looked, bow they fitted, - and how they wore. Our faultless clothing saves men paying made to order prices and the unpleasant feeling of wear- f at ow you any day. .4- .4. 1 ASH BROS. CLOTHIERS AND HABERDASHERS. f Altl f aSati ftiiA sf aiaTSBasV aft A aft 4 A ft it I ii f t ilk tlltl fri ill ENGRAVED GOODS The Observer is in a position to offer to its patrons a splendid line o engraved. Visiting 'Jards, Weddmjj ; Announcements and At Home Cards at prices just tbe same as you send away only we pay he postage. Call on us and look nt our samples . ! , THESE ARE OUR PRICES: . English Script cards, per 100.......... $2.03 French Script, very latest, per 100. , . . .$3.00 Shaded Old English, per 100. .... .....$3.50 V Roman, 100 cards.. . . , $3.00 Sulid Old Eoglish, 100 cards .....$300 ' Gothic, 100 cards .... . . ...... . . . ..... $2.50 ' Printing future orders from any copper 4 plate, 50 cards 75c, 100 cards $2.00 t Wedding Iuvitations from $8.00 100 to $24.00 a 100. Besides taking orders for engraved stock, we are ; prepared to print all the above in the latest type fscee. Call on us before ordering. THE OBSERVER . FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY Pretty Polo Turbafis, Tricornes, Smart Sailors, Handsome Large Hats, an endless variety of Gips. ornamental Combs. Etc, E M WELLMAN & CO La Grriuido - Oretron ;. J. L MARS, i Contractor and Builder Draler in Building Material. La Grande, Oregon Drop a liue, naming ork, and I il iv tb right prio. ... . .'J' rt'JLL'.STE HI ' . .iticliy Wcar.iain Tea Nuggets A liuaj Slaiioina for Bt'J Peupw. ' B.lyca OuU.O HlUl ftil lUaawid, Vigor. A rr-'-in forP'-tntlp-itlon, IiHlir.Unij. IjIt nd Kirtn Trnuhlea. llmplfn. Krmutj lmmM Bltf!, fnwl Ilrmrh, Kfih'irtRh l)mvl. Il(.li t aiiit Ihw-kwha), lO K icky Mniin T' In tnt-r M firm. as wit it h.. tlMiuiiw inuda by Hoiuutks 1)rit rom-AHT, Mmllaon, Wla. 0L0EN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PE0PL6 c' i 48 1 1 I