t TBDm.NKWS TODAY I ; -: - , . VV WlWn fbowers. Cooler Toal.ht -. ' -. I .iMIUMl Tomorrow Fair. J :M-KANDE EVENING -OBSERVET; I, II ! i I " ' " 1 - I 1 LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY SEPT. 26. 1905 AWFUL 1 SCENES 1 IN BAKU A. Witness Writes jof Bloody Riots I in Russia. HI IT" NEW YORK LIFE IN TROUBLE Scrlpps News Association New York rW 26 Wall iirMtM.. Is discussing tlie roraor with reference to Morgan and Perkins oontrlbjtlng New York Life Insurance fundi tn tha Republican campaign eommitte as shown by Morgan's cheeks Involving the Morgan firm and wbat it de nounced as questionable tranaiu-tfan. and daolara that Perklt.'e resignation be accepted. . M UPFD tin T. x iUMMERVILLE BOY taken in Custody Scrlpps News Association. London Sept 28 Tbe experiences i( an Englishman who witneeeed the Bakrf maesacrea, reaohliig relatives here by letter, aay that the atrocities were even greater than reported The detalla ware fall of horrora of blood ahed and robbery. The cemeteries were littered with decomposing corpaea ' which were left, nnbarled for Ideotifl. oatloo. !, i a. - -, Will Resign HIOT AGAIN IN BAKU3 St. Peterabnrg, 8pt. 28. The chief or police, three polloemen and three women were wounded by a bomb at Kotoo today Eleven thonaand reln foreementa hare reached Uakus. 'if Scrlpps Xews Association. Dei Moines Sept 20 Meoretary 'of lb Treaaary Shaw ha written a letter to the Polk county republican club in whl.h he make public his definite inteotioa of leaving the cabinet on fobrnary next year. Uorippe News Association. Berlin Hpt 2C-rhere are no new i caaaa reported ' today neither .. have there been any deatha from rbolera, ad It la believed that the plaue Lae bees eonqored.' ' .. 1 -$ Good Report: Attack Premiers Sorippa Neva AMociation. . .umm Z 4u-Iu re-aseembllnir of the lower bouM today wae attended with great disorder when the aoolal. ieta attacked the premiere. Tbe uproar continued and prolong ed criee of "withdraw", reeigu" were beard. The minister finally received a bearing when be declared tbe govern ment w.s prepared to fulfill tbe agree ment to Huugary, provided Hungary! did her part . It is further deolared that if a coruot viaw it taken, hie po aition is univfraal sunYrage, ' Charged With Taking George Ott' and Selling it for Three Dollars. Horse Chief of Police Raburn arraaU.I Mllr .- v. . VZ7 li D,""" ' "- to entitled to conaiderable uuwriie ui stealing Defends High Rates Scrlpps News Aaaociation. Chicago Sept 26 George Simpson. superintendent ol transportation for ne Milwaukee and St Paul, this morn ing was a witness before ibe later at ate Commerce Oommtseion. Hi distended Higher rates lo and from 01. caeo. eav- ing that the great coat o' 'raoeporta- tion made them ueoessary. He said that the transportation- of erock was costlier than auy other kinl of freight. Advising With President SorippsNews Aaaociation.. Oyster Kay, gept iW Shonts. who baa charge of the construction of tbe Panama cwal, , lanched with the president today and talked over th situation with the president prior to taking iiia depariore for Panama on next Tuareday. a borae from George (Ht the vllle breweyman. It aeema that voong McDowell took the horse aome time yesterday and came direct to ; La Grande and disposed of the animal Jut an employee of KlrUeye livery ttable for in eum of three dotlara. Officer Raybnrn reoelved Information at th. transaction and at onoe made a search for the man who waa distributing euch equlue bargains. Tha young man waa foond standing on tbe depot platform ant waa at one arrested. He was aearohed and a small revolver taken from him, and . he waa then taken to tha city Jail where he admit ted taking (he horse and diepo.ing of it at the price elated. Hie escoie wig nay our n hie notion In this matter, ai it waa only through hie rapid 'action t,e young man did not escape, for the lima being at least.. . McDowell waa brought belore Justice or me reaoe HnBh end waived examination and waa placed under three hundred dollar bonds to appear uv next term ol circuit court ln young man aeema to be in all Klode of trouble aa he waa no sooner arraigned on the oharie than ha waa informed that he m.nA i. eusling a eaddle from vv i Hunter, of oommerviiie. xo this charge he also waived examination and wae placed ueuer one Hundred uollare bonds. As ne ooaid not furnish the hmwi. h ... placed In the county Jail. Ask For Receiver. (By Scrlppa Newa Association.) , .' Olnolnnatl, Sept. 1 20 A - move. probably Important enonah to affect tbe Gould. Ramsey fight wae made today when Johu 8 Jones, a holder of 100,000 worth of atock in the. Little Kanawaba properties annlied foe a receiver. The bearlui will U j'.ij Uctohera. Bameey controls tbe Kanawaba which It aald to be tbe key to the situation of the entrance to tbe Pittsburg terminala. Tha plaintiff aay a be takes no side In the controversy but wanta to protect the stock holder in tbe fight. ", BENETT TALKS TODAY A NEW SHIPMENT THIS MORNING Extraordinary IN Values Men s Heavy Worsted sSUITSe Extra well rnae and liued with eilra heary Farmer's satin linings, worth $12.50 every w u ere, and all the time. . .......... $io LADIES' HATS! LADIES HATS! PATTERN HATS, TAILORED HATS and STREET HATS. Our Fall Shipments arc all In, THE LINE IS MORE COM PLETE THAN EVER, AND OUR PRICES YOU WILL FIND , ' ; AS REASONABLE AS EVER. :: :: :: .. . LADIES' SUITS. : No woman in Union county should feel satisfied to buy her fall suit without having J inspected our new garments. The suit de : partment is full to overflow of the latest and i most fashionable suits in all styles, and at t the most reasonable of prices. The latest styles i i long eoat effects from t Now York by express, suit. . . y tUU UP LADIES' COATS. Our coat department has been the centre of attraction for the past fen days. There is more style, more fit, and more selection at altogether small cost than elsewhere in this country. New express shipments every day. A half hour' visit in our coat department will give yon a peep into the most exclusive coat showings ol the fashion centres. f mis Tei l ei r y r f V You can do ; better at The Fair mmmW(rZ YOUR MONEY GOES FARTHER at The Fair By Horippa Newe Aaaociation Portland 8eDt 2G Inrta R.n. a making an exhaustive nlea forth. defendenta in tbe Will lain son land Iran I caee and will undoubtedly oon aome the entire an pected that U S Attorney Heney will compieie nis . oloslng argument to morrow afternoon and after three long eeke the cae will tie tnrn,l tne jury for their final action,. Insolvents Took Money Scrlppa News Aaaociation. Chicago Sept 30-Irj the recelverahln m M sue col lav hnlilar. r .i.- Weetern Lire ' lnHmnir nj vumiinuy, -uU(i. Aonieatt or tbe federal court. tLe defendants aeked for a con t Inn. noe, The judge refused to allow At. torney Clark Varnnm to file Interven ing pleaa for 21 unpaid death .-lain.. aaying, know of 400 others having aucbolaime. aggraratine 4fi0.ono. ti. oompany had evidently been for years insolvent and tbe acceptance of pre miuins by theesenta and ninn... lead to some interesting prooeedlnge. Successful Flight By Scrippa News Association Portland. Sept 26 Lincoln h...i,. with bie air ship. Citv of Pnrtl.nH day made the moat aucceaf u I Qigbt in its history. It was sttrted Iro n the exposition grounds and nl the bneineea section of the city, alight ing on me Ubamber of Commerce building, thenoe. threaded 1:. ... among the highest buildings, return initio us) ttartlog place on record time. AWFUL TYPHOON IN PHILIPPINES Sorippa News Association. Manila Sept 28-A destructive ty phone visited this city today and de molished hundreda of baildlngs In clndlng two cburchee and aevel b Ue, more than .half tha native dictrlct waa unroofed, and hundreda of trees were unrooted. Wires are down all over the olty and tbe atreets areoompletly blocked Live wires are scattered over the city and already five person have been killed by com ing in contact with tbem. Three police men were killed by live wires It la - h nouured ralives are Injured and eight thonaand are abaolntely homeless. This la the most terrible etorm known to have visited this part of t coast within the memiry of thoae ow living. The olty tonight is In total darkness and the churches still .tnrtl, . completely filled with the homeless i he pastora of the various churolies are caring lor tbe homeless end the poiice have five thousand under their oare. Gangs of laborers are buBy clearing tha streets and though there is icreat conaternation, for fear the typhone will be followed by an earth qoake, the population Is becoming more qnlet, and all seem to be meeting the altuatlon with a spirit of oalmiees which does tbem a great credit CHORUS OF ICO Boycott is Off Washington, SeptW-Consul Gener al Rogers at Shanghai today cabled the state department tha than i. longer any Indloat'on or evldenoe of tne Uhlries" boycott on Amerloan goods in or about Shanghai. British Expectations SjWm WwsMOriatioBul; ,: '' I -London Sept 26 The Britleh lasur looecompaniearipeot a great bosi- nets lor tbe United States aa a result of the insurance m poses of the Amn loan ocmpaniea. By Bridges Concert Company Wcd- The moalo loving people of this olty and vicinity are awaiting to anticipa tion of a great deal of Dleaaore tha presentation of the grand chores of one hundred voice,; which ia to be. followed by a oonoert bf the Bridaaa Concert, Co. WedneaJav evenlua- in the Presbyterian church. Tha ad mission la only tweatv-flve oanta. There will to eoloe,' duets and quartette and readings and Impersona tions by Mrs Uridaes Tha nahlle generally la assured of a very letereet mg and pleasing program. : This oloaeathe claas wblcU baa bees aa successfully dlieoted by . Mr and Mrs Bridges and I heir closing Concert era always an occasion, long to be remem bered. , .. Held Money For Czar Sorippa Nets Association ' bt. Petersburg, Brpt. M.As a re salt of ail investigation begun dorluor the peace conference sboas that the Roaslao monasteries bold four and on half millions of dollars apoo which the ctar has a right to draw5 , Derelict Destroyed (By Hrlpps News Aaeooiation) wew York. RenL 2fl The ...i... Columbia arrived in pert this morning ann reported thai they bad been Riicoeasiui in tbe destruction of tne derelict ichoooer Edward Allen . Treaty Submitted Ky Sirlppa News Association Christiana Sent 20 Michelson I.U before' ihr Rtorthing . tndav the tre.t. that Norway submiited to a special oi mmittec. Witte In Germany . Sorlpps Newa Association Berllu Rent 20 WltU arrlvA1 . . I Hrossoo-lnat 10 tbia mornlnr u. entered an automobile and wss driven to the emperor's shooting box. Fire Visits Spokans Porlpps Newa Association. ' Spokane, 6et. W. A -fire ia tha wholesale district early tbia mornlnw caused a loss ol 1100,000 and is still burning. The dUtrlot visited Is be tween Railroad Avenue between Mill and Posts streets which Is sweet clean. The fire orlaloated In tha Oudah Packing company's ha Idlng - New Epoch ; , Sctipps N'sws Association, Las Vrgae, New Mex.. 6ot ia Tbe Ural good roads coaventlon In the history of New Mexico was held her today. Thar were delegates from sveryoounty In the territory and dor log the three days of the eoatloa tha . convention will be addreeaea by prom loent ma In tbe nation aed a general campaign for belter roads will be thoroughly Instituted. Fever on Wane Bctlp.te News Assooiatloq . Ne Orleans Sept 3d At ooon day there were sight new cases two deaths reported. to-and MATCHLESS CONFECTIONS Closed In Denver Denver Sept 26 Judan Frank T Jobneco lo the district eouit today Is. sued an order ' requiring Hhetlff Nee bet and Cbiel ol Polio Delaly to en J force the laws against gtmbliog in the city aim eonnty of Denvtr. All gam bllng bouses were closed today by the proprietors, making it unnecessary lor tbe officers lo take action. Board Of Equalization Tne oounty board of equalisation is in seseioo this week. It ronsi.K r.i Hie county judge, assessor and county e rrk. Q lite a nnmlier of tnnl l.... appeared before tbe board, which is the proper place to have errors. If there bs any, corrected. Tbe board will con. linus io session all of this week. - When yoa want the finest candies in Uie world, remember that we have them. We are sole ' agenta for Qunther matchless confectionery. The assortment ia ample and includes a variety of chocolates, ton bona, eto. The price varies but purity does nut. 'V : .; .; No one wants impure candies una the way to avoid them is to be guided by the name of the maker. "Gunther" siandsforall that is excellent in candy. . ' Our stock ia entirelv fresh throughout. N EWLIN DRUG COMPANY La Grande Oregon i-.f a. b d II I , ia,