84S. - . I i M i. 'f i aaisr: e IK THE FAIREST FOR THAT GREAT PREMIUM ALL SALE OF PROFIT ALL NO JUGGLING WITH PRICES, NO MARKING LP OF COODS AND THEN PRETEND ING TO MARK THEM DOWN, OR CUTTING THE PRICE OF ONE ARTICLE TO LESS THAN COST IN THE HOPE OF MAKING IT UP ON SOMETHING ELSE. BUJ EVERYTHING MARKED TO THE LOWEST POSSIBLE MARGIN and then THE SAME PRICE TO THAT IS THE THE GOLDEN RULE AS APPLIED TO MODERN MERCHANDISING , FOR THIS WEEK we are offering even better, a SPECIAL PREMIUM EOR EACH GASH PUPGIIASE f- , ( I of A. KakerCity, la HEATING STOVES AND STEEL RANGES For cacti $ .50 cash purchase we will give any 5 cent article in the store 1.00 2.50 5.00 25.00 or over. 10 cent ' . 25 cent " or a Dinner 10 yards of calico RAILROAD FARE Free Free Free Free FREE THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY, 1308, 1310,. 1312 Adams Avenue. largest Store- Smallest Prices Samuel W Bbort la the city today s . 3 L, Ebereole bu accepted position s talesman ilNK WmI'i. . Mite Ada West bai returned to Portland to resume ber stud ice V Kev Mower will preach in the Island J City church, tomorrow eve4ug. 1, yvTL. BreWholt ba the stone fonada t'oa completed lor hi handsome new realdeuoej - .-:, ,., y Mraod Mrs Wo Sreneoo who bare bten visiting the ex position the past ten date, returned home tbla morning. ' i E Coffey la detained at home on account of illness, which however i not considered of a serious natnre j The nxt attraction at Steward 'a Opera lluuee ia "The Chaperons." Tbie ie undoubtedly tbe teat attraction yet to come to La Grande tbla season. Tbe High Five club will be enter tained by Aire Jay Van iiuren at bi-r home next Iborsany afternoon at two o'clock. i j L W Hornbook ia wearing hi a hand in s bandage aa result of falling,' eaueed by a bad aide walk. Tbera la vouaiuvraotv 4uuk 4un tuvie m uv'k mora accidents . ' ' -.. 'Mr. and Mra Krammit and family ariived yesterday from Oklahoma in tbe hopes that tbe change will better tbeir . health, Mr. Krnmmitt la a brother of Mra. Crlppen. " ; f I have jtist received my fall .lock of Heating all lizes. and orijei m proportion. If yoa are ging to need a Range or Healer call and examine them, Steel I THE CELEBRATED MAJESTIC STEEL RANGE , I also have a nice lot of lanterns, shot guns, lilies, jind ammunition. MRS. T. N. MURPHY, . '' .... Hardwaie and Crockery. IIS Heady For Business WITH A FULL LINE OF FEED. HAY AND GRAIN We are ready to buy all kinds of hay and grain, and pay highest market priceB. Slater !Buildin2 IEFFERSON AVE Main 57. LADIES' OVERCOAT SUITS -4v We have 25 colored. heavy wtijht pattern which arc lultablt for Ladles' winter Oveicoat and which we arc acllln j at cot to jet Itxm off our hindi. The price range bout 12 to $2 75 a yard for 60 inch w'de. all wool. Imported goods We ate alio In a position to make them up in the latest styles at a reasonable prices. v SUIT CLUB WINNERS C M Cross - $35 Suit New Club -EM Davis . $35 Suit Old Club AL. ANDREWS . Haberdasher and Tailor Mr and Mra Fred Lawaon returned tbie moining from Portland where tbey viaited tbe exposition and all the points ot interest adjacent to Portland. After all t!if ri ia nothing like seeing for ynuraelf. Go to the picture enter tainment tonight and then you will thank os for suggestion. : Mr 8 L Johnson and Wesley York of Hummaiville, are in the oity tod a prepsring to leave (or tbe Portland fair where tbey will spend a week. ' .... T F Maokrniller, a wholesale liquor dealer ot Iron River, Wis., and who Owns a aaw mill and large tract of timber near Union, ' ia in tbe city to day tiansaoting bunindaa. lCEaa cTDuoT3be jaat returned from visit to hie mining properties up Grande Rondo rlver It is too bad we BaWTmHus--tfiTnin this city who are aa otbuslastio in mining a ia Mr Bucte. lie baa great faith In thia mining belt and his tenacity will prove in time whether or not he ia correct, tie belifeves the next few months will tee quite an awakening wblob will not be Injurious to La : Grande In the least. a,. t t"t I The U on U A McAllister and wife, coompanied by Mra Mary Ladd, ex peot to leave tbla evening for Port landT Mr McAllister would not miss tbe atook show for a farm. William Coooolly,' aaaiatant gupsr- intendent of the O K A N for tbe La Grande division, ia in tbe city today, having accompanied tbe special train over from llnnlluirton today. E. O. Tomorrow tbe rity council meeta and frum present ' Indlcatlous tlmre will be Bometbiog doing." The com mittee on inveatigationa are to make Marebal I U Kanlk uap'ured an Indian who weut on tbe war path last night, after indulging in too Uiu. b Ore water .y After eleeping aoundly several hours be was turned loose tbla inoruing, on a promise , that . be would be a good Indian. in the future, ' Mra. ) L Miller, of Blocmington, III., who baa been visiting hnr son, P H Talmun and family of Fruitda'e, left tbla moruintt for PorMand and alter remainiug few daya wll return for another short viait befote leaving for ber home. , Mra. Miller was here about five years ago and. was very agretauly surprised at the , growth of La Grande durlnit the Interim. Mrs Bubler who ha been-viaittng hereon, T E Bubler, left this morn ing for her home in the east.5 She will stnp off at Ogd4 and UU her brother i who la a prominent attorney in tbat et'y. Geo ChildfW and family, li Alioel left tbie mrmiog for a two weeks vieit at the exposition. 2 ' Don't forget the moving piotato en tertainment tontgbt at tbe Christian ebarch. - It la almost oertaln that at leaat two more two story brick buildings will te commenced In the near fptnre. .. .. The early fall irlnde may lodioate tbat thia ia to be the year that we need all our aurplnsbay which was carried orer last winter. Do not forget to read the Newlln Drue-Company's ad which appears to this issue It will be time well in vested. Do not miss it. Tha O E 4 N Co has issued a cir cular 'authorizing' agents to sell road trip tickets to Baker City during the fair at a fare and a third. " ,r ; L U Hyatt, while riding a vicious horse yneterday. collided ltb a fepce post with the result tbat Mr Hyatt now carries his shoulder in a sling. George France, of Carnegie, Penn la in tbe oity today. Mr Franoe was acquainted with Prof H J( Hooken berry In the eaat and Is vlBltlog.bim today. .Tbera . la another advantage tbat parties having no yard fenoes will not be compelled to rase off the leaves from their trres Tbe wind will clear their yards. This waa demonstrated this af ie' noon. It ia n evil wind however that blows no one good. Tbe Paoslnn play tonight at the Christian oliuroh comes , highly , re eomwendrd and those wbo attend will be wfl' eoteitained. f i . rfOLLiSTER'S flccky Mountain Tea : Nuggets A Buy Ksdloint tor Boiy Fwpl. .Brings OoMea Health cad Euwnd Vigor. " A upraiflo for Contirllon, Indlfrwitloo, tArm uid Ki'incy Troubles, Pimply Kvitsma, Impure BI.-0.1, Rid Breath, FUuficlsh Bowel,.Beiula-ha aniruackarhn. H'sRiirkr Mountain Tea in lab. let form, 8ft rnta a box. Genuine made by UoLuaraa Duva Company, Madiaun, Wia, COLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE The More Haste the Less Speed ' May apply to a ' tight rope walker, but not to ns. It'a thia way tbe more customers wa have tbat are bun gi y, tbe more apeed wa make to get them fed.' We do it too, In auoh a nloe Genteel Fashion Tbat, although their lunch la hurried one, they have no dyapepaia afteiward. Good food helps to do it and good food for a little money can always be bad at onr reataarant. When you want quick luiuhescali and see ns. MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Wo se. weekly Meal , TlkaU Cash $4.50 rid -'L. , BARGAINS Steel wedges . Steel sled get . Crose cut saw Aiea, with baodles Hand ws .. Healing sieve Bed ateada Drop Leaf Table 6 foot esteusion table. , . . Kitchen safe Cupboard Guitar 10c lb 10o lb ,.,........50o per foot .....$1.10 ...... 60c ....$1.00 up . .50o up tl.00 up (2 50 up $2 20 , $2.50 $4.00 Marriage Licenses Three marriaga licenses have been lesued by tbe county olerk's ottloe aa follows: Frank II Wanchard and Helen Henrle, both of Imblerj W L Robertson and Hanna Brown, both' of this county and Charles A Saunder and Bessie Ooe both of lgln FOUMJ A pair Of obpa. The same can be bad by calling upon officer Cbildera and proving property and paying for this notice. Notice to Creditors Notice la hereby given, tbat I the uudersigned by an order ot the Hon. County Court of Union County, Ore gon, have bean appointed adminiatrat or of tbe estate of Margaret OtL de- I ceased. And tbat all persons having claima against said estate are hereby required to present tha same at say residence la Union County, Oregon, within six months from tha data of tbla notice. Dated at 8ommervllle, Oregon, tbla 2tfth day ot Aogust, 1900, U EC-HUB OTT, Administrator ot tba estate of Mar caret Ott, deceased. - II DiaiiliTiil SALE AT THE We have some g?ed bbow casea for sale chirp The La Grande Pawnbrokers Phone, Main 4 The Colonel's Waterloo Colonel John M Fuller, of Honey Grove, Texas, nearly met bia Waterloo from Liver and Kiduev trouble. ' In a recent letter, be says: "I waa nearly I dead, of these eomulaluta, and, al tiHHigb 1 tiled my family doctor, ba I did me no good; o 1 got a 60o bottle i ol your irtat Klectria Bitten, which f red me. I consider them the beet J medicine on earth and thank Clod who J gave yon tha knowledge to make tnem.' ' Moid, and guaranteed to core. Dye pepela, Killonen'aa ' ai.d Kidney l)ie-ae, br Newlln lrug company CHICAGO s For 20 Days Commencing ....... ; t ; I ' - ept ember 13 T1 ornggiete, at boo a Dotue. WaCS! as