La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 14, 1905, Image 1

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    L -..w,.,-.. . ; . ..
Showers and Thunder 8 tot mi Tonight
ad Tommorow Cooler
Missionaries from World Over Come in Special
" - - Train -;-
HcrippsNews Association. ' I
I Seattle," Sept. 14.-rb spsoisl train!
bearing the membera of tbe board U
foreign missions was delayed and the
prtf did not reach h,ire until ' this
afternoon. The flrat meeting was
beld little letet than scheduled
I Seattle, Weab.,Sept. 14-The 9Cih
annual meeting of ' the American
Board ol Foreign Miaaiona opened
litre ibit afternoon in Plymouth
nhnimk Tl. i ! I 1 1
until Monday. The eburob ia deoo.
rated with missionary maps and the
pioinrea of well known mlteionariea
A large globe la minuted oo the plat
form, aymbolieal of tbe world-wide
f work The addreee oi welcome waa
delivered by the Rev. 8 M. Freelaud
ol Brattle, to whkb president Samuel
a t apen, Ul. O reeponded. "b
report of the prudential com mitt
t waa prrMotf d by tbe secretary of tbe
; houie department, tbe Be. Cornelius
H. Pattoo, U. D ," tbe report of tbe
tieaaurer by Frank H. Wlggln: 8eo-
retary Jamra L. Marlon, D D , re
viewed and illustrated tbe field, tbe
force and the work ' In tbe twenty
missions ol the board, three In Atrioa.
. four la Tu key, three in India and
Ceylon, tout In China aad one each in
Japan, Mexico, Hpain, Austria,
Tbe sessions this evening will exploit
the present and prosotive work of
the North China mission The
, Crisis In China" will be tbe theme of
be del'vered by
Including the
SHs sViiSf ruiAX Sanaa
sddresses will
nentiul with the north 1'hina nrlaalnn
since 18111, and the Rev. Henry King
nun, who has been eonueoted with It
since 1838. Tbe work of tbe Micro
neaian miseprii will also be empha
sized, owing to the recent destructive
typhoon. The speakers . will be the
Kev. f. U. Price, who bss been a
missionary lo China aud In Micronesia
since 188:1, and tb Rev I M Cbao-
non, who went to Mlcionasla lo 18! JO.
On Friday morning Secretary Patton
will present tbe anooal aecretarial
paper. The young people's session
will be bsld, and addreaaea will b
delivered by Assistant Secretary Harry
Wade llioks aod President George
Uates, P. 1) . , of Pomona College,
lba business sersion will be held
Friday afternoon. A eptcial report
will be presented by Preaident Ed
ward D. Baton, O D , of Belolt Col
lege, wtaoonein, aa rbsirman of n
apcoial committee on proposed plans
for the regular visitation of all the
foreign fields. Friday evening Presi
dent Capua will deliver bis annual
, Saturday morning officers will be
elected, and the Rev. V Sanderson,
D D, of Providence, wilt present s
report ' reviewing the report of tbe
piudential committee on the home
department Amomg the other
missionaries who will deliver addresses
of the Madura mission, tbe Rev. Henry
O Hiseell cf tbe Maratbi mission, India
and tbe Rev. C A Clark, and the Rev.
8 O Itartlett of tbe Japan mission.
Batarday afternoon there will be an
exnoreioh on Paget 8oood.. The
annual sermon will be delivered Sunday
morning by ths Rev. Jo -eph H Twicbell
of Hertford, Conn., and on Sunday
evening an evangelistic and wbeion-
I ary address will be delivered by Ibe
I Rev. William J Dawson of London.
Th clnalita uulnn ...ill k. t.-t.l
a w w u u u a .-. nil. w UHU
Monday mqrnlng. at which addrteeea
will be delivered by returning and
new' missionaries. A farewell address
will be delivered, to which President
Capen wilt respond.
After adjournment of the meeting a
party of otHoers of tbe " board and
leading spsakera on the program' will
atart down the ooast ia order to- hold
missionary rallies ' A atop of one day !
will be made la Portland In order to
v"sl tbe Lewis and Clark expoel'ton.
September 21 to 24 will be spent in
San francieco, with mlralonsry meet
ings on the 22nd and 24tn, In con
nection with tbe annual meeting of
tbe Northern California Association-.
leaving the '23rd free for sightseeing.
The party will start for Southern Call
f orris on tbe morning of Kepleuiber
26 to bold a missionary rally with the
Southern California Association, Sept
ember 28, at Los Angeles.
Infantry Returns
8orip.s News Association
Jackson Miaa. Sept U A ompany
of Infantry from Brookbaven haa juat
returned home from the detention
oamp a Gulf port, where they were
compelled to remain six dy before
tbe citizens would allow them to go
borne Tbe citlxens said tbe frequent
expoanres endangered tbe men.
Trouble, Is expected when the other
troops return
Secretary Jodeoo Bmith. D. D and J wi be the Kev. William M Zumbro
Wauttd 25 Salesladies V
Wanted 10 Salesmen
Wanted IfcOaah B..ys ,
Wauled 4 Bundle Wrappers . .
. ' I ; ; Apply at once at .,
Fair Department Store
is x
A man mav forget what he paid for his clothes, but he'll
never forget how they looked, bow they filled, and Low
they wore. Oar faultless clothing eaves men paying
made to order prices nnd the unpleasant feeling of wear
ing f hr ordinary ready-uiad.. Yes, wu"1! be ready
show you any day.
to 3
New Orleans, Sept. 14. At
o'clock there were nfteen new cases
and three deaths reported
Bcrlpps News Assooiatl'in.
New York, Kept 14. -Frederick
Cromwell waa recalled to the stand
thia morning. Upon being questioned 1
In regard to the bil nnea carried by
tbe Mntnal from January 1900 ta Pee
ember 1904, aocordli.g to thes!stement
M.w.tM - . W , . t . . a l .
balances ran from six to ten millions,
Tbewilnesi ssld that the large bal
ances were cairied when large pay
merits were to be made and because
banks paid two per rent they ooutdn't
always invest to such an advantage.
Cramwell denied the balanoe carried
give tbe lnka a rhance tj use the
oompany's funda Uughes showed
that tbe Mutual carried no deposits In
tbe National bauk prior to May, 1900,
bnt now li owns 30, 088 shares aod does
business with that bank Cromwell
explained that previously they bad uo
lolere't In tbe bank and when Hnghea
questioned blm along the twhnloal
liofs In regard to tbe iiitersts and
stents of other companies getting s
higher rate, tbe.witoesa explained br
declaring that the Mutual wonlil rot
make loans where others s ould ss they
considered tbe ssiuritirs Insufficient.
OromweM enlightenfd the court on
tbe ethics of high finance from tbe in
eurenoe companies' point ol view. He
elaborated the question of honor which
kept tl e present company from be
coming a member of a syndicate to
deal in bonds wbioh they did not carry
regularly aa an investment although
clear profit were promised.
Patent Medicine Kills
l By Hcripps News Association)
Salt-Lake, 8ept 14 -One dead, sn-
otber on the verge of the grave and
fonr 111 In a sheep oamp nearOoal.
njiuuitK, ii ui ronuit o tug one oi i
nine bottles of patont medicine lo
plan of w blaky. All of the membera
of the party are sick bnt one waa able.
to crawl to a ranch aid inform of tbe
conditions. Clint Armstrong wss
found doubled op and it waa impoa
sible to atralK-hten the body out It waa
Irirled in that onnditlon.
Devoured by Octupus
0 '
By Rciippa News Association
Vanoonver, Sept 14 Inrestigstion
sue luvsieriitus disappearanoe of
k ohard tttanley from UsnHel.1 on
Vanoonver Island, shows that a devl
Hill grabbed and deronred lilua Htan
ley lived on email Island around
which manv devil Qsh are funud. All
of his clothes and a boat were 'found
and it is believed that an octopus
seized blm as he was taking a morning
Defaulting Auditor
Horipps News Association;
Indianapolis. Sept. 14, Governor
Baoley today found tbat State Audit
or Sberrick waa a defaulter for the
sum of $145, 000. The goveinor Issued
f-xecutlve orders declaring tbat by
reason of the embezslemeot of the
public foods, he declared the office
vacant. Ue accused Blien Ick of Invest
ing tbe funds la private affairs and
tbat be loaned funds to private con
cerns who, when pressed to pay,
oouldn't. tiherrlck. declares he will
be sble to square the account.
Alter the. governor made pnlilio the
order of dismissal Is received
Sherrick'e resignation. Friends say
the Hints snd death of Sherrl.k's
wife last spring prevented bis class
attention to the outstanding loans.
It Is declared tbat heretofore euqh
losns have been permitted by law and
they say that bberrick has nntll mid.
night to make the return to the
treasurer and that be baa raiafd all
but $25,000.
Treaty Meets Approval
(Horipps Ness Association)
TokicTBept 14 Kstsura today oalU
sd all the local governora to the palace
aod informed them .bat the treaty of
Portsmnmh meets ths full auproval ol
tbe government and appealed to their
love of their country to use all tbe in
tluenoe possible to impves th ipn
lance at Urge, wish the fact that the
concession received by Japan mean
much in the future to tbat nation.
Today Missouri Day
Scrlppe News Association.
Portland, Hpt 14 Today la Miss
on rl day at tbe exposition and exsr
cisss will be beld this afternoon In ths
saditorlnm. Tbe addresses of wel
come will be delivered by Prssldsnl
Ooode and Governor Chamberlain and
tbe response by Msyor Lane and Gov
ernor Kolk tonight Folk was tender
ed a benqoet at the American Ion.
Kolk 'a presidential boom waa formal
ly launched on tbia occasion.
t iiiiiiAiiiiaAtii. iiiiiiiiiii.iiin.iiLt,
Purchase War Supplies
Boripps News Association
Stockholm, Hept. 14 It Is reported
that the Swedish government today
porobased laras qoaotltles ol supplies
(or Immediate delivery at Got hem
bar g. J
Bumps Passenger
Scrippa Newa A' sonlation.
lilndham, Utah., Sept. 14. A run
away ore train crashed Into tbe rear
end of a Denver Klo Orande pasenger
train on a branch road tbia morning,
Injuring 12 Tt'oae who were tbe
most serlonsly hurt are O J Cognn of
St. Louis' Mra. McBntee of Halt Lake
and Ous Bod is of Bingham A para
enger raoed ahead of the runaway to
turn off the switch and as it lalt the
raila It bumped Into tbe car acverely
shaking nplhe passengers
Want to Slap Castro
Her i pps News Association. '
Washington, Hept- 14 It Is said
that Germany and France are aching
to slap Vaneznla are endeavoring to
aaoerlaln to what lengths this conntry
will allow them to go In to punish Css
tro. It Is said that troth governineiitR
havs addressed notes to this govern
ment urging tbe United Wales to
either be firm in protecting the - rights
of foreigners in Venexnla or keep iia
bands off and "let foreigners protect
tbemselvee wltn sailor marines The
state department denlei the receipt of
such notes
Borlpps Nsws Association.
Naples Brpt 14 The eruption of
Mount Vesuviuj continues, but with-.
out tending to Increase tbst of Mount .
Btrnmholi and is oauslog great alarm.
Its crater la vomiting a high pillar of .
u re aou neose amoav vecompaniea oy
land noises. Many bouses bars been
abandoned. The eusiom house and
be Semaphore station collapsed.
.Fire Clay Found
itoiee Sept, 14 James Harvey has
dir covered a deposit of olay in tbia
vininity whloh he thinks is of espeul
si Importance. Samples of the clay
were sent to uenver where they were
analysed and soma brick made of
tnem. The brick is .extremely bard
and of terra eotta taolor. Ibe chemist
making the analysis repotted the cay
was of a kind seldom found and would
prjve of very high Value if tout with In
sufficient quantities
Captures Murderer
Bcrlpps News Association.
The Dalles Bept 14 Sheriff Be Hon
returned from Tygb valley with Cbas
I Tnil AV-sw.'nl favtirw trssialtsarilsifal aaa s la Isl
v M e w a v 3 wwb ua w w ssrsasi
and murdered Dick Bennet as result
of a quarrel over tbe re'uaal ol Under
wood to give the dead man's wlls fruit
from a rsnoh, ' ' ' ' '
Printers On Strike
Iiy Bcripps News Assocls tin)
St Louis, Bept 14 One hundred and
fifty firs printers qoit in the lsrgsst
printing honses In the city (his morn-
lug in an effort to enforce the eight
hour day. Ths president of tbe local
anion says sixty of the huudred shops
signed the eight hour agreement
Condition Unchanged
Porippa News Association
New York, Hept 14 Komora'a con
dition ia nnohanged this afternoon;
Tbe doctors are nndlbl'led what ail-:
ment It ia but say that it is either ty
phold fever or gall atonea - J
Number Six
Borlpps Newa Association.
8t. Petersburg, Hept. 14. it Is re
ported that the jtork will s.on visit
Czarina ol Kussia. .1
Catering to the wants cf
our worthy patrous.we have
at last satisfied the constant
demand made upon us for
high grade tailor made suit
for gentlemen. ' Ia making
our selection we have been
content with nothing short
of the "ber-l" and now invite
all "swt-ll dressers" of La
Grande and vicinity to call
and icspeot our magnifi
cirnt line of woolens for
fall and winter trade. Stop
a ruonent, when passing,
aud read , our gaiirantee.
It will certainly interest
Remember we are located in
the Haworlh building, 1316
Adaua Ave. Dou't forget
we are tbe only people in
the northwest .who can
"malte" your, uuderwear.
It is stiporior to anything
on the maiket.
Visit n Germany
By Bflrlpps News Asnnisr: n
Berlin, Bept 14 The czar, rrarina
and children arrived at Daron'i dt, tbe
capital of tbeOrand lnnhy .f Hesse
and will viait nntit the last ol ovem
ber. Tbe czariim'e brother' i the
grand duke. The trip la for tint bene
fit of tbe health of the " roysl couple
who were nnder a great strain do ring
Ibe war aud rrcmit internal dlsrup
tlons. Tbe kaiser will visit the rear
at DaiUaatadt.
Will be Peaceable
Horipps Nswa Association
London, Kept. 14. Captain Walleu
bergLa member of tbe Haedlsh Itlks
dag, deolarea thtt It ie certain that
the Haedieh Norwegian trouble will be
settled peaceatdy. A dispatch from
Htockholm says that tbe political
military Iradera say the war talk ao
far as ttwedeu Is concerned Is sbturd.
Idaho Fire
Bcrlpps News Association.
Gratigeville, Idaho, hept. 14, Fire
this morning broke out. in Wilson's
saloon arid before it could be checked
three blocks of the business part of the
city were destroyed. The lose Is
sstimaUd at 1200,000.
There are many preparations thai -will relieve
headaches, but a great many of them contain
dangerous drugs and those who take them often
become addicted to their use slaves to them, in
fact - vvhich is more disastrous to physical con
dition than the headaches.
Instant Headache Tablets
Have none of the bad features and when taken
according to directions are harmless, but they do
effect a quick cure. Are warranted and cost but
25c a package. Try them. ' y
Yon might as well use )our telephone for ordering dm
! store goods as for ordering groceries. We want telephone
o-dcrs and have a way of delivering goods quickly. ' Try
jt 5ome time and fee how we hustl. PHONE RED 81